CilEGON Ml NOTES OF GENERAMNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Kutarn Oreson Is experiencing iti first winter weather or the 191718 season. Military drill Is a part of the regu lar college work at Willamette Unl Teralty at Salem. Mrs, W. Hudklns of Albany haa knit ted 26 sweater for the local chapter of the Red Croat. Charles Lyman Barnes, one of the most widely known cltlxens of Polk county, died In Dallas, aged 68. The Grants Pass high school debat ing team won the triangular debate between Medford. Ashland and Granti Pass. Mid-year commencement exercises of the Eugene high achool. customary In former -years, were abandoned this year. Sheep raising Is to be a feature oi the' Industrial club work among the school children of Klamath county the coming year. The Washington County Patriotic council was recently organised by representative men from various parts of the county. The first annual convention of the Oregon Greeters, a hotel clerks' organi sation, was held In Portland Tuesday and Wednesday. Fire which originated in the Odd fellows' building wiped out half of the business section of lone. The loss Is estimated at (40,000. Thomas F. Ryan, assistant state treasurer, has made formal announce ment of his candidacy for the repub lican nomination as state treasurer. Retail hardware dealers from all parts of Oregon will gather at Port land January 22 to 25 for the 12th annual convention of their association. Dr. J. W. Meredith, 86 years old, and for 46 years a practicing dentist in Salem, where he continued his prac tice during the entire time in one of fice. Is dead. Applications for $230,000 worth of loans have been made by 85 members of the Lewis and Clark Farm Loan association of Clatsop county since April 9, 1917. Polk county farmers are puzzled over reoent heavy losses or sheep. While it is known that dogs are doing the work, there hasaappeared no effective way to find the dogs. Arnold Sandoz, in a fit of anger, shot and killed his brother-in-law, Lewis Chase, at the ranch home of his father, Alfonzo Sandoz, on Mill creek, five miles south of The Dalles. The building of 40 miles of track on the Valley t Siletz railway, between Independence and the Siletz basin, has opened up the largest body of yellow fir timber on any one watershed In the ate. In a formal statement. Represent tlve C. N. McArthur, of Portland, has announced his candidacy for renomina- tion upon a platform pledging con tinued support of the government's war program. The Oregon Association for the Pre vention of Tuberculosis has exceeded Us quota In the sale of Red Cross Christmas Beals "by more than $2000 the total returns being $12,161.86, Tht auota was 110,000. Another , big. logging earnp will be opened at once In the coast mountains west of Eugene, for the Booth-Kelly Lumber company, adding largely to the output of logs for the company's big plant at Springfield. On the morning that the dally papers told of the worst blizzard of years in the east G. W. McFarlanibroughJnto Cottage Grove a tomato which had ri pened in his garden and which he had found that morning. Charles H. Gram, for six years presi dent of the state federation of labor and for ten years deputy state labor commissioner, has announced his can dldacy for the republican nomination as state labor commissioner One hundred per cent organized in logging camps and lumber mills Is the record for Coos oounty, It is reported. The Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lum bermen, a patriotic organization, now has a total of 3821 members Never before In their history were the factories of Oregon in a condition as prosperous as at present In nearly all cases they are running to capacity, " and many of them have orders booked which it will require months to fill Under the probability that several Coos Bay sawmills will go on double shift soon In order to ajdthg airplane ft an3 ship Umber production, several hundred extra men must be housed. Fifty houses could be rented If avail- ihliv Dr. Carl Gregg Doney. president of , Willamette University, has been given a six months' leave of absence by the trustees of that Institution to go to France, investigate the conditions there and return to America to assist In acquainting the public with such conditions. During his absence Dean George H. Alden will act as president of the school Representative Hawley has been ad vised that a preliminary examination made in Yamhill and Polk counties by H. 3. Gale, of the United States geolo gical survey, showed numerous Indica tions of natural gas. but no indica tion, of OIL Estimates published at the San Francisco office of the United States eeoloulcal survey, concerning the mln eral output of the state of Oregon, are In nianr Instances contradictory, un reliable and unfair, according to H. M. prk. of the Oregon bureau of mines. A tract of spruce In the Westlake district near Florence, which will cruise 60 per cent clear spruce and produce from 80,000.000 to 90,000.000 feet of spruce timber has been discov ered and steps are being made to begin logging operations In the near future. William Chandler, 50, was shot and killed, and Mrs. Amanda Bonner, 47. was probably fatally wounded In Port land tav W. H. Clark. 51, an unsuc cessful suitor for the hand of Mrs. Bonner. Clark then turned his pistol on himself and fell dead with a bullet In his brain. Grating for 25,000 head of Oregon sheep In the national forests of Idaho is provided in an agreement reached by T. P. Mackenzie. In charge or graz ing privileges In the national forests of Oregon and Washington, ana a rep resentative of forest district 2, in a conference at Missoula, Mont Engineers have completed a third survey of a proposed route for the Columbia river highway between Hood River and Mosler. The new survey, referred to as the compromise route, reaches a maximum elevation of 409 w The total distance of the pro posed new route Is approximately flpvpn miles. Attornev General Brown has advised Governor Withycombe to direct the district attorney of Multnomah county to institute proceedings In the name of the state, upon leave granted by tne Hrmit court for Multnomah county, to annul the charter of the Portland Stewards association because of 1U manv convictions for gambling. h P. Scheel and William McArtnur, of Tpnlno. Washington, have submitted a proposal to the citizens of Marshfleld to establish a coal brlquettlng ana oy nrnducts nlant with an initial capacity of 160 tons dally, to employ at the start from 50 to 75 men and within a year agree to have a $230,000 Industry niwratlne. The plant would operate entirely on the slack coal which Is wasted at the various mines. 4 total of 517 accidents were re- oorted to the industrial accident com mission for the week ending January 10. of which number, six were fatal One of the deaths reported was due to an accident sustained prior to the uoroi hv the report The ncca v-.-" fatalities were: Henry J. Bauer, steel worker, Portland; J. Johnson, Astoria; F N. Ellsworth. Mill City, and J. O Brown, Harrisburg, loggers and Joe Pannaa . Astoria, passenger. Jackson county cannot be considered ... ivine eaat of the Cascade mountains in 'tiei aDDlicatlon of chapter 255, laws of 1915, which provides that no bull, except a pure bred bull of a recog nized beef breed, can run at large on ranges of the counties east of the mountains. A small part of the coun ty lies east of the main divide of the mountains. State Ve-rinarian uyu a.kPd th attorney general tor an opinion on the question; with the above result Pnrrhases and household supplies ol flour are limited to one-fourth barrel; definite limits are placed on sugar sales by wholesale dealers, and a full complement of county chairmen to aid in enforcing food regulations are an nounced in a letter mailed to every retail and wholesale grocery dealer In Oregon by W. B. Ayer, federal food administrator. Administrator Ayer avs in his letter that the more stringent restrictions are not promul gated because of existing shortage, dui merely to conserve the supply. A number of important steps in lil ting state regulations' of railroads to the system of federal control were taken by the public service commis sion at its last meeting, foremost among which was the acquiescence in the demurrage order issued by Dlrec-tor-General McAdoo and. giving to the Pacific car demurrage Eurvau auth ority to publish the demurrage rules accordingly. These new rules start demurrage charges at $3 a car and go as high as $10 a day, while the state rules start at $3 a car and go only as high as $4 a day. Ths federal rules will become effective January 21. Senator Chamberlain has Introduced a bill at the request of the aircraft i reduction board authorising the presi dent, as a war measure, to take pos session of privately-owned timber that may be required for any government purpose, particularly for shipbuilding and the construction of airplanes, and to pay the owners of such timber a fair recompense. The powers confer red upon the president are to be dele gated by him to the secretary of war, secretary of the navy and chairman of the shipping board. These officials will be empowered, under the bill, when In need of lumber or logs of particular dimensions, to furnish specifications to loggers and lumber men. who will be required to furulsh the logs or lumber called for. n Frank Gibson of YYestSalfm is to be a candidate for the Republican nomination as county juilRe. Less than three per cvnt of the questionnaires sent out to eligiblos in Polk county have failed to return Her. la you opportunity to Inwra timet cmbarrawnf emn in eptllin. pronunciation and poor chain of words. Know the meaning of puullnt war tenna. lacraaee your efficiency, which rceulo in power and tucccta. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY la an all-know-ing teacher, a universal question answerer, mado to meet your needs. It is in daily use by hundreds of thousands of suo- ccealui men and Women the world or or. 4M.S00 Worde. ZTM Patee. WOA U luatrationt. IJ.WO Bloaphlml Kn trtee. M.OOOOouniprucml -Subject. (BAND PUTt, (llahert Award) Penama-raciuo Kipueaion. usdui ut Disu-rirn evsom. WRITE lor Specimen Pp fRfcB Pocket Upa U you Dane title piper. O. C. MERRIAM CO.. Springfield, Maes., U. S. A. To our Policy Holders and Patrons. The Insurance Agency of the late V. 0. Boots and the goodwill of Mrs. Sarah Boots has been purchased by Mr. Geo. W. Chesebro who will con tinue to represent the undersigned in the capacity as Agent. We bespeak for Mr. Chesebro the same loyal patronage which has, for so many yean, been enjoyed by ourselves in this agency. Fire Association Philadelphia London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Lt. n i Books, Stationery l,ll'l''"''ll", Candy, Cigars, Electric Light Bulbs Souvenirs Wfisii i gai01Mi!!!!":"!!i""iagaJ j . MORLAN & SON Monmouth's largest and most complete Confectionery and Book Store Good Printing is the Product of the Herald Print Shop 8 m rxi See Us For Furniture Chairs, Rockers, Dining Tables, Bed Room Sets Rugs and Linoleums A Nice Line of Ranges and Heaters MONMOUTH HARDWARE CO.