The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 10, 1915, Image 5

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    i E. Crumley in "Autumn
W lW'
rbus of historic lor.
bo wiled to find an unknown shore,
Vr found t country half so great
' Bly be found in oul'i estate.
itmy dreamy castle.
h, nhwtorn shapes, neath moonlit skies,
jyre are lakes and valleyi and forests
mountains in dim perspective piled,
ij moonlight blooms ita spirit flowers,
And mystery hovers o'er its bowers,
from places of the deeper shade
shrink-the mysfry makes afraid;
for there may lurk in caverns deep
IV source oi all the tears we weep.
ill hie me to the fragrant air
Of trees and flowers, and, waiting there,
Krtt with the spirit of All-good
That I have felt-not understood.
Oh, tell me not that 'tis unreal,
The powers of soul I sometimes feel.
Sometimes when music fills ita air,
I (diverse with the angels there;
And all the sweetness of the skies
I, mjne when those soul fountains rise.
Though Mem'ry's pictures deck the
Soul's castles hold no judgment halls;
Though life is vibrant in ita air
And knowledge fills it everywhere,
Tne throne that governs it is here,
Where Reason sits in daylight clear,
Xr.d judges all that comes before
Its throne, from this or Dreamland's
Oh Mind, thy kingdom seems to be
Linked to all eternity!
When Alexander ruled the world;
When Caesar's banners, proud.unfurled,
Tbse lords of earth knew not at all
What lay beyond the ocean's wall,
Where waited as a recompense
For daring man, two continents.
My seeking Reason, on its throne,
Is not content to rule, alone,
This mortal part which soon must die
As all that's earthly passes by.
I'll the homage of my soul accept,
And all the secrets that are kept
For him who looks with Wisdom's eyes,
For power that deep within him lies.
Beyond the bound'ries I have known,
My kingdom waiteth, all my own;
There meet with me, great God above,
And light my soul-world with thy love;
At my poor banquet, Lord, sit down,
And at thy feet I'll lay my crown.
My royal eonship stirs in me
And breathes of love and liberty.
How to See the Fair
Oregon Building, Panama-Pacific
Exposition, Sept. 7.-Ore-?onians
who want to see the most
of the big Exposition in the short
est length of time, at the least
expense in the long-run and with
the greatest comfort and real
pleasure, should be located on the
grounds. This is the conclusion
of the writer after five months
experience and innumerable con
versations with those who have
been both on and off the grounds.
Since coming here the writer has
lived in Oakland, in San Fran
cisco, and upon the grounds. He
Sieves that any coming for but
one week cannot afford to locate
flown in the city, and really de
sirable places are no longer to be
found, except occasionally, near
the grounds. If the trip .is to be
of two weeks, at least one week
should be spent wholly inside the
founds. Located at Inside Inn,
f0r instance, one is able to see
"side of one week all that can
oe seen in two weeks if one lives
away from the grounds. The
mornings here are the desirable
time at the exposition, and this
18 the time wasted when one lives
jway. The night offers the won-
ferflll illuminnririns and nt pleven
Mock are the extraordinary
Jnminated flights of the aviators.
Much of this is necessarily missed
" one must go by car down into
Citv tn orwr,cl kn ntrrrits
Usually people get so tired that
wiey really can not remain up
ith any comfort or pleasure.
"nen at Inside Tnn ir io nnssihle
10 Rarest whenever desired,
no- 't is possible to view prac-
UCally evprvfhi'nn of niVVit frnm
.1 - ---Jvuig dlf 411tV -
hotel windows. There is
every convenience and comfort
! Upward and hrootr,,
be had for fift. T can
a regular dininsr room, also a cafe
where one can spend as much or
M little ii may
1 he rooms are hw ad
furnished and a stay at Inside
Inn is a real pleasure. If one
does not care to eat at the hotel
it is easy to find fairly good liv
ing at the Y. W. C. A. cafeteria
or at several other eating places
over the grounds where the price
is not necessarily very strenuous.
vc"w. mere .
Fate of the Brig
Copyright, mi, by the MeClors
Newspaper Syndicate.
Togo la the southernmost Island In
the Cape de Verde group, situated In
the north Atlantic. 1 was there In
bark which had brought lumber, hard
ware, agricultural Implements and oth
er stuff, and ou our arrival we found
the brig Ivan already at anchor.
The commander of a Russian man-of-war
on a cruise has more power
than the czar at home. The latter
must at least have some excuse to
send a citizen to bis death. The for
mer has ouly to report him dead, and
the details are never asked for.
Several of the crew on the Ivan
were triced tip and flogged In plain
view of us on the first day of our ar
rivul, and It wasn't long before we
learned that the brig was a floating
One dark and rainy night, while i
was standing anchor watch on our
craft, one of the Russian sailors swam
off to us. He had come for a talk.
Fie knew nothing whatever of geogra-
pny and could not tell In which di
rection any coast lay. He asked par
ticularly ubout the coast of Brazil,
the distance, the people, the rivers,
etc. He Hnally told me the crew of
the brig to a man bad decided to mu
tiny, kill the ollicers and run the craft
ashore and each man shift for himself
until the excitement had blown user.
The days went by. There was the
usual routine of flogging aboard the
Ivan, and a sailor who sprang over
board rather than be lashed was cool
ly shot down alongside the brig with
out being even ordered to return.
The next day at 5 o'clock In the after
noon the mutiny suddenly burst forth.
There were six merchantmen In the
harbor, but had the Russian com
mander called for assistance It would
not have been afforded. At least fifty
of us saw the Russian captain shot
and thrown overboard, and after him
went his first lieutenant
Then fol-
lowed the paymaster and two others,
and the crew had the brig to them,
selves. Before going out of the bar
bor men were sent to every vessel to
show tbelr raw backs and tell how ,
they had been wronged, and as the
brig turned ber head to sea she was
It was a week after when we got
ready for sea. bound for Rio Janlero.
We had no Idea of ever hearing from
the Russians again, but when four
days out we ran across a New Bed
ford whaler named Scott which gave
us some exciting news. Two days be
fore she had been brought to by the
!., in mio-ocenn. An armed boati
crew had come aboard and robbed the
whaler of whatever they fancied.
The next news came to us iu uu,.
later. A gale sprang up from the
southwest and before It was four
hours old we were compelled to lie to.
It struck us about 4 o'clock In the aft-
noon and did not reach Its height un
S about T next morning. Everything
was boiling and howling when we
caught sight of the Russian down In
e southwest She must have run be
fore the gale much longer than we did.
noon us. Being nigner u. -tir
and more heavily sparred, she was
o drifting faster. About 9 o'clack
S drov slowly past ns at not more
!an a'bleleDPth'"rfly'ttD,J WeM"
2." evidences that things were not
fr fired, .nn
If if they would lower a boat We
JJJ the command to luff op. The
t wav the brig was handled as
H starboardpnaner ; t
SXboat wa. lowered, and
er pulling halfway
mm, hnd eicbt men in It reiurueu-
Wb .If alongside the brig when
It was lying alongs
Buuu thA fllm was bad. ano. i
to tne neavj - ThU ac-1
" fleW Tt U7a h and the captain
tion startled us alU an
ner course. ndt7
there came a suuueu
'""'1 .'UiIlL hil .1 I " " 1 1
n "" i
Dear Madam:-
Get ready now for Preserving Season. We have
been fortunate in securing from one of the largest
manufacturers a special line of Preserving Season
items in high grade Enameled ware which we will
place on sale at ridiculously low prices. We are going
to give a 3-4-qt. Fruit Jar Dipper with each sale. Come
in and get yours.
Monmouth, Oregon
o cnoi
3 5C
We soon realized what had occurred.
The Ivan had blown up. She was to
windward of us and about bulf a mile
away. Tere was a dark cloud, an
awful shock, and she seemed to tie
lifted bodily up to a height of 100 feet
and then to dissolve. Some of the
fragments fell upon our decks, and
the sea was littered for a mile around.
One man escaped-Just one solitary
man. He was oue of the eight men
In the boat Perhaps the other seven
bad left the boat when the explosion
came. The boat was not Injured aud
came floating down upon us with the
man sitting bolt upright on a thwart.
He wasn't cut or bruised, but the
shock had acted altogether on bis
mental faculties. He bad become an
Idiot and was deaf aud dumb on top
of that. His face took on a childish
.pin n lilnh noror loft It. find he Con-
imfi Jus( lke )()Htg do
We couldn't get any news from the
man. nor did we pick up any wreck-
nrr A.iant rha hnnr Man find hrtfit
. . Russian man-
of Tgr R( Ra and may ,ha, the
Mny guffered dpalb for bl(
Jn t()9 maay- EverT fare
was taken to bush the matter up, but
the news got abroad and was touched
up by various correspondents. I have
seen three or four accounts of It, but
none was halfwiy correct.
my wife
Purch. the "NEW HOME" .nd rou will
hav life ""? v"- "7
elimmMion of repair expend by lupcnor work
m,nsh,p .nd b quT l I"
life-lonr terviM t minimum coil
Iniirt on harini the NEW HOME . It a
known the world ovtr lor luoenor mini iutif
tie.. Not told under enr other name.
Dealer Wanted
, , c . . i
Surveying aim
Prompt service, work guaran
teed -Himes Engineering Com
pany, Dallas, Ore., Phone 502
Books. Tablets, Inks, Pens, Envelopes,
Paper and all kinds of writing material
Fancy Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Smokers Supplies
Try us for Paints and Oils, and get our prices on Carpets and Rugs,
or Furniture before purchasing elsewhere.
Monmouth, Oregon
Keeps on Sale
Best Grade Chic Feed.
" Oyster Shell.
Garden Seeds in Package or in Bulk.
Will Pay Cash for Eggs and Poultry. '
Monmouth, . Oregon
Wood Sawed to Order
E. E. RAKE, Successor to W. L. Phillips.
Your wood sawed for you just as you order it done
Phone 3204. Country Orders Solicited.
1 iif
jr.. I in .C1B
f JOHNtOM Hall
NlW AOMWiftf MTI W AuitMtrt UwO
Monmouth Grange 476
Meet the Second Saturday In Each
Month at 11:31 A. M.
Public Program at 2:30 P. M to which
visitors art welcomo.
P. 0. Powell, Master.
Miss Maggie Butler, Sec.
Best Grade Grit, Bone and
With new bulldlnr., bettor equipment, en
larged rronnrl., end mnnj aililltlniii to It
(aealtTithe Untvenitjof Oreconwlll eejrln It
fortieth ?nr, Tuendar, Heptember 14, 1V1A.
Hpertal training In Coninierne, Journalirai,
Architecture, Law, Medicine, Teaching, Libra
ry Work, Muiln, Phr.leal Training and Fin
Art. Large and .tronc department of Liber
al Kriaeatlon.
Llbrarr of more than (8,000 vnlome. thir
teen building, fullr equipped, two aplendld
Tuition r"ree. Donoltorle for Ben and for
women. Kipeneet Lowoat.
Write for free catalog., addrnealng Kegl.trar
SIS Court Street, Dallas, Oregon
Acomblete set of abrtraets of Polk Co.
Established in 1889.