Local and Personal have tbe tearn riresntin j Company L at Clackamas on the Harold Olsen is on the sick rane September 6,7 and 8 for list. preliminary practice. In addi- Mrs. Isabelle Hiltihranri 1 i tion t0 rille matchM thw 'viil be OUR PUBLIC fGBiliJ -,' imlMIIII'jl ! J ' Ml I I II through town Wednesday. :shootinjf.-Observer. C. Lorence started thrashing! today after several day's lay oiF. j Aid Society Meeting Floyd Williams will leave for i The Ladies Aid o: th. Evan Portland Saturday evening to'jrelica! church fpent a pleasant spend the week-end with a cer-! afternoon on Friday of last week tain lady friend. J at the country home of Mrs. Mrs Ada Taylor and daughter ! "Mm Fuller who was hostess 'to Irene of Portland visited lastilne society. Needlework and week with the formers mother, I conversation made the time pass Mrs. C. A. Wolverton. quickly. Light refreshments There has been a Rood many j were 8med at the cl )Se of lhe inquiries for houses durinjr the afternoon- A SIZE DF A RAIMOROP. . It Viritt Gr.jtly, but May Easily B past several days and it is said that there is hardly an available one left. Alr8. R. AverV. who Went to i Mtiiur.d In Flour, Portland a short time ago for, Haiudrops vary in diameter all medical treatment, is improving UH Ulv lrolu "e-utietn oi an inch l i . . . ' i( f.n.'.tlnr.i nf uti in.-li siowiy ana is expected.home in a week or ten days. Mrs. A. C. Blair and daughter, who live near Colorado Springs, Colorado, left for their home raindrop u occasions makes ouch a spiasii on ones lace, if it u a quar ter of an inch or more in diameter ! Anvbodv can tnea-ure tlie size of Saturday after a visit here with iffT. MI when once i, .,i t n l i Ult "e "miU ' explained. .Ml Mr. and Mrs. James Graham. j that is necessity is to take a .mall E. H. Lorence and familv rn-! tin pan uud spread smoothly in it turned Wednesday from a week's'150"": ttc" "ifu'J llour to a tJcl)t'1 of visit at Newport. He made a hunting trip to the Yahates while there and bagged two deer. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cornwall left for near Chitwood Thursday morning to look at soma land for which they are thinking of trad ing their property here. They will be gone several days. Ed Morland. who is ha.i1i,,r !u,p ,llu-v be tu ;i!n out ani1 ' r,'P" f .i . . " resent with a fair decree of exact HON ELIHU ROOT. 0. Woman i Sphere. ' Tbe suction ol woa.aa suffrage .. in issue t lu the An:e,ioaft 1 1 1 1 e i have adot'ted It. If ' more sta'.cs oie upon it this :a.l, aud It Is siren.' l ursei tliat it become ii plat form dtniaiid ol the nitiui.al po litical ja lic it Is tLtrt'oi.' the privilege and the duty oi every voter to study carefully this subject. Hon. Ellbu Root, in diseasing th:s quwtfon before the cor.stitu: i&r.a: c.n vention of New York, recently sa;ci in part: "I a n opposed to the grant!-? of suffrage to wemen. because I ledeve that It would be a lass to women, tc all women and to every won an; anil beiause I believe It would be an In Jury to the state, and to every man j and every woman in the s'ate. It ' would be useless to argue this If the ; rii:ht of suffraRe were a natuial ripht. , t i ..... ... ... .. .. ' 4 u n rre a utuurai ri&ai. inui o nen : splash on one's faee, if it i.i a quar- should have It though the heavens fall. .,f .... ,'..!. ... .. . .1: . .. Rtlt If thpra ha m na iKii-o ent.a In the long discussion of tuis subj vi. It is that suffrage Is not a natural I rirht, but is simply a means of i?ov ; ernment, and the sole qnesticn to be discussed Is whether government by the suffrage of men and women will be better government than by the j suffrage of men alone j "Inio my Judgment, sir, there enters ' no element of the Inferiority of no-nan. It Is not that won.an is inferior j to man, but ft is that woman is dif ferent from man; that In the distrilm ! tlon of powers, of capacities, of quail- : ties, our Maker has created man ada t ed to the performance of certain funo- I tlons In the economy of nature and j society, and woman a.laptcrt to the performance of other functions "Woman rules tot'av by the f-pp: ' and noble Influences of her chamber I Put woman into the arena of on.'.ii t ! and she abandons these great won"- j ons which control the world, and she I takes Into her hands, feeble and nerveless for strife, wearons w :!i which she to unfamiliar and which in ; m t ii S. . jaava i. tZ CI' ; ..Hit! 'i k J TEE -GF.EATER OREGON With ! halLIi,.. k .,, 41 '( fKuHr.tUe l'0irrltTof oAt'n'iVo . '? it . , .--,ln.VH5mWr.. i.Ilat irlnln la Unia,tK. j' '' j An Irjf i.drtrwd,t; ri . ,i ti..i.. uw..n Lionirr oi non iiub ra iuia fawn buidini fall, aHDUMi , 'u' hit. I,..,,. 'Pinrfu ' .-!.'- W; rBitri faMtM nil ill i ; i .i fi nil, urn .r-r ' i ' I B J J f f it lultion rrr. Dorm ltriM for m., . , L. t,:Jv"'A, . ;fVl:i rit for frw mt- 'or. .h ... 1 umvuuui ur OREGON i . ..... . t T7 w L'l Wood Sawed to Order E. E. RAKE, Successor to V. L. Phillips. Your wood sawed for you just as you order it done Country Orders Solicited. Phone 3JM. i to one-third of an inch. No wonder that a sinirle biff an inch. Expose it thou to shower for three or four seconds long enough, that is to say, to al low a few drops to fall upon the flour. As a result a number of lit tle holes will be made in the flour, and at the bottom of ouch hole will be found a pellet of doili. The dough pellets must not be disturbed until I hey have hud time to become dry and hard. Then POULTRY SUPPLY STORE tmaiic uai'i nrv r. . Keeps on Sale " , Best Grade Chic Feed. Best Grade Grit, Bone and Oyster Shell. Garden Seeds in Package or in Bulk. Will Pay Cash for Egs and Poultry. Monmouth, . . . . Ore o gravel fo the new training DMg tlc .mQ 0f the dl k,n b y which school btnliling, had the mis- thev were nmde. fortune to fall front hi tt-BWl This mav la- i.rnvr.1 lw .nu-i, ! .71 .. ."l. "nr' ?r ?.rrt wli . . -i . o , " uiiauiK 10 wiPia. wrman ii luesday eveninir strikimr hia artilirial raindrops (suspended from : strife becomes hard, harsh, unlovahh back across one of the wheels I11.'0 cml of a l,rf,om strHW or ' Su'iJllJ" nTxei frp"l thm , --iptlM'tte and carefu v niimsiirnH) tn 1 ?.V", w '"" owe t'u ,1 , ' .aiiegmnce and to whom we confess fail into a pan of flour from a ; .ubmlsalon. as the heaven is removed height of two or three feet. When fion the earth. I the resulting pellets are examined 1 . "Tne 'nole science of government and causing him to quit work for a few days. Miss Mable Broberjr of Man- hatten. Kansas, a grand dauKh- j J" correspond , SdS'n ter of G. G. GrifTa. arrived Iwp dTl? 1,1 u ,lu! .dr"I- .. m rh- divine distribution of -. " - I I '.nriKinnli, .. . J r.ll' . J.... 3 ,t . . . moouav irura California on a visit. She is a teacher in the Domestic Science department in the schools there. She expects to leave next Tuesday or Wednes day. Cotton Mill is Suggested That Portland offers the most desirable opening in the United States for a cotton manufactur ing nhmf is the nmni.in a? r., Leftwich, of El Centro, in the rc,uintd by this skin. A drop of cotton belt of the Colorado desert I , T- r 1 acr"RS a puee of According to this expert of 25!f an P1 'r n"-fl'. 'Irv sur- ,,, V...1H111 iiiuia, uie liunilu- Comnionlv a bi' dnm in fallin? will split into ninny little one, which riiay account for the fact that there are plenty of microscopic raindrops less than a hundredth 'of an inch in diameter, which are so minute as to make no visible im pression on flour. The ordinary, medium sized drop is from a six teenth to an eighth of an inch in diameter. A raindrop is contained in a skin. True, the latter is only a sort of molecular arrangement, but it nee of protecting life an1 iness. the duty and the right of protection rests with the male. It is so through out nature, it is so with men, and I, for one, will never consent to part with the divine right of protecting mv wife, my daughter, the women wi.om I love, and the women whom I respect. I True Economy . . . mans lie wise spending of one's money making every folUf do full doty ud getting ia return an article that will satisfy you in every way. : isir.cr; The tlTUfrr f&13TO l,lfeaIbr5inbeauseltisioIdatapopula WBiiSM' because it gives you the kindofS Ltt 'fWPMB ya deliht ta because it will turn out the work i ' auicjtiv ina inoroifohitf aih nhr . i:r. . i 1 e s- vu uit mat ol satisfactory service because its improve meats will enable you to do things which can't be done cm any other machine I because it will please you with its fine finish and beauiy of its furniture. In short you will find the White reliable and Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you how pood a machine the White is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat alogs. we do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rnt v " j vuuiiiv i in v ii ii nit WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, CX Surveying and Subdividing Promnt ."-v, jiu uic wuiiifn nnoni i respect "-vt ivm uaiaii- exercising the b'-thrlght of man, and teed.-Himes Enffineerin? Com. Place that high duty i ,he weak and LaBW n0 a. T Sm i ""v. uao, uie., rnone o)Z nerveless hands of those designed by God to be protected rather than to encase In the stern warfare of gov ernment. In my judgment, this whole movement arises from a false concep tion of the duty and of the right of both men and women. The time will never come when the muni nun i raogeoieni, out It ! " ll,uc""1 nevrr coTnevnen tne serves the purpose, its form beiri" ' of (,1p",arraon between the func . ! i ' ., . , : i tltns of the two sexes will he hmir.n aown. i eve t to hp fnkp nhiw ity of Portland atmosphere is just right for producing cotton Roods. He points out that tht re nr 8,000,000 users of cotton goods west of the Rocky Mountains, while the district along the San Diego & California railroad, now nearing completion, produces 100,000 bales of cotton annually, and the best grade in America. This cotton is grown 125 miles from ports touched regularly by Portland lumber schooners and would furnish excellent return cargo. A mill which would con sume 15,000 bales of cotton thanks again to the skin. It is the snnie sort of fkin covering a pond that enables the "skating bnijs" to promenade over it without getting their feet wet. I Won Herald. ophy; I behove that it Is an attempt to turn backward social development, and that If the sten ever l.e taken, we go centt'ries backward on the march towards a higher, a nobler and a purer civiliza tion, which must be found not In the confusion, but in the higher differen tiation of the sexes." Dr. Laura Colby Price. Otliceatid Residence North east corner of Clay and Broad streets. Given Away. A minister in Cornwall who was making a call upon a member of his flock who Th Sam Dimtnsioni, The bride tobe bad the uir of one who is unrecoueiled to the existing state of allairs. "Can't we take a wedding trip, as we planned?" she asked plaintively. "Not just now," said the vonmr ask-cl man, "on account of my par'tners . 'Whafs come over you that 1 mi i , , . . . . i io' sce J011 at church at all now ?" 1 thought it would b. such fun, "Heavens, man, you can't have taking that u days journey in the , seen me because I ait U;.i fi.- cars!" she si-died. nillnr- u l"e Well, now, see here," said the ! "The nillar. .li,n n.i vourii' niun "If un ,.Lo fl..t I ' u blB' B. F. SWOPE, Attorney at Law and Notary runiic. Home Phone: Office, No. 1320, Residence, No. 3712.' Office in Cooper building, Independence. - Cregon THE Weekly Oregonian The best Weekly Journal of the Northwest.. Gives all the News of the World. Price per year $1.50 Herald one year 1.50 Both papers for.. 2.50 Himes Engineering Co. Surveying and Platting Estimates furnished on Drainage and Irrigation Work. Phone 502. Dallas, Ore. EVANGELICAL CHURCH F. M. Fisher, Pastor Sunday School. - - 10:00 a, m. Preaching Service, - 11:00 a. d. Y. P. A. Meeting, - 7:00 p, ra. Preaching Service. - 8:00 n. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. ii i " " "K ui'i i tious, uie ni ar' Whv if WOUia employ from ilX) to 1.000 i looked at vesterdav it'll !e , , . ..mr it una removed trom t ip ...w. v,uiv4 iiae u annual payroll of approximately $2,000,. 000. It is conceded that Port land has the best facilities for distribution of the manufactured product -Commercial News. Annual Shoot Dates Set There will be 13 companies of infantry, 9 of the coast artillery corps, 1 cavalry troop and the Oregon Naval militia represented at the annual state shoot of the Oregon National guard at Clack amas, Oregon, September 10 and 11. Captain Stafrin has just re ceived announcements of thp .. . rj "'"ic ii as removed trom 1 same as living in the parlor car , front of your seat !" Ewhnnro statlTOom nv..nnt ll... i ' "imile. won't change." Youth's Compan- j Th. Bad Feature ion- "Guesanihavetogetridofinv . , cashier. Mie is entirely too beauti" Haiping Fri.nd. ! ful for the lunchroom business." "1 am not going to buy any stock ! "Seems a queer complaint. I in your company because 1 like you i 8no,lIJ think a pretty cashier would and want you to succeed." i draw customers " Monmouth Grange 476 Meets the Second Saturday In Each ;iontn at 10:30 A. M. Public Program at 2:30 P. M. to which v...tor. re welcome. P-0. Powell. Mat0. Miss Maggie Butler," Sec. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School, ,- 10:00 a. n. Preaching Service, - 11:00 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. Meeting, 7:00 p. m. Preaching Service, - 8:00 p. tn. Prayer Meeting Wednescay, 7:30 p. m. BAPTIST CHURCH G. A. Pollard, Pastor Sunday School, - - 10:00 a.m. Preaching Service, - 11:00 a.m. C. U. E. Meeting, - 7:00 p. m. Preaching Service, 8:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. k4v OVEB 66 YEARS' "Don't you think it ia a ir.vi.1 thin?" "1 dou't know anything about that. I am declinimr to buv on the snnpie oasis oi friendship for you, "But they all fall in love with her and lose their appetites," Louisville Courier-Journal. Hit Business. 1 want you to get rich, and 1 hope ' "0's that portlv man with the this venture will be a bis? success ! prominent stomach ?" TI. ...i ... ? . . . I nt .. n. , ! tiKu nv noi come in ana help I "1 am voionei Soamiso. sah." V. O. BOOTS Fire, Life and Casualty INSURANCE Loss(?s Promptly Paid to make it so?" "That's just the Point. 1 am stav- ing out to help you. If I bought ceiveu announcements ot the' . , f " uuugm dates and has been advised to ttrZtlt W. F. SCOTT TZT!. ?rtl? 'gei. j tractor and Builder "v " nmirtsea. I ii. . , , "And what is his bnsines, ?" palr 'l f "tering and Re. Jest be,n? colonel, sah."- . work neatly done, I.onrsv,!le C'onrierJournal. . me fi' with .ou on .h.t bU,,d'""OU"oing,oh. built Z. EXPERIENCt am a r c 1 If.Mt rf 4V DESIGNS ' rf? f COPYBIGHTS 4(5. Anfona landing a aka I eh and ilaaerlptlnn mf inlcklT wi-ertaiil our opinion free aheoier hifmtinn l prohahljr naiemnhle. C.-rom"""; llimjitrlcilrcnnndenilal. HANDBOOK enPit" t trea. Oldest aiieiicy for aecurinn paieiin. Palann token tbrouirh' Wunn A Co.""' prcioJ notlct, without chnree, lo tb Scientific fliiiericaii. A handmnalT lllnatralad waoklf. 1:"' dilation of anr arientlbc Journal. Tern . ' rmr; torn montln, L Sold bj oil nit'leT 51UNN & Co New hit Bruotl Ollla. OL r Hl Waahlllltun. D. U Hair Switches made fro"3 combings. Enquire at this office. J