The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, January 16, 1920, Image 4

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Monmouth Herald
Get Next to Comfort
Monmouth, Ore. Jan,
Vwe 4
IP, 1020
TaT V..
eteiQt MrP4U&AJI4i -COHXElOtf, 199-&' CgOPtX UNOtflWUB COMHN
We have just received another shipment of these garments from
the factory. You know their comfort and fitting qualities. There
is still more cold weather ahead of us. Come in and get yours.
Miller Mercantile Company
Six popular Stent:
Moomontk, Ntwberg, Yamhill, McMinnrille, Sheridan and Dayton
f BE Merchants
who advertise in
this paper will give
yon best values for
your lacney.
Come in
and pay that over
due subscription
Don't wait until tha
paper stops.
1919 A. B. 8., Inc.
if he's fine 6xtra Iarce. dark.
"Shuberr Wants Oregon Furs
And Will Pay These Extremely High Prices
JFwe, Dark 2S.00 to 20.00 1 18.00 to 15.0D 1 14.00 to 12JK) ( 10.00 to 8.00 i 10.00 to 500
KJtual Color 18.00 to 14.00 12.00 to 10.00 9.00 to 7 JO 7.C0 to 6.00 7.00 to 350
ICoast 1 12.00 to 10.00 1 9.00 to 7.50 7.00 to 6.00 1 5i0to 4,50 5.50 to 3 00
flJI h 3.751 m 2.751 2i0to 1.751 2i0to L5t
Fall 1 4.S01Q 3.751 3J0to 2.75 1 2i0to 2.001 1.75 to Uf 1.75 to 1.25 1
Black 15.00 to 12.00 11.00 to 9.00 1 8.50 to 8.001 7i0 to 7.00 1 7.00 to 8.50
Short 10.00 to 9.00 8.50 to 7i0 7i5to 6.75 6.50 to 5.50 6.00 to 3.00
Narrow 7.50 to 6.50 6i5to 525 5.00 to 4i0 4.00 to 3.50 3.50 to LS0
Broad I5.001o4.00l3i0to 3.00 2.75 to 2.25 2.00 to 1.50 1.50 to .75
fpi T-Ti ... . ' 1
. ..w sic uascu on me weu-Known SnUBKKi
liberal grading and are quoted for immediate shipment. No. 3, No. 4.
and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value. For quotations on
other Oregon Furs, write for " ftbtttrrrt fthlmirr" the only reliable
; ayaMw"wrePOrt PriC to itS kind p"bUshed
! K A shipment to "SHUBERT" will
result In more money ""quicker.'
mimrmuscuMwm tmim aamm tit
j l25-27iWAu$tinvi Depths Chicago, U.S.A.
Mrs, A. Bookey and Mrs. C. R.
Bookey a id s h;j vi it, .1 M n m uth
the first of the wro!.
T. J. leery h.'.s Ikvii un!er the
weather the wiek.
. Dr m h a pur-
W used, uiui will i pertte
i u w Ht'M. one of the lat
est anl nost scientific instrument
known t ) optical science, which as
sures hu p.unns of absolutely cor
rect ;Umos. This brings his stand
ard of ccin.irati.m up to ",-econd
to none" in the state. Don't fail
to have Dr. Thompson demonstrate,
and examine your eyes, with this
wonderful instrument. Next visit
Wednesday, January 21. Local Ho
tel all day. 2t
1 At the County Fair Association
meeting held in Dallas on Saturday,
January 10, P. O. Powell was elect
ed president for the ensuing year
and W. J. Stockholm, a director.
The time fcr the fair was placed
after the state fair, as the same
plan last year gave genera! satisfaction.
Miss Marion Sloop, a teacher in
Coos county and a former Normal
student, visited with her sister Eth
el at the Normal last week.
W. J. Stockholm was elected
manager of the Co-operative ship
pers association at a meeting last
week, succeeding G. T. Boothby
who declined to keep up the work
C. A. Nott, creamery cream
gatherer, is drivirig a new truck, a
Ford tru. k, to replace the old one
which has long since shown the
effect of its two years of hard work
The new truck has pneumatic tires,
a more convenient body and a bet
ter seat and cover than the old ma
chine possessed.
MiES Barbara Steinberg, who has
a fine position in the Portland Post
office, spent the week end at the
home of her father, W. H. Stein
berg. Miss Steinberg has charge
of the War Savings Stamps at the
Central Station Post Office and has
sold over $100,000 worth in the last
several months. She says that
there is now a marked increase in
the sale of the stamps.
Mr. McCann of Dallas is taking
the place of 1. T. Fream as section
boss while the latter is taking a rest
from active work.
At the recent state teachers' con
vention in Portland, Miss Arbuthnot
of the Independence schools was
elected secretary of .the Oregon
Council of Geography teachers.
L. P. Gilmore of the Normal Science
department was appointed by Supt.
Churchill as chairman of a commit
tee to rewrite the course in geog
raphy for the schools of the staK
Mr. Glimore invites criticisms and
suggestions from the laymen on
this topic. Any on who has bright
Pathe Records
J Supply of the Latest
JXCusical and Vocal
For Victor owners we have
a special needle with which
they can playalhe Records
Perkins' Pharmacy
If we haven't got it
we'll get it. Ask us.
HOME mZIlSc IftSi? V k
and original ideas concerning geog. about K. P. duty. The room in the
raphy instruction should not fall to roir of the In lepeidence Na'.ional
lay the same before Mr. G. j Cank, formerly used by tho enmpa-
Misa Beatrice Springsteen and ny i badly in need of cleaning.
Fred Boydston were married in Dal-1 Co. K has arveral new meml era
las New Year's day and left for, and many more are expected. The
Southern Colifornia on a honeymoon new equipment is fine
Mrs. George Ball died at her
home at Ballston, December 30.
U. S. Grant, better known as
General Grant is now mayor of
Dallas. He succeeds August Risser
who resigned becasue of the' pres
sure of private duties.
A. N. Halleck buys junk of all
kinds and pays highest cash
prices. tf
Kompany K
We have observed that one of
our newest recruits is wearing his
overcoat for other than military
purposes and believe us, it is fortu
nate for him hat our Captain lives
out of town for chances are we
would have the privilege of wit
nessing a court marshal in the near
future at his expense, if he had
been seen by the above mentioned
gentleman. The Captain distinctly
told the company that clothing or
any of the equipment was not to be
worn other than for military pur
poses under a penalty of recommen
dation for court marshal.
It seems that members of the
company and officers are working a
hardship on the reporter of this
column by their absence of news
items and we wish they would get
busy hereafter.
Co. Dentler of the U. S. Army
and Adjutant Geaneral Stafrin in
spected Co. K last Thursday night
in the annual inspectior and the
Company stood it will. A dinner
was given the inspecting officers be
fore the inspection began.
The men were instructed at Tues
days non com school to fasten
their shirt collars all the same way
For further particulars, report to
Serg. Dickson.
Cook Cox has sold out his share
of "The Palace" to J. B. Violette
and we presume he will now devote
more time in doping out fancy dish
es for our weekly feeds.
Sergeant Dickson announces that
Company K will stage another
smoker in about two weeks in an
effort to redeem itself in the eyes
of the dear public. This he means
to do by putting on a good card at
reduced prices. The last smoker
was not a success from the financial
point from all reports
The non com officer's training
school is proving to be a great sue
cess and the attendance is increas
ing each week. We observe a few
privates in attendance also. One
of our most efficient corporals, ' we
are informed, is , putting in every
spare minute in studying military
tactics which ought to send him up
the line in jig time. This no doubt
win De an incentive to otners to
follow in his footsteps. His name
will not be published.
Company K has a new basket ball
but aside from that nothing can te
said on this subject,
All members shortld be warned
Notice of Special School Meeting
Notice is hereby given, to the
legal voters of School District Num
ber 13, of folk County, State of
Oregon, that a Special School meet
ing of said District will be held at
the High fchool Building on Die
24th day of January 1920, at 2
o'clock in the afternoon for the pur
pose of authorizing the Board to
rebuild or dispose of the old Gvm
nasium, and the transaction of such
other business usual at such meet
ings. Dated this 7th day of Jan
uary, 1920.
O. A. Wolverton, Chairman
Mina Cornelius, Clerk
Jill IHMIIIH'J. 1 '11 HI. J.J. NJ1I - W
Our Bargain Column
LOST Gold watch and chain at
Rebekah Installation. Finder return
to Mrs. O. Butler.
Switches and Transformations
made to your order. Call on or ad
dress Mrs. II. C, Winter, Mon
mouth. 4t
WANTED Kldcrly man with
wife preferred to do light work on
modern poultry ranch. Address
M. E. Hnyles, Monmnuth,
Weanling pips for tale J. M. Mc
Donald. Phone 2405 2t
I have a few Barred Kock Roost
ers For Sale. O. A. C. LayingStrain.
$2.50 each, George Heck. 3t
Sharpless Cream
No. 3, Fine Condition.
Wincgar's or addiess
Sale Price $25.
Inquire at
J. Emerson,
The Monmouth Cooperative Ship
ping Association will save farmer's
money in the sale of, live stock. Ship
with us and cut out middleman's
profit. It you have stock to ship
notify G. T. Boothby, Mgr. tf
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loans at Ci perct.
If you need money this fall, file
your application now. Ixians made
in Polk, Yumhill, Marion, Benton
and Lincoln counties. For partic
ulars write to F. K. Piiiwekl, Sec
Treas. Dallas National Farm hum
Asuociiition, Dallas, Oregon.
A Good Building Material
and an everlasting building mater
ial at the same time.
The Tile Works at Monmouth la
making a hui'ding tile which will
make any kind of building from a
dwelling house to a pig pen cool in
summer and warm in winter, Es
pecially fine for your fruit, vegeta
ble and milk house.
We also have all kinds of drain
tile. Drain tile is your most ur
gent, reed. Get that wetland drain
ed. We will do your draining for you
if you wish, but do it your self If
you can. Central Tile Co,, Mon
mouth, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned as administrator with
the Will annexed of the estate of
Fannie L.Talkington, deceased, bst
filed his final account in the County
Court of the , State of Oregon for
Polk County, and that Monday the
Hind day of February, 1920, at the
hour of ten o clock in the forenoon
of said day, at the county , court
room in the county court house at
Dallas, Oregon, haa been appointed
by said Court as the time and place
to hear objections to said final ac
count and the settlement thereof.
B. F. Swopo,
Administrator with the will an
nexed of the estate of Fannie L.
Talkington, deceased.
' Swope & Swope, Attorneys.
Dated and Ast published January
2nd, 1920.
poMd to m Incurabl. Doctors atMcrlbta:
local nntMiM, ana by eonitantlr faJIInf
Thrt Is mora Catarrh In this aacUoa
of tha eountrjr than all othtr alums
put tothr, and (or roars It was sup-
te curt with local trtatmant, pronouncaa
It Incurablt. catarrh It a local Slnatt,
irnlljr Influtnotd br constitutional con
ditions snd tharafora roqulros constitu
tional tnalnunt. Hall's Catarrh Hadl.
elna, manufactured br F. I. Chantr
Co., Tolodo, Ohio, It a constitutional
rtmady, It taktn Internally and acts
thru tha Blood on tha kucout Surfaett
of tht System. Ona Hundred Dollars re
ward It ofltrtd for any eaae that Hall's
Catarrh Medicine falla to tun. Send for
tlrculan and tutlmonlalt.
F. J. CHENET CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Drutilitt, 71c,
Hall't Family Pllit for eOBStlpauoij
Mr. Barnes, U, S. Wheat Director Says:
"Eat More
' " v'....
And reduce the high cost of living." ;
Holsum Bread
; Your Grocer has It
Cherry City Baking Co.