AMERICA'S WOMEN JOINED i IN ANTHEM OF SERVICE Millions of Red Cross Workers Do Multitude of Little Things at Home Which Enable Our Boys to Do Great Tilings in France. Al I IPS ARF FFI1 .9 lll-lW SlllSa I tmW Sy BY SELF DENIALS Books, Stationery ; Under tlie banner of t lie lied Crow Amertcun women iiro working In liimieN, ilnirrbi-, clulm, ii luiuli, h1ioin, theutem, fiictiirlei, lioillul ami In IlioumiiiiU of lted Oroi work-room. Thn Iiuiii of evlii imii'blni', I lie wlilii of mimllu lorn loHirunite Klrlim, tin riitliiMtit of volunteer typewrit em, Urn purr of boiling kettle In can teen, Hit) ruiulilliig of aiilomobllf of Hid Motor Corn, I he Kofi click of knlt lliili needle lu lonely uililn lintl furiu holme, all tlend Into a frciit anlbein of nervlce. About 8,0o0,0u0 women woiklliK tliroiiKll Ked Cro Cliiiilem ami brunette am making with lliulr IiiiikIn relief Kii pl 1-H luriilnil UreHNlnj, knitted urll'lo. hnapltul and refugee KHrniflilM or working ar volunteer, milijert to nny cull duy or night, nt SOU rullrond lntlon throughout tbe conn try und at tho port of emlinrkiitlon, or nerving In volunteer Motor Corp. Truly hero la an unity with hiiinierx hiiuiiei i of a red crow on a wblto Held. Kor the period up to tho llrst of July, HUH, Aiiierlnin lted Ciomh Clmpti-r, through their work-room, hud produc ed UU.7JS.lirr kurglcul ilreKHlngH, 10, knitted artlelev, 10,7W),4l bo plliil gtirmeiil and other hohpltnl up pile und refugee gunm-nt, milking t totul of IKM.'.'W.fCW urtldea of 1111 extl iniited uggregnte value. ( f at leuat (14, OUO.OtX). Ijint uprlng during the ited Cruwi war fund drive, when tbouwiuil of wo men worker lu cllle In every tuto formed lliulr great iiymliolle proeea loin, tbowj who looked on law them in the reprenentiitlve of nil our Amer ican women working In this war, and heard In "Tho Hnttlit Hymn of tho lto puhllc," to viblcll they inarched, the varied loundf of ull their eager labor. The llilug they made, which tar ried a menage of love from I tic women of Oil country, quite apart from their great money vulue, went from their work-room on great adventure. They have gone Into front line trenche, to euieigeney boKpltiil In foreign vllluge und Into I lie moot modern operating room. They have wrapped lout and frightened children In warmth and thcllcred aged refugee from the cold. They liuve gono overwn Into itruuge und mid pluee, Into Ituxula and (Ser bia and I'liloatliin and Ituly and Kruni'o. They have gone Into our own huge runlonment for our own young koldler. The Department of Numlng of the .American lted Cro 1 the great re crullliig agency of the United Slates Army and Navy Nurao Corp. By the II rut of October It bad annlgned over 1S.IJU0 graduate iiurne to active mili tary nervlce at home and abroad. It ha provided over 700 nunte for the Federal Public Health Service and the lted Crow Town and Country Numlng Service, which co-operutea with the local health bourda In the communities which It HITVC. Tho ttatginent of Hie Home Service of (be American lted Cro to all of our fighting men that It I prepared to help lu any emergency that may arlae In their home help In legal way, medical way, buMlne way, friend Hhlp way would uot be pomlble with out tho vision and the active co-operation of thousand of American women. III every division of the Red Cross, from count to const and from Cunadu to Mexico, they have own thl service u the elementul right due from the Ameticuil pooplo 1o their defender. BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT. . What finer Chrltiua gift could the Amerlciiu pwplu give to a stricken world than tho announcement on ClirlHlmii Eve that (lie entire nation has answered the lted Cros Clu-latina Itoll Cull. It would signify to the j MONEY NOT THE OBJECT, Our obligation m our own soldier and sullors and tho privilege of minis tering to tho sink and wounded, of feeding tbo hungry, hoiwlng tiio homo, less soil rebiillillue the wusle plnceii of (inr rMmles ijn t;n ivi! Ci en. slarvlng, sick and homeless that our humanity doe not depend uiwn the excitement of war. but that nelirbborli nes Is just as strong In u lu time of (H'uce. A tinanlmouH respouse will li cur leu the whole world. tiro AHierliin people m (Tie suniiort of tbo Ued Crows spirit now as never be fore. The money to bo raised la mem bemlilp dues Is secondary. It Is the plrlluul pluwo that is Important, for It will show tho suffering people of I ho world that the Aniurlcnu neoole will sue them through Uielr experience to the very end. Next Wednesday you will receive gifts for your home and your business; gifts to wear and gifts to eat. But I am sending you a different gift a gift in fifty -two parts, each . of which I am sure you will enjoy. It is a year's subscription for lEe COUNTRY GENTLEMAN EveryThursday all during 1919, it will - come to talk ovor with you the week's Progress in agr iculture the problems facing every r.ian who grows food, from barley to beef , from cabbages to cotton. There is still time for YOU to write a note like this to tho&e farmer friends whose gifts you have not yet bought. Then give me their names, with $1 for each, and I'll start the sub scriptions to cover all 1919. ,This"plan makes it easy for you to please them. And if you are not receivingTHE COUNTRY Gentleman, giveyour self a subscription for Christmas I and you'll thank me for making the suggestion. There's No Better Gift for a Dollar Call me today J MftS.E.R.OSTROM Monmouth Phone 3613 & As authorlwd lubKtlpllon representative of CniirfiyCsntf ieniOTi; JneWies'Howe Journal 11!MiirdyFwmWlW Generous Doing Without in America Supplied Food to Europe. Export from this country since It entered the war have kept starvation from Allied Europe and have main tained the health and strength of those who have been bearing the brunt of our battles, so thut they could bold out to victory. Now that hostilities have ceased we must assume the add ed burden of keeping starvation from Increusliif It toll upon the millions who buvs been liberated from tho I'rwwluii yoke. Famine would undo the work which ha been accomplished In freeing the world for democracy. No table government can be established and maintained by a nation harassed by hunger. A starving people turns to rioting and anarchy. Food bus given strength and courage to the na tions fighting for democracy; It must now give the nations strength mid tranquillity to re-establish themselves In freedom and democracy. Without our help It would have been absolutely Impossible for the Allies to niaintuln a living ration. Since our entry Into the war we have been con tributing largely to the support of one hundred and twenty million people whose normal food supplies have been cat off, whose production bus fallen almost to the vanishing point, whose field have been devastated by Ger many. The food exported from the United States In the past year has been sufficient to supply the complete ration of twenty-two million people. It Is hard to grasp the magnitude and significance of the assistance which bag been lent the Allies by the patriotic, voluntary service of the American people. The food we sent abroad lust year would have been suf ficient to feed one-fifth of our popula tion. And this was done In spite of the fact that we entered the year with short crops. Our surplus wag practi cally nothing. An overwhelming pro portion of the food that left this coun try lust year was saved out of the nor mal home consumption of our own people. In spite of dlftk'ultlc met In Inter nal transportation and shortage of ocean tonnage our food exports last year amounted to a figure that a few years ago would have been unbelieva ble. Even the most optimistic element of our population faced with anxious consternation the prospect which opened before us with the beginning of the 1017 harvest year. The American people have not been compelled to save. They have been nppeuled to on the basis of humanity and of patriotism. Tbey have re sponded volunturlly. WHAT HOME SERVICE MEANS. So many questions are constantly coming lo the Home Service Section of the lied Cross that a few words ns to Its objects mny not come amiss. The Home Service Section alms to serve the folks ut home, to bring them nearer to the man In the field, and to bring him nearer to the ones at home. Sometimes It niouus helping lo straighten out a financial tangle, some Mines help In tho training of the chll tlren, sometimes Jidng a big brother to a young lad who needs n bit of friend. ly counsel, or advising a young wife who may be worried about the comlug due of t lie mortgage and what her rlglils under the law may be. Then, too, there are sometimes de lays In the mnlls or lost letters, and sometimes delays In the allotment, or errors in the amount which should be furthcoming. These problems and many others are being straightened out by the Home Service Section, with out charge to the families, and with an cillcleitcy which Is dally growing more valuable. More than 300,000 culls have been answered. For those who are worried because of the non-arrival of letters a cable Is sent inquiring about the man's wel fare. In fact the Home Service Section Is living np to Its name it Is really the service of those at home It Is trvlns to be the father, brother or husband to those left behind. FRENCH AUTHORITIES ACCLAIM , WORK OF AMERICAN RED n CROSS. Dr. Chflssnigne of the French Mili tary Sanitary Service and M. Goyon lu recent addresses paid warm tribute to the work of the Amciican Red Cross In tlie war, and M. Autrand, prefect of the Department of the Seine, praised the personal efforts of Red Cross workers. "Your task Is not ended," said M. Autrand. "Our friends and our bene factors now nre more than ever indis pensable to us. Our task Is immense. Help us. We have known how to vuu qulsli ; we will know bojv to organize ourselves lu victory," , Candy, Cigars Electric Light Bulbs Souvenirs MORLAN& SON (f C Monmouth's largest and most complete Confectionery and Bool; Sure ; Building Material F Roof to Cellar Oregon Fir and Hemlock Lumber Douglas Fir Silos The Gold Mine of the Farm Lath, Mouldings, Fruit and Butter Box es, Cedar Posts, Green and Dry Slab wood, Cement, Wall. Plaster, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Rooting, Windows, etc. Willamette Valley Lumber Co. 0 Phone Main 202. Monmouth, Oregon Monmouth Transfer and Feed Stable All kinds of transferring done promptly and on short notice FRANK SKEEN, Proprietor.- Monmouth, - Oregon Under New Management CITY MEAT MARKET L. J. Huston, Prop. Fresh and Smoked Meats Home rendered pure Lard 33c Lard compound 28c We buy veal and hides Phone 2302 Monmouth Oregon INSURANCE! I On City or Farm Insurance on three or five year policies, we take notes payable ' in yearly installments. Bonds of all sorts sold. i Let us place your Insurance with old, reli able companies. GEO. W. CHESEBRO f Good Printing is the Product of the Herald Print Shop