The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, January 16, 1920, Image 5

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Oil ) KwiioUlwt tplul tun irlw ill Iki mrmm
I mjutfrr tiul apwlml KM., ill tk. mlelwU Mil .null;
Mil nun .1 th. romauui M lip II lh .wlrf ! Hrint
l tb ptonagl itNMlrtlrtM n M ill kan la ifcir
-JAMKS J. Ill I J-
The Successful Farmer
Raises Bigger Crops
-and cuts down costs by investment in
labor-saving machinery.
Good prices for the farmers' crops en
. courage new investment, more production
and greater prosperity.
But the success of agriculture depends
on the growth of railroads the modern
beasts of burden that haul the crops to
the world's markets.
The railroads like the farms increase
their output and cut down unit costs by
the constant investment of new capital.
With fair prices for the work they do,
the railroads arc able to attract new capital
for expanding their facilities.
Rates high enough to yield a fair return
will insure railroad growth, and prevent
costly traffic congestion, which invariably
results in poorer service at higher cost.
National wealth can increase only as our
railroads grow.
Poor railroad service is dear at any
price. No growing country can long pay
the-price of inadequate transportation
, flub ahwlbrmenl k publidlicd by ike
fkou itiirinf information awwrninf Ike railroad titu
sfion fiay stow literatim by uritinf to Tki Auocia
Hon RaHuay EttnUim, It llraadvuii, New York.
Principal Events oi the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
t-T"mg'irl'r "'y M,',w'V'TTtt! m
Biliousnes L
117HEN you have a bilious attack your liver fails
j if to perform its functions. You become con-
etipated. The food you eat ferments i:i your
stomach instead of digesting. - This inflames the
stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible
headache. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They will
one up your liver, clean out your stomach and you
will soon be as well as ever. There is nothing better.
Italian Prune Trees
A few more thousand in all grades which
we'are offering at special discounted prices
for a limited time. Also grafted Franquette
walnuts, and other fruit trees, grapes, ber
ries, etc, r' 1
Lafayette, Oregon
ItniUF WtoMMIM, CniMH.
itVC Relreibint and HeHn
Lnilnn-Murlne for R
ness. Soreness, Granulf
UIR tTtJof the
" IWnM" kum IM MovM. A
will win vour confldene. .All
1 Murine Kys Bwntdy 6itibiM9
Monmouth Grange 476
Meets the Second Saturday in Each
Month a( 10:30 A. M.
Public Program at 2:30 p. m. to which
visitors are welcome.
, P. 0. Powell, Master.
Miss Maggie Butler, Sec.
Eugene will have an army store of
III own In a short time. ,
Eugene building permits tn 1911
mule a gain of 400 per cent over the
1918 record.
Revenues from the state Insurance
department for the rear 1919 totaled
Damage done to Umatilla count
roads by the recent floods and wash
outs Is estimated at 125,000.
In Mnn county, during 1919, there
wero 223 marriage licenses Issued and
only 10 divorce decrees granted.
Mrs. Mary A. 8lmpton, a resident of
Linn county for 61 years, died at bar
home In Albany, aged (0 years.
Oregon was second among the states
of the Union In the. sale of treasury
savings certificates for November.
Members of the Northwestern So
ciety of HI'hway Engineers held their
annual meeting In Salem Friday night.
Rev, Edward Ulttins, a well known
pioneer Methodist minister, died at the
borne of his daughter in Salem, aged
TO years.
The bond Issue providing $50,000 for
water works and 120,000 for a city
hall carried at Rainier by a vote at
135 to 32. . '
More than 100 applications for real
estate licenses have been received at
the office of the state Insurance com
A total of 1226,000.36 waa paid Into
the slate treasury aa inheritance tax
by the estate of the late Henry U Pit-
lock of Portland.
Fall wheat In the Weston vicinity is
looking excellent and has not been
damaged by the frost, according to re
ports from that section.
Nearly 100 Filipino students from
Corvallls, Philomath and other sections
of the state gathered at Salem and en
joyed the annual banquet
Damaged trestles, due to high water,
are responsible for the uncertain train
service between The Dalles and Friend,
on the Great Southern railroad.
Seventy breeders of purebred stock
from all sections of Linn county met In
Albany and formed the Linn County
Purebred Livestock association.
December cargo shipments of lumber
from the Columbia were exceptionally
light In that period 27 Teasels loaded
a total of 21,535,984 feet of lumber.
The total oash receipt of the Oregon
supreme court for the year 1919 war
19160.98. During the year 1918 the
court received from all sources 19322.
According to announcement Just
made, the Methodist church at Rose-
burg will begin the erection of a t25,
000 church edifice early In the aprlng.
Out of the 1066 homesteads filed tn
the Sluslaw reservation, only 133 are
occupied by the original owners, 634
having been deserted and 299 changing
At a meeting In Medford a number
of Republican women formed a Gen
eral Leonard Wood club and will sup
port him in the presidential primary
campaign. ,
Miss Catherine Beekley, graduate of
the University of Pennsylvania, has
been appointed an instructor In the de
partment of zoology at the University
of Orogon.
With a membership of leea than 60,
the Christian Missionary alliance of
Hood River has durlng'the past year
given $245 toward Armenian and
Syrian relief.
Members of the Oregon supreme
court prepared and banded down a
total of 301 opinions during the year
1919, aa against 336 opinions during
the year 1918.
There was one fatality in Oregon due
to accidents during the week ending
January 1, 1920. The victim was W.
H, Shaver, a logger, whose home ad
dress Is Seattle. '
The Oregon Jersey Cattle club has
gone on record aa favoring a special
representative of the American Jersey
Cattle club with permanent headquar
ters on the coast.
The unusual' situation of a. woman
presiding over a grange will prevail
In Linn county this year. Mies Bertba
J. Beck haa been elected master of
Callamette grange.
T. Q. Hendricks, pioneer merchant
and banker of Eugene and first re
gent of the University of Oregon, who
died a short time ago, left property
valued at $416,000. ?
The Salem Salesmen's league, organ
ized at Salem recently, haa received
the Indorsement of the local commer
cial club and will become affiliated,
with that organization,
Investigation of the rural dantt Balls
near Salem Is to be taken up by the
present grand Jury because of many;
complaints that have been made te
garding their management. . , H
The building of the Warren Coopera
tive warehouse store at Warren. e
nearlng completion, and will soon be
ready for occupancy. The association
will supply all Its members with goods
The serond train wreck within
week occurred at Toledo, when a
freight engine crashed Into a string of
freight cars, smashing the ermine and
throwing the cars from the track.
Postmaster T. A. Reeves of Hood
River reports that the mall bandied at
that office during 1919 for outgoing
trains and for local delivery exceeded
that of any past year by 60 per cent
While playing battle with a gun
thought unloaded, Glen Fisher, 8 year-
old son of Henry Fisher of Leona, was
shot and perhaps fatally wounded by
the 12-year-old son of William Currier.
Fruit and berries In the Wllllamette
valley were not damaged seriously by
the recent cold weather, in opinion
of W. R. Scott manager of the Puyal-
lup a Sumner Valley Fruit association.
Because of the eleventh-hour rush It
will be Impossible for the secretary cf
slate to mail all 1920 motor vehicle
license plates for which applications
have been received before January 15.
Work has been resumed ' at the
Qchoco dam after a short shutdown on
account of the deep snow. There Is
reported deep snow In the mountains,
insuring plenty of water for irrigating
In this section.
Lumbermen of Klamath county re
port that more than $5,000,000 worth
of merchantable timber has been ruin
ed In that section by the western pine
beetle since they first made their ap
pearance three years ago.
A preliminary estimate of the pro
duction of metals in Oregon in 1919,
compiled by the United States geo
logical survey, shows a decrease In the
gold and lead produced, but an In
crease in the sliver and copper.
O. V. Skclton of Corvallls, profes
sor of highway engineering at Oregon
Agricultural college, was elected presi
dent of the Northwestern Society of
Highway Engineers at the annual
meeting of the society In Salem.
Howard W. Jeter of Port Orford, dep
uty sheriff of Curry county, lost his
life when a surfboat in which Jour
men were attempting to reach the bow
of the wrecked steamer J. A Chanslor
at the mouth of Sixes river, upset tn
the breakers.
Clatsop county has donated $500 to
the fund for paying the expenses of
two delegates who are to be sent to
Washington to urge the enactment at
this session of congress of a law ap
propriating $2,600,000 for the construc
tion of the proposed Roosevelt high
way. Preparatory to Installation of a mu
nicipal light and water system, the
city of Roseburg, through Its officials,
filed with the state engineer an appli
cation for water rights and approxi
mately 1000 feet per second of water
'rom the North Umpqua at a point
known as Whistler's bend.
Contracts thus far awarded for fur
nlsblng supplies for the several state
Institutions for the first six months
of the year 1920 Indicate that the
prices quoted for the various com
modities are from t to 10 per cent
higher than when the previous bids
were opened In June, 1919.
Percy Cupper of Bal-m, state engi
neer; Whitney L. Boise of Portland,
and a third man to represent the in
terests of eastern Oregon, will leave
this week for Washington, where they
will attend a meeting of the executive
committee of the Western States Re
clamation association, which will open
there on January 14.
Senator McNary haa urged the com
mandant of the United States coast
guard service to establish a life-saving
station at Port Orford. In a letter
to Senator McNary, Willis T. White of
Port Orford asserted that the Uvea of
the 31 men who went down with the
tank steamer J. C. Chanslor two weeks
ago might have been saved.
A 2 mill tax on all the taxable pro
perty of the state to raise funds with
which to conduct the schools of Ore
gon probably will be proposed at the
special session of the legislature this
month, according to the members of
the Oregon County School Superin
tendents' association, which held Its
annual convention in Salem.
Statements purported to have been
made by an Indicted I. W. W. In Port
land to the effect that 75 per cent of
the men employed In road construc
tion work in Oregon are members of
the L W. W. are emphatically denied
In a letter forwarded by Roy Klein,
secretary of the commission, to Gover
nor Oicott in reply to a request for an
explanation of the charges.
Nets P. Sorenson, wealthy Portland
tlmberman, was fined $500 and set free
In that city by the six Judges of the
state circuit court sitting en banc fol
lowing the plea of his attorneys that to
enforce a sentence of six months' Im
prisonment Imposed by the municipal
court, following Sorenson s conviction
on a charge of having driven an auto
mobile while Intoxicated, would seri
ously Jeopardize his health..
The state highway commission, In
the construction of roads and bridges
during the year 1919 expended a total
of $6,811,335.32. A total of 381 mllea
of paving was under contract of which -j
163 miles have been completed. Ap
proximately 218 miles, or 43 per cent 1
remain unfinished. Of the 316 miles
of rocking and graveling contracted
107 miles have been completed. Grad
ing contracts awarded totaled 825
miles, of which 270 miles have been
completed. - ' " ' ' '
Monmouth Herald ,
Monmouth, Ore. Jan. 16, 1920
Page 5
Try The Salem Studio For
384 State Street
Representing the 1-
Fire Insurance Co.
of Philadelphia
Notary Public '
Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Etc.
HOUSE 1562
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The largest Fire Insurance Com
pany west of New York, and oth
ers; also Automobile, accident insu
rance and Surety Bonds.
Office and residence
Kurre Apartments
Phone 1903
says the Good Judge
Go to real tobacco
the small chew with
the rich tobacco taste
5 tliat lasts a long time.
I It will cot you less to
' chew than , ordinary
tobacco. Any man
who uses the Real
Tobacco Chew will
tell you that
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
I ,
Correct English
How to Uie It
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A Monthly Magazine '
For Progressive Men and Women
Business and Professional
Club-Women .Teachers Students
Ministers Doctors . Lawyers
and f"t all who wish to
Speak and Write Correct Er.gilsh.
Partial List of Contents-
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Helps. A fir.u ica.-Mu'Um
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Art of Conver.aii" ' ' 1
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Business English For the Ku. ...
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Correct English For the Auv .nc. :
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