The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, August 18, 1916, Image 3

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Important Occurrences of Past
Week Briefly Compiled for
Our Readers.
Ion baa again stpone! the date 1
when lit order in the Astoria rata cai
will become effective. It waa let to
become operatlte September IS. but
the date hai been changed to Novem
ber 1.
With wheat mounting higher and
grain sack prices keeping ai.ace. Ba
ker county wheat growers are punled
aa how to handle their bumper crops,
now just ready to harvest Sacks have
i aavanceo to i& cents apiece here, so
Port Orfonl Agate Carnival was that growers believe that much of the
11,8 t week advanced price of the grain will be
btld ''!,.! oiKhth annual dahlia ahow 'mtnat.d In the net protlt
gasidei eignin w Representative Sinnotfs bm for re-
W?MhS5uhoM its annual chrysan- Sherman county settler, has
R .how S year In October. !"'- PtWt. Regu-
tbirlnual Salt Cairn carnival will " Boveruing payment, will be
Seaside Saturday evening. Prescribed by the Interior department
sawmi 1. within the Immedi- The harvest seanon is on in Morrow
irS ubMonw running county full blast Report, from crop.
ate vicinity oi ioau already thre,hed ,ndic(lte ,he
T'S. federal building will be W 7 Urger
Pend.eton. 6 . than any previous output from this
r.sdy for occupation between beptem
K Tu 1 KrlckiM of Dayville ha. Oregon-i bee. will manufacture W,
k opolnld .Ute fire warden for thl. year, accord-
been appointed lng tQ eitlraates o 0 p lloft state
Grant county. ,gbor commlBlioner who hag Just
P1.ns have been ho C0lnp1eted a survey of the bee Indus-
lng . Harvest Fe.t val In Albany Oc Jf
wortS to field. Ewald Sny- A total of 31.05S automobile license,
Ullev. owing mane ' have been Issued during the period
der and Guy Hayne. e.caped from the i
reform school at Salem. be(ng
Happy v.bwj'w"!
"town," which exlsta only during the
Round-up, has been Incorporated.
That the watermelon crop in Doug
la, county will be bigger thl. year
than ever before it the belief of the
" 0
Here is This Store's Platform
Day In and Day Out, Told in Three Short Sentences
plication, for license, come In at an
average of about 60 per day.
Cooperation between Eugene and
Klamath Fall, in an attempt to .ecure
a commercial highway from Klamath
Falls via Eusene to Florence on the
At a co,t of approximately 11,000,-
000, the Port of Astoria has construct
ed, at Smith's point, at the west end
of the Astoria peninsula, docks,
wharfs and warehouses that are not
to be excelled on the Pacific coast.
A fight In an effort to retain for
Lane county revenue from taxation of
Oregon & California railroad grant
lands amounting to $80,000 annually
tnen- t a Am .nA n coast, from funds provided by the
Oregon ha. received river and bar-
ni(An mminnniT 10 II.
Dor up pi up icjAiuuo o -
760,000 at the hand, of the present
B. F. Crum, veteran of the Civil War
and commander of J. W. Geary Post.
Grand Amy of the Republic in Eu
gene, Is dead.
Richard K. Fox offers to give an all
gold belt thl. year for the Round-up
championship at Pendleton September
21. 22 and 23.
Harold Smiley was Instantly electro
cuted at Corvalll. while painting the
roof of the Mechanical Hall building
of the O. A. C.
The federal farm loan board plan,
to visit Portland next month to in
vestigate as to a site for a federal
farm loan bank. '
Apprehension I. expressed by the
public service commissioners that the
car shortage situation would become
acute in a few days. -
There were reported to the .tate in
dustrial accident commission during
the week, a total of 314 accidents, of
which none was fatal. j
The post office department an
nounces changes in location of post
offices at Ballston, Polk county, and
Slletz, Lincoln county.
Governor Wlthycombe, State Fish
and Game Warden Shoemaker and the
fish commission spent several days
on Coo. bay last week.
Employes of the Southern Pacific
from almost every Oregon city and
town on its lines attended a picnic at
the Salem fair grounds Tuesday.
attendance in we
A Higher Standard of Quality
A Higher Staudaid of Value
A Higher Standard of Service
Which i. only another way of
laying that we tell the right
merchandise at the right price
in the right way.
which pays highest prices for farm products
! 1
the time for holding" a hearing to de
rnpmlnp whether or not the rates
annuo Biiiuui.ii0 -
is planned by the bureau of taxation : charged by the American express com
of the Eugene chamber of commerce, pany for the transportation of milk,
Work has been started on a roaa j cream and dairy products in me sime
penetrating the Cascade national for
est as far a, the foot of Cooper's spur,
on the northeast base of Mount Hood,
and before snow flies In late autumn
it is expected the route will be com
pleted. Sums paid for securing signatures
to a nominating petition for a pri
mary election do not come within the
limitation of expenses of a candidate
nffi Attorney General Brown
U UU'W, ... .
held in an opinion for Secretary of
State Olcott
I Salaries paid teachers of Klamath
! county were the highest of any county
in the state during the year ending In
I June, according to the annual report
from County Superintendent Peterson,
the average for men being $102.20 and
women $77.54.
Th rnntPSt for U16 eiecuuu
of a
are lust and reasonable. The hearing
will be held In Portland.
Claims of delegates for their ex- j
penses to national party conventions j
cannot be audited by the Secretary of j
state, Attorney General Drown has ad
vised Secretary Olcott Failure of the
legislature to provide an appropriation
for payment of party delegates' ex
npnuM. it is pointed out, makes It im
possible to pay their expenses for at
tending the conventions.
Examiner Pisque, of the Interstate
commerce common, will conduct
hearings at Portland on October 6 In
the cases of the Astoria Box company
vs. North Bank railroad, and the Tort
land Traffic A Transportation com
.v v. the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St
..iwj nn October 9. He will
r&ui mi"
conduct a hearing at romano m .by
Th contest ror uie - wjium.. -
?EA.torl.Beptta,wh.-ai 1 cases in which the tra in. and
queeu ui ., i. i . )onn mmDanV Is the cora
ls nno nf Astoria's fair daughters. Is
in progress and fill close August 23.
Each of the cities and towns in the
Columbia river district has been In
vited to name a maid of honor.
Otis Walt, of Kicareau,
. nrtotinn company Is the
plalnant against the railroads.
Average dally
Dn.ll.nJ nnknnls tnf ha VBOT OIl(iilH
I UlUBUU DtllUUlO 1UI WIV J . t Q(lg Walt, OI lUCIUCail, B"""
June 30, 1916. was 35,209, according to i u.-'hopn offered and has ic
the forty-third annual school report, j d m posltlon 0f farmer at the
Preparations for the building of a g penitentiary at Salem, made va-
$26,000 concrete grain elevator and recently by the removal of Mr.
cleaning plant in Pendleton have been Humphreyg by Warden Minto. He will
begun by the Farmers' Grain Agency. hU ew dutteg September 1.
A new course of study for the com-; ... . eame commission has
l ue lion " o-
mercial departments of high schools decjded t0 close the mouth of the
of Oregon has iust been published by I . rnmmercial fishing and
stop the fishermen's war. me w
be a hearing at Gold Beach next Frl
day and a "dead-line" will be estab
lished 500 to 1500 feet from the river,
mouth. .
The first loganberry aeason has
nded at Sheridan, ano -
- u was a very successiui
the growers it was a
season. The entire crop of the Sheri
an "ards. approximating 250 ton.
! juice contracted for as
i ih6JrTL. Fibre company i.
of one of k' j installing machinery at Turner under
be leMt 4 the action of the company', exper ,
E j Hansett, of Belgium, aa
ft; on iax Browing and bra manu
lty on iiax b work the
Ila .. . u Kastern linen
,-hich win oe " "
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Secretary Daniels ha. Instructed
the commander of the Pacific fleet to
assign a vessel to Coo. Bay for Jubi
lee week If circumstances at the time
will permit
The Bartlett pear picking season is
now In full swing at Medford and all
Indications point to a $1,000,000 pear
and apple crop for the Rogue river
valley In 1916.
Figs are ripening in the yard, of
AugUBt Rakel at Canemah, and the
yield of the first crop of one of his
trees, 6 year, old, will
bushel and a half.
Joseph Buchtel. nearly 86 year, old,
Oregon pioneer of 1852 and ex sheriff
of Multnomah county and chief of the
old volunteer fire department died at
his home In Portland.
Fire destroyed the chapel of the Old
Soldier." Home in west Roseburg, to
gether with its contents. Command
ant Markee estimates the loss at $5000
with partial insurance.
A second lieutenancy In the United
States army t. open, by competitive
examination, to all graduates of the
Oregon agricultural college who are
not over 27 year, of age.
The Interstate commerce commls-
Uniting Learning and Labor
In its Sit School, and Forty-eight De
ptrttnentsi. encaged ia the great work
of uniting Usming and Labor.
Forty-eighth School Tear uan
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.'
Degree Courw, requiring a J"'
high school proration, are offered in
the following:
COMMERCE, 4 Departments; KNOIN
PVR INC. 6 Departments ; MINKS, I
FSn 'nts; FORESTRY. 2 Depart
mensHOMB ECONOMICS, 4 Depart
ments; and PliAKMAv. i ,
Trains into Monmouth
L've Portland 7:15, a m, Gerlinger 10.33, Independence 11, Monmouth 11:10
' Salem 9:45,
.. 1:40, pm Dallas 2:55 " 3:20
. 4 00 Gerlinger 4 ;38, Independence 4:55, Monmouth 5:06
.. " 7:00, " 7:20, " 7:30
" Portland 3:20, Connects with above
" Corvalli. 645, am Independence 7:35 Arrive Monmouth 7:45
1:15, pm " 2:20 " 2:30
" Dallas 7:00, a m, Arrive Monmouth 7:26
" Airlie 8 30, a m and 3:56, p tn. Arrive, Monmouth 9:05 a m and 4:30 p m
Leave Independence, 7, am, 7.36, 8.45, 11, p m 1.30, 2.20, 8, 4.15, 4.58, 7.20
Train out of Monmouth
L've Monmouth 7:15 a m, Independence 7:35, Gerlinger 7:49, Ar Salem 8:30
"Same a. above n PorS"d ?
"Monmouth 1:50, p my " 2:14, " 2:27, Slem 8:15
"Same as above Porcllnd ;(
.. u .u " 4:55. " 5:10, Salem 6:00
.. .. o-ftR .m Dallas 10:10 " U;10
4';30,pm " W " 6i
" 9 05, a m, Independence 10;50, Corvalli. 11;60
R.m r,m 7:15. " 8:15
.. '.li'..'.JMnm Arrives Airlie 8 a m and 8;60 pm
I ,LM m 111 wi'v. f - -
Leave Monmouth 7.15, a m, 8.15 9.06, 11.15, 1.60, 2.35, 3.20, 4.36, 5.10, 7.35
Wood Sawed to Order
E. E. RAKE, Successor to W. L. Phillips.
Your wood sawed for you just as you order it done
Phone 4114.' Country Orders Solicited,
Good Printing is the Herald Print Shop Product
J. M. Mc DONALD, Prop-
ments; HO
... ' rnnrtaa reouirinr an
Eighth Grle preparation for entrance
fre offered Agriculture. Dairying.
Commerce, Fore.try, Home Maker, and
Mechanic Art,. Pharmacy with a two
.!Uh -hool entrance requirement.
TWI M'fc-
n.nrf and Voice Culture.
C,t'l-e aod Dtautifui Hlurtrated
booklet free.
. i T B r.iiTA.
. .,..t.iVi -7.i) COKVAI.I.IS. oROOt
mli18- .... rroo of Oregon has
0 ' .., f72 000; Par.
been debated
ic .ervic. commi..ion
o your JrHii- W. et Pt-
aJ rfS m tim book
mu at I" TTJ..
of SW tw" M I
D.SV ffiTftfl.
Datani ln .
fcW M
Come and see our fine herd of Jer
sey Cows and clean, sanitary barn
Phone 2405 MONMOUTH, ukc ;
the greater qregonS
With w blldlnft,ttut ulpmnit.and
nmir addltlont to lu hrultr, lh I'nlvrnltr
,... karla Itm fortl-flnt IW, TM
dr.S-pHioibr 1, 1SI.
Swx-lnl tmlnlna in ummnir.,.-Arehllertiiil.Mdleln.Tt-hl.Ui-
u 1 v..Hl Tnl.iln. .ml Ft
ry norii ...... - --- -----
Art. Lr aiirt ltrnf driMirtm.nU of Libr-
tMa buildlnci (allr lptd. two iplendld
Taltloa rr, uonrimrio.
WrIU for frM oaUlofi, addrotilni EccUtmr
LI . . , I IP
a .iiNft