The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, May 21, 1920, Image 6

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    I Vail Paper and
Paint ,
Spring Time Nectssilits
Perkins' Pharmacy
If we haven't got it
we'll get it Ask m
Elmer Eexford. a former resi
dent, his wife and son from Albany
were guests of his ? uncle, A. N
Halleck Thursday.
C.H.Howell of Walla Walla,
who has spent the past year in Ban
don, is visiting with his brother, J.
W. Howell.
I. G. Davidson of Portland was
a business visitor in Monmouth
. Wm. Hall who is occupying the
Hall property, was a visitor
in Salem Saturday.
Sir. and Mrs. J. Bailey of Jeffer
son visited relatives here Sunday.
0. A. Wolverton has spent sever
al days this week on the trail of
the festive voter.
Tei Puchannan of Seattle was a
visitor this week with his sisttr,
Mrs. Frank Hinkle.
Mrs. L. C. Robinson has bought
the Cornwell house on Broad street,
consideration $250. I
Ira C. Powell was a business vis
itor in Sherwood and Portland or.
Friday last.
John Gardner, traveling agent
of the S. P. was a visitor in Mon
mouth Tuesday on the rounds inci
dental to business.
Our Bargain Col
Binder for Sale Having two
binders with use for one we offer
the other for sale, a Deering, in
good shape. H. B. Thompson &
Sons. . "
The Fordson i? a clean cut,
High class piece of Machinery
And Powerful
It has no Equal
$850 F. 0. B. Detroit
Ace Garage
Houses and Lots
Houses with one acre. Houses
with larger tracts. Very reasonable
in price. See Moran.
For Sale -Year old Barred Rock
0. A. C. Rooster. Inquire at Her
ald offic?.
Wanted -Six Buff Leghorn hens;
also like to rent. small gar
den in Monmouth for cash rent.
Albert E. Alderman, Parker, Ore.
Bx 262.
Bigger Wood Saw
I have a new C horse power en
gine and a larger saw and am pre
pared to saw your wood in country
or town. Phone or leave orders at
P, H. Johnson's.AL. Stimpson.
Harold Howell of Bandon, Ore
gon, who perhaps it the most adver
tised young man . in the state of
.Oregon, is a visitor in Uiis city this
weeK. wiin nis miner, u. tioweii,
he is staving at J. W. Howell'i, the
latter being brother an! uncle of
the two.
J. S. Frime took the fellow-craft
degree in the Masonic lodge in In
dependence Wednesday night and
a number of the local brethren went
over to witness the ceremony.
C. C. Mulkey hat concluded he
'has live J in rented houses long
enouh and has bought the house
recently vacated by J. E. Larson
ownel by Riddell Brothers. The
Mulkeys have been living in it for
the past week.
I Peter Cornwell, now located
! Sherwood, hasacousin in that town
nameJ Hcover who is a second cou
sin of the Herbert Hoover whose
name is so frequently met with in
the public prints.
A. N. Poole, wife and three sons
Cecil, Alvin and lewis attended the
Evange'kil conference in Tort'and
and from there went to Banks
where they visited with Mrs. W. T
Sellers and family.
The small ton and daughter of
Frank Strong of Linnton, are visit
ingwith their grandparents Mr
and Mrs. Stror.g of Monmouth, and
will likely stay for the surr.mer,
Mrs. Neal of Turner is visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Ed
wards. -
G. T. Boothby and wife visited
their daughter, Mrs. W. McCreadie
in Corvallis Sunday.
Mrs. M. J. Kitchen of Albany is
the guest this week of her daugh
ter, Mrs. F. R. Bowersox.
There was no session of the coun
cil Tuesday night because of lack of
quorum. Councilman- Hampton
was indisposed and Mr. Chesebro
was absent from the city. Accord-
uigly an adjournment was taken to
Tuesday night of next week.
Pomona Grange meets ' with the
local lodge next Saturday. The af
ternoon program will be open to all
and there will be numbers by the
girls' quartet of the Normal and by
the training school girls. Two
papers by Pomona Grange members
will also be presented.
A number of Monmouth people
attended the Sunday School conven
tion at Lewisville last Sunday after
Evangelical Church Note
Sunday, May TS. Morning wor
ship at 11. Subject: "A vision of
otlr present and future state' as.
children of God". Text, Eph.
1: 15-20.
Evening worship at 8. Subect:
"The Hut and Palace' experience".
Text, Rom. 7: 5, 6.
Sunday School at 10. Christian
Endeavor at 7:15. Prayer service,
Wednesday, 8 p. m.
On Thursday, May 27, under the
direction of the Ladies' Aid, the
church i? to be cleaned,' to which we
invite all who can to come and help.
The members of the Evangelical
church had their annual meeting
last Wednesday evening. The fol
lowing business was transacted:
The local budget oi $863 was ac
cepted. Church to be cleaned next Thurs
day. Mother's Day, Sunday, June 6.
Children's Day, June 27.
Old People's Day, October 31.
Picnic, some day in July, to be
announced definitely ere long.
Four special socials are to be held
at the following places: Edwards',
Heffley's, Nott's and Winegar's.
Baptism second Sunday in July.
Sunday and Wednesday evening
services to begin at 8jp. m. Wood
for the year was arranged for.
Church to be painted,
'. 'i ' -t i
: Ira Williams says
Time to look your mower
The General Blacksmith and Horse shoer
. E. M. Elbert and family journey
ed to Falls City Sunday to tee the
progress being made with the grav.
ity system. While in Falls City
the called on Mr. Ebbert'a aunt
Mrs. E. A. LeDow. He reports th
intake about done and apparently
splendidly adapted for the work In
Herbert Powell spent the week
end in Eugene with his brother.
The late W. Neal waa one of
Sheridan't troopera in the civil war
and had many thrilling experience
as a cavalry man. In 1918 he at
tended the fiftieth anniversary
the Battle of Gettysburg being fa
survivor of the forces contending
on that field in 1SG3. He jokingly
told of his experiences at the reun
ion, how he went over the fi
looking for landmarks that might
be recognized and found the ravine
where he had dismounted from his
horse and a little farther on thr-
identical hole he had made in the
ground with his nose when stretch
ed out flat he tried to escape being
a target for the rebel bullets.
Lewisville Convention
The officers elected for the Lewis
ville Sunday School District la-.t
Sunday at the convention held in
inemurcnai Lewisville were ss
follows: President-W. C. Wil
liams; Vice-president E. A. Ted
row; Secretary-Treas. Emery
Whitacre; Home Department-Mrs
Victor Ballantyne; Supt. Cradle
Roll Dept. Mrs. Ed Lehman; Supt
Boys' Dept.-Dell Tedrow; Supt
Girls' Dept.-Mrs. Chloe Seymour
The convention was well attend
ed and one new feature marked the
afternoon. This was the meeting
of separate Boys' and Girls' Con
xerences. so well pleased were
bofh the special conferences that
officers were elected in each session
and plans were laid for similar con
ference at future Conventions.'
The officers in the Boys' Confer
ence are: President Melford Nel
son; Secretary Mr. Osborne. "The
Girls' Conference decided upon the
following young ladies as their
officers: President Miss Roxie
Crook; Secretary-Miss Bernice
Dog-whlppers, bulldog burn
ers, pig-breakers, beetle-cutters,
and worm-trimmers sound like
extremely cruel Individual ;
though, a a matter of fact, they
follow perfectly Innocent voca
tions in metal mining and manu
facturing. Mule-taming, In com
parison, would appear a mild,
If puzzling, Job to those Ignor
ant of the existence of mule
which are not quadrupeds but
in Important part of the machin
ery In the cotton and woolen In
dustries. . . . i ,
A man might reasonably be
reluctant to engage In certain
trades If he paid too much at
tention to the names of some of
the people In them. Be might
shun the acquaintance of slash
ers, twisters, and even of
slayers In the textile manufnet
ore; of sluggers and blunders
(boot trade), of deadlng men
and wlpers-out (glass trade), of
bumpers (textile engraving),
(hat-making), punchers (cocoa),
scratcher (lamps), spltters
(needles), tingle-makers (nails),
and rippers (coal mining).
Similarly, It would be wrong
to refuse our confidence to graft
ers, hot-air men, and Jolliers
(none of whom have any connec
tion with stories of American
crooks), of to buekers, gnsscrs,
nobblers, and underhand plck
lers. They all play a harmless
part In the Industry of their
country; and their technical
names, when misunderstood,
give a totally false Impression
of their characters.
. . " i
Peculiar Cause of Celibacy.
Celibacy Is almost unknown among
the Mordvlns, and when It does occur
It Is nearly always the result of a vow,
especially In places where Russian In
fluence Is strongvSometlmes a girl I
not married in consequence of a vow
to a deity If hail, for Instance, has
ruined the crops or some misfortune
has befallen the family. Such young
women are termed the "wife l the
hall king,"" '
Where Platinum I Found.
Platinum is recovered rjrlnelDally
from the beds of streams, the particles
having been deposited there through
erosion of large rocks, classified geo
logically as "tertiary conglomerates."
The platinum grains are found with
gold, the proportion varying from 5
to 60 per cent of platinum, The two
metals are recovered by washing the
Another Royal Suggestion
From the New Royal Cook Book
THERE is an art in
making flapjack pan
cakes, griddle cakes or
wheats, call them what
you will But it is an art
very easily and quickly
acquired if you follow the
right recipes.
Here are some recipes
for a variety of breakfast
cakes that will make
grandmother envious. The
secret, of course, is Royal
Baking Powder.
Royal Hot Orlddle Cakes
S eip Sour
U tMipoon Mlt
4 teupootuj Moral Diking
U cum milk
1 Ublnpoou shortening
II ix and sift dry ingredi
ents? add milk and melted
h shortening; beat wtH. Bake
oa slightly greased not grid
die. Oriddle Cakes with Eggs
i eat Soar "
U tMlpOOR ult
I twupoon Rorkl Diktat
I Off
M eiipi milk
1 Ubloapooa abort tnlng
Mix and sift dry ingredi
ents; add beaten eggs, milk
ad melted shortening: mix,
well Bike immediately on
hot griddle.
Absolutely Pun
Buclrwhtlt ClkH '
ItuM surkwkaal Sow
tup dour
t.xpoono Roral Bakhut
I talllMPOO moluM
J lablr.pooa iborlealng
Sift together Roar biking
powder and salt; add liquid,
molaiiri and melted short
ening; brat three minutes,
Bake on bot greased griddle.
I nipt flour
4 toutMont Rojal Btklafl
V tMMpuon Mil
1 cup milk
1 uiiiMpooa melted shorten.
Sift flour, hiking powaVf
and salt together: add milk
to yolks of egtij mix thor.
oughly and add to drr in
gredients; add melted short
ening and mix In betten
whites of eggs. Bike In well
mud hot waffle Iroa un
til brown. Serve hot with W
, I. .I.....IJ 1
mapi ivnip. uwm
about Itf minutes to bske
each waffle,
iw efal Cook tool
of other (aHiMfwl
loH. Writ (or It
tor at, a (Tiro wwwaoo,
"Bake with Royal and be Sure"
' If they insist
Let others experiment
, f You buy a Fordson
Its dependabillity
and Long Life
are proven
Buy your Fall Fordson now.
ACE GARAGE, Independence, Ore.
i ' -
' .''.
Work Gloves That Satisfy
, Gloves for the workingman nowadays musl have
good qualities. They musl fit well, the leather muft not
be too he&vy, and should be very pliable to- meet the
requirement;-;, of the men handling modern machinery,
We belive you will find the gloves of the famous
make, mosl perfectly adapted to. your needs.
A shipment is jus! in. , '" :' , ...
Miller Mercantile Company
; Seven popular Storon
Monmouth, Salem, Nowbtrg, Yamhill, McMinnville, Sheridan and Dayton
sand and gravel of itreams,