Stop That Cough A remedy taken in time, will save you trouble later on. Perkins’ Pharmacy If wo haven’t got it we’ll get it. Ask us. Our Bargain Column FOR SALE—Your choice of two milk cows; No. 1. Cow giving two gallons or better per day, been milk ing 4 months. Price $55.00. No. 2. Cow fresh 10 days, failed to freshen in one quarter of her udder. Cow and calf $65.00. Both co.vs are good miikers and give excellent, rich milk. 40 or 50 pounds of choice fine grade Romnev wool at 25 cents per pound. A No. 1 clover seed that reclean­ ed 2} bushels per acre. 25c per pound. A. H. Craven Coal stove for sale, $10. Also a 9x12 Brussels rug in good con­ dition. M. J. Butler. Let me mend your furniture or file your saws. J. W. Howell. 4t For Sale—3 section iron harrow. For 2 or 3 horses. Will sell cheap. J . J. Williams. FOR SALE— Cow, fresh middle of last month. A good milker. In­ quire of J . R. Bidgood, Monmouth. If you contemplate building this year don’t fail to seethe new books of house plans which A. N. Poole is exhibiting. Structures from $1,000 to $15,000. There are many bungalows among them, from 4 to 7 rooms, of neat and modern design. Ask to see them. F or Sale A seven room bungalow, modern, well located. Seven room, one and one half story dwelling, close in. A good, seven room house, close. See ARANT. Buff Leghorn eggs, 15 for 75c. A. M. Arant. The Herald wishes correspondents in neighboring communities. For particulars apply at this office. The Monmouth Cooperative Ship­ ping Association will save farm er’s money in the sale of livestock. Ship with us and cut out middleman’s profit. 11 you have stock to ship notify W. J . Stockholm, Mgr. tf New Oregon Strawberry plants; the best strawberry in Oregon. Large, vigorous, wellrcoted. $6.00 per 1000. Order now. Plants will be dug when wanted. Lelsie Young. 4t Through an order from the County Judge,’ T. F. Kelsay] was taken to i the hospital for treatment Tuesday. Mr. Kelsay has been sick for sever- : al weeks past and his condition has j steadily grown’worse. Mrs. M. C. Ellis of The Dalles and Mrs. H. D. Auld of Portland are at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chesekro this week. Pierce Brothers, who sold their small 'arm north of town recently, i moved to Yakima this week. A I farewell party was given at their home last Friday evening attended by many of their local friends. H. C. Winters and family are moving this week into the Cross house north of the dormitory. A number of the Mor.mcuth brethren attended Masonic lodge in Independence Saturday night. During the war, the government bi.ught large quantities of Oregon prunes, packed in 50 pound boxes. 75 out of 100 Headaches are due to eye-strain. Dr. Thompson's glasses have solved this problem to many eye glass wearers. Consult him about your eyes next visit, Monday, March 7. Local hotel all day. 2t. The Social Hour Club will meet with Mrs. Guthrie the first Wednes­ day in March. Mrs. Guthrie, Mrs. O. Butler, Mrs. W. J. Mulkey and Mrs. I. C. Powell will entertain. Thomas Boulden received a car of alfalfa hay and was portioning it out among dairymen Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Sickafoose spent the week end with relatives in Newberg. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Pierce Monday. The occasion was a fare­ well par tv to the hostess and fam­ ily. Those present were, Mrs. R. L. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Riddell and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Webber, Miss Jessie Webber, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Parker, and daughter, Mr. Albert Sachtler, Leonora Sachtler, Mrs. Pierce, Ernest and Emmet and Maud Pierce. A special meeting of the stock holders of the Luckiamute Tele­ phone company has been called to meet in Monmouth March 5. C. M Lewis is president of the company and Ivan Loughary, secretary, Mrs. Kenneth Ives who has spent the winter with her husband at Marysville, California, is visiting at present with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . M. McDonald in this city . WHY NOT increase your farm income C. C. P. Co. The next meeting of the Busy Bee Club wiil be with Mrs. J. V. Web­ ber, March 9. The Baptist Ladies will hold a miscellaneous cooked food sale in Morlan’s window, Saturday, Feb ruary 26, from 2 to 5 p. m. W e h ave just received a s h ip m e n t the The entertainment given by Thomas Wilfred in the Normal aud itrorium Wednesday night was ap­ preciated by all who heard it. It was as unusual as the instrument ne played, a twelve string arch­ lute, and his specialty was folk songs, in English, Danish and French to which he ga/e a most entertaining and expressive inter­ pretation. He explained that the lute is the oldest string instrument and was in use 2,000 years before Christ, i t is the evolution of the drum, the musical instrument of primitive people and from it was evolved the harp which in turn was the forerunner of the piano. East. market. These are priced of shoes from on the m ost fa v o ra b le N o n e e d to w a it l o n g e r f o r y o u r n e w S p r i n g S h o e s . _________________________________________________ L a d i e s ’ v i ci o x f o r d , h i g h e s t g r a d e kid, e it h e r b la c k o r b r o w n , m ilita ry heel, best o a k ta n welt s h o e s N ew S p rin g price $ 7 .2 5 In a recall election held in Polk county In which the road policy of A. 13. Robinson, county judge, was assail­ ed, Judge Robinson received a ma Jorlty over J. F. Ulrich, a farmer of Alrlie, of approximately 1000 votes. The Astoria Chamber of Commerce was reorganized last week, following the resignation of President Sanborn and eight other members of the execu tlve board, as the result of a con­ troversy over purse seine legislation Burcham Bros., who have the con­ tract for diking the Rainier diking project, commenced work last week. The right of way ha9 been cleared, so there will be no further delay in the work. The project contains 1300 acres. The Cathpllc church at Cornucopia, a mining camp 12 miles from Half­ way, was totally destroyed last Sun­ day by the weight of snow upon It. The snow Is eight feet at Cornucopia and 15 feet deep In the mountains near there. A birthday dinner was enjoyed by the girls of the Beckley Hall cele­ brating the ” 40” birthday of Mrs. Minnie Beckley and Miss Berenice Bue. C hristian C hurch N otes The novel features of the dinner Subject of Sunday morning ser­ were hot tamalies made by Mrs. mon: “Sanctification or Bible Holi­ Beckley and the eighty candle cake ness". containing ring and thimble. Fate , Evening subject: “ A Soldier of revealed that Miss Florence En­ the Cross” . schede would be the old maid Bible School at 10 o’clock. In and Miss Alice Johnson, first to wed. the Contest the women are only Miss Enschede presided as toast 1000 points ahead. mistress and snappy responses were C. E. at 6:30. Junior C. E. at made by Miss Rose on “The For­ the same hour. bidden Acquaintance of Men,” The Golden Toned Chimes will Miss Bue on “ Why Just Twelve be at the Church Saturday eve, Weeks” , Miss Smith on “The Other March 5, under the auspices of the Fellow’s Chance” , Mrs. Jordan Golden Rule and M. M. classes of on “ Bringing Up Jordan” , and Mrs. the Bible School. Beckley on “ My Girls” . The dinner closed with the sing­ Evangelical C hurch Notes ing of “ Happy Birthday” for the Morning worship at 11. Subject two honor guests and nine rahs for ‘‘Caleb Christians” . Beckley Hall. Evening worship at 7:30. Subje-t Those present were Mrs. Beckley, “ The Captain of our Salvation” . Mrs. Tesler, Mrs. Jordan and the Heb. 2 : 10. Misses Florence Enschede, Audrey Sunday School at 10. Our excel­ Rose, Alice Johnson, Rerenice Bue, lent Teacher’s Training class, con­ Nellie I^ane, May Robinson, Dorothy ducted by Prof. Gilmore, meets one Runner, Edith Frazier and Lee half hour before Sunday School. Smith. C. E. at 6:45. Subject "How can we make our lives useful?” Leader, Marion Hanson. Wednes­ Do y o u k n o w day evening prayer meeting at 7:30. y o u c a n ro ll Ladies Aid on Tuesday and Thurs-1 day afternoons. C l# Creamery Patrons You should For Sale 7-Room house, 4 lots, barn, chicken house, garage, fine loca­ tion, on Main street. Price $2,000. Terms. 10 Room House. Electric lights in all of the rooms. Toilet, bath and lavatory, hot and cold water. Lot 82Jxl65. This property is lo­ cated close in and is a real bargain at $2200. •8 Room House, all modern con­ use your company for other things veniences. 1 acre of land, good besides making your cream into barn. Splendid location, good butter. The management will be neighborhood. Right near a Rea! your commission merchant without Estate man, for $2100. commission. We can sell your eggs 10 ares of land, all in cultiva­ tion, good houye and barn, J mile and poultry and dressed meats, or to city limits, an ideal home’ Price we can buy your feed and hay. Why right. have a cooperative organiaztion if : 10 acres of land. 7-room house, | you don't cooperate. barn, chicken house, store room, | Believing, as I do, that the best wind mill, water in house and barn. Loated 1 mile east of Monmouth. interests of the N. H. A. Mission­ F ru it for family use. For $5,000. ary Society can not be conserved by Terms. a continuance of the meetings of the 4 acres. 6-room house. In city. Missionary Prayer Band at this This is a good chance ot get a farm time, there will be no services un­ for a little money. Terms. til further notice. G . T. B oothby. Mrs. D. W. Tilton, Leader. NEW SPRING SHOES at New Prices M e n ’s G u n m e t a l blucher, w hole quarter, re-inforced b a c k s ta y , g o o d y e a r welt sole, a neat, s h a p e l y s h o e o n a c o m f o r t a b l e last. N e w S p r in g price $ 5 .0 0 M e n ’s c o c o brown side, lace, a new , s n a p p y s h o e at a v e r y lo w price $6.00 W o m e n ’s b r o w n c a l f , l a c e , w e l t s o l e , l o w m i l i t a r y h e e l e x c e l l e n t m a t e r i a l t h r o u g h o u t . O u r n e w p r i c e is a 1 it— t ie m o r e t h a n h a l f t h e p e a k p r i c e o f l a s t F a l l . New S p rin g Price $6.5 0 W o m e n ’s glazed leath er black lace, m ilitary n e w last a n d a w o n d e r f u l v a l u e a t t h o price, li I? §5 heel,* a $4.00 M e n ’s F l o r s h e i m , b r o w n vi c i , l a c e , w e l t s o l e , t w o s h a p e s , t h e e x t r e m e E n g l i s h , r e c e d e n a r r o w t oe . a n d a m o r e c o n s e r v a t i v e l a s t w i t h m e d i u m r o u n d toe! N o h i g h e r g r a d e s h o e s a r e t o be h a d a n d t h e p r i c e is n o w w i t h i n t h e r e a c h o f al l. N e w S p r i n g p r i c e $11.85 C om e in and s e e our other n e w s ty le s I? s» ■mm Portland's annual spring “claan-up week" may be held earlier in the sea­ son this year than heretofore. Appli­ cation has been made to Mayor Baker HAS MADE PRESIDENTS SMILE FQBL20 YEARS by The unemployment committee" of I _ the American Legion to proclaim the Dont let a smooth tongued occasion in the near future, so as to granger persuade you that there provide odd Jobs for the unemployed of i® Bny kind o f printing the Her- the city. ald Print Shop can not do. B. F. BUTLER D e n tist r I 1 I I Post o ffice bldg. M onm outh A. M A R A N T Fire Insurance, Real Estate and Surety Bonds Reliable Service ! ^NATIONAL l O c t s fr o m o n e b ag of O regon JahSMek -¿FEB28-MAR-5X. R. L. K ullander The New Silk Styles on dis* play commenc­ ing M onday. C o n cre te General Contracting for W ork l I * J Estim ates prom ptly furnished In d ep en d en ce, Oregon PHONE, M 2111 W HY NOT GENUINE B ull 'D urham TOBACCO Paying the president has been J* of the most Joyful duties of Ms woman for the last 2o years. Mr name ts Katherine Shea, aft ^plojrw of the Treasury Depart, »fit at Washington. who each |0nth delivers in person at the nte House a cluck of $ 6 i’ 5 e. president's pay for 30 days le is here shown w ith next to the j t rheck for Woodrow W i l s o n Next month it will be made oui to Warren O Harding T! e..r:> JJIdry bf the president is 17 j.e ey . in cr ea se your farm in co m e per acre by in crea sed crops w ith th e sa m e produc­ tion costs? D r a i n y o u r f a r m w i t h e v e r l a s t i n g c l a y tile. Central Clay Products Co. Phon© 4 2 1 1 lon m ou th , O reg o n