n n Herald MO ma Vol. VIII Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon, Friday, January 14, 1916 No. 19 f, 1 i f: I i Help boost for a STATE NORMAL SCHOOL NOTES President Ackerman's Father . ' It Critically 111 GLEE CLUBS PREPARING SACRED CANTATA Irving Bachellor to Give Lecture In Normal Chapel, Saturday January 29th The many friends of Miss Kennon were pleased to have her sufficiently recovered from her illness to take up her class work Monday morning. , , k. President Ackerman received word that his father, who lives in Iowa, is critically ill, and in all probability will not recover, j Supt. Imel, of the Astoria schools, visited the Normal and interviewed several members of the February class with a view to recommending them for posi tions in the Astoria schools. The Normal appreciates the personal visits from Superintendents, as it feels that it is the very best way for a superintendent to se lect his teachers, j The furniture for the training school which was ordered by the Building Committee, has practi cally all arrived, and will be ready for" installation as soon as the building is completed. The several glee clubs of the Normal, under the Head of the Music Department, Miss Mary Hoham, are preparing the sacred cantata, "Ruth" which will be given in the Normal chapel on the evening of January 27. This will be one of the best entertain ments given by the school during the year, and there will be a splendid opportunity for those who desire to spend an evening most pleasantly and profitably. Admission will be charged. Mr. M. S. Pittman is spending the week in visiting schools in Umatilla county under the aus pices of County Superintendent Young. He has accepted an in vitation to spend the week , be ginning January 24 with Supt Smith, in Marion county, in visit ing schools in said county. Mr. J. B. V. Butler has ac cepted an invitation to speak to the Parent-Teachers' Association at Airlie, tomorrow, Saturday. ..Friday morning Mr. T. ..H. Gentle represented the faculty in chapel. Mr. Gentle took for his subject a bit of f his autobi ography which proved intensely interesting to his audience. He spoke frankly and humorously of many, very intimate and delight ful days in his life days which recalled to his hearers many sim ilar occasions. The pedogogical point of the talk was the wonder ful influence which came from the friendly interest of a country school - teacher whose eyes saw and whose mouth spoke wonder ful things while his fertile brain dreamed dreams- which were actually made realities in a coun try community.- The faculty and students alike are eager for fur ther leaves from this life's book. A rare pleasure is offered all those who can hear Irving Bach elor's lecture "Keeping Up With Bigger and better Monmouth Improvements are needed Lizzie" which he is to give in the Normal chapel, Saturday, Janu ary 29. Mr. Bachellor is not only an author of note-many will recall their delight, in "Eben Holden" and others of his books -but he is equally distinguished in the field of lecturing. People who have heard him say he is at his best, perhaps, in "Keeping Up With Lizzie" which is a characteristic satire of modern life and customs. Tickets can be secured by Normal people as usual. Last week end interest centered largely in the preliminary try outs for the final contest which is to decide the two winners of the local contest for candidates to 'represent the Oregon Normal School in the Intercollegiate Ora torical Contest which will be held here in March. The two try outs Friday, one in the afternoon and the other in the evening, were characterized by fine spirit. The students all made very good showings. From the following afternoon contestants, Mr. Whit ten, Miss Jacobs, Miss Anderson, Miss Chute, Mr. Evans, Miss Gallbraith, Miss Nystrom these two were chosen winners: Sen ior, MissPhena Anderson; Jun ior, Miss Jacobs. The evening's contestants were Mr. Cornwell, Miss Bretz. Miss Ruggles, Miss Meyers, Miss Georgia Rouse, Miss Mettie, Miss Rand. The winners here were: Senior, Miss Marie Meyers; Junior, Miss Georgia Rouse.. , The judges were Dr. Dunsmore of Independence, Mr. Keezel of Monmouth High School and Miss Davis of Salem, The next tryout is scheduled for the last of January and mean while the winners are making every effort to improve for this final test. OBITUARY Phebe Jane, daughter of Elijah and Anna Eliza Odell, was born in New York City, July 7th, 1832 and died at her home one mile North of Monmouth, Polk Co., Oregon, Jan. 7th, 1916. In 1833 deceased, with her parents, re moved to the then' wilds of In diana County, Pennsylvania. where the family became one of the pioneer families of that County. On June 7th, 1858, the family arrived at Iowa Falls, Iowa. There she was married January J5th, 1882, to David S. Martin, and in 1891 the . family came to Oregon and settled near Rickreall, Polk County, and in 1896 moved to their present home near Monmouth where Mr. Mar tin died Jan. 9th, 1911 , ; Mrs. Martin leaves an adopted daughter, Mrs. Paul Tacheron, of Monmouth,, and a host of friends to mourn, her departure. Funeral services were held at 10:30 A. M. Jan. 9th, 1916, at the home, .. conducted by the , Rev. Mrs. Pierce, and the services at the grave , were conducted by Rev. Bennet of the M. E. Church at Dallas, . Oregon, and the re mains were laid Ho rest beside those of her husband and father in the I. 0. 0. F. Cemetery at that place. - Hair Switches made from combings. Enquire at this office. CITY COUNCIL HELD MEETING Mayor Murdock Called the Meeting to Order' FOLLOWING COMMITTEES APPOINTED Claims Allowed and Ordered Paid and Other Business Was Taken Up The common council met in regular session Tuesday evening, January 11, 1915, Councilmen Riddell. Hampton, Ostien and Goodman, Mayor Murdock, Re corder Brown and Marshal More land being present . The meeting was called to or der by Mayor Murdoch, minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and the following committees were appointed: Water Board James Good man and D. M. Hampton. Street Committee -John A. Riddell, H. C. Ostien and D. M. Hampton. ; Finance Committee-James Goodman, H. C. Ostien and John A. Riddell. , Tax Committee-H. C. Ostien, John A. Riddell and D. M. Hampton. Auditing Committee-James Goodman and H. C. Ostien. A communication from the Civic Club of Monmouth was read in which they presented the City with the waste paper re ceptacles at present standing in front of Morlan's store, the post office and the bank. The following claims were audited and warrants ordered drawn for amounts of same: ON ROAD FUND B. F. Swope, for labor.. W. W. Newman, for im plements and iron Total .$ 7.25 2.85 $10.10 ON GENERAL FUND B. F. Swope, for labor'..... $2. 00 ON WATER FUND ; W. W. Newman, for auger.$2.50 Motion was made by D. M. Hampton, seconded by H. C Ostien, to instruct the marshal to purchase two lanterns and have a locker built in the fire hall to keep said lanterns in; to purchase or have made the num ber of wrenches required by the firemen in connecting and dis connecting the fire, hose, and to have gongs placed on the hose carts. Motion carried. , Motion was made by H. C. Ostien, seconded by James Good man, that the waste paper re ceptacles presented by the Civic Club be accepted and the marshal be instructed .to see that they were properly placed and taken care of. Motion carried. Council then adjourned and will meet again in regular ses sion, Tuesday evening, January 25, at 8 o'clock. County Grange Met Here - :- A Pomona Grange met at Mon mouth Wednesday, but owing to the weather and the . funeral of Mr. Allan Johnson the attend ance was not very large. A big dinner was enjoyed and a pleas ant time spent, . and four candi dates were initiated in the evening. Good Spelling ' At the last County Spelling Contest the following averages and rankings were made by the pupils of District 13. The re port is given but by Supt Sey mour, who selected the words used in the test Patrons are invited to compare these averages with those made by the parents at the spelling contest held not long since at the Parent-Teachers' Association. 3rd Grade-Number of pupils, 12; average grade for class, 83.8. 4th Grade-Pupils, 9; average grade, 97.5 5th Grade Pupils, 19; average grade, 99.7; first place. 6th Grade-Pupils, 13; average grade, 98.1; third place. 7th Grade-Pupils, 20; average grade, 99.7; second place. 8th Grade-Pupils, 27; average grade, 99.7; first place. BASKETBALL The Monmouth High School first team will meet the Silverton team in a game of basketball at the High School gymnasium to night (Friday) at 7:30 o'clock. This is the first interscholastic game of the year and a fast and good game is expected. Come out and see the boys play and help them win. The admis sion will be 10 and 15 cents. , Bank Holds Annual Meeting At the annual meeting of the shareholders of the First Nation al Bank, held on Tuesday of this week, the old officers and direct- ors were reelected as ionows: J. B. V. Butler, Chairman of the Board; Ira C. Powell, President, and W. E. Smith, Cashier; Miss Emma M. Parker, Bookkeeper. The directors are I. M. Simp son, Wm. Riddell, F. S. Powell. J. B. V. Butler and'IraC. Powell. The bank has continued to pay regular cash dividends and in ad dition set aside a large surplus fund. - A full statement of the banks business is published in this issue. C. W. B. M. Held Meeting The Auxiliary to the Christian Women's Board of Missions held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Otis Wolver ton. Considering the inclement weather and sickness the atten dance was good. The program was irregular. One feature discussed was "The benefit each individual member had received by being a member of the Society." The program was followed by the hostess serving delicious refresh ments. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. E. C. Cole. ... CARD OF THANKS We wish -to thank the many kind neighbors and friends for their sympathy and kindly as sistance during the recent illness and death of our mother. ,. Mr. and Mrs. Paul tacheron. Social Hour Club Will Meet , , The Woman's Social Hour Club will, meet Wednesday of next week, January 19, at the home of Mrs. Nettie Boche. WELL-KBOWN CITIZEN DIES Allan Johnson Passes Away Monday Evening CAME TO MONMOUTH IN FALL OF 1302 Had Been Engaged in the Wood Business Continually From The Time of His Arrival Allan Johnson was born at Ossinbrook, Leeds County, On tario, Canada, and died at Mon mouth, Oregon, January 10, 1916. At the age of 16 years he went to Wisconsin, and after living there for some time moved to Minnesota. He came to Oregon in 1899, making his home at Buena Vista, and moving to Mon mouth in the fall of 1902. He first lived in the residence now occupied by J. H. Moran, and in 1903 moved into the block in which he died. He was married to Miss Lillie Taylor in June, 1908, and to this union two children were born, Nada, aged 5 years last August, and Justa Lola, aged 3 months. He engaged in the wood busi ness upon his arrival in Mon mouth, purchasing 80 acres west of town, and later starting a lumber yard where he worked until a few months ago, when he was forced to retire from active services on account of failing health. On April 15, 1912, he sold the yard to the Willamette Valley Lumber Company, but re tained the management of the same. The funeral service was held at the family residence, Wednes day, January 12, 1916, at 2 o'clock P. M., Rev. W. A. Wood offici ating, with interment in the K. of P. cemetery south of town. He was a member of the I, O. O. F Grange and Woodmen of the World orders, two repre sentatives from each serving as pall bearers, the Odd Fellows having charge of the services at the cemetery. Mr. Johnson leaves a wife and two children in this city and four sisters and six brothers in the east to mourn their loss. Installed Officers Agate Rebekah met Thursday night of last week in regular session and installed the follow ing officers after which light re freshments were served and a social evening followed N. G., Pearl Smith; V. G., Amy Steinberg; Chaplain, Emma Newman; , Treasurer, Mignon Carmichael; Warden, Alta Rog ers; Conductor, Allie. Butler; R. S. N. G., Maggie Butler; L S. N. G., Lavilla Boothby; R, S. V. G., Lottie Graham; L S. V. G., Mabel Johnson; Inside Guardian, Libby Murdock; Outside Guard ian, Wilda Johnson. Died In Idaho The body of H. R. Hall, neph ew of L M. Hall of Monmouth, who died at Wallace, Idaho, recently, was interred in . the Buena Vista cemetery last Mon day. Two brothers of the de ceased, John E. Hall and Ralph L Hall, accompanied the body. I v