The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, February 09, 1917, Image 6

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    For 1917
We will be I
Perkins' Pharmacy
pleased to
furnish you
with any
thing in the
If we haven't got it
we'll get it Ask us.
Items of Interest
Ted McKenzie of Pedee is in
town this' week.
R. A. Alderson spent the week
end with his sister, Mrs. Fergu
son, in Portland.
The Civic club is centering its
attention on a Clean-up day of
which, more later.
A movement is on foot to or
ganize another woman's club in
Monmouth, object chiefly social.
Miss Mary Lawson, a nurse of
Portland, was the guest of Mrs.
John Riddell a few days this
II. K. Sickafoose, Grand Her
ald of the Oregon Grand Lodge,
I. 0. 0. F., has been appointed a
special deputy Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge and will pay an
official visit to Alsea, Feb. 10th,
to Buena Vista, Feb. 14th, to
King's Valley, Feb. 17th, and to
Ballston, Feb. 2i. Mr. Sicka
foose joined the encampment of
the I. 0. 0. F. at Dallas Monday
Mrs. D. A. Wade of Browns-
ville is a visitor with her daugh
ter, Miss Gladys Wade, in Mon
mouth this week.
Harry Brookhart, who is teach
ing m the junior high school at
Albany, was a visitor in ' Mon
mouth Saturday.
Mr. Taylor of the 0. A. C.
horticultural extension depart
ment at Corvallis was a visitor
in Monmouth Monday, the guest
of A. B. Morlan.
The following are the delegates
of the Evangelical Sunday school
to the convention in Independ
ence the latter part of this week
Rev. Fisher, Mrs. C. E. George
and Mrs. U. G. Heffley.
Mrs. C. A. Cook and children,
who have been visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Harriet Richards,
have gone to Multnomah where
they will live. Mr. Cook has se
cured work in Portland.
The Hawaiian entertainment
at the Norm theater Wednesday
night was largely attended and
all were well satisfied with the
George Walker's genial smile
is illuminating our streets once
more, he having been released
from the measles quarantine
after a two weeks siege. This
closes the measles epidemic in
Miss Frances Cooper, a former
Normal student and a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper of
Independence, was married Sat
urday to John Krause, a wealthy
rancher of Aurora. Dr. Polling
of Dallas officiated and there
were about 50 out of town guests.
Mrs. Mary Stine of Monmouth
acted as caterer at the wedding
Better Hats for Men
Christian Church Notes
"Vitality in Religion" will be
the morning subject Chalk pic
"Distress of Nations" will be
the evening subject. Are we in
the "last days" of prophecy?
Bible School at 10 a. m.
Senior and Junior Endeavor at
6:30 p. m.
Mid-week service Wednesday
Remember the evangelistic
services are to begin Feb. 18th.
C. F. Swander of Portland will
preach the first sermon. Rev
Stevens has been' selected as
song leader.
Blossom Time in
the Goldem State
A friend just back from Southern
California says: "The weather was
fine, in tact too warm for heavy
clothes. Many were bathing at the
beaches. Oranges were ripe in the val
leys while the mountains nearby were
covered with snow."
With warm sunny weather it will
not be long before the blossoms on the
trees will be everywhere announcing
that spring time is here.
Take a vacation trip now where life is
different; where climate surroundings
and amusements are out ot the ordinary.
Spend a differtni February.
Three Trains Daily
Scenic Shasta Route
will take you there in comfort
Ask the agent
John M. Scott. General Passenger Agent, Portland
Southern Pacific Lines
Hardeman Hats are stylish.
Their good qualities will
bring you back for another ol
the same brand when in
need of a new hat.
Price $3.50
The Miller Store
Glenn Work is home from his
school experience at The Dalles
and plans to attend the state uni
versity at Eugene.
H. S. Portwood entertained his
brother, during the week-end, of
the legislature, the latter being
a member of that body, repre
senting the counties of Sherman,
Gilliam and Wheeler. Senator
Smith of Coos county was also
here at the same time visiting
with his brother, Rufus Smith.
The rooms of the Odd Fellows,
in the post office block, was
furnished this week with a piano,
purchased through donations
among individual Odd Fellows
and Rebekahs. The piano was
purchased of Mrs. Beckley, and
although second hand, is in good
condition. It replaces an organ,
the property of the Rebekahs,
which has done valiant service
for some time.
Watch Talk
Our $3.50 and $6.00 Reliance Watches fit
more pocketbooks and tastes and gives more
all around satisfaction than any other watch of
like price and grade.
Watch Repairer and Jeweler.
Perkins Pharmacy.
Our Bargain Column
Wanted-Alady canvasser to
handle household articles of gen
eral use in Monmouth and vicini
ty. Apply at Herald office. 22tf
Jersey cow for sale cheap.
Must sell because I lack time to
care for her. Mrs. Olson.
Blue Guineas for sale. W. L
Craig, first house west of dormi
tory. 21t3
Registered Duroc boar for ser
vice, $1.50. Breeding subject to
registration $2.50. A. H. Craven
Good plow horse, buggy and
harness for sale for $60. Worth
$100. T. L. Burns, in Dornsife
house on Broad street 14tf
H o u s e w i ves-housekeepers.
Milk at 6 cts. a quart; cream at
15 cts. a pint Deliveries night
or morning as preferred. I re
tail milk from my herd only.
! Sample furnished free. Phone
or call, M. Sacre.
Ex-State Veterinarian of Oregon and Ex-President Oregon
"" State Veterinary Medical Board
A treatise on the diseases of domestic animals, written with the primary pur
pose of placing in the hands of stock owners a book of practical worth. All tech
nical language or terms as used by the professional veterinarian have been elim
inated and only such language used as all may read and understand.
256 Pages 30 Charts and Illustrations 50 Subjects
Covering diseases of horses, cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and poultry, their caus
es, symptoms and treatment. Also numerous tables and formulas on drugs and
their uses, gestation periods, temperature of animals, heriditary tendencies and
a volume of other valuable facts and figures summed up for handy reference. A
handsome cloth bound volume, printed on the best quality of book paper and
beautifully illustrated.
This book is a veritable encyclopedia of veterinary knowledge
written by one of the foremost veterinarians in the profession today. "The Vet
erinarian" should be in the library of every farmer, stockman and poultryman.
It is the last word in veterinary science, a revelation to the adept and a guide to
the beginner. It is being read and studied in schools and colleges and more than
50,000 copies are now in the hands of the best stockmen in America. It is valu
able alike to the man who owns one animal or a hundred.
"The Veterinarian" is being offered for the first time to readers of the Pa
cific Homestead. Although thousands of copies have been sold at' the full price
of $2.50 each the exclusive right has been secured for Homestead readers. We
have purchased in such enormous quantities that we can afford to give the book
free to our Readers. Free! Free! Free!
The Pacific Homestead, the leading farm paper of the Northwest
It is published in the interest of the farmer who believes in up-to-date and
modern methods. Each issue contains valuable information on dairying, agricult
ure, horticulture, stockraising and articlea,on poultry, bees, garden and the
home. Edited by men who are recognized as leaders in their particular line. No
expense spared in putting out a clean, newsy and wholesome paper. It is printed
on a tine quality ot book paper, illustrated with real cuts and photographs.
lhe tact that it goes into 18000 homes in the Northwest each week and is read
from cover to cover by every member of the family is an argement in its tavor.
52 big issues a year with four special editions.
Her U the way to get your copy of '"Th VetrinrinH Fill out the coupon
below, send $1 for the Pacific Homestead one year and the book will be sent to
your address, post paid.
Second Hand Goods
Going and Coming
One block north of Baptist church
J. D . Stevens
Salem, Oregon
As per your offer, I enclose herewith $1 for subscripton one year and you
are w seno. me a copy oi your book "lhe Veterinarian" as a free pre
Postoffice ,
R. F. D State