The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, January 09, 1920, Image 4

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    n.1 xmz uttnixxT-h
I Get Next tO Comfort Local Brevities
Ml Of 0 AM TO bum re
m KK P!Cej"-N0MATlf T
AMD TWfirtY flvl MltllOM KOPtf?
Ci.N1 W
rnt,we WW IT - Wfl Will NAVf
N THE Ut-AND lA'M ce AV8A(0
1 ni- - nw OT-'l
Misses Wild E. Fulhr and Jose
phme IkllVy spont the week end In
Portland, guests of the Hotel Tort
, laud
i John lVnney is here from ilepiv
.nerfim week, visiting with his
f unily, He says it got pretty cold
. F a tern Oreo'i during thee Id
spell but that he expects to return
horlly and start plo wing agiiin
Mark tonhlin writes his parents
i li i& .1 i, , , i" nm I- -
1 it I f "r. i rrvf mew vr
;"" 1 1 1 ' i a nat.on we Til 1 rm 7 rrm
1rJ W6iW rAHnrNeD -An TV
that he is done work at the
WW i
We have just received another
the factory. You know their comfort and fitting qualities. There
is still more cold weather ahead of us. Cume in and get yours.
Miller Mercantile Company
Six popular Storei:
Monmouth, Newber, Yamhill, McMianville, Sheridan and Dayton
I Kompany K
I Kolyum g
Inspection night proved to be a
grand succtss from the number of
members present and the total ex
ceeded any previous drill period ex
cept perhaps the day the company
was mustered into Federal Service.
It is to be regretted that our arm
ory is inadeouate for full enmnanv
instruction and Lioutenant Instruct
or Newton was compelled to dem
onstrate the different mnvpmpnta rf
,i'jad drill to the company by
means of a squad composed of the
non-commissioned officers.
The boys used the new rifles for
the firpt time and the guns didn't
seem to work well for some of
.. . The equipment was spread out
for inspection of the company and
each man was shown what would be
allotted him in case of a call to
arms. No place for a weakling.
Captain Stidd asked if any one
objected to drilling but from all
reports the men are back of Com
pany K to the man,
I ater in the evening a feed was
devoured, prepared by our cooks,
Cox and Lochridge and believe us,
these two can co k. If an organi
. . zatk n in the city is contemplating
any th:n pf this kind in the fu
Palhe Records
Jl Supply of the Latest
Jffi'isical and Vocal
, Selections
For Victor owners rue have
a special needle with which
they can play'Pathe Records
Perkins' Pharmacy
If we haven't got it
' we'll getit. Ask u.
shipment of these garments from
ture, they will make no mistake
in engaging them. It is the inten
tion of the company to Drenare
small feed each drill night and no
doubt th3 eihciency of this organ
ization should improve rapidly.
The pay roll blanks fur the
annual period ending December 81,
laia.and each man will be compell
ed to receipt for his pay before the
ciaim is nonored by the govern
The adjutant informs us that our
sister city of Dallas will soon cpr
a company of N. G. 0. for artil
lery; also that the platoon in Mc
Minnville will soon be enlarged to a
Another shipmet of clothing has
arrived, including blouses, pants,
hats and hat cords and this about
completes the supply of equipment.
Arrangements have not been made
as yet as to distribution. The cus
tom in vogue in other companies
as to wearing the uniforms home is
that they are to be worn only to
and from drill but to be kept by
the men on their honor, in some
cases fines are levied in cas- a
member is caught with his uniform
Baptist Church Note
"The Road to Power" and "Help,
ing the Lame to Walk", are the
subjects upon which Pastor E. R
Pace plans to speak Sunday morn
ing and evening, respectively. Bible
School and Endeavor meeting at
the usual hours. r
Evangelical Church NotM
Sunday, January 11. Sermon at
11. Subject: "No Room in the
Sermon at 7:30. Special music.
Sunday School at 10. Y. P. A. at
6:45. . Subject: "A safe basis for a
good and strong character". Mid-
(week service, Wednesday, 7:30.
Ladies' Aid, Thursday P. M.
Mark Conklin, son of P. Conklin,
pastor, Evangelical church, has re
turned" from Tacorna, where he has
worked in the ship yards. He will
remain with his parents a short
time ere going to Florida.,
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Stewart of
Portland visited at C. E. Stewart's
last week. Mrs. Stewart remained
over for a longer visit.
Jennings Lorence left last week
for Bend where he will visit with
his sisters, Mabel and Mrs. Hosmer
and from there will eo to Walla
Walla for a visit with his brother,
Ed Lorence.
I. T. Fream is taking a lay off
from duties for the Southern Paci-
yards in Seattle and expects to be
home shortly. This yard has finish
ed up the ships it has been working
on and there are no more ships to
build at present
Mrs. Frank Hell of Riekreall and
her friend, Miss Nora Lewis of
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, and
. . n . . . a s i
urs. imn uaun oi independence
were guests of Mrs. John Fuller on
Friday of last week.
Ernest Sickafoose of Hates, Ore
gon, arrived Saturday Jfor a visit
with his father, H. K. Sickafoose.
The young man is engineer in
large sawmill in the Eastern Oregon
town and says it was IS below tero
on New Years day when ha ef t
Mrs. R. E. Nichols and son Rob.
ertleft New York, January 6 for
a visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. V. Howell. She expects to
arrive in Monmouth, January 10.
mrs. w. KUiiell and sons spent
the week end with relatives in
Mr and Mrs. John Kiddell are
the proud parents of a nine pound
baby daughter born in Portland last
A belated announcement is that of
a wedding which took place in Port
land, Christmas day at the home of
the bride's parents. The contract
ing couple were Delbert Skeen and
Kosabelle Smith and Kev. Jones,
former Christian minister here, tied
the knot. Mrs. Skeen is to teach
this year at Half Way and Delbert
will work in this section.
g Dr. Thompson has 'pur
$J chased, and will operate
during 1920, one of the lat
est and most scientific instruments
known to optical science, which as
sures his patrons of absolutely cor
rect glasses. This brings his stand
ard of examination up to "second
to none" in the state. Don't fail
to have Dr. Thompson demonstrate,
and examine your eyes, with this
wonderful instrument. Next visit
Wednesday, January 21 . Local Ho
tel all day. t
Ivan Wood came down from Port
land and spent Sunday with Linie
Miss Neta Waller who expected
to start school duties at Marshfield
this week, has had to remain home
a week longer than anticipated be
cause of an attack of mumps
vcuicu rjarpentler, French
heavyweight champion knockaS
rl'nt116"' Brnish "ham.
P'on, In 74 seconds, then wi tha
flr to gather up the defea t
u. and a., jm t0 hl ,d
Public opinion Is now demandlna
Carpentler-Dempsey battle 1
Mnn mnilth HPI Of Vl t ;
Mrs. Ro'bert Me returned, to,
her home at Carlton Friday after
spending thejpast week visiting her
brother Eher Allen and wife.
Joe Sweat iniron left for California
one day last week.
Orville Bcitler of Monmouth was
seen in our midst last Friday.
Mrs. Bertha Welch was shopping
in Monmoui'Ji Friday,
J. P. Walker assisted A. J. Ship-
ley in butchering hogs on Monday.
Miss Gold;a Eggleston of Wiona,
Washington is here visiting her,
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. K. M.
uck and Winn Leievcr were
traders in Monmouth Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dow Hamer were
shoppers in M onmouth Saturday.
Gorge Keck and family were Sat
urday guest, of Mrs. Dcwitt of
Monmouth. 1
Mrs Minnie Brown of Utica,
Montana, Is visiting with her moth
er Mrs. C. V7. Stengel. Mrs. Mey
ers and Miss; Mary Louise Rhodes
are coming from Portland for a vis
it at the sinve place.
Statements of Albany Citizens are
Always of Interest to Our Readers
To many of our readers the
streets of Albany are almost as fa
r.iiliar as the streets of our own
town, and we are naturally inter
ested to read of happenings there.
The following report from a well
known and respected resident will
be helpful to numbers of men and
women here in Mohmouth. '
A. Skasr, contacting painter,
718 East Fourth St., Albany. Ore
gon, says: "I am read;' to speak in
favor of Doan's Kidney Pills any
time for I know Irum personal ex
perience thoy are all that's claimed
for them. J have been v faking
Doan's Kidney Pills off and on for
a long time and they have done the
work. I have always found thet.i
just the thing to stop that misery
across my kidneys and put them in
good condition." .
Price 60cts, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy-
Get Doan's .Kidney Pills the same
that Mr. Skaar had. Foster, Mil
burn Co.; 'Kifgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
B us Service has been Resumed
on the
line-j'and the traveler is reminded that this is
the shortest and cheapest route : to Salem . '
'and Portland. With the completion of the
' new i'erry the journey to and . from 1 Orville ; '
can bl 1 comfortably and quickly made ; and
the paUrouage of the public is invited. ' . . '
ACE (GARAGE Independence, Ore,
Nolie9 of Special School Meeting
Notice Is herel
hereby given, to the
legal voters of School District Nunv
ber 13, of Polk County, State of
Oregon, that a Special School meet
ing of said District wilt be held at
'the High School Building on the
'24th day of January 1920, at 2
o clock in the afternoon for the pur-
pose oL authorizing the Board to
rebuild or dispose of the old Gv m
nasium, and the transaction of such
other business usual at such meet
ings. Dated this 7th day of Jan
uary, 19U0.
0. A. Wolverton. Chairman
Mina Cornelius, Clerk
Notice of Annual Bank Meeting
Notice is hereby given to the
shareholders of First National Bank
that the annual meeting, for the
purpose of electing a board of di
rectors and the transaction of such
other business as may properly
come before the meeting, will be
held at their banking house In Mon
mouth, Oregon, on January 13th,
1920 at 1:30 o'clock P: M.
Ira C. Powell, President.
Our Bargain Column
WANTED Elderly man with
wife preferred to do light work on
modern poultry ranch. Address
M. E. Hayleg, Monmouth,
Weanling puss for sale J.M. Mc
Donald. Phone 2405 2t
I have a few Barred Rock Roost
ers For Sale. O. A.C. Laying Strain.
$2.60 each. George Heck. 8t
Telephone operator wanted at
once for day hours. Apply Chief
Operator, Independence.
Sharpluss Cream Separator
No. 3, Fine Condition, Inquire at
Winegar's or addicss J. Emerson.
Sale Price $25, tf.
The Monmouth Cooperative Ship
ping Association will save farmer's
money in the sale of livestock. Ship
with us and cut out middleman's
profit, II you have stock to ship
notify G. T. Boothby, Mgr. tf
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loans at 51 per ct.
If you need money this fall, file
your application nuw. Loans made
in Polk, Yamhill, Marion, Benton
and Lincoln counties. For partic
ulars write to E, K. Piaseckl, Sec
Treas, Dallas National Farm Loan
Association, Dallas, Oregon.
A Good Building Material
and an everlasting building mater
ial at the tame time.
The Tile Works at Monmouth is
making a bui'ding tile which will
make any kind of building from
dwelling house to pig pen cool in
summer and warm In winter. Es
pecially fine for your fruit, vegeta
ble and milk house,
We also have all kinds of drain
tile. Drain tile is your most ur
gent reed. Get that wet land drain
ed. '
We will do your draining for you
if you wish, but do It your self if
you can. Central Tile Co., Mon
mouth, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned as administrator with
the Will annexed of the estate of
Fannie L.Talklngton, deceased, his
filed his final account in the County
Court of the ;State ,of Oregon for
Polk County, and that Monday the
2nd day of .February, 1920, at the
hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, at the county court
room in the county court house at
Dallas, Oregon, has been appointed
by said Court as the time and place
to . hear objections to said final ac
count and the settlement thereof.
B. F, Swope,
Administrator with the will an
nexed of the estate of Fannie L.
Talklngton, deceased.
Swope & Swope, Attorneys.
Dated and fl'st published January
2nd, 1920.
Thar It mora Catarrh In this aacUoa
of th country (haa all othar Hiatus
put togatliir. and (07 raara It wu iup-
fioatd to b Inourablt. Doctora praaorlbat
ucal rtmadlaa, and br eonitantly falllnf
to oura with local traatmant, pronounead
It inourablt. Catarrh la a local dliaatt,
(raatly Influancad br eonatltutlonal con
dition! and tharafora raqulraa eonatltu
tlonal traatmant. Hall'a Catarrh Utdl
clna, manufacturad by F. J. Chanar
Co., Tolido, Ohio, la a eonatltutlonal
remedy, li taken Internally and tola
thru the Blood on the Uuceni Surfaces,
of the Byatim. One Hundred DejltM re
ward la offered for any cue that Tll'e'
Catarrh Uadlolne fallt to cure, lend (of
vlrculara and teatlmonlala.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by DruKgliti, 7So.
lull's Family PDla (or ooutlpatloa,
fic at present. -.