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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1921)
I T he M Voi. XIII onmouth H erald Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon, Friday, February 11, 1921 No. 23 Monmouth is Located in the Best Section of the Best Valley of the Best State in the Nation Items of Interest National Officer of Gilmore Invents Reconsider the Bill Dallas \v°/^m en They Class Us With At Oregon Normal C. E. Speaks Here Hold C auSjIere Aliens and Slackers Campaign Slogan And Then Adopt It The Teachers’ Training bill in Modern Woodmen to the nun.jer Have you heard the slogan of the Paul Brown, a national officer of The judicial recall election is recall campaign? It is a hummer which the teachers of the state and the Christian Endeavor was a visit of about fifty came over from Dallas held on Wednesday of next w eek and is raising a laugh and at the students and faculty of the Normal or in Monmouth Wednesday evening Saturday night and held an open and consequently is entering tne same time making votes for Ulrich are interested and which was de and spoke at the Christian church. meeting in the Odd Fellows hall. home stretch. Signs are not want wherever it appears. I t was origin feated in the house last week, was He is in Oregon to attend the state Enough local members of the Dallas ing that the last dash will be a ated by L. P. Gilmore of this city reconsidered and amended, passing convention to be held in Corvallis lodge and other Woodmen and their lively one. A physical clash is re At the meeting of the Farmers’ the house Thursday morning with the latter part of this week. Mr. friends were there to bring the num ported on the streets of Da Has Union at Elkins recently Gilmore only one vote against it. The sen Brown’s address was much enjoyed her in attendance up to a hundred. Tuesday afternoon resulting in the A literary pre;r”am had been pre arrest of Tom DeLaney charged was present and was speaking on | ate has already passed the bill with by a good crowd. He was critical agricultural topics. He was urging two voting against it and the amend- of the tendency to too much social pared largely under the supervision with assault upon the person of On Friday morning, February 11, rnents will have to be concurred in gayety among young peonle which of Fred Hill. The latter astonisn- Abe Rempel. t' at the chapel hour simple exercises as a necessity in any business the by them. As amended the bill pro seems to be a part of the times but ed the natives with his talent as an adoption of a definite plan and the will be held in honor of the students A meeting attended by sixty vides «for 24 weeks training after blamed parents more than young entertainer and was well supported establishment of ideals from which who are this week completing their Robinson supporters had previously people for the careless “ everybod by other local young men who are taken place in the county court work at the Normal and receiving one should not deviate for smaller 1923 and 36 weeks after 1925. y’s doing it” attitude. He advised members of the Dallas camp. Oth house. The attendance was almost petty advantages. “ Don t sell your their diplomas. Townspeople are B asket Ball more sober application to the worth ers on the program were Wendell exclusively Dallas and Independence principles for a carload of grvavel” , welcome to this exercise. The fol Oregon Normal triumphed over while things of life for the good of Van Loan, Glen Turner, Jack Chute, he said. The phrase was so apt lowing are the graduates: Helen citizens, in numbers about equally the freshmen class of the North Butler, Independence, Emadale Gar that it took with the crowd im Pacific Dental College of Portland, all. He was enthusiastic over the Russell Kildee and Clay Moreland. divided. It was fairly representa The Dallas Camp, known as the tive of the combination which has progress of C. E. work in his coun rison, Salem; Bess Marguerite mediately and has since spread at basket hall last Saturday night. try and abroad He told of his vis Prune Center Camp, has i n two rapidlyall over the county. Simpli fought the highway commission and Gasho, Brewster, Washington; Ra It was the first intercollegiate chael E. Cooke, Silverton; Goldie fied to “ Don’t sell your vote for a match of the locals. Both sides put it to Boston last year and the en years reached a total of 86 mem might be properly alluded to as E. Hufford, Bandon; Edrie and load of gravel” it lias become the up a clean game and had the Port thusiastic greetings Dr. Clark bers and has been helped materially “ the last stand of the old guard” . Oscar Hayter was chairman of Florence Larson, St. Helens; Es slogan of the campaign. Of it, land boys been in better physical brought back from overseas. He in its progress through the dynamic said 1500 Christian Endeavor Socie energy of F. D. Moore, its clerk, the meeting and Clair Irvin« of In the Polk County Observer says: ther Moser, Stafford. condition it is doubtful if Mon ties had been formed in Germany who was present and presided at The statement was so apt, so dependence was secretary. Speak Miss Schuette, with the help of mouth would have won. All of since the war. the Monmouth meeting. thoroughly describes the situation ers included Glenn Hnlamn, Ex- the Glee Club, gave an instructive Special speakers of the evening County Judge Sibley, Ex-Cojnmis- The next national convention existing throughout the county, the locals did equally well and lecture--recital at the chapel hour Phillips for the visitors did ’ex which is to be held in New York is were Neighbor Turner, clerk of that it promises to become the big, Monday morning, with “The High ceptionally well. The [number of to have many notable speakers and the Salem camp and Former Deputy sioner Wells, Mayor Walker of In outstanding feature of the campaign wayman” as her topic. The stu points scored by the players are: may be addressed by President Simons of Portland. Mr. Simons dependence« and Editor Kimball of “ Don’t sell your vote for a load dents will be greatly aided by this Normal—Lee 9; Penney 10; Mul- elect Harding and by Lloyd George. is a graduate of the tuberculosis the Enterprise. It was made plain of gravel” . None had a moment’s by speakers that no one but sup talk in their enjoyment of the can key 12. Visitors— F. King 2; In Rusisa, with the domination sanitorium which is the pride of all p o rters of Robinson were welcome doubt as to what was meant. tata. Skivinton 6; L. King 6; Phillips, of Lenine, the established church Woodmen and is located at Colorado Everybody knew. Even Robinson at ihe meeting and several specta Through an error last week the supporters recognized the aptness 10. The Normals had 9 fouls and had been dethroned with the emper Springs Col. This institution turns tors who had not expressed their cantata to be given by the Glee of the statement, and at least one converted 2. The visitors had 8 ors and the church doors closed . out an average of one cured patient sentiments but who did not care to Club under Miss Schuette’s direc of the number enjoyed a hearty fouis aou converted 6 of them. The old religion, he said, wss not a day. At the conclusion of the be classed as intruders, got up and tion was announced for Monday laugh when he first heard the slogan. Referee, Fetzer, Umpire, Lisk, much of a moral force anyway and talking there was a feed provided left. a better substitute is being evolved by visitors and the local members evening. It will be given Friday “ Don’t sell your vote for a load of Timekeeper and scorer, Gilmore. One speaker classed the opposition and in this the rapidly growing En of the order. evening February 11, in the chapel. gravel.” The sentence was being to Robinsor in three groups: The first meeting of the Com deavor societies of the nation have Mr. John Claire Monteith of Port shouted about the corridors of the 1. Monmouth people who were G. T. Boothby reports three sales munity club is scheduled to te held a part. land will assist by singing the solo state house in Salem by Tuesday af not satisfied with the highway going parts and will also sing three ternoon. Even that far away from in the Community House next Tues »The annual Normal Glee Club this week. The James Goodman in and cut of their town but that house and two and a third acres of groups of songs. The Normal or home no one had to be enlightened day evening. The program com concert, under the direction of Miss land on West street has been sold the highway commission even paved mittee I t s featured Mr. Gentle as chestra will assist in the program as to the meaning. Schuette will be given in the Nor to W. A. Lang, a recent arrival thruugh their town witheut cost to the leading speaker of the evening and Mrs. Rychard will read the po mal chapel tonight. John Claire them. It was a waste of time of The local recorder’s court was and attendants are requested to re Monteith is the soloist in the from Iowa Mr. I-ang is a friend em “ The Highwayman” . It will the friends of Robinson to seek to be, all in all, an entertainment oce( enlivened with a jury trial Monday spond with stories when called on. cantata, "The Highwayman” which of C.H. Parker and came here with change them. his wife tu make him a visit. The forenoon. Recently ¡¡the marshal The attitude of Monmouth in the can not afford to miss. the glee club puts on and he will A. C. McKinnon place, in which Dr. 2. People who use trucks for took up Chas. Shipley on a charge recall election will undoubtedly be also be heard in three different heavy traffic and who because they The preliminary contest to select Matthis formerly lived and in which of speeding. Mr. Shipley demanded discussed at the meeting as well as groups of songs. Mr. Monteith J . Bidgood is at present domiciled, tore up the roads were barred from the Normal representative for tfce other pertinent topics. This is net a jury trial. The city hall proved has appeared here before and his was sold to C. C. Yeater. Mr. the highways. State Oratorical Contest to be held too small to accommodate the crowd a religious organization and is in no talent makes him a fine drawing Yeater, an old resident of this sec 3. People not satisfied with the at Eugene, was held at the chapel and adjournment was taken to the way affiliated with the Baptist card for this event. hour on Wednesday morning. Four actions of the draft board during tion, came here last fall from East Commrciai Club rooms. City At church. As an incidental it plans contestants took part, the Misses the course of the war. ern Oregon and has been living in A. M. Arant reports that he has torney Swope repreesented the city to assist the community house in It was planned to load up the Esther Chapman, Mary Fellows, the house recently bought by the forty eight Buff Leghorn pullets community service as well as any and L. D. Brown of Dallas repres Itemizer with some choice 6tuff and Jennie Carroll and Mr. Ward. All ented Mr. Shipley. A number of other public feature that may be from a good laying strain of poul Odd Fellows. The third sale is fire it at the deluded people who presented their work in a manner witnesses were examined and At deserving, in our midst. Men try from which in December 1920 Pierce Brothers’ small tract north are supporting the recall in th« reflecting credit upon themselves torney Swope proved himself an and women are urged to come and he obtained sixty nine and one half of town. It consists of 21 acres hopes of causing them to see the and upon Miss Beth Godbold, of the with dwelling and farm buildings dozen eggs, and during January able prosecutor. The jury found to bring their dinners with them. department of Public Speaking error of their ways and was sold for $5500 to Chas. 1921, sixty two dozen eggs. the defendant guilty promptly and At. 6:30 Tuesday evening, Febru who coached them. The recall fight has reached its G. G. Hewitt of Rickreall was a Newman. Recorder Brown assessed $18 and ary 15. most near to boiling point in Dallas. Mr. C. B. Watson of Gold Hill costs as the penalty. vis'tor in Monmouth Saturday on The new toiler at the Normal Cooper Hollow citizens were no t One public official, suspected of spoke interestingly Wednesday business. was given its first use Thursday. satisfied by the survey made for being anti-Robinson, although he morning, giving a discussion cf On February 17, an all day meet the Commercial club by Mr. Himes is a Dallas property owner and has the natural beauties of Oregon. ing of the Oregon Growers’ Associa recently and they secured the coun worked hard to further pubiic [en ‘T he Soul of Youth” is the title tion will be held in Monmouth. ty surveyor to make another. They terprises . there, was the recipient of a motion picture to be shown in There will be a basket dinner and now propose to grade down the of a flood of anonymous letters T; ; : |,i|! il;!; Mhh • ¡i*i :•! M i: hi j: U n liiip ii the chapel on Saturday evening inuch of interest tofruitm en. C.I. Fishback hill and are raising money until he went to the fountain source i f i l Fe' ruary 12 at 8:15. This is an Lewis and M. O. Evans will be the ; ' : :|! “ "I! Mi to that end which they propose to of the thing and demanded that j- ’iHlffiiil ual picture showing a youthful principal speakers. place with the court on the condi this treatment be stopped. The The aim of the growers in this . -#ho is a resident of an or- ■lil!" ' tion that the county will [also con recall petitions have been scru t^naiTs home. From this dreaiy meeting is to interest all fruitmen tribute to this end. tinized and Dallas people who sign W 1 - ' : : 1 : • place he runs away and takes to the and get them w thin the organiza ed have been waited upon in relays, tion. They also encourage the Two meeetings under th auspices life of the streets. Here he soon of the Oregon Hygiene Society one visitor today, another tomor finds himsalf in the clutches of the growing of fruit and berries and were held in Monmouth last Thurs row, another the next day and the law and haled into the court—Judge this is a matter in which we have day evening. One for ladies was conversation in this wise. "Are Ben Lindsay’s court. Here the much room for advancement. held in the Community house and you not in favor of Dallas ?” “ Don’t spectator actually sees the real was addressed by Mrs. Robert Tate you want the highway through It Takes 2 Crosses Judge Lindsay, who consented to of Portland and the other for men Dallas?” “ We got $15,000 through appear in this one film producion so Don’t fail to make two crosses was held in the Star theater and Robinson this year, next year we that he could send his message of a on your ballot Wednesday, one for was accompanied by a moving pic will get some more.” etc. square deal for every child to many the recall and the other for Mr Rumors, always plentiful, now ture exhibit and was addressed by people through the screen pfesenta- Ulrich. If you neglect this your come thick and fast. Th« very Prof. James T. Matthews of Salem. tion. ballot will be wasted. This is. a part of the regular sched latest is th at In order to save Dallas The Normal student body’s visit ule of this society which is doing a from Ulrich it is being prominsed Two state deputy fire marshals, to the legislature, which this year great deal of good in teaching the that Robinson is to be elected and was made by auto stages, occurred Messrs. Horace Sykes and Geo. W. benefits of right living and penal then he will resign and the govern last Friday. Over one hundred Stokes were in Monmouth Wednes or will appoint W. V. Fuller. ties of immoraltity. made the trip and it took nine day making'an investigation of our While Mr. Fuller is well thought of A meeting of representatives of and is acceptable, such a m«se stages to carry them. They saw fire fighting apparatus and hazards. the Luckiamute farm ers telephone would place the whole court in the the whole works at the capitol, vis Tney found many things to com company was held in the rooms of north part of the county. Besides ited the legislature and the depart mend us on and a number of things the Commerci! Club last Monday Ulrich’s campaign deserves success ments and are reported to have had to criticize. They inspected the afternoon. The old officers of the and his friends will disregard all such an influence on the legislature business houses and public institu association, I. M. Simpson, presi overtures and stick by him. that the teachers’ training law was tions of the city and will report dent and J . J . Thurston, secretary, later. They returned last night reconsidered and passed. * T h e g re a t Lincoln MomofUl r.t W ashington, costing about tw o and a h a lf m illion dollar«, 1« v irtu ally com pleted and will likely be had moved from the county and it The White Hall girls met in their and held a meeting with local dedicated thla year. I f a a rch itectu ral beauty Iruprc-a*? and Inspires was necessary to choose new offi reception room with Mrs. Conklin people who were interested, endeav A [new range was installed in one a lt who visit It. b u t big as It Is. ar b eautiful as it la. It. can only serve cers. Ivan Loughary was chosen last Tuesday evening for a house la Its m u te lim ited way to rem ind thla nation la centuries to of the kitchens of the White Hall oring to organize a fire department Come of th e g re a t sp irit of th e man whose m em ory It coiniz'.mo* secretary-treasurer of the system. meeting. Refreshments were served. for us. last Friday. rates, th e hum ble Abe LlncolP. A u e ilc w v -b o r n r e b . 12, 1 8 0 , d le £ Mr. Harry L. Kingman addressed the Normal students at the chapel hour Tuesday morning. Mr. King- man represents the Student Volun teer Movement and gave a concrete, clear statement of the aims of the Student Volunteers and the good they hope to accomplish in foreign countries. Lincoln Même rial Complétée lini li ri li t