The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, January 21, 1921, Image 1

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T he M
onm outh
Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon, Friday, January 21, 1921
JAK * * 19
No. 2 0
M o n m o u th is L ocated in th e B est S ectio n o f th e B est V alley o f th e B est S ta te in th e N<&on
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Items of Interest
5oW F arm a n d B u y s H om e Rumored, Reported Grist About Ready
’ Sam Carmack who sold his farm
At Oregon Normal northeast of town last week, this Concocted, Collected For The Recall Mill
week bought Chas. Nott’s place
Triumph o f the Juniors
House With History
The Normal boys played at bas­
ket ball last Thursday night. In
Goes Up In Smoke
what turned out to be one of the
in the northeast part of the city.
most exciting games played on the
Deputy Collectors of Internal
The petitions for the recall of the
The first serious fire that Mon­
Announcements for the Normal The place includes a good house and
local floor in years the Juniors
Summer School are being prepared an acre and a quarter of land. Mr. Revenue, J. J. Collins and O. V. county judge have now acquired the came from hopelessly behind and mouth has had in a number of years
in the president’s office. The sum­ Carmack’s farm consists of 100 Roberts will be at Independence, requisite number of signatures and in the last half minute of the game occurred Tuesday morning. ALtKlt
an hour before early risers stir
mer erm will begin June 27. con acres and was sold for $15,000 to February 3rd to 5th inclusive, to will be filed shortly if the filing has won from the Seniors 25 to 24.
themselves, the fire alarm rang out.
tinuing six weeks until August 5, John Schnebeck of Salem. The lat­ assist the people in making and fil­ not already been accomplished when
The first half was one sided, fa­
1921. Two summer schools will be ter’s son-in-law, Mr. Story of Salem ing their income tax returns for this paper is issued. Over a thou voring the Seniors with Guy Lee The rooming house owned by J . D.
sand tignatures have been obtained
Stevens of Independence on the
held, one at Monmouth and one at will live on the place and Mr. Car­ the year 1920.
starring; the score at the end of
and discarding the number who
north corner of Jackson and Broad
Pendleton. Should a sufficient num­ mack gives possession 30 days af­
C. I. Lewis, manager of the or­ have signed incorrectly, the legal this half being 15—14. During streets was the place demanding at­
ber of students desire it a twelve ter date of sale.
the second half, the repeated on­
ganization department of the Ore­ number has been secured.
tention . Before [the [fire hose[was
weeks’ course will be given to
of the Juniors, Mulkey in
gon Growers Cooperative Associa­
whi-h only students in the Elemen­
Messrs. Rempel and McBee of particular, wore down the heavy ar­ unlimbered and ready for action the
tion, is still strong for prunes, not­
tary Teachers’ Training Course
Dallas were in this city Monday tillery of the opponents and in the whole roof was a sheet of flames
withstanding present conditions.
will be admitted.
securing signatures for the nomina­ most spectacular finish swept the and a part o f i t had fallen in. The
He says that ultimately, prunes
flames were on the inside of the
tion of Mr. Ulrich as the recall can Juniors on to victory.
Dr. Carl G. Doney of Willamette
will prove as they have in the past,
structure and apparently started in
University will speak at the chapel
Chute played a strong game at
A late opening season at C rater Lake a good investment'
upper story.
hour Friday morning of this week. for 1921 Is forecast by a report re­
guard for the Seniors, while Cap­
In the planting of cherries, he
strong streams of water soon
The public is welcome to this chap­ ceived by A lexander Sparrow, super­ calls attention to the fact that the third of the required number.
tain Stover and Turner shared hon­
intendent of the park, th at the snow
the conflagration on the
To secure the recall, twenty five ors for the Juniors. Referee was
el exercise which will Degin at 9:30
is now 9 1-2 feet deep at the rim. Last Royal Anne, Bing and Lamberts are
the building but inside
per cent of the voters is required Fetzer of Cleveland Tech' Time­
a. m.
year a t th is time, th e depth was only not only self-sterile, but iter-sterile
firmly intrenched.
and that with these varieties must but for nomination only three per keepers were Moreland and Ward. The roof had fallen in and most ot
Mrs. Blashfield has resigned her 51-2 feet.
position in the Hood River schools T hreshing is still in progress in be planted the Long Stemmed Wa­ cent is required. People who are Official scorer, L. P. Gilmore.
the upper floors and in some places
Lake county and it is possible th a t it
and has come to Monmouth to com­ will be finished before spring work terhouse or some other good pollen- pushing the recall express every
Tuesday’s fire has led to the usual the fire had eaten through the
plete her work for her Normal di­ forces a stop. Bound grain th a t was izer.
Mr. Kadle of Rickreall and reorganization of our fire-department seams of the rustic. The heavy
The Spitzenberg apple is likely
stacked properly is turning out well,
and for the past day or two Arthur ornamental cornices made approach­
while headed grain has been injured to come into its own within a few Messrs. Rempel and McBee were in
The Delphians will give the first more or less.
Miller has been busy signing up re­ ing too near the building, dangerous
He be­ an attendance of ritizens here Tues­ cruits for the service. He has so the water was withheld and the
literary society program of tne new W hen a carrie r upon which he was years, Mr. Lewis says.
term Friday evening at 7:30 in the riding gave way with the result that lieves the time is coming when this in connection with the work were something like twenty eight and outer shell allowed to go with the
chapel. Townspeople are invited to he fell 36 feet with 12,000 feet of lum­ apple will sell at a premium at the gone over. Citizens uf the territory says he will have enough material rest. The weather conditions were
ber on top of him, Ed Dempsey, a mill acreage has been greatly reduced,
for three shifts. He plans to start ideal for a safety first fire. Barely
th>s program.
employe a t Mabel, suffered concus due to collar rot in the Inland to the south of Monmouth who re­
a breath of air was stirring; all the
Miss Marvin* president of the sion of the brain and many other Empire and winter injury in the cently interviewed the commission, practice at once.
buildings were wet down
board of bregents of the Normal,
Hood River country. He is of the
The monthly visit of the county
spent some time in Monmouth Sun­ The Portland city council has pass opinion that next year will be a in Salem, report the engineer as Odd Fellow’s society was held with with the winter rains. The sides
ed a stringent ordinance governing the
day to inspect the house and fur­ m anufacture and sale of “soft" drinks, good year for apple growers i n saying that unless some sort of the lodge in Independence last of the building had been so thor­
nishing recently purchased to pro­ including elder in all its various guises Western Oregon, as the east is not practical interest is taken in the night. With a fine night, there oughly soaked with water that when
vide for the over flow from the and aliases. The ordinance is aimed likely to have a bumper crop next work by citizens of Polk county, the was a large attendance of the fra­ they fell in the heat was ot great,
scarcely hot enough to keep the
to prevent the m arketing of fermented
highway will not be completed ternity from this city.
season as it did last year.
spectators comfortably warm. A
and Intoxicating “soft” drinks.
President Ackerman gave an in­ The seal sale for Oregon during the
tree that stood close to the
Independence people are not go­ years. To the rest of the state it
For the Pom >na Grange to be
teresting talk Monday on "Thrift 1920 holidays will surpass th a t of 1919
the building was not singed.
Week” , January 17—22, using as by $5000 is the report given to the ing to allow Dallas to get ahead of looks as if Polk county is i>i the held her; this Saturday, Monmouth
building was one of
a basis the ten points selected for executive com m ittee of the Oregon them in the way of free delivery of mud and does not have enough pep member of the order are requested the expensive houses in the city.
Tuberculosis association. The P o rt­ mail in the city. Our neighbor cit­ to care whether it gets out or not. to bring full baskets.
There will
emphasis during the week by the land sale am ounted to over $20,000
ies are both investigating the pros­
he a large number of guests present It was three stories high, including
Y. M. C. A.
and the state sale will total $37,000
Elkins News Items
pects in this direction and it will
and additional food, more than usu­ the basement, was fitted with a
The largest sale of Clatsop county-
furnace, plastered, of gcod mater-
A moving picture entitled "While
al, especially meat is desired.
tim ber land reported for many months be of interest to note which is- the
iil, thoroughly built. It was 26
New York Sleeps” will be shown was made last week, when the Minne­ first to get actual results.
urday night, lost to Quinaby by a
Mrs. Jesse Johnson and son Ray­ years old and was built by a man
in the chapel Saturday evening at sota & Oregon Land & Tim ber company
score of 18 to 10. In the first half
8:15. This i s one of the most of Minnesota sold to the Crossett Tim
W ith th eir contention bat>€.1 upon an Quinaby made the high score of 12 mond of Elkins called on her sister, named Heacock, of aNewberg Qua­
talked of pictures of the year, said ber company of Iowa a tra c t of 7608.36 old treaty , Jeff Riddle, Joe Ball and to 2. Elkins came back in the last Miss lna Fishback, Thursday after­ ker family. While it was not rear­
ed upon the sands but] on a sub­
to be crammed with thrills and ad­ acres of fir tim ber for a consideration Clayton Kirk, members of the K lam ath half and made eight points to Quin­ noon.
T ribal council, have gone to W ashing­
of $1,200,000.
stantial foundation, it was built on
ventures. It has just completed a To determ ine ju s t how g reat is the ton, D. C., where they will- appear be­ aby’s six. The game was played at
High School Notes
nerve. The man who built it did
two weeks’ showing at the Colum­ health menace from the increased con­ fore th e secretary of th e Interior and Airlie and quite a crowd turned
On January 19 there occurred a not put a dollar into it and never
bia in Portland, a fact which prom­ sum ption of moonshine liquor, the endeavor to relocate the boundary of out.
state board of health has decided to the K lam ath reservation as now rec­
ises well for it.
Marjorie Tedrow has been absent student body meeting for the pur­ lived in it. When the first consign ­
A’Salem orchestra will furnish analyze a num ber of samples from the ognized by the governm ent. The In ­ from high school for some time pose of raising or at propriating ment of material [arrived tor its
stocks seized by th e authorities and dians a ssert th e boundary should be
from the funds, money to fix up construction he did not have the
music at the show. The orchestra determ
ine to w hat extent the bever­ four m iles south of the present line. with scarlet fever. So far this is
old Star picture show building money to pay fur the freight. He
consist» of cello, violin and piano. ages are poisonous.
About 700,000 acres are Involved and the only case at Eikir.s.
as a place to play basket had a shoestring 'story of funds
An exciting basket ball game was
Frank McEldowney, star guard
due to in dustrial accidents during the $ 10 , 000 , 000 .
considerable debate a about to be received through which
played in- the gymnasium last week ended Jan u ary 13, according to
Co-operative non-profit associations for the Elkins high school team, motion to appropriate the money he obtained credit for material and
Thursday evening resulting in a report prepared by the state industrial of farm ers, for th e m ark etin g of the has had his eye lam d and attends
score of 25 to 24 in favor of the accident commission. The victim s are w heat crop of the state, and the woo) the doctor’s office regularly these from the funds was carried by a labor but in the final show down
never expected to get anything but
W. R. Plumlee, engineer, St. Helens; and m ohair produced in w estern Ore days. His eye was deeply gashed large majority.
On January 13 there was a stu­ borrowed money and didn’t get that.
Thomas Dunsmore, laborer, Salem. A gon, were definitely launched a t the in the Quinaby game Saturday
Mr. J. H. Williamson of the ref­ total of 433 accidents were reported.
session of the Oregon F arm Bureau
dent body meeting to secure money The building was finally sold for
erence department of the New York The Oregon A gricultural College Ra­ federation in P ortland last week. A night.
for the debating team. The mat­ liens and has had numerous owners.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Ioughary are
Public Library, visited the Normal dio club has been negotiating with the m eeting for perfecting the organiza­
ter was left in the hands of a com­ For some time it was known as the
Library with Miss Marvin last Sun­ radio club at the U niversity of W ash­ tion of the proposed association for the in Portland this week end. I. H. mittee for arrangement.
best house in Monmouth. It cou’d
ington for the establishm ent of a sys­ m ark etin g of w heat will be held at Loughaiy, who is secretary of the
day. Mr. Williamson is a member tem
of wireless comm unication be­ The Dalles as soon as plans for the
The school board paid the school not be be replaced for less than
of the committee on library train­ tween the two schools, eventually to contract can be perfected. In the case Oregon Jersey Cattle Club, is at­
on Wednesday and Thursday. $5,000. Almost every carpenter
ing appointed by the American Li­ Include stations a t the U niversity of of the wool and m ohair growers, a tending a meeting for the organiza­
The Freshmen put on a very in Monmouth had a share in its
brary Association and is visiting Oregon, Leland Stanford and the Uni­ m eeting will be held a t Albany on J a n ­ tion of the Jersey Breeders of the
building. However, it was|not con­
uary 21. at which the plans will be Pacific Northwest. Representatives clever and amusing stunt on Thurs­
many libraries in his investigations. versity of California.
definitely outlined and presented for of every Jersey Cattle Club in Ore­ day morning. The other classes venient for present needs and has
had a hard task to retain tenants.
The Juniors and Seniors held en­
gon, Washington, Idaho, California will have to hustle to do better.
It was insured for $2500.
H. H. Corey, mem ber of the Oregon and Nevada will be present at this
joyable, informal parties last Satur­
public service commission, has been
day evening. The first part of the
plete the first test on the first day
appointed on the service, accommoda­ meeting.
Mrs. Grimes has been entertain­
evening was devoted to the mem­
tions and claims com m ittee of th e Na­
Flkins high school wants games that the tests were tried.
her mother from Salem during
bers of each class getting acquaint­
tional Association of Railway and of basket ball to be played away
ed with one another. At nine
Public U tilities Commissioners.
from home, bcfh league and non­
o’clock the Juniors joined the Sen­
Oregon apples won five first prizes^
league teams. Call Elkins School
BASKET SHOOTER Pertinent Remarks
in the fru it show conducted In Louisl-j
ior in the gymnasium for an inform-
“ i through Monmouth, phone 2203.
mal dance.
pie G rowers’ association, according
Elkins now has only two student
On Important Topic
a notice received by A. Johnson, of thei teachers instead of the usual three.
Why the slate of Oregon should be
Seven Oaks O rchard company, in Ash -
compelled to sell its bonds at a heavy
The one beginning her teaching this
discount, while the little state of
We take the following from a
week is Miss Ruth Proebsiel of
Rhode Island disposes of its securi­
published in the
m ills a t Springfield, em ploying seven­
ties to local banking Institutions at
Folk County Observer.
prices ranging above par, was the
Two new Alladin hanging lamps
M anager A. C. Dixon announces the
question directed to the money in­
Not more than seven years ago
been ordered for the school
mill will not be reopened un til the
terests of the state In a statement
county had the best, today it
conditions of the lum ber m arket are and it is hoped that they will prove
given out by Governor Olcott last
worst roads in the Btate. If
more sucecessful than the old gaso­
the winter had been as
line lamp.
With alarming divorce statistics fac­
wet as this year we would not have
have cost the state highway d ep art­
ing them and the uncontradicted asser­
It might be stated that Mr. Ul­
m ent between $75,000 and $100,000 aa
tion that Oregon has more divorcee
had any roads left for repairing.
has many loyal supporters in
a resu lt of dam age to roads and
per capita than any state in the union,
W'e would have to build them all
bridges, according to H erb ert Nunn, the Elkins Community. In fact the
The name Marshall Field is
district attorneys of Oregon, in con­
Is the countv judge p it re­
known in every hamlet in the land
state highw ay engineer.
whole Community is almost unani­
vention in Portland, recommended the
as the merchant prince. Now It
especially as he did not
amendment of existing divorce laws so
The establishm ent of cam ping and mously in favor of his election.
is to try for other honors. Mar­
Life for Babe Roth, home run
appoint another commissioner as it
recreation grounds at the summit of
that interlocutory decrees only may be shall Field III— now bead of the
of baseball. Is just one ball
The fourth, fifth, seventh and a *lng
famous Chicago fortune: — is go­
Clatsop crest on th e Colum bia river
was his duty and especially as ha
granted at the conclusion of a hearing,
fte r another. Now that snow Is
highway is among the tmprovemeat eighth grades are enthusiastic ov­
and cannot be made final until three
on tbe ground in New York he is
took the road work under his ow n
starring at basketball— playing
months later, after the fashion of the joining a Chicago firm
projects planned by Clatsop county er ¿he Courtis tests in Arithmetic.
He waa
and captaining tbe Passaic team.
for the coming summer.
California l a w . -------.-------------------
a captain during the late wag.
Mildred Tetherow was able to com
¿Continued on page 4