I The Best Goods are Always Popular Whenever you find an article that has been and is the best seljer on the market, you feel safe jn- buying it. No plow ever had such an extensive m sale as the The New Deere -i There is profit as well as satisfaction in hav ing a plow that is recognized as the best, because such a plow must in the end yield the greatest returns on the investment. No matter how long a plow lasts, you have just that long to regret the purchase of it it you don't like it. , Quick Detachable Shares An epoch making improvement. From the standpoint ot time saved and convenience and satisfaction, one will hardly be satisfied with the old la . borious method of changing shares when' he can buy the New Deere. An 'u ir ir" Don't overlook our new Furniture de partment. All new goods on display. Fencing of all kinds We can supply you with any thing in this line. -- -0mm. - fzLmm.. - jtS-. MM. -a 1 7 WINEGAR & LORENCE, Monmouth "MC0203 ....... .'. ....... , ...... f ' I ' ' " Profitable Vegetables for Garden O. A. C. Man Advises Grange What Kinds to Plant The regular monthly meeting of the grange last Saturday was a very profitable one for those in attendance. During the day dif ferent degrees of the order, were conferred on Mr. and MrsfC. A. Doebell, Mr. and Mrs. Williams of North Independence, Braxton Powell and Mr. Ord, a hop yard man. , . There was a bountiful dinner at noon and about 50 were served. Ca'rl Bowman of the Normal gave -a humorous reading and Miss Randall gave a vocal solo, accompanied on the piano by Miss Williams. L. I. Bursell of the Mistletoe district gave a humorous reading, ''A Wail from Squash ville." The speaker of the afternoon was introduced. Prof. Boquet of the 0. A. C. He gave a most interesting and instructive talk on home gardening. He paid special attention to the question - if i i oi seea selection and recnm. mended- varieties as adapted to profitable growth in this section. Following are some of his recommendations: Beans-Kentucky Wonder, Trains into Monmouth L've Portland 7:15, a m, Gerlinger 10:33, Independence 11, Monmouth ll lo " Salem 9:45, " " .. " " 1:40, pm Dallas 2:55 3:20 " " 4:00, " Gerlinger 4:38, Independence 4:55, Monmouth 5:05 " " 6:15, " 7:00, 7:20, " 7:30 " Portland 3:20, Connects with above " Corvallis 6:45, am Independence 7:35. . . . Arrive Monmouth 7-45 " 1:15, pm " 2:20 " 2;30 " Dallas 7:00, a m, Arrive Monmouth 7:25 ' , ' " Airlie S:30, a m and 3:55, pm. Arrives Monmouth 9:05 a m and 4:30 p m Leave Independence, 7, am, 7.35, 8.45, 11, p m 1.30, 2.20, 3, 4.15, 4.55, 7.20 Trains out of Monmouth L've Monmouth 7:15 a m, Independence 7:35, Gerlinger 7:49, Ar Salem 8:30 " Same as above Portland 11.10 " Monmouth 1:50, pm, " 2:14, " 2:27, Salem 3:15 " Same 88 above , Portland 5:55 " Monmouth 4:35, " 4:55, " 510, Salem 6:00 " " 9:05, am Dallas 10:10 "11:10 " " 4;30, p m " 4:55, . " 6:00 " " 9;05, a m, Independence 10:50, Corvallis 11:50 " " 5;10, p m, " 7:15, " 8:15 " 7;25 a m and 3;20 p m. Arrives Airlie 8 a m and 3;50 pm Leave Monmouth 7.15, a m, 8.15 9.05, 11.15, 1.50, 2.35, 3.20, 4.35, 5.10, 7.35 Monmouth Grange 476 Meets the Second Saturday in Each Month at 10:3 A-tM. Public Program It 2:30 p. m. to which visitors are welcome. P. O. Powell, Master. ' Miss Maggie Butler, Sec. W. F. SCOTT Contractor and Builder- All kinds nf ParnontanVtr nA i G .... w v-.jn.iiw.jHi ouu xvcrpair work neatly done. Let me fimire with vnn nn that now buildine you are eoine to have built sides of the Oregon Pole Lima, Burpee's New Kidney Wax Lady Washington, i Beets-Early. Crosby Egyp tian; Late, Detroit Dark Red. : Cabbage-Early Jersey Wake field; Medium, Copenhagen Market; Late (all seasons) Danish Bald Head. ' Carrots-Danver's Half Long. Cauliflower-Early, Snowball; Fall, Late Giant" Celery-Golden Blanching or White Plume. Early Sweet Corn -White, Portland Market; Yellow, Golden Bantam. Cucumber-Boston Pickling. Egg Plant-Black Beauty. Kale-For humans, Tall Green Scotch Curled. Lettuce-Head, New York; Leaf, Grand Rapids. -. , Muskmellon-Emerald Gem. Onion-Oregon Yellow Dan vers. Parsnips-Hollow Crowned. Peas-Tall, Early . Morn; Dwarf, Early American Wonder; Midseason, Telephone. Pepper-Ruby Giant Pumpkin-Winter Luxuries. Radishes-White Icicle, Early Scarlet White Capped. Squash-S u m m e r," English Marrow, Late, Delicious or Hub bard. x Tomatoes-Early, Bonny Best: ; Late, Matchless. . '' Turnip-Purple Top Milan J White Egyptian, Purple Top White Globe. Mr. Boquet urged that seed should be planted that had been grown in Oregon and had been acclimated as experience has shown this is best for results. At the next meeting of the grange the road bonding proposi tion will be discussed. Senator L. Hawley will be present'and will take part in a discussion in which it is aimed to have both question covered. E. B. Fitts of the Extension de partment of the 0. A, C. will also be present to discuss Co operative Marketing. Mistletoe Mrs. D. M. Calbreath, who has been suffering with an attack of bronchial-pneumonia, is slowly improving. The county court sent out sur veyors Tuesday to survey the Bogynska hill before starting grading and graveling. Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith and daugh ter Sunday. Mrs. F. K. Hull has been suffering with an attack of acute indigestion the past week. Blair Douglas of Corvallis spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Roy Smith, the past week. Twinkle Starr was radiating in our midst at close range Sunday and Monday. Mr. Starr is at present engaged on the famous Doerflor ranch at Victor Point. eight mils from Silverton. This is a herd fcf Jerseys and the agri cultural papers of the state are already sitting up to take notice in the progress make in the herd under Twinkle's magical direc tion. The attraction in Mon mouth was not Jerseys, however. , Rev. W. A. Elkins has closed up his revival services at the Christian church with excellent results as announced in the church notes in another place. Mr. Elkins." during , his nine months in Monmouth has made many new friends who rejoice in his success. He' is Dainstakine-. hard working and unusually tal ented and it is hoped Monmouth may claim his services for a long time to come. The Rebekahs celebrated St. Patrick's night last evening with an appropriate program which included a feed. it Shows Time in the Dark "RADIOLITE" Radium-Lithttd) Makes the Dial Glow Ingersoll has brought out a luminous substance called "RADIOLITE". The light, giving power of "RADIO LITE" is genuino RADI UM in minute proportions. On the figures and hands of Ingersoll watches this substance glows in the dark more brilliantly than pure radium. And this glow con tinues as bright as ever for six to eight years. Quick as a glance on even the darkest night you can read the time with an Inger soll "Radiolite", See The Four Models At This Store "RADIOLITE" 2-ftw,ulr!nr oil with luminous figure and hand. "RADIOLITE" TWO IN-ONB t 25 In whin holder for table or bureau. "RADIOLITE" Strep Watch fM-thi watch moat widely uted by soldiers, WATERBURY "RADIOLITE" M iwDTouTpr!.i.w"t,rbur' wUfc Walker & Sons