Mayor’s Annual I, Financial Report m l op That Cough In reviewing the past year a con spicuous achievement is the com pletion of our gravity water sys tem, preliminaries for which were started in 1919. The work is now j complete, giving the city o f Mon- j mouth a supply o f pure mountain | water. We are gratified to state the cost was about two thousand dollar under the est’ mUed cost for which bonds were voted. The task of paying for the system is now well under wry, the collect'ons now averaging monthly from $515 t>$550 and this, with the special tix , will care for the indebtedness. During the past year we have also made a decided effort to improve the city streets and with the aid^of funds on hand feel that we have made a good start. Although the city departments show indebtedness, the finances of the city are now in such shape that it ran not only l e self s, p porting, but can cut down the oi t- standirg warrants and I urge con servatism in ali departments that ♦his may be accomplished. OTIS A. WOLVLRTON M ayor A remedy taken in time, will save you trouble later on. Perkins’ Pharmacy If we haven’ t got it we’ll getit. Ask us. local Me Ms Mr. end Mrs. I.ot L. Pearce of Salem were Sunday visitors with * Mr. ind I-.'r . A. II. ( r .ven. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hall and small run o f Mt, Solo, Wash., are here visiting relatives and friends. Mrs Etta Dorns'fc of Inaepen- visited her s-istcr Mrs. Sieka- Tiose, Tu sday. GENERAL IU N D From Tares - - $4189.'ll From Lie. nre3 - - 30.001 From Tet' rned Legai Costs - 46.CO; From Fines . . . 30.00 Total - $4595.41 Tax monej b longing to Water Fund - - $2241.70 Water rents for hydrants, unfaid - - 690.00 Total $2934.70 General Fund Credit $1660.71 For Lights - - - $798.76 1. T Parker and wife were trad For Marshal Services 327.93 ing in Salem Wednesday. For Interest on Outstanding (’ . C. Fish' ack of Salem called on Warrants 288.30 his sisttr, Miss Ina, Wednesday af 169.00 For Legal expenses ternoon. ‘ For Recorder’s fees and ex .\fr. Keeney and daughter Hester penses . . . 141.85 mode a buisness trip to Portland For Treasurer's salary and Thursday. 29.00 expenses Stott Parker visited the capital For Streets and Cleanup 50.00 city Monday. For Election Expenses 14.25 Mrs. Ofctrom of near Oregon City, For Miscellaneous Expenses 57.57 visited friends here the past week. $1876.66 Total 215.95 Deficit for year Mrs. Alice T. Canning returned to her school work in Shaniko last Outstanding warrants, Jan. 1, 1920 - - $7020.65 Saturday after spending her vaca- Deficit, Jan. 1, 1921 7236 60 t on at her home here. Florsheims are Down Florsheim 's standard quality shoes are now , priced down to a level that makes a saving o f dollars on every pair These are shoes o f known quality. Every pair bears the name Flor sheim. A shipment for Spring selling has juSt a r rived. This quality sold fo r $17.50 ju§t a few months ago, but the manufacturer's price is now lowered so we can sell them at $11.85. Two popular numbers in cordovan on the English la§t: one designed especially fo r the man who wants a little extra toe room yet who prefers the new styles. GoodGooda ; Mrs. D. M. Hewitt entertained WATER FUND her , 'n, K. E. Hewitt and wife of Received from Morris Erothers Ashland this week and Mr. and bonds and interest $61,305.86 Mrs. Travis of Silverton. From Collections - 4375.73 Total $65,681.59 Mrs. J L. Van I.oan has received word that her aister, Mrs. E. K. Whipple was dead at Mile.-; ¡¡City, Idaho. Slit died New Yeats day. Miss Lora Farington who spent h r vacation w itli Monmouth rela tives, has returned to school duties at Mill City. Paid for Wood pipe for gravity system - $36,968.23 16,458.04 1 or laying the pipe 2 000 00 For engineer services 150 00 For land for intake l,800.('0j For interest paid For miscellaneous expe lses 682.96 Hugh Hal leek, a grandson of the Total cost of gravity system late A. N. Halleck, was visiting $58,059.23 relatives and friends in this city For interest on bonds $3444.82 this week. For equipment - - 850.20 Mrs. Catherine Schillings of San For superintendent’s salary ;>31 75 Francsisco writes to a ffriend hero For power - - 434.08 that an infant son has lately come For collecting and expense 132.87 to their home. Mrs. Schillings will For bond bought and retired 510.75 he lemetnhered as Miss Katherine January 1, 1920, deficit 681.40 Hughes, and is a graduate of the Total expenditures $64,645.10 Balance . . . $1036.49 Monmouth high school. Ben Pollan has h nl i ity water Wafer money in general fund - 2984.70 piped to his resh’on e and also elec Total $3971.19 tric lights nstalleTl. A nnual Bank Meeting Notice is hereby riven that the nnnual meeting o f ti e shaieholdera o f the hirst National Hank o f Mon mouth, Oregon, for the purpose of electing directors and the tran saction of such other business as may properly come beforo the meeting, will he held at the hank ing house in Monmouth, on January the 11th, 1921, at the hour of 1:30 P. M. IRA C. POWELL, President. R. L. Kullander General Contracting for Concrete Work E s ti m a te s p r o m p t l y furnished *.*de.,endence. Oregon PHONE. M 2111 On Wednesday, January 5, a very Mr. and Mis. Ernest Riddell Went to Salem Monday where Mr. pleasant time was enjoyed at the Riddell suffered the operation of home o f Mrs. Monroe Mulkey, the party being in honor of her 83rd hav,nB adenoids removed. birthday. Gifts, flowers and cards Mrs. Vernon Brown of Portland were received and Mrs Mulkey's was visiting her mother, Mrs. Shore many friends wishel her n any during the holidays. more happy birthdays. Miss Margaret Rice spent several The members of the Y’ s and Oth days with friends in Corvallis this er Y ’s Club met at the home of week. Miss Ee.-sie Graham last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fishhack afternoon. After spending some visited with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. time in pka-ant conversation, a L. Johnson o f Independence last dainty luncheon was served by the Sunday. I ROAD FUND Received from Taxes $919.17 71.00! From tines 2 .20 1 From miscellaneous $1058.86 Halance Jan. 1. 1920 Paid for curbs on street corners For gravel - For work on streets and hauling gravel For miscellaneous - Total Deficit. Jnn. 1. 1921___- “Eat More Bread Holsum Bread Mr. B a r n e s , U. S. W h e a t D i r e c t o r Saysi A n d r e d u c e t h e high cost o f li vi ng. ” $579 44 484.96 1,245.40 78.47 ! $2388.26 ; $337.03 ' Paving fund - $1449.19 3761.42 Ì Sidewalk fund R. B. Swenson, City Recorder Deficit Mrs. Bogart of King’s Valley ^ sent a few days with Mrs. C. H .1 Newman this week. Misses Mildred Force, Bessie iGrahanvand Amy Steinlerg have returned »,> their school work in Portland. Miss Joe Heffley has re- j turned to Albany. IS T H E C H E A P E S T A S W E L L AS T H E M O S T W H O L E S O M E F O O D ON T H E M A R K E T . hostess. Those present were: Mrs. ily in the Luckiamute country. Darrel Stump, Mrs. Fred Smith the E. F. Moore and wife o f Iowa Misses Florence and Joe Heffley. are visiting with her brother, W . Amy Steinberg, Mildred Forc.e, J. Miller and family. M rgaret Rice and Neta Waller. Carl Bowman and Wm. Hoppes G. F. Thompson and wife of o f Eugene were visitors in Mon Minnesota are visitors with his mouth Sunday calling on friends brother, H. B. Thompson ai d fam- here. California let’s pack up and go to “ W in ter’s Summer Garden” Sooner or later everyone goes to California where the bright warm sunshing greets you; where the delightful climate, the sweet scented flowers and the lure of the sea welcomes you to this lamd of beauUC and charm. Four Daily Trains "The Shasta” "Oregonian’ ’ “ California Expraia” “ SanFranciaco Express” Portland to San Francisco and New Through Sleeping Car Service Seattle, Tacoma and Portland to San Francisco and Los Angeles Provide Comfortable accomodations and excellent service. Winter Excursion Tickets are on sale to B U Y THAT E X TR A LOAF Y o u r G r o c e r has it Cherry City Baking Co. Southern California Your copy o f our new booklet: "California for the Touriet" will be mailed FREE on request Inquire of local a*ent ror fares. routes, sleeping ear reservation# and train service, or]write Southern Pacific Lines J o h n M S c o t t . General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon