The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, October 22, 1920, Image 8

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65c per dozen
To make your
hens lay use
Poultry Panacea
& Stock Food
Perkins' Pharmacy
If we haven't got it
we'll get it, Askm.
sulkeys and reed baby carriages.
Moore A Addison Furriturt Co.,
Miss VYadsworth of near Salem
was a week end visitor in Mon
mouth. She is a former Normal
Miss Cox, a Red Cross worker of
Seattle, whose specialty is home
service, explained the nature of her
work to the grange at its session
last Saturday af te. noon . M iss Cox
formerly was a teacher in the high
school of Salem.
Mm L. V. Waller has gone to
Eugenj for a two weeks visit with
relatives there.
0. F. Waller of LaFajette was a
visitor this week with his brother,
L W. Waller.
Our seven fold buying power makes it possible for us to offer you more value in
exchange for your Dollar than any small store can give. "Exchange" la not
against you here
Evangelical Church Notes
Sunday, October 24 is "Go to
Sunday School" Sunday. We have
had a good increase in our Sunday
School of late, and strangers will
' be cordially received. School begins
i The subject at 11 will be, "Sal
! vation by Grace". Text. Eph. 2 : 8.
' "By grace are ye saved".
I subject at 7:45 Jloses wise
1 choice". Text. Heb. 11:24-26
"Rv faith Mnses whpn was pomp
Children's Underwear
A clean-up sale of twopiec un
derwear in gray fleeced cotton and
in cashmere wool. Everything goea
at about one fourth present day
22c and 48c
Infants' unbleached cotton vests,
winter weight
We can promise you wiving on
almost every purchase.
Cream Rolled OaU lb. 5C
Corn Meal 9 lb k 62c
Graham Flour 9.8 lb k 68c
Old Dutch Cleanser 10c
Fest Soda Crackers I0C
Bob White Syrup lg can 08c
Carnation, Borden milk, can 14c
Schilling's, 'Cleveland'i Baking
Powder lb 50c
Arm & Hammer Soda 3 for 25c
t-301 100C
u r i n M . . ... .....
o LiOCQl DTCVlllBS o to years, reiusea to te caiiea tne
l. OCT
Lost A bunch of keys. Finder
return to Herald 'ffice and receive
Lost A 2A Ansco camera. Find
er . return to Herald office and
reieive reward.
A cow belonging to Ernest Rid
ded got at some lime last week ana
ats some of it, which caused her
deith. The cow was a high class
grade Jersey, four years old, and
wis fresh about a month ago.
We operate a free delivery ser
vice to Monmouth for all goods
purchased from us. Get blankets
and comforters for the winter from
Moore & Addison Furniture Com
pany, Independence,
The Social Hour Club will hold
its next meeting on November 8,
at the home of Mrs. J. Evans
The Herald wishes correspondents
in neighboring communities. For
particulars apply at this office
We have a fine line of go-carts,
son of Fharaoh's daughter, choosing
rather to suffer affliction with the
people of God than to enjoy the
pleasures of sin for a season. Es
teeming the reproach of Christ
greater riches than the treasures in
Egypt; for he hac1 respect unto he
recompense of the reward".
C. E. at 6:45, Leader, Grace
Harding. Subject, "Lessons from
recent events".
Wednesday, 7:30, Prayer service.
Thursday p. m., Ladies Aid.
We have a fine assortment of
rugs for any room in the house at
popular prices. Moore & Addison
Furniture Co., Independence.
H. Parker is erecting a new hog
pen this week.
If you sre in need of a heater it
will be worth your while to call and
look over our line before purchas
ing. Moore & Addison Furniture
Co., Independence
Miss Rose Smith and her mother,
Mrs. John Smith of Mistletoe, left
Wednesday for a visit at Nampa,
Men's Hat Special
If you wear size 6 or 7 you
should throw away your old hat
and buy a new one, for we will sell
you one of best-quality felt for
only , $1.98
Colors brown, navy, nutria.
A Big Value in Brown Muslin
Our share of a recent quantity-purchase of fine
brown muslin in assorted short lengths la offered
to you at an exccpt'onally low price. You will
find many uses for this in the home.
19c per yard
A Corset Sale
Udy Louise, brocade:!, elastic
top, flesh color, latest model,
four hose supporters. Sites 19 to
26, an extra good value at
Men's Winter Weight Work Shoes
Here is a value which you will find it hard to duplicate.
Men's heavy black or brown elk, extra heavy double nailed
sole, unlined, upper sewed to vamp with three rows of
stitching. Sizes 6 to 10. Price $5.20
Another Opportunity for the Men
We are giving you unusual values In men's cotton, and
wool-mixed panU. All good patterns in gray stripes.
Many of them represent better wearing values than overalls
at prices asked. $3.25, $3.35 $3.65, $4, $4.25
Monmouth, Oregon
Seven Storee
Monmouth, Salem, Newberf, Yamhill, McMitmville, Sheridan and Dayton
Auction Sale near Lewisville
Being about to leave the country the undersigned will sell atauation
on the Bronson place, one half imle north of Lewisville school house,
and 8 miles south of Dallas, on Friday, Oct. 29
commencing at 10 a. m., the following described property Horses
Brown mare 10 yr, old, wt. 1700; Brown mare, 9 yr. old, wt 1450,
Bay mare, 10 yr old wt, 1600; White horse, 10 yr old, wt 1200; Sor
rel horse, 9 ryoldwt 1100; Good saddler, gentle for chilrden; Team
of bay Belgians, wt 1600 1 3 Head of Cattle
Consisting of 6 milch cows 2 Jersey Holsteins, 2 Jersey Guernseys,
1 Jersey, 1 Jersey, Brown Swiss, a 2year old steer, 4 2 year old heifers
bred; 1 7 month Guernsey heifer; a 4 month old heifer. 2 Billy goats
1 ewe, 1 buck sheep Hogs
0. 1. C. boar, 3 O. I. C. sows, 2 Poland China sows, ;9 O. I. C. shoats
J. I. Case 9 18 tractor, No 78 Oliver tractor plow, Warren-Detroit
automobile, 31 John Deere wagon, as good as new, Light wagon, Old
Deering binder; Deering mower; Milwaukee rake, John Deere disc
with broadcast seeder attainment, 2 P. & 0..'14in walking Jplows,
Van Brunt double dis:'drill, Spike tooth harrow, Tractor go-devil, 12
tooth cultivator, Hay rack, Hay carrier and 150 ft steel cable, Old
wood rack, Sharpless cream separator No2, Scalding vat, 2 sets work
harness, Some plow harness, Set double driving harness, Saddle and
bridle, 2 steel bbls partly full of tractor oil and distillate, a
lot of orchard toxej, 160 rds. barb wire, 120 egg incubator, About 20
tons hay, Some vetch, Some householJ goods, and numerous oMier arti
cles. Free lunch at noon Ering your cups
Terms, over $25, eight months at eight per cent.
Len B. Fishback of Eugene, on
his way to Hillsboro to perform a
wedding ceremony, stopped off here
between train times and visited his
sister, Miss Ina Fishback.
You are vitally interested in Or
egon having a port equal to any
port on the Pacific Coast. Initia
tive measure No. 310 on the ballot
to be voted in November will pro
vide Cregon with such a port . The
cost will be borne by the people of
the Port of Portland but all of the
state must vote on it. Vote 310
Yes on the ballot on November
second. adv.
Armistice Day Celebration
November 11th at the Armory
h mm wmmmmw ;
For Sale
7 Room house, 4 lots, barn and
chicken house, on paved street.
Price $2,000.
8 Room house, modern conveni
ences. Lot 82jxl65. Barn Chick
en house and park. Located on
Main street, close in and is desira
ble property.
10 ares of land, all in cultiva
tion, good house and barn, J mile
to city limits, an ideal home' Price
7 room house. Plastered, cly
water and lights. 2 lots. Located
on East street, for $1200. Terms.
8 room house, 5 lots. Fruit for
family use. City water and elec
trie lights. Fine location. Price
$1500.00. Good terms.
G. T. Boothby.
Strong Evidence
Is the State ment of this Salem Woman
Backache is often kidney ache; A
common warning of serious kidney
ills. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine'
Don't delay use Doan's Kidney
Pills. Profit bv this nearby resi
dent's experience. Mrs. Emily Ed
wards, 1108 . 13th St., Salem Ore.,
says:, "I couldn't speak too highly
in praise'of Doan's Kidney Pills for
I have never found anything equal
to this old, reliable kidney inedicine
for regulating the kidneys e
stopping backache. I am only too
glad to tell others who are subject
to backache, as I used to be, that
Doan's Kidney Pills are very relia
ble and effective for that trouble.
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Edwards had. "Foster
Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
At the. Ace Garage is on
The rest of this week and all of next
This is your chance to get that good
used Ford you have been waiting for
It's A Cut to the Limit
Every Car Guaranteed
Do Not Delay
ACE GARAGE, Independence, Oregon
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