SYN0PSU OF THE ANNUAL ITATEMFNT OP THt UNITED BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, Limited o( toondnn, I inland, In lh Klni'liini nf Ornnl llrlfalii. nn th llilrty- f rat duy of I Hitter. I , I Ill (jlH IliaUralll t'oiltllllaaloiiar of tlia Mint uf Oregon, nurauant to law: i CAPITAL Amount of capital clock paid up f 400.C39.00 INCOME JM n niliinia Ni-rlvod during- th v. tnuint, dividend and r tit iidivMj durliiH llw ynr,. sa.lMla IiicwiiM from oilinr uum , Total Incom inmlntl during tlic ir...,. I J0J.MH.7I , 1 1,1M,S. OISOUMSKMENTI Nut Inaaoa paid during tin year Inrludlu adjiiatmcnt fi- pinian -... .... I 700171 17 ptvliiomla inlil on iiipiliil alixk durln. tin y'r....I, ' sou t'oniinlaalolia anil aa'arlra 'i ij dunna lit yar, it! 170 Uf , Taaaa, Ii i'iiaia and ( paid during Ilia nr,.,..... Ill 120 M Amuuiit of all ollmr vaui'iidltiii lit Iiai7 Total apantflturai ASSETI Valiw of rl fatal nwnod tmsrkat valur) , Valua nf atiMka unit butiil owned tmarktt valuul ' Uiaiia nn iiuirigama and n.Ht.rl, t, Caalt Itt Imiiaa and tilt Inmd..................,..,.. Otnor ai ., . ,..,. ....... ', ",'" 11 viiKiinia In tvurao of tolloitlon wrltim atti'tlo" N)i"n'i bvr Intend and roil dun mid i:nrucd..Jr.,Zl..HZ Total mm , Li i ai.rr.l .1. foa'ta in any attii nf any Uit'll Tin") Total aiatta aJmiltod In Oregon ' LUilLITIil Off ''loin f"r tow unpaid r. , Amount ut iimnimii pr urn on nil oulalundinil MakaJ Dll for O'illllnlaainll l,d hrnk.ii-n All ollnr hnii.tiina .. ..... i,toi, . I 1)00 l,l:7,!(,oo Q.'ai il.f 1 !,2''1.W 14fi,HI.l4 il, II llll 1,.M,I9.) 171.151. (t g.SlHI OU 3 1 .not), hu 4S.17S.7I 10,112.1) ' MSU.HI 4JT.M Total llabilitlai, oacluilva of capital dock of I BUSINESS IN OREOON FOP, TMfc'YEAR Hut trtlum during-, lh yr I ia N).tl dmli.K Ilia yaar, ' Lma iiiturti'il dm in- th yi ar........... J. '. P. slrwrut i;iiimiiii, Inc., II. H." MtV'tiL I'MTVO tttllTlHH IKal'lUKC-l COMPAN X , Ltd. C. P. 8lrl. 1' c. II. tJrdii, Smmuit SUUtt'iry riaiili ni aiti.riwy for 'trvlr: O. W, DaviUun, laaloy A Company, Portland, Dragon, , VNOH OF TMI ANNUAL ITATSMENT OF THI IDAHO STATE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Jlolao, in Id Hint of Idaho, nn Hi tlilrly.firat daj' nf nc-:mlif, im, tiiada to Hie Iniunuita Coinnillalonar of tlio hluto of Otoaon, purauant to law: CAPITAL , Amount of cjrIUI Hock pud np ... ., .1 (00,000.00 INCOMI . Totnl prtimium Itn inn fur iho yiwt .,..,. ..,.... (iLios 3t lnlr. i. disul. mla and n ut rrvBivnd liurlnn llw yur en'71!i.7 1 liitiwii (torn titlur ').n eta r calvod during Hie y" , JtJ.tliS U Total lncomi r DISOUR8EMINTI Paid f;ir Ifiaai. uidnwraint, imulllu and Ivtrrondrr valui-a i i 4 j Jl.Vl.l tu inlr)hlll.. r etui 1111 lIlO yii". ZI, lill"iid paid iiii 1'noitnl atn.k diirtnit tlia )r i'.iii..i.l,ni. ai.d Minrw pm ijurma tlio yi.r Tiun. iii'onara nd li.a ..u.l durina Um yi.r-.T .,, Ainuuut of ail ollmr iiniidimrt. t 73,MO.M U7.J01 it ;,.! nniif !15,i'S7 ft) n.;i 2t t'.!Mll Total iitpandituroi 4l.72t.7l 12S.27 127 etz si MM 117 M !l!.7i l.ftl7T Valua of rt tlta tnvnat) linarM valui') , Valu nf ai.ka ui.U bond owuid (niarki'l or amortuwl VltW) M , S 1.0tl Oil lliiiHi and rnitalrnJ, elt7 Ulil'II, Z.ZIZ I'ffiiiltjin riHi-a find y loaiui..w , ..., Caah In buiska and nn hnnd Z S Nn uni'ollmlid nd ! .t r.-d pnsiiilmn .Z'ZZLJl lnl'rt and tt! dint and aoi'Mid L Uilnvr aota in"i .... i Total aauta .,. , 1,S0M)4t.M Ui i pwii In any ttit (If any thorn bu)...l O.oo Tot4l aaaali dmlttad In Ortgon ,, 1,305,!a2.M ' LIABILITIES . Not KMl-at , W5.MI.C4 Oro claim fur lna unpaid n.mi All otlwr liabllitlo 17I.M7.U Total llabllltioB, eacluilvo of t.ipitAl itotk fof I 1,083,901.17 BUSINESS IN OREOON FOR THE VEAR urn prmitiina rwuivul. ditrlnir ihn ynor Hh-mliniia mid itmpim irturmki durlii Ui yir wv""' imim uumia inp ypnr...,M, ,,. IDAHO BTATB I.II-E lKHUIlANfK't'OMPANT iMIM 31.000.oo Edw, 8. Clmdwltk, Vlai-Prldnt Suiutury naidrtit attortny fur rvloi Will M. Ptraon, Pendleton, Oregon Qto. U. Wood, Bocrnay INTERGriLT.CII WORLD MOVEMENT liiEECTOB FOB SILBW.TAKE01IS FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN NineiWn Protestant Churches of Oregon Are Associated In the Project, Which' Has a 1920 Campaign Budget Of $336,772,572. , L s Vl' 1 ll ill kll . uv.j. .x.i av a! LYMAN L. PIERCE Director Central of the United Simultaneous Financial Campaign of the Inter. I . ', . . lkf.U ft . y ,i, i. ; . ?, unuru.i vvoriu iviuvsmcnx, ' . . There are at least 60,000,000 young lieople ot school age in China for whom Ihore are at 1 present no educational facilities at all. Included In the pro gram of the Interchureh World Move ment which will be explained at the conference to be held In this county early In April are five universities In China each Involving the cooperation of from four to six denominations, In no part of China Is there a med leal force at all adoquato to' the needs of the situation, In one province thort Is but one doctor to five millions ol people, and missionaries living In lone ly stations must travel many days tt procure medical help in casa of need The program of the Interchurcl World Movement, based on a carefu survey, will include the strenBthenlnj COUNTY CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN APRIL Interchureh . World Movement to Send Big "Team" Here. TO SHOW RESULTS OF SURVEYS All Local Protestant Churches Co-opsr. ting In Movement Will Be Represents!, Early In April the Interchureh World Movement will hold Its conference Id this county. Representative re now being selected by the local Protestant Churches of donoralnallons saaoclsted with the movement, and from present reports the attendance at the confer encs will number well Into lh bun dreds. In addition to the represent tlves selected by th churches, the conference will be open to all church members and friendly cltlsens who wlah to sttend. The meeting place probably will be th county seat, and the attendsnc will be composed of th membership of th Protestant churches of the county. The conferences will last one day only. During that dsy will be present ed the whole program of th Inter church World Movement for promoting co-operation In missionary and general church activities among th Protestant churches. Time will lo ba given to discussion of the local problems re vealed by the Interchureh Movement's survey of religious conditions through out the United Stales. This county conference will be just one of the 2000 odd to be held through' out the United States on approximate ly the same dates. No 8ldestpplng of Problem. : It will be, tt Is said, a very excep tional county that does nut heir some mora or less unpalatable truths con- .ernlng unchurched areas, or wasteful :ompetitlon, or underpaid and lb lenttj preachers. Not many counties, It Is stated, are able to show an aver ik ministerial sslary higher than th iveraga for the whole United States, which Is 1937, while barely one third 3t the entire Protestant population of the United States, according to esti mates made by the Interchureh turvey, has an opportunity for regular church tttendance. . , Besides a full consideration of local problems, the program at the county .onferonro will present the outstand ing reaults of the world-wide survey of religious, social and economlo condl tions made by the Interchureh Move tnont, the material for whioh haa been galhered from every corner of the earth. Special emphasis will also be laid on the place ot prayer in Christian life, the Importance of assisting young people In the right choice of their life work and the duty of laying aside a definite proportion of Income for re ligious purposes., Lsntern slides will be freely usod to Illustrate the various addresses. The conference will ba managed by local committees, and the various top ics under discussion wlil be handled by s team of from five to eight men and women, recogtflsed as church leaders In the county or state. This team, In addition to the local meetlngs.'wlll be responsible tor conducting the confer ences In seven other counties. Big Educational Campaign Prepared. This series of conferences repre sents only an Intermediate stage In a great campaign of intensive education In practical Christianity preparatory to the united appeal for missionary funds and workers which will be held by the Protostaut denominations co-operating In the Interchureh Movement between April 25 and May . The members of the team that will address the county conference were themselves trained as a "faculty" of, specialists in the various aspects of the Movement at a series of Btate and pastors' conferences. Sim ilarly, those who attend the county conference will In turn form a "fac ulty" for Interpreting the message of the Interchureh Movement to their lo cal churches. . Thua'lt Is expected that before April 20 the Ideal of church co-operation ad vocated by the Interchureh World Movement, In place of church com petition, and the program ot evangel isation that goes with It, will be fa miliar to every one of the fifty million Protestants in the United States, EXTENSIVE SLIDE EQUIPMENT TO BE USED IN CONFERENCE Interchureh World nffloera havlno- tn charge the conference which will be held In tilts county early In April de clare the local church workers excep tionally fortunate, as the stornnntlciin slides and other apparatus used in the State PastorB' Conference In Oregon have been left for use in His raiintv conference. The slides in particular are said to be exceptionally Interest ing, covering very completely the re sults of the world-wide survey made by the Interchureh World Movement, as well as Illustrating conditions throughout the United States. .Slides to Illustrate hymns which were used in the State Pastors' Con ference by the New York "team" also have been left for use of the oounty conference, All in all, It Is said that the equipment afforded for this county will equal that, used at any of th atate conferences. An experienced operator with highgrade lantern equip ment will accompany the team. INE ful THE OLD Ef TOINKBOBT "' JOHN D. PLAYS GOLF ON 81ST BIRTHDAY J ?7a s: , ii,a"g) , ON THE DOTTED LIKE. PLtASE! America's richest man, John D. Rockefeller of Standard Oil, has Just celebrated his 81st blrthdsy. He played a round of golf at his winter home st Ormond Beach. Fla., wh"re thw in new pic. MlWI. hit. Siti. ,...,. t, V -'t feTO THE STRETCH FOR HIS LIFE GOAL NEW WAIST FOR WEAR WITH THAT SPRING SUIT 4 3. H. Sanders of Louisiana Is on the last lap ot his life goal a seat In ihe U. S. Senate. He has come up through political offices, claiming now as be starts the race that he has speaking acquaintance with! 60,000 of his state's 75,000 voters. He Is former governor, , This is the waist and blouse season, The. first thought of a spring suit means that milady will want all that is new and dainty in waists to wear with it. On the left is the ever-popular salmon georg ette with its bib front beaded in very attractive design. The plain georgette next to it has the semi-low roll neck, but its tunle skirt is caught gracefully with a band of velvet at the waist. The two waist at the right are In organde, the frilled collar and short vestee featur ing the first while the elaborate front on the other la a panel of Val enciennes lace.