9 qoi FT. 1 X 'tern- .G 1 The Shasta" A New Train to California "The Shasta" is an all standard sleeping car train without excess fare Leve Portland it 4:00 P. M. Arrives San Francisco 10:00 P. M. following evening Improved Sleeping Car Service to San Francisco and Los Angele AU Shasta Route trains handle through standard sleeping cars Seattle, Tacoma and Portland to San Francisco. Through standard sleeping cars to Los Angeles Leaves Portland at 8:40 A. M. Arrives Los Angeles 8:15 A. M. second morning Winter Excursion Tickets art on ult to Southern Calilornia Califotnla'a bright and warm raiuhiiw will help you to take i ntw leasa of lift Spond tha wintry day bosklt lummtry aeai. on sporty tolf counts or well kept Inula courtt. motor over plendid hichirayt, theae and many otlier ouldour ploaiuro await you in Sunny California. FREE on raoueat. "California for tlia Tnurbl" n. booklet iraphically deaeribint the different reaorta. lnciuirt of local went roc (area, routea. ilaeplni ear reeervationa and train tervlca, or write Southern Pacific Lines John M. Scott, ; General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon I Farm Bureau Newt Two committee moetingsof unus ual importance are to tnke place at Uu close of tlu week. Tho Farm Bureau committeemen engaged in livestock improvement art." mooting with tlio county's loading breeders of puro slock at tho Monmouth Commoroin! Club tliis Friday after noon Pec. 10. County Agent Paul Carpenter stated root lit ly that there is a movement on fool to institute a campaign fur the utter elimina tion of scrub sires and of bovine , tuberculosis from this county. Sev eral breeders of prominence have urged that tho livestock depart nient of the county fair also be placed on its feet. Critics have pointed out the 300 head of tine stock shown at the Til lamook fair in contrast to the com plete lack of cattle at the loca I event. The breeders feel that it is strictly up to them to build up a live s'ook department that is worthy of the name. The findings of the committee will be reported at the general livestock meeting at Mon mouth the following Friday, the 17th. All Farm Bureau local commit teemen having work with squirrel poisoning have been called to meet at the Farm Bureau otlice, Dallas, this Saturday the lllh, a ll :30. According to C. C. Gardner County Chairman for rodent control, the committee will devise means for caring for vacant and limlier lands, niul for securing the cooperation of non residents and the railroads. It is hoped also to come to an u ndcr- Blanding with the County Court rel ative to a strict enforcement of the rodent control law. The committee' invited suggestions from all those interested in that work. k I ii 1114 tfjr It ., t L 7 jnsidej ms on a dirk job ! YOUR ENGINE requires an internal bath frequently. Road dust, carbon from the combustion chamber, and fine particles of metal worn from the bearing surfaces get. into the lubricating oil in the crank case. All this dirt circulates with the oil through the engine. If it isn' drained out regularly there's bound to be excessive wear and tear. Gasoline also escapes past the pistons and dilutes the oil. Modern Crankcase Cleaning Ser vice gets rid of the dirty, diluted oil, J flushes the crankcase thoroughly and refills with clean, fresh oil. The garages listed below are now equipped to perform this needed service quickly and for a nominal charge. We use Calol Flushing Oil, which cleanses thoroughly without danger of contaminating the fresh Zerolene refilled into the cleaned crankcase. TODAY: Bring in your car for Mod ern Crankcase Cleaning Service. It will result in better engine perform ance and longer life for your car. MONMOUTH GARAGE Graham & Son, Props. nor High School Note$ . In an interesting football game Thursday afternoon between the N'tiior-rroshmen and Sophomore Junior teams of M. II. S.. a brill. iant play by the Sophomore-Junior team in the last period changed the game from a second defeat to a tie. In the first half of tho Sen. ior-Freshmon team scored a touch down and the score remained tj to 0 until the sophomore-Junior team scored its touch down in the last quarter, making the final score a G to (i tie. Both teams were sure of victory and went into the ennie in higli spirit determined to win. An expert typewriter reiiairer of Portland was employed several duvs Inst week fixing up the high school typewriters and thev are now in much better condition than hereto- lore. The typewriting class, under the irection of Mr. Bidirood. is mak- ing rapid headway. At the first of the year it was thought that there was no teacher who was eiiimhle of teaching the subject, but Professor n. must have been koemnir his i ght under a bushel for he has turned out to be one of the best teach ?rs in this subject that Mon mouth High has ever had. Monmouth High School has deci ded to enter the debating league of this district and plans to put two teams in the field are being worked out. We have the material for some excellent debates if it can only be brought out. It is planned to have a number of class debates first In discover jut how much material we have and what kind it is. We hope at least to win the district cham pionship. Monmouth High School will be reprtsented at the Western Oregon Older Bovs' Conference in Salem this week end by Dell Tedrow, Bus sel Kildee, Kric Swenson, James Partridge, Herbert Powell and Mnnley Arant. This is the first eon. ferncee of this sort at which M.H.S. has been represented in many years. The subject of basket bull Iihk come up again recently with some cnance lor the onmnmitiiin nf u team. We hope that a floor may be secured and that we may have outside games again. Some High School poems by the English IVclass. THE TREK by Mary Cole The bare white birch like a bather bendR over the river As still as a dream. Not a twig of the tree in air is astir, not a quiver, O'er ripples the stream. The roots of the tree in the air ai.d the tree in the water Are met, and entwine. One stem is a scion of the earth and one is the daughter Of the stillness divine. Yet when the dusk falls or ever a wmton wind bloweth One sii'hs and is gone. And which was the tree and which was the image none knoweth, For both were as one. By Marion Merrill I'd like to be a pirate bold, And cross the raging sea; And hunt for buried chest of gold Beneath some aged tree. I'd like to scuttle all the ships That sailed acress mv oath.. I'd hold a cutlass 'tween my lips, And all would fear my wrath. I'd hoist a black sail in the 1 ow With skull and cross bones near, That every one who passed would vow I was a man to fear, For Sale 8 acres of land 100 feet from city limits. 5 room house, good barn, fruit and berries. On naved mnH for $2000.00 10 ares of land, all in cultiva tion, good house and barn. 4 miip to city limits, an ideal home' Price right. 8 room house. 5 lots. Fruit fur family use. City water and elec tric lights. Fine location. Price $1500.00. Good terms Guaranteed Used Fords At record Low Prices CASH OR TERMS At the ACE GARAGE or. Strong Evidence Is the Statement of this Salem Woman Backache is often kidney ache; A common warningof serious kidney ills. "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" Don't delay use Doan'B Kidney Fills. Profit bvthis nearbv resi dent's experience. Mrs. Emily Ed wards, 1108 . 13th St., Salem Ore., says; "I couldn t speak too highly irt praise of Uoan's Kidney Pills for i have never tound anything equal to this old, reliable kidnev medicine 148 Acres of lanH. Si 'rr,iUfor regulating the kidneys and southwest of Monmouth. .notlv 8 topping backache. 1 am only too Luckiamute bottom. Fine as a fu , u 0 , wh? are, 8ubjeet fiddle. Good house and barn. 10 1 m prunes. Good school near. "oan ne are verv re"a: acres of prunes. Good school near Price $125.00 per acre; good terms. 182 Acres, Luckiamute bottom land; 100 acresjn cultivation; no improvements; good county road. Price $12500.00. Terms. G. T. Boothby. How a Modest Gift May Become a Great One Possibly this year you may be disposed to think seriously and con structively of your Christmas giving. There is more than one way in which you caiunake gifts carrying with them values fur beyond their Intrinsic worth-values real, tan gible and'substantial as well as values in education and character building. Suppose, for example, you presented some one you cherish with'an income-pitying investment! n the Mountain States Power Company. N t only do you give a substantial present-one that does not depre ciate or wear out- but also an income, regularly paid so many times a year, regardless of the owner's health, capacity for work or gener al circumtstances. This investment-gift may be the first practical lesson the recipient has ever had in financial subjects - tho use of money and its earning power-the produetivenoss'of thrift the necessity of Investment toward the progess and welfare of all an inspiration leading to self control and education in thejiandling of funds. If our suggestion appeals to you we are sure you will Jllnd a call at our ollice decidedly intreesting and profitable. Mountain States Power Company Monmouth Ore. "How Big Business Men Crew Rich" A IlO page illustrated booklet by B. C. Forbes, the well-known finan cial writer, gives absorbing person al character analysis of six of America's richest men, We have U limited number of copies which we are distributing Fit EE to those interested. Simply mail in the coupon with your name and ad dress. Name Address For Sale 3 Registered Bhort horn cows, 3 years old. 1 Dull and two claves, digit le for regis tration, very reasonable. Phone the Ace Garage, Miss Crook, intermediate teacher in the Airile school was called to McMinnville last week to see a rel ative, run over by a train there. The latter, Hobatt Trent, later died of his injuries. Evangelical Church Notes Sunday. December 12. At 10 Sunday School,. At 11 The Pas tor will have a sermonette to be read by some one. Prof. Gil more will give a 15 minute address, Also special music. No evening services as the Pastor can not be present. Ladies Aid Thursday p. m. Pravintr Rand will meet. nt. th home of Mrs. Strong, Friday, 2 'p. m. ble and effective for that trouble," Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidnev remedv get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Edwards had. Foster Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Our Bargain Column For Sale or Trade-1 120 egg size, Peluluma, hot air incubator. 1 310 egg size Imperial hot water incubator. A. II. Craven. U tons of hay for sale. E. Nisson For Sale-A few good J'arred Rock Cockerels. Also a White Leg horn Cockerel. $ 2.00 each. George Heck. 3t TO SELL, or will trade for cows: team, wagon and harness, also good work mare. F. K. Skeen 3t Mrs. Mack can care for several more housekeepers, Registered Jersey Bull for ser vice. $2, cash. J. M. MacDonald, Phone 1405. tp New Oregon Strawberry plants. $6, per thousand. 7,ri ennta hun dred. Leslie Yountr. din For Sale- Vautrhan with 2 saw blades. C. Drag saw E. Stewart. WANTED to hnv A range, cheap for cash. Mrs. Boche. For Sale Four Rcrpa nf lnnl a six room house, smnll Imrh good wood house and fruit room, electric lights, good well. Two and a half blocks from Normal. Terms, one half down and rest on 3 or 5 years time. See W.J. Miller 2mo. The Monmouth CooDerative Shin. ping Association will save farmer's money in the sale of livestock. Shio with us and cut out middleman's profit. II you have stock to shin notify W. J. Stockholm, Mgr. tf Houses and Lots Houses with OH 6 fl (?!( . Hon co with larger tracts. Very reasonabui in price, bee Moran. P 0 o 0 a 5i