The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, March 18, 1921, Image 1

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    T h e M onmouth H e r a l d
M onm outh, Polk C ounty, O regon, F riday, M arch 18, 1921
No. 28
Monmouth is Located in the Best Section of the Best Valley of the Best State in the^Jation
O m
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
Items of Interest
At Oregon Normal
A great deal of interest in tennis
is being manifested lately at the
Normal. The three courts are be­
ing rapidly put into shape and
Normal players will soon be in a
position to challenge players from
other schools.
Students Practice in Sudden Death of
Actual Journalism
Oscar McCollum
Hazel Bursell of Monmouth, a
The sudden death of Oscar Mc­
junior in home economics, was head Collum, owner of the Dunton apart­
copy reader on the industrial edition ments, was announced yesterday
of the Benton County Courier which morning. He was taken severely
was edited and published entirely sick the day before with diabetes,
by students in industrial journalism and his death followed Thursday
last week. The entire work cf get morning at 5 o’clock. Mr. McCollum
ting out this one issue wan handled was born May 12, 1886 and lived in
Students and faculty members
by the young reporters, even to the Portland up to a year ago. He was
are busy just now on schedules for
headwriting, copyreading, getting a machinist by trade, working in
t le Spring Term which begins on
advertisements and making up the the O. W. R. & N. shops.
He is
March 29, the week after Easter.
Local news was handled by survivied by a widow and a small
Several of the graduates for this found am ong 60.000 in th e De
student reporters, who met the son.
term have secured positions, though tro it Id entification B u reau Look
trains and scoured the town for
T he s e r i o u s i l l n e s s o l Die g r e a t
hie h ands
Six d ig its on each
William A. Butler, a son of Mr.
it is not the best time of the year at
ten o r. C aruso, b rought o u t oiio
items. A number of the staff mem­
and a ll p erfectly prop o rtio n ed
and Mrs. L. M. Butler who reside
fact — a n d t h a t is» t h a t t h e r a n k
for so doing. Among these are P ie tro boasts th a t he is th e only
bers have had practi.-al newspaper
and tile of th e w hole m usical
person w hose ex tra lingers do not
Mary K. Wilson, Irene B artlett, ta
w o r l d ack n o w led g e him the g r e a t ­
experience, having worked as "cub’
k e th e n a tu re of a tro u b leso m e
t s i n g e r of all t i m e —e ith e r m an
Gladys Evans, Mrs. Helen Gibbs, d e fo rm ity
reporters or proofreaders. The ob­ ence and Monmouth, died in Port­ es
o r w om an
Ruth Mills, Ellen Madsen.
ject of the edition was to offer
practical experience to the students quite an extended illness. The fun-
The Junior play on last Saturday Rumored, Reported
in industrial journalism at the col­ aerl was held from the Baptist Tile Com pany Spreads Out
evening was a decided success in ev
lege. A group of the students are church in Independence, Thursday
ery respect. "Green Stockings” is
It is reported that the Central
studying to make journalism their afte-noor. with ReV. Proppe officiat­
an entertaining play with sufficient
Tile Company has hr. nclied out and
characerization to prevent its be­
The picture of P. 0 . Powell of life work, and are preparing for po­
of Lyon Lodge A. F. & A. M., in has acquired the plant of the Mc-
ing a farce. The parts were all ad­ Monmouth graced the columns of sitions on technical or business
which lodge the young man was Minrvilllle Brick and Tile Company
mirably done—it would be imposs­ the Oregonian Sunday with the an­ journals.
raised several years ago. Burial and expect shortly to begin the
ible, in fact, to pick out any person nouncement that when the Oregon
was made in the Odd Fellows cem­ manufacture of bricks on a big scale
as better than the others, for all Dairy Council had been re-organiz
there. They plan also to improve
Because of the storm there was a etery.
were skillful and interesting, in ed, Mr. Powell was chosen vice
Mr. Butler was born in Asotin the local yards with an increase of
their interpretation and presenta­ president with J. E. Dunn of the very small attendance at the meet­
County, Wash., December 28, 1885, dryer'room and additional machinery
tion. The stage settings were ap­ Hazelwood Ice Cream company as ing of the Community Club last
making his stay on earth 35 years and continue in the manufacture of
propriate and well chosen. Indeed president and C. L. Hawley es Tuesday night. However, those
months and 7 days. He is sur­ tile and building blocks.
present proceeded to organize by
the whole performance was, as was treasurer.
electing R. B. Swenson, president; vived by his father and mother, Mr.
said before, an unqualified success.
High School Notes
Names of children to be examined
and Mrs. L. M. Butler, four broth­
Mrs. G. T. Boothby, vice president;
Music between acts by the Normal
The basket ball season ended
at the March clinic of the Marion
ers and four sisters: M. J . Butler
and Miss Ida Mae Smith, secretary-
School Orchestra was also greatly
County Children’s Bureau should be
of Scappose, Ore., M. A. Butler of last Friday evening with the annual
treasurer. They then adjourned
registered with Mrs. R. L. Mat­
Independence, Ore., J . H. Butler of game with Independence. The con­
The Faculty Club met Monday thews, Fairview Ave., Salem. The until next Tuesday evening when Everett, Wash., Mrs. Allen Short test was a close fight from start to
evening with Mr. and Mrs . Putler. clinic will be held in the Salem the matter of more buildings will of Day ter., Wash, Mrs. J. W. Beals finish, neither side leading by
After the program, which was an Commercial club, on the afternoon be discussed. The operation of of Snohomish, Wash. Mrs. J. N. more than a few points. By luck
building and loan societies is to be
instructive one in charge of Miss of the 31st.
on a couple of long shots Independ­
and other matters of a Armstrong of Lake Stevens,, Wash,
Taylor and Miss Hales, the mem­
and Mrs. G. L. Archibald of Wheel­ ence won by 17 to 13. The results
The grange program Saturday kindred nature taken up.
bers enjoyed refreshments and a
of the season are as follows: Total
er, Ore.
took the form of an ex­
social ho u r.
score of opponents, 122; Games
Dr. Bowersox received a telegram
change of information among the
Father Leipsig of Sheridan, who lost, 3. Total score of M. H. S.,
Much interest is manifest this
this week announcing the birth of a
members relative to schemes by
has had charge of the Catholic 108; Games won, 3.
week in the State Oratorical Con­
son last Sunday to Mr. and Mis.
which various indi/iduais had met
church in Independence, has taken .500. The letter men of this sea­
Wm. Glas in Davis, Cal. Since
test to be held Friday evening in
the pests and troubles of garden
a position with the bishop in Port­ son are: Powell, Neal Edwards,
Eugene. Several delegates will ac­
leaving the employ of the local
land and Father Curley of Monroe guards; Graham, Egleston, Stump,
company Miss Jennie Carroll, the
creamery Mr. Glas has been attend­
been named as his successor.
forwards; Leonard Kaup, center;
ing the California Agricultural
orator, and help to represent O N.
H. Hirschberg and Mr. Walker of
Kildee, utility. Our conclusion is:
S. worthily.
pavements of six inch concrete 24 What would we have done with a
A motion picture made from the
feet with tht curbs 34 feet apart. gym and practice?
As steps in the preliminary pro­ of a creafnery in Siskiyou county,
play called "Miss Hobbs” by
A student body meeting was held
A c h a p te r of the C ollegiate A lum ­
Jerome K. Jerome will be shown in gram of getting a new road north­ California.
Monday afternoon at one o’clock to
the chapel Friday evening, March
Arthur L. Moore, deputy assessor, Oregon A g ric u ltu ral college. T he as consider athletics. The question
18 at 8:15. The drama has always pointed by the county court went is busy in our midst these days soclatlon is com posed of wom en g ra d ­
of purchasing two and one half
been considered one of Jerome’s over the route last week. They checking up on local values of the ua te s from 70 u n iv e rs itie s th ro u g h o u t
acres of ground from J. E. Wine-
greatest successes Miss Hobbs, were County Surveyor E. J. Howe purpose of tax collecting for another th e U nited States.
gar, north of Butler’s house, for
the feminine reform er, is young, and M. U. Prather and F. H. year. He reports the county finan­ M uch road w ork has begun In the
football, base ball and track, was
pretty, and magnetic, and the
M edford section and, w e ath e r p e rm it­
cial pulse as somewhat feverish.
ting, larg e crew s will be a t w ork on considered. His terms were five
bachelor who attem pts to outwit which crosses the Riddell farm
hundred dollais an acre and a five
her has a lively sense of humor, so where a private road now exists,
The instituf on of May Day at th e P acific highw ay and trib u ta ry
contract. The matter was left
roads w ith in a sh o rt tim e.
many amusing situations result. was signed by 32 residents of the the Normal, which was suspended
T h e L ane county c o u rt h a s de­ in the hands of a committee as the
No one should miss this sparklirg Mistletoe and Antioch districts. during the war years, is to be re­ creased w ages for road lab o re rs to
The undertaking was f b d with vived this year and Junior day will $3.50 a day, as com pared w ith $4 last price was not considered favorable.
Clarence E. McCaleb as principal not receive the same stress it has year, and $7 a day for m an a n d team The meeting also took up the mat­
’’’he student body will give £ St.
ter of purchasing base tall suits.
and F. P. Lefever as surety in the had during the past one or two years. in stead of 48 previously paid.
Patrick’s Day dancing party in the
The Country Gentleman contest
sum of $200 to be paid ft v viewing
Saturday evening,
H. L. McKinney and Miss Grace a rra n g e m e n ts for th e c o n stru c tio n of ended Monday at noon. Final scores
and reviewing the road if the court
new p o u ltry pavilion and a g ric u l
March 19. Local friends of the
P. Fox of Independence were mar­
were: Juniors 21, Freshmen 20,
does~not accept the same.
tu ra l a n d im p lem en t b uilding, th e
Normal on the social list are invit­
ried by Rev. E. B. Pace recently.
Sophomores 9, Seniors 3. The boy
tw o s tru c tu re s to cost $45,000.
ed to be present.
James Calle$on of Wayne, Neb.,
The equinoctial storm arrived a
T h e O regon D airy m en 's league has having secured the highest number
bought an interest in the WiI-1 decided to dispose of th e sk lm m ilk , of subscriptions was (’art Dodson
The Normal will be glad to hear little early this year but on Tuesday
from the householders who will and Wednesday showed us what liams and Marlie barber shop in In­ whey and b u tte rm ilk o f Its fa cto rie s with 12. The student body share
u n d e r c o n tra ct, th e c o n tra c ts to be
of receipts was $27. The Seniors
take girls this summer, with com­ Western Oregon can do in the way dependence and Mr. Williams will aw arded to th e h ig h e st bidders.
being the lowest will pay the for­
plete information regarding rooms, of a gentle rain. There must be retire.
feit and entertain the rest of the
quite a depression in the southwest
classes in the near future.
seas where our winter rain clouds
The annual has been officially
Pearl Fishback has taken the came from.
named "The Royal Purple” by the
agency of the Salem Nursery Com­
A row of Caroline Testout roses
student body. The editorial staff
pany for the south half of Polk
has been planted on both sides of
reports that it is progressing rapid­
county and the whole of Benton. He
Monmouth avenue in [front of the
ly and according to present plans
plans to get a Ford and engage a Normal property. In addition a
will go to press by April 1.
private secretary and go after the j formal garden with a variety of
business in an aggressive fashion. flowers will be cultivated as soon
The tennis courts have bean put
condition hut the wet weather
as conditions permit.
stopped the game. As soon as
A Month a t the Creamery
things dry up a bit, the tennis com­
During February 7368 gallons of
mittee has plans for an infer-class
cream were received in the local sailors from the ship Artica, on a
tournament with a view to turning
Co operative creamery.
It was
out a winning team.
churned into 22,109 pounds of but­ mouth last Friday They were ped­
James Partridge, athletic mana-
ter which sold for $10,812 .16. The
! ger, hai announced that C. E. Stew­
total cost of operating was $1,525.- ticles of apparel and claimed to
have obtained the furs at different
art will coach the base hall squad
74. The amount divided among the
parts where their ship stopped
this year and that practice will
patrons was $9,275.24, at an aver­
The Artica, they said, was out from re . b°** “nd K'l-U Jiving In the eastern part of the n¿Don'«re now
this week.
age of 52 cents per pound for but­
ready to dispute the assertion that any other than the birds are
Liverpool and many of their furs • n u n / ,****,.,rl*n<u'' Through study of the tree an IresWnrh ajid .
ter fat. The plant is run on a co
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Riddell
had been obtained at Archangel al­ h ih . i - i ! most popular tree they hare been laugh! about «rd*
ope rative basis with the patrons re­
by the American Forestry Association, That to that were It not
j were Portland visitors last S'atur-
though they had one "spotted leop­ (or the unceasing work of the birds In destroying Insects we would
ceiving the balance after opererat-
: day. Mr. Riddell was looking up
Li!Te. Tery
eroP*\ So build A bird bouae. Tb's picture showa
ard” pelt from Africa.
ing expenses are deducted.
Washington boys who won .Mae rlbboaa for U elt various dseigaau
I tractor parts.
N^-'v Scenery Aids
J u n i o r Class Play
The play “ Green Stockings” given
by the Junior class at the Normal
last Saturday night, gave the local
public the first chance to see the
new scenery recently added to the
stage in the Normal auditorium.
This not only included the wall sets
for an interior scene, but an over­
head curtain as well. A change
was also 'made in the footlights
which added to the finish of the pro­
duction. As for the play itaelf, it
demonstrated that young men are
getting the better of their war
time slump in the student attend­
ance and are becoming more fre­
quent in student affairs. Out of the
twelve characters of the cast seven
were taken by young men and in
talent displayed they were part of
a harmonious whole. The direction
of the play was by Miss Taylor of
the department of Physical Educa­
tion and Miss Godbold of the de­
partment of Public Speaking.
J a p a n e se aria tak in g la rg a stocks
of O regon w hite c e d a r for the con­
stru c tio n of a irp la n e s, a cc o rd in g to
Andy P. D avis, re sid e n t Inspector of
th e P acific c o ast lu m b er Inspection
b u reau a t M arshfield.
Five c ra te s of M ongolian pheasants
from th e sta te gam e farm a t Eugene
have been lib e rate d a t K la m a th Falls
du rin g th e p a st few days. T he b ird s
w ere Im ported by th e K la m a th Coun­
ty S p o rtsm e n 's a sso c iatio n .
Dr. P h il K eizer o f N o rth Bead
found Influenza In 16 families at
L akoslde, and declares there to an
epidem ic alm ost equal to that of
1918, a lthough to date the affliction
has not re su lte d In any deaths.
F orm al Incorporation of the Atlantio-
P aciflc Highways and Electrical ex­
position, to be held In Portland dur­
ing 1925, was completed at the first
m eetin g of the newly appointed execu­
tiv e board held In Portland last week.
R a th e r th a n close dow n entirely
and throw Its force out of employ­
m ent, th e H am m ond Lumber company
is o p e ra tin g Its Mill C ity plant three
days a week, th u s a ffo rd in g each em­
ploye su ffic ie n t wages to support
h im self and fam ily.
A ju ry In th e Jackson county cir­
c u it c o u rt a c q u itte d Lark Evans,
charged w ith Tobbery. The net pro­
ceeds of th e crim e w hich Evans was
charged w ith w ere a two-bladed Jack­
knife a n d $27.15, and hla two triala
cost th e county $7600.
T w elve hundred farmers Joined the
W ashington county farm bureau, at
re su lts of the recent membership drive,
acco rd in g to reports of Charles J.
H erb, the campaign manager. Seventy-
five per cent of the farmers solicited
signed m em b ersh ip agreements.
T he w orst Astoria fire In several
m onths for a time threatened to de­
velop Into a serious conflagration and,
before It w as brought under control,
had destro y ed the Hawes business
block a t E lev en th and Bond streets,
c au sin g a loss of approximately $10^
000 .
T he h a tc h in g of salmon at the South
C oot and N orth Coqullle river hatch­
e rie s th is season has been of Import­
an ce to th e d istric t, as over 6,000,000
fry a re now being fed in the ponds and
all of them are doing nicely. They will
■be tu rn nd out during the spring and
sum m er.
T h e re -a p p o in tm e n t of State Oame
W arden Burghduff, the appointment
of M. L. Rickman as euperlntsndent
of tro u t hatcheries, and the geneml
d iscu ssio n of policies marked tke drat
sessio n of tb s new ly appointed stats
gam e a n d fish commission, held In
P o rtla n d last week:
Oovernor Olcott kas leaned a pro»
tarnation recommending to the next
le g isla tu re the payment of $1000 by
special appropriation to the person or
p e rso n s Instrumental In bringing about
the arrest and conviction of the mtjf
derer or murderers of Simon J. Yoder,
Woodburn garage operator.
As a result of arrangements mads
by O. P. Hoff, stats treasurer, with
Oovernor Olcott and William Marshall,
members of the newly created state
bond commission, acting In an ad­
visory capacity, there will be available
for loans to Oregon farmers approxi­
mately $164,000 of the Irreducible
school fnnd. This sum Is In addition
to »60.000 In school funds recently al­
lotted to 12 counties of the stalk.
This money will draw 6 per cent In­
terest. ________________ ______ ____