The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 19, 1919, Image 4

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Li' . - .. .v jl..
jT0 Wail VI D1 lin:iriio"
The two new pictures enow wny. me upper " --- -Rawest
weapon, tba IMnch navy gua mounted on railroad track
"din this test throwing ihclU JO mile. This gun bu beta per
reeled since th armistice. Th lower picture ihow the flasshlft
fNw Mexico" o too Pacific Beet passing through Panama canal,
lining o weV th trip from Eastern to Western, watr and
rttet the canal a greU national asset (or defense. Tart la ne
Boat Hvero test the aaalhae had. the whWa Beet passing through
without a bobbl. f,
Items of Interest
Si Coats sti rtei off a consign
ment of butter this week which is
to te used in the scoring contest at
the st: te fair next week.
W. R. Mason and daughter Miss
Irene arrived this week from Camp
Douglas, Wis., and plan to spend
the winter at E. M. Etbert's. Mr.
Mason is Mrs. Ebbert's father and
Miss Irene will attend school here.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. West of
Tacoma and their daughter, Mrs.
M.McElroy and the latter's hus
band and two sons are here harvest
ing the prune crop in the West
orchard south east of Monmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Strong were
visitors in Monmouth one day this
week. They were headed for Cor
vallis where they will attend the 0.
A. C. this next year.
Mrs. V. F. Daniel and son Ed
ward of Philomath were visitors in
Monmouth last week end.
Coral Lake, former Normal stu
dent, was here this week calling
on acquaintances. He is from
R.H. KolU, piano tuner of Port
land, wss plying his profession at
the Norma! this week.
Friends oE Tavid Camp' ell will
be interested to knowjthat he has
associated himself with the Ellison
White Company and that these peo
ple expect to build and maintain a
large conservatory in Fortland.
Monmouth was represented st
the big reception to President Wil
son in Portland Monday by the Miss-
esjLoretta and May Smith and Mag
gie Butler.
- f jfpKVia
i m.
Toothbrush drill supersedes
tricts of France. American women dentists have their unit located
la a picturesque office near Vic-sur-Alsne. They have performed If 74
operations and treated 288 patients In one month.
J.mi. l no lonief heard.'
V v ,,' i. c..-
Missf.'adys Evans is picking hops
in the vicinity cf Lewisviile. Mr?.
Ira Williams, Una and Gertrude
Winegar, Althea Evans and the Wil
sin fami y are rioting at the Mc
Laughlin yar j near Independence.
Mr. snd Yri. E. R. Ostrom ar.d
SDn Joy motored to fa'em Sunday
fjr a visit with Mrs. Cstrom's bro
ther, F. Wiltsey and family.
The Alexander children who have
made their home with th eir uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mr3. John Scott,
for the past year letf Monday after
noon for Anaconda, Montana, where!
they go to be with their father and
to attend school during the year.
Rev. Feter Conklin took a tumble
in his woodshed Tuesday and as a
result cf the accident sustained two
broken ribs.
Jacob Smith and daughter .Miss
Maybelle who have spent the sum
mer at Fend, were seen on our
streets this week.
R. S. Eastlack is occupying the
Fream house on Echols street, re
cently vacated by Rev. and Mrs. E.
B. Pace.
Farmers in this vicinity who have
equipped themselves with Fordscn
tractors within the past week are
Paul Riley, Ed Rogers and Harry
Dixon who will go on I. M. Simp
son's fcrm.
Evangelical Church Note
Sunday, September 21. Text for
11 a. m. "Is the Young Man Safe?"
2 Sam. 18:32.
Text for 7:30: "Thou Art Great
ly EeloveJ." Dan. 9:23.
Fundi y School at 10. Stanley
Evans will give a 10 minutes talk
on the lible at the close of the
Sunlay School.
Y. P. A. at 6:45 Subject:"Truth-
fatuiue duty In the devastated dis
iX. mi AM
fulness". Mid-week service), Wed-
nesrlay, 7:30,
A Good Building Material
and an everlasting building mater
ial at the same time.
The Tile Works at Monmouth is
making bui'ding tile which will
make any kind of tuilding from a
dwelling house to a pig pen cool in
summer and warm in winter. Es
pecially fine for your fruit, vegeta
ble and milk house.
We also have all kinds of drain
tile. Drain tile is your most ur
gent reed. Get that wetland drain
ed. We will do your draining for you
if you wish, but do it your self if
you can. Central Tile Co., Mon
mouth, Oregon.
FOR RENT-fevetr nxwi hour.
with all modern convenie ices.
Mrs. C. Loreiee. 2t
FOR SALE-Two 3 year old black
geldings, perfectly matched aid
without a blemish on them. VW1
develop into a 2400 pound team.
A. H. Craven.
I have well improved small Farms
c'ose in; also large Farms, Dairy
farms, Loganberry and Prune lands
near Independence and Monmouth
at reasonable prices. Town property
in both towns. J. H, Moran. tf.
When You See A Fordson
FOR RENT 4 room house, mod
ern furnished, f 15 per month. 6
room house, furnished for light
hjukfeping. Kectric lit h't, good
well. $12 per month. See 0. V
Wolverton. W. J. Miller. 4tp.
Engage your canning peaches of
Dr. Powell. Fine quality. Large
yellow Freestone.
Order your mngaiines of Mrs. E
R. Ostrom. Lowest prices and
prompt and careful service, tf
My screenings have been trans
ferred to the IUiulden Iluilding.
'ee Mr, Uoulden if you wish some
of them. A.H.Craven.
WANTED TO RENT- 10 to 20
aores of ground for hay and grair.
iVh rent. W. A, Green, tf
Calves Wanted -Will pay $2.0(
each for calves when dropped, an)
kind, delivered. U-slie Young,
Monmouth. ' ' . 4tp.
E. K. riASECKI. Lawyer, Dal
las, Ore, Probating of Wills am
Settlement of Estates a Specialty, tf
'Wanted to Lease? acres or more
of land, in or near Monmouth for 3
years. Address P. O. Box 122 3tp.
edging. 10 cents per yard; cotton
thread furnished. Mail orders
prompt attention. Mrs. J. E.
Runkle, Corvallis, Oregon. 8tl
Look for the motor driven parts NOT inclosed
in dust proof oil reservoirs. You will find them
When You See A Fordson
Note the absence of a frame, dangling chains,
numerous bracers and complicated little parts.
si -
The Fordson to the smallest detail is a tractor
of the highest type. It's transmission rolls on
ground ball bearings. It's final drive is the
worm type, traveling on ground ball bearings
a few inches under oil.
The Fordson type of construction is the most
expensive for its maker, and the cheaper for
it's owner. The Fordson is a high class, clean
cut piece of machinery.
The Fordson Could Double It's Price
And Not Find a Worthy Competitor
Independence, Ore.
McLean & Barnard, Props.
Solution of the Bnsntlsl crisis super
Induced by the unjust est ef living.
Is largely In the hands ef the American
-.i ih.miaUes. according te th
Uutt.d 8tts Ftderel Rtwrve Hoard.
la bla Utter to the B.niie loromiutw
en Banking and Fliisnce. W. t. O.
Harding, governor of the Federal It
serve Board. 4:
"Whether viewed freta an economic
or flnanelal standnol the rennxly for
the present situation Is (he same, nam
ly to wen and to eeve; work wgularly
aad efflelently, In order to produce and
distribute the largest possible volume
f eommodltlee, and to eiervlee econo
mies la order money, goods and
etvlres may be devoted primarily to
the liquidation of debt and to the sat
isfaction of the demand for ueceeeltUs,
rather than to the Indiilgenoe la et
traraganca or the gralincaUoo of a
desire for luiurles."
America must both wosk. and aave.
There are many wars to ttfk bnt only
one way to sere. That IsJP save Bret
and spend afterwards, to pt aside the
Bret dollar that comes In, not the last
dollar that goes out. It was to make
possible the eavlng of even the small!
eunis and their safe Investment tbat
government Savings Stamps and Trees
ury Savings Certificates were oSered to
the American people.
Students of economics declare that
this country Is on a magnificent pro
parity debauch. Dealers In Jewelry. s
pinslve npirl and food delicacies
throuahout the country sir the demand
for their wares Is unprecedented and
that buyers do not care what they pay
for them.
Stop living up to your wages or Ml
ary. Save regularly and Invest In Wal
8vlnga Stamps.
Stirvtree, ". 11,00 s. m
Sunday School, 10.00 a. m.
Wednesilsy evening meeting, 8.00 p, m
Kdward Oeera, knows on every
imii'm hum race track as "Pep"
1,111m. olilesl and most sutcesslal
Arui-rli no drivers, was serlouily
tuiid when the trotier-fce wu
,iing lu a Orand Circuit raoe
Krraruee, N. Y,( Irashfd.
ri.uKh the ralllug.
Swopo b Swope, Lawyers,
I, O. O. F4. Dldg.
vnnintiAfi 01.-1 env e, cn'!
In Odd Fellows Hall