Nassau, but— W ell, de didn’t. Some day, perhaps, you will put In a word for us with him, as you drink his old port, in the snuggery. Meanwhile, we hud an idea, Calypso and I — ” He paused— fo r Calypso had Invol­ untarily made a gesture, as though pleading to be spared the whole reve­ lation— and then with a smile, contin­ ued : “ W e determined to hide away our little hoard where It would be safe from our neighbors, and dispose o f It according to our needs with a certain tradesman In the town whom we thought we could trust— a tradesman, who, by the way, quite naturally levies a little tax upon us fo r his security. No blatuc to h im ! I have lived fa r too long to be hard on human nature.” “ John Sweeney?” I asked, looking over at Calypso with eyes that dared at lost to smile. “ The very same, my Lord Ulysses,” answered my fr'.end. And so I came to understand that Mr. Sweeney’s reluctance In selling me that doubloon was not so sinister as It hud, at the moment, appeared; that It had in fact come o f a loyalty which was nlready fo r me the most precious ( o f loyalties. “ Then,” said I, “ as a fitting conclu­ sion to the confidence you have re­ BEING THE AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE OF TREASURE DISCOVERED IN THE BAHAMy ISLANDS—IN T HE- Y EAR—t 9 oa* O V EN T O THE PUBLIC C 'C P W X H T 0 Y D a u 0 U M y f*G £ H C o T h e time had come for the 'ar-trav- eled guest to declare himself, and I saw In my host’s eye a courteous Invi­ tation to begin. I had been pondering wliat account to give o f myself, and I had decided, fo r various reasons— o f VIs Ich the Lady Calypso was, o f course, first, but the open-hearted charm o f her father a close second— to tell him the whole o f my story. W hatever his and her particular secret was, It was evident to me that It was an in­ nocent and honorable one; and, be­ sides, I may have had a notion that before long I was to have a fam ily Interest In I t So 1 began— starling In with a little prelude In the manner o f my host, just to enter Into the spirit o f the game; “ My Lord Alclnons, your guest, the far wanderer, having partaken o f your golden hospitality. Is now fain to open hla heart to you, and tell you o f him­ self and his race, his home and his loved ones across the wine-dark sea. and such o f his adventures as may give pleasure to your ears?’ . . . though, having no talents In that di­ rection, I was glad enough to abandon my lame attempt at his Homeric style fo r a plain straightforward narrative o f the events of the past three months. I had not, however, proceeded very far, when, with a courteous raising of bis hand. K ing Alclnous suggested a pause. “ I f you would not mind,” he said, “ I would like my daughter to hear this too, fo r It Is o f the very stuff o f ro­ mantic adventure In which she de­ lights. She Is a brave girl, and, as I often tell her, would have made a very spirited dare-devil boy, I f she hadn't happened to be born a girl.” This phrase seemed to dash a light upon the questionings that had stirred at the back o f my mind since I had first heard that voice in Sweeney’s store. “ By the way, dear king,” I said, as­ suming a casual manner, “ do you hap­ pen to have a son?” “ N o !" he answered, “ Calypso Is my only child.” “ Very strange!” I said, “ w e met a whimsical lad In our travels whom I would have sworn was her brother.” “ That’s odd 1” said the “ king” Imper­ turbably, “ but n o ! I have no son;” and he seemed to say It with a certain sadness. Then Calypso came in to join my audience, having, meanwhile, taken the opportunity o f twining a scarlet hibiscus among her luxuriant dork curls. I should certainly have told the story better without her, yet I was glad— how glad 1— to have her seat­ ed there, an attentive presence In a simple gown, white as the sea foam— from which, there was no further doubt In my mind, she had magically sprung. I gave them the whole story, much ns I had told it in John Saunders’ snuggery— John P. Tobias, J r .; dear old Tom and his sucking fish, his ghosts, sharks, skeletons, aud a l l ; and when I had finished, I found that the Interest o f my story was once more chiefly centered in my pock-marked friend of “ the wonderful works o f God.” " I should like to meet your pock­ marked friend,” said King Alctnous, “ and I have a notion that, with you as ■ bait, I shall not long be denied the . .«sure.” “ I am Inclined to think that I have seen him already,” said Calypso, using her honey-golden voice fo r the base purpose o f mentioning him. “ Impossible I” I c ried ; “ he Is long since safe In Nassau jail. “ Oh, not lately,” she answered to our interrogative surprise, and giving a sw ift embarrassed look at her fa ­ ther, which I at once connected with the secret o f the doubloons. “ Serlcusly, Calypso?” asked her fa ­ ther, with a certain stern affection, as thinking o f her safety. “ On one o f your errands to town?” And then, turning to me, he s a id : “ Sir Ulysses, you have spoken well, and your speech has been that free, open-hearted speech that wins Its way alike among the Hyperboreans that dwell In frozen twilight near the northern star, and those dwarfed and swarthy Intelligences that blacken In the fierce sunlight o f that fearful axle w e call the equator. Therefore, I will make return to you o f speech no less rank and true . . . " He took a puff at his cigar, and then rmtlnued: I should not risk this confession, ut that It Is easy to see that you be­ long to the race o f Eternal Children, o which, you may have realized, my nugbter and I also belong. This a