The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, October 29, 1915, Image 5

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$t Payroll, Improvement and
fctorie and Enterprue that
VfJl Give Labor Employment,
jd Matter Affecting Indus,
tries and InveatmenU.
Salem, Oregon. Oct 21
ln regard to devolopisg kelp beds
off the Oregon Coast on a large
jcale for the purpose of obtain
ing potash, New York capitalists
innuire of Secretary of State,
Olcott, if it would be possible for
state to contract with the
corporation on a basis that would
Dermit a large investment
Veneta will have a sawmill in
the near future,
Springfield city tax will be less
the coming year,
(Won City is to have a new
bank, $50,000 capital.
a mi k condenser plant is
talked of for Cottage Grove.
Finnish Brotherhood society of
Astoria will erect $10,000 garage,
Halfway-Contract awarded
for construction of municipal pipe
It is rumored that the Smith
Pulp mill at Marshfield will run
Reports say new plaining mill
to be built in Roseburg this
Milwaukee will soon advertise
forbids for extension of water
Allen & Lewis of Portland ex
pect to build a warehouse in
All wheat warehouses in St
Johns filled to overflowing, first
time in years.- ,
Sumpter-North Pole and Co
lumbia mines " now working
steadily with good prospects.
The largest carload of apples
ever sent from Hood River has
just been shipped to Petrograd.
The Willamette Valley Electric
from Mt Angel to Portland starts
first train service Sunday, Oct
It is expected through train
service from Coos Bay to Eugene
will be given the public May 1,
The Dalles-Fill for O. W. R.
& N. terminal is finished and
track laying will begin in a few
Baker-Dredeintr operations in
Sumpter Valley for mining re
quiring capital of $500,000 being
, Wouldn't it be nice if a few of
those steamship companys Port
land is after could sail under the
American flag.
The North Pole mine in the
Sumpter district has 40 men tak
ing out and shipping large quan
tities of high grade ore.
Simpson Lumber Co. of North
Bend made the largest cut on
record in September for a North
Bend mill, 3,415,650 feet
Oregon, California and Eastern
filed articles of incorporation and
plans to construct 400 miles of
railroad in Eastern Oregon.
Report says that the Hill in
terests will spend large sums con
structing additional wharves anq
enlarging terminals at Flavel.
Astoria-After long controv
ersy, council voted unanimously
to grant Pacific Power & Light
Co. street car franchise on Frank
lin Ave.
Jitney fares - have been re
cced to six for a quarter. The
Jitneys might next provide free
"fe insurance oolicies to tneir
The true way to help bring
Prosperity is to lighten the bur-
de" of the taxpayer and take
some of the shackles off business
ana industry.
The S. P. Co. and tr, ,;
Corvallis have agreed upon terms1
T """MUrj franchise for
trie electric system of the S. P
Co. in that city. ' ;
Oregon City passes strict'
Jitney ordinance requiring $3000
uunas,uu quarterly license and
continuous . service hetu- port R
A. M., and 10 P. M.
Oregon City-The (Won !
Dallas & Roseburar Railroad 1
subsidiary of the Portland Ce
ment to. has begun operations
preparatory to the opening of the
uswego plant of the cement con
It is announced that construe
tion will begin at once on stand
ard gauge railroad from Carnes
Station, 6 miles south of Rose-
burg, to the big quarries of the
Portland cement Co. on Roberts
The reduced round trip rate of
25 cents granted by the Portland
Railway Light & Power Co. be
tween Portland and Vancouver
is making heavy inroads on the
jitney traffic especially as the
street cars are more comfortable
in cold weather.
Voters owe it to themselves
and the welfare of the republic
to put the tariff out of politics.
It should be adjusted as the cur-'
rency and banking have been.
Dont make our industries bear
the political burden and night
mare every four years.
Politicians are again grooming
themselves for office. As a voter
and a taxpayer see that they
have the proper business qualifi
cations to spend your money, be
fore they get your vote. The
days of the cheap cigar, pump-
handle handshake and hot-air
promises are past
Mining Laws of Australia and
New Zealand
It has been estimated that there
are more than 3,500,000,000.000
short tons of coal in the United
States, exclusive of Alaska. An
authoritative statement of the
coal supply of the world shows
that the United States has coal
reserves exceeding those' of any
other continent and nearly double
those of Europe. The fact that
we are a favored nation in this
respect however, does not imply
that we should not be on the
alert to discover and put into op
eration the best possible policy
in regard to our coal lands, ana
in determining this policy a com
parison with the practices of oth
er mining countries is helpful.
Geological Survey Bulletin 505,
"Minimr Laws of Australia ana
New Zealand," contains much
that is suggestive on the subject,
and although it is not an ex
haustive treatise, it is the best
available collection of authorita
tive data bearing on the practical
working of mineral-land laws es
sentially different from those of
the United States, me ouneu..
not only gives in considerable de
tail the special provisions, terms,
and conditions of the different
laws, as well as statistical mfor-
mation regarding the extent of
mining, but also contains much
Smony by practical Austrahan
and New Zealand inning men
who are operating under these
laws. On this account it un
. V-ji.. furnishes a valuable
ZZ i the leas,
S and freehold systems ,n
their effect upon mining develop-
Successful Farming
On account of the great stride,
that are being made in the sc.-
Dear Madam:-
Get ready now for Preserving Season. We have
been fortunate in securing from one of the largest
manufacturers a special line of Preserving Season
items in high grade Enameled ware which we will
place on sale at ridiculously low prices. We are going
to give a 3-4-qt. Fruit Jar Dipper with each sale. Come
in and get yours.
Monmouth, Oregon
ence of farming, it is absolutely !
necessary for every man to keep
in touch with the latest and best
ideas, methods and suggestions
that are constantly developing.
Much thought and money are
being spent in the development
of this great industry. Compe
tition is as keen in this line of
work as in the complex business
life of the large cities. Study,
thought, experiment are essen
tial for success.
In our club of four magazines,
advertised elsewhere in this
paper, we have included the
best and most authoritative farm
nnblication on the market. This
Journal tells you of the methods
of successful farmers. Tells you
how others have met and over
come the same problems that
confront you.
We offer you a year's subscrip
tion to this publication and three
other magazines for only a few
cents more than the cost of our
rinnpr alone. If you have not
already sent us your subscription
"do it now."
Lebanon Rooming Home Burned
Lebanon, Ore., Oct 25. -A fire
that totally destroyed the J. C.
De vine rooming, house and con
tents west of the depot was
started by a coal oil lamp here a
few nights ago. I he house was
occupied by Mrs. Esther Wine
hart Her 17-year-old son took a
lamp into a closet to search for a
hook when he upset the lamp, an
explosion resulted and the de
struction of the house ionowea.
The house was a 14-room affair,
havinz been erected by J. L. Le
vine about four years ago." The
fire depart men tres ponded
promptly but the fire being in the
inside of the building was diffi
cult to controle and practically
nnthimr was saved. Devine's
loss is $2500, partially covered by
Fire, Life and Casualty"
Losses Promptly Paid
Am I interested in Monmouth
Books, Tablets, Inks, Pens, Envelopes,
Paper and all kinds of writing material
Fancy Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Smokers Supplies
Try us for Paint and Oils, and get our prices on Carpet and Rugs,
or Furniture before purchasing elsewhere.
Keeps on Sale ,
Best Grade Chic Feed. Best Grade Grit, Bone and
Oyster Shell.
Garden Seeds in Package or in Bulk. '
Will Pay Cash for Eg:t and Poultry.
Monmouth, . Oregon
Notary Public
Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Etc
Dr. Laura Colby Price.
Office and Residence North
east corner of Clay and Broad
Attorney at Law and Notary
Home Phone:
Office, No. 1320,
Residence, No. 3712.
Office in Cooper building,
Independence, Oregon
Himes Engineering Co.
Surveying and Platting
Estimates furnished on Drainage
and Irrigation Work.
Phone 502. Dallas, Ore.
Hair Switches made from
combings. Enquire at this office.
d cnocr
(ret it
my wife
Parch the "NEW HOME" and you will
hart aaaet al lb pric you pay. Th
aliminatioa ol repair aipenta bf lupenof work
in anthip and bcM Quality ol material insure
life-loo Mrric at minimum cort.
Iuirt m h., th "NEW HOME". It I
known lb world over lot superior aewioc quail,
tie. Mot aold nnder any other aaata.
Dealer Wanted
Job work neatly and promptly done