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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1921)
tf V/O flfl o H i I 1 /'. u I P That Cough S 8 ï9 a ih 9 v i> A I A t e m e d v ta k e n in tim e , Will & save you trouble il&*i4n. s i a J s o o d I 1 U O X © V T 9 S e b i .sasnieuc Perkins’ Pharmacy I f we haven’ t got it w e’ll get it. Ask us. B. F. BUTLER Dentist P o tt c ffice bldg. Monmouth Oregon Our Bargain Column FOR SALE— Cow, fresh middle o f last month. A good milker. In cluiré o f J. R. Bidgood, Monmouth i f you contemplate building this year don’ t fail to see the new books o f house plans which A. N. Poole is exhibiting. Structures from $1,000 to $15,000. There are many bungalows among them, from 4 to 7 rooms, o f neat and modern design. Ask to see them. For Sale A sever, room bungalow, modern, well located. Seven room, one and one half story dwelling, close in. A good, seven room house, close. See A R A N T. Buff Leghorn eggs, 15 for 75c. A . M. Arant. The Herald wishes correspondents in neighboring communities. For particulars apply at this office. For Sale— Two milch cows. Male and female Chester White pigs fo r breeding purposes; registry pa pers furnished. Two year old Clyde colt; will sell or trade for pigs. Sorted apples, 75c per sack. A. Sacre. The Monmouth Cooperative Ship ping Association will save farm er’s money in the sale o f livestock. Ship with us and cut out middleman’s profit. 11 you have stock to ship notify W. J. Stockholm, Mgr. tf New Oregon Strawberry plants; the best strawberry in Oregon. Large, vigorous, well rooted. $6.00 per 1000. Order now. Plants will be dug when wanted. Lelsie Young. 4t For Sale 7-Room house, 4 lots, barn, chicken house, garage, fine loca tion, on Main street. Price $2,000. Terms. 10 Room House. Electric lights in all o f the rooms. Toilet, hath and lavatory, hot and cold water I ot t t i l l t t . This property is lo cated close in and is a real bargain at $2200. 8 Room House, all modern con veniences. 1 acre o f -land, good barn. Splendid location, good neighhoihood. Right near a Real Estate man, for $2100. 10 ares o f land, all in cultiva tion, good house and barn, j mile to city limits, an ideal home’ Price right. 148 Acres o f land, 31 ¡miles south west of Monmouth, mostly Luckiamute bottom. Fine as a fiddle. Good house and barn, 10 acres o f prunes. Good school near. Price $125.00 per acre; good terms. G. T. Boothby. R. L. Kullander General Contracting for Concrete W ork Estimates promptly furnished Independence, Oregon P H O N E . M 2111 Notice to Exterminate Ground pvomptu jubilee on the streets of Squirrels Monmouth. E very person, firm, co-partner Christian Church Notes ship. company or corporation resid Sunday morning sermon subject: ing on, owning, leasing, occupying, possessing or having charge o f or “ The Royal W ay” ., Illustrated by dominion over any land, building, a blackboard picture. wharf or dock infested with ground Evening services at 7:80. Subject digger squirrels in Polk County, o f sermon ^ “ Change o f H eart” . Oregon, is hereby notified to begin Sunday Schoo1 at, 10 o ’clock. at once to effectively exterminate and destroy all such Digger Ground Junior C. E. at 6:3U. SQUIRRELS. Regular C. E. at the same hour. The follow ing poison for mixing Our special Pre-Easter services and instrutions for use thereof is the method most expedient and will begin the first Sunday in effective to be used for the exter March. - . , .¿ j . / ; ’ ? t i 'f l P U l i » A mination and destruction o f such Mid weep Prayer meeting ground squirrels, iand is hereby Wednesday at 7:30. recommended to-wit: Alkaloid Strychnine used on either barley or Baptist Church N o te* wheat, barley preferred, mixed ac A ll the regular services at the cording to the following formula usual hours Sunday, with sermons and manner, to-wit; Barley, clean grain - 16 quarts upon timely themes both morning Strychnine (PowdereJ and night by the Pastor. alkaloid) - 1 ounce A fter weeks o f waiting tele Bicarbonate o f soda (baking soda) - 1 ounce j phones have finally been installed Thin starch paste - - J pint; in the Commuitv House, a ( hone In Hea\y corn syrup - - 1 pint' the living apartments upstairs wiih Glycerine - - 1 tablespoonful | extension in Pas’ or’s office lelow . Saccharine - 1-tenth ounce. I The number is 3403. This mateiini shoul t he mixed There w ill i e a sale o f Hot W af a; follows: Mix thoroughly one ounca o f p >.v l;ra 1 strya’.i tin a (a l fles and Coffee at the Community kaloid) and one ounce o f common Kitchen Saturday, February 19, baking soda. S ift this into three j from 3 to 9 p. m. Waffles 10 te its, fourths pint of thin hot pu.-,te, and | Coffee 5 cents. Everyone come. stir to a smooth, creamy mass. T he starch paste is made by dissolving l heaping tablespoonful o f dry gloss starch in a little cold water, which is then added to j pint of boiling water. Boil and stir con stantly until a clear, thin paste is formed. Add i pint o f heavy corn syrup and one tablospoonful of glycerine and stir thoroughly. Add one tenth ounce o f saccharine and stir thoroughly. Pour this mixture over 16 quarts of clean bar ley, and mix well so that each grain is coated. One quart o f the poisoned grain mixed as aforesaid is sufficient for fo rty or fifty baits, and this quan tity scattered along squirrel trails or on clean, hard places on the sur faces about the holes, will not en danger stock. Strychnine in any other form than the powdered strychnine (alkaloid) is not effect ive in the above formula. From the date hereof until April 15th is the most effective time to poison and destroy the digger squirrels, as they are just emerging from their hibernation*. They are hungry and food is scarce. The County Court o f Polk Coun ty, Oregon, has secured a large amount o f strychnine, and the other ingredients necessary for the mix ture, and a quantity thereof has been mixed and is now on sale to the farmers or persons interested at actual cost, and may be had by applying to the undersigned at his office in the Imperial Hotel Build- ig, Dallas, Oregon, and will be available at the following business houses to-wit; J. O. Sechrist Store, Ballston, Oregon; E. M. Jourdan Stcre, McCoy, Oregon; J. D. Wal ling Store, Salem, Oregon, R. F. D. N o. 1; The Gerth Grocery, Salem, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 2; Max Goldman Store, Independence, Oregon; J. A . Conn Store, A rilie, Orego; The Derry Warehouse, Rickreall, Oregon; and from every Farm Bureau local rodent control committeeman in the County of Polk, State o f Oregon. I f any person herein designated shall, within thirty days from the first publication of this notice, fail to begin in good faith to extermin ate, eradicate and destroy, accord ing to the method aforesaid, oi by any other effective means, said Ground Squirrels herein designated the County Court o f Polk County, Oregon, will appoint a person or persons to proceed with the exter mination and eradication of such ground squirrels, and the cost thereof incurred will be assessed to such land, building, wharf or dock, and unless paid, will become a lien against the same, for the ex termination o f said Ground Squir rels. This notice is published pursuant to the statute in such case made, and provided and for two consecu tive weeks or three issues, and all persons described therein are re quired to take notice thereof. Dated and first published this 18 day o f February, 1921. County Agent for Polk County, Oregon. Card o f Thanks We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the dear friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during our recent bereavement. L. C. Fiske Fred M. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bogert When the election figures -were received and digested a group of jubilant young men ^ame over from Independence and held an im- Elkins News Items The Valentine party at I.uckia- mnt.e Farm given last Friday even ing by Mr. and Mrs. Fnar.k Lough- ary, was a most enjoyable affair. Among the guests were several from Monmouth and Corvallis. The evening was agreeably spent in games and music. A t a late hour refreshments were served for which partners were secured by matching broken hearts. The refreshments consisted of sandwiches and pickles, fru it salad, cookies and chocolate. The rooms were beautifully decorated with Oregon grape, pussy willows and red hearts. Miss Florence Hill spent tho week end in Monmouth, the guest o f President and Mrs. Ackerman. Mrs. Chloe A. Seymour spent the week end in Portland transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. A. L . Tetherow and their two daughters. Misses Ruth and Mildred Tetherow were visitors in Salem last Thursday. The Big Book for Spring 1921 is here Prices are attractively lower Quality of material and workmanship is high No higher guarantee can be given than this: The suit is not yours un less you are satisfied. Carl Tetherow has been absent from school this week on account o f sickness. He will probably be back in school again next week. Let us have your order for Your New Spring Suit Elkins High School quintet w ill journey to Buena Vista Friday night February 18 and will there meet the local High School team. The Community Sing that is held once a week will be turned into a regular old fashioned singing schoo1. Several already have enrolled and several more are expected to enroll before the next meeting. Frank Loughary, Jr. was a guest o f Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Loughary of Dallas at the wedding o f their daughter Miss Lucile to Seaborn C. Garvin o f Portland. A fter a beau tiful wedding the two left for Portland where they are to make their home. Del Harman, a member o f the new poultry club, has sent an ¡or der to the American Poultry Asso ciation for pure.breed eggs. I. H. Loughary attended a direct ors meeting o f the Telephone Com pany in Monmouth last Tuesday. The quarantine has been raised Do you know you ca n roll 5 0 Mjaocj cigarettes for l O c t s from o n e bag of G E N U IN E B ull D urham TO BACCO from the C. E. Tedrow home and will hold its February meeting at Maurice is back in school. Marjor the school house Friday evening. ie lVnot strong enough, as yet, to Everyone is welcome. resume her school ? work. v Mrs. Earl Brown and son Nor- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jacoby of j man have been very sick but are Corvallis were visiting the I. H getting better. Loughary family the latter part of You get the advantage o f the last week. decline in prices when you trade at Harold Burns has just returned the Moore & Addison Furniture Co’ , from Corvallis where he attended Independence, Oregon. We reduce the State C. E. union. He reports our prices just as fast as there is a a large attendance from all parts decline at the Factory. o f the State. Don’ t overlook the poultry meet The V. & S . traips were late Tues ing in connection with the Farm day on account o f the wreck they Bureau work which is to be held in had Monday evening. the Community House Friday even It will soon be ail stove season. ing at 8 p. m. Mr. Cosby, a Come in and let us show you the specialist in this line is to be pres advantages of thje Florence Oil ent. * Stove before you purchase your We have a splendid assortment stove. Moore Addison Furniture o f Rugs at the new price. Moore & Co., Independence, Oregon. Addison Furniture Co., Indepen dence, Oregon. W e deliver to Monmouth free all goods purchased from us. Moore & Addison Furniture Co., Indepen dence, Dell Tedrow w ill occupy Rev. Conklin’s time and place in the Evangelical pulpit next Sunday morning. Mr. Beattie will give an address in the Evangelical church in the evening. Buy your furniture o f the Moore & Addison Furniture Co.. Indepen dence, Oregon. W e have the new lowest prices marked on all o f our goods. About March 15 Rev. David Hill and w ife will come from California to conduct special meetings at the Evangelical church. W H A T IS BETTER T H A N In creasing farm production? C. C. P. Co. Fred M. Taylor o f Weed. Calif Miss Agnes Lyons o f c*alem spent ornia, was here this w eik to attend Guy Wisecup went to Indepen the first o f the week visiting at A. the funeral o f his mother, Mrs. L. dence Monday to get a tooth pulled. H. Craven's. C. Fiske. William Engelhorn spent Satur day and Sunday visitinf his friends in Salem. Airlife A party was given lasf week by the A irlie Christian Endea-or. Games were played until about eleven o clock then ice ¿ream and j cake were served for refreshments. All had a fine time. Miss Emma Enelhori^ o f A iriie visited friends in Independence and Salem this week. The Parent Teachers' Association What is Better than making two blades grow where one grew before. Drain your farm with everlasting clay tile. Central Clay Products Co. Phone ASI 1 l o n m c u t h , O r .| o n