9 Conditions; Past, Prsif Civil War times? No! He was ! speaking of our time, now, 191a. iThe farmer should ha. the main- and Future. J C Guthrie, labor J B McDowell, labor .... J B Mcfwell, labor D Otmbermm, U9 r - (Coit from first fgoX , the u'rm: As a stmJat l railing feoVt'Rf ow pmtnml rrJ litwJ fYMts of brx! trA; mmtf f tk? priratt rejects. J It k friwn outright to the in-J fant railroad corporations 247,000 square miles of land. An almost as large as Texas and con siderably larger than the German Empire. The government has certainly been very liberal in land grants to the great railroad corporations and further help has been extended them by the law makers of the country by allow ing them to bond and water their stocks until they have been able to STEAL from the people of the nation a sum many times greater than even the frightful cost of our Civil War! Right political and right social conditions would have made these grants of lands to the railroad corporations impossible. Right social conditions would have pre vented the fratricide of the Civil War and would have prevented the war between our country and Spain. Social conditions were wrong in Roman times. Social condi tions were wrong in Feudal times. Social conditions were wrong in Civil War times. Social condi tions are wrong in our time. In Roman times there was land slavery, men and the consumer. The producer must produce. The employer gets what he produces areairv L . . J J Foster. . m i rr pi t it Twin Twin t rr twit. it i i i i u i u yl V.CI11- VI UUI lll,l.iia do not own a home but are ten ants paying rent for the privi- lege of existing on earth. Look at the social condition of the farmer in the South. Ask him , Stay of the natfcn yet he hasn't j c Guthrie, :tV ven a prop to hold hirr.Self'up. Ben ' !' Migh rents, extortionate raies 0f V T Guthriu' "' . . . , , . ' J C u. it, lto .interest and heavy rwtgas , are the "triple alliance" under G B Ortmnn, !abw the rule of private ownership of , vy F Good, labor land which drive the farmer C M Trueax, labor from the country to the citv. i W R Chamberlain, lalx.r moor Fred Isenhagen, labor John Teal, Jr, labor Clarence Lee, labor C J Bruce, labor Fred Saxby, labor. ... Leo Katheriner, lal-or to tell you how he so dearly loves j j Murphyi' Iabor to pay high interests and big c H Mayberry, labor rents and how he likes to have Ed Osborn, labor his farm, his home, his family J W L Frink, labor mortgaged during his life and1' Co tu . u- L-ii j l-ij i w ilbur Hodgman, labor that of his children and children s ; j w Trueax lubor children. Ask him why the gov- G B stump, labor ernment of the United States ' W E Allen, labor would not accept Cotton and land : Frank Arnold, labor as securities during the terrible Total. , . , , . , Road District No. 13 cotton period of a few months j Farmm, Sute Banki frt,ight ago When it will always accept j Oregon Gvl & Con Co, gravel as Securities from banks, Corpo- Willamette Valley Lbr Co, Ibr rations and monopolies a little piece of paper? These true inci dents I have taken to show you that the present social conditions of the farmer are wrong. (To be concluded in next issue.) WlLBF.RT F. CORNWELL, Monmouth, Oregon. a 6. 52. 12-o! 33', TRUE ECONOMY ....ike sru . " n utick that will tufy you in every , - The very wy. WHITE jr. ricei btcjuie It pvm vn 1k VihAniJLr you dtliebt Ini WcauK it w tm out the 3 quickly and thoroughly tai give you 4 T wi3 enable you to do thing which can't UiZ on any other nuchinti because it will font!. 1 w w01" a "ty of its fumT In thort you will tind the ThiU tthhk im doirible from every point of view. Be ure to iee the Vhite 6ttt who will be glad to show you how gt -ichiMtheThiteli. U tht i o wwe oeaief naooy, write uidwctfocL jjop. TedonotieUtocaUloghouies. Vibrttor and IWy Shuttle WHITE SEWISG MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND 32. j- - 4. 2. 813.73 j Herald and one year, Herald and Pacific Homestead one year... Herald and Weekly Oregonian one year... Herald and Daily Telegram one year Herald and The Weekly Blade one year... J2.2E n 5.50 16 COUNTY PAID BILLS Following is a list of the claims al lowed at the May term of the County Court: W W Newman, labor 7.50 Star Transfer Co, freight .81 On1 H..l..a sii.t n 1 ... t I ' "uuul"ral mhiiui wane u p 0 Burbank, labor 53. the producer. The employer who' J P Walker, labor 16. owns the means of production Joe Tetherow, labor 30. must now add to his former profit ! w E Van Mcter-labor 9- by selling the produce to the j Geo La Fraaiabor middle man. The middleman! Road d.str'ict N0V9 must make his profit by selling, Ralph Cunningham, b'ksmit'ng 2.55 the product to the consumer (and I Chas K Spaulding Log Co, lbr 3.53 incidentally the transportation I R C father, labor 18. m ix rramer, moor 4.0U companies who transport the product from the employer or owner of the means of production must make their profit) and in the end the consumer pays for it all. That is the manner the profit system is carried on and YOU pay for it all. Rut to re turn to the farmer. We men tioned that the farmer had to pay higher prices for American made machinery than do foreign ers. Even in the Southern States the farmer must use primitive j machinery of the lowest type' when all the inventions of the J T McCarty, lalor 85. Guy McCarty, labor 85. N E Tyler, labor 6. D H Dickinson, labor 20.75 Gail Alexander, labor 10. Dell Alexander, labor 11. Ed Harmon, labor 48. 11 M Nash, labor 41.50 M Toddhunter, labor 4. B A Snyder, labov 19. 56. 58. 10. 6. 18. 10. A R Porter, labor W C Bevens, labor I W Compton, labor J O Anderson, labor George Bridges, labor W I Morrison, labor A Hamann, labor 22. W T House, labor 18. 619.83 15.90 16. ages are at his dew and the Profit Chas Durreii. labor 10. bystem torbids him to buy. Great system isn't it? Yes Mr. Farmer heed the cry of "Back to the farm." Live with nature. En joy the privilege the Divine has bestowed upon us. Go back and till your land! It was yours in the first place. 'Pears though now as if you never knew it was intended for you. Who are you anyhow? What were you put on this earth for? What is to hinder you from taking possession of your own property? This pri vate ownership of the land with its high rents, interests and Frank Smith, labor 40, mortgages. The farmer as the i E F Bose. laDf 3, Total $ Road District No. 10 Oregon G'l & Con Co, gravel. Farmer's State Bank, freight. OM Allen, labor H W Neal, labor J4. Total $ Road District No. 11 W C Williams, blacksmithing. Lewis & Packard, blacksm'ng C V Johnson & Co, mdse J F Ulruh, labor H P Whitaker, labor 16. Percy Hadley, labor 31.25 C J Lehman, labor E E Hiltibrand, labor Frank Skinner, labor D N Turner, labor Gerhard Diehm, labor Peter Diehm, labor J F Kliever, labor H J Kliever, labor C Wiebe, labor Henry Buller, labor Jacob Warkentine, labor Jacob Reddecopp, labor Henry Warkentine, labor J PNeufeldt, labor A R Brown, labor Total .$ Road District No. 14 Craven Hardware Co, powder. Farmers' State Bank, freight Oregon Gvl & Con Co, gravel. Harry Pickens, labor L F Faist, labor Chas Hazelton, labor John Zylstra, labor J S Kennison, labor Guy Pickens, labor B L Smuck, labor E A Babcock, labor C G Mack, labor C E Munkers, labor F Bruhn, labor John Klezynski, labor J A Butterick, labor Total Road District No. 15 G F McBee, tiling F J Wagner, blacksmithing... Armond Guthrie, labor Bruce Miller, labor... Geo W Johnston, labor Walter Kinsey, labor Bert L Stiles, labor.... Charlie Jackson, labor H E Prichard, labor W C Bird, labor G F McBee, labor D A Guthrie, labor Total f Road District No. 16 Sloper Bros & Cockle, powder John Underwood, labor Henry Lehman, labor Total $ Road District No. 17 j Chas Quinn, services 17.50 ;C L Lynch, blacksmithine . R A Titus, freight 2.25 N A Lunde, blacksmithing ... 20.85 A Sampson, freight 38.10 Howard-Cooper Corporation, culvert pipe 21.59 Coast Culvert & Flume Co, culvert pipe 324. Lee Reynolds, labor 6. A C Speer, labor 8. Frank Speer, labor 5. Alf Young, labor 44. John Mver. labor. 47. 52-' J C Reynolds, labor 39. iT Robinson, labor 9. I J Robinson, labor 10. 330.45 ' S Robinson, labor 17. i Ralph Magee, labor 11.50 58.20 45.5(1 4.35 51.65 31. 40. 30. 2.75 5.75 30. 10.50 94.05 79. 66. 55. 30. 31. 3.50 24.50 16. 6. 6. 8. 6. 6. JbJL 507.55 .70 1.20 2. 20. 20. 12.25 30. 7. 8.75 20. .50 32. F G Wagner, blacksmithing.. Guy Brothers, material James Middleton, labor CP Brooks, labor " Henry RatzlalT, labor Walter Muller, labor... 7.55 : Peter Wall, labor 5.45. H M Light, labor.... 3.75 60.75 4. 8. 4. 50. mainstay of our nation should re ceive the larger share of what is produced. How much does the farmer get? Professor W. J. Spillman of the United States Department of Agriculture says: ".The facts indicate that on the whole the income of farmers in when we in- the income those things consumed on the farm where they are produced is certainly not more than sufficient to pay 5 per cent on the invest ment and ordinary farm wages for the labor they do and is prob ably considerably less than this." Was he speaking of Roman times? Of Feudal times? Of Otto Fleischman, labor 14, this country even elude as a part of G W Goodman, labor H C Byerly, labor Walter L Dalton, labor 24.93 Chas Nendle, labor 29.25 B E Rose, labor Walter Schirman, labor 28. John Wienert, labor u.87 . Total $ Road District No. 12 N A Lunde, blacksmithing.... F J Wagner, blacksmithing... Clarence Lee and Jno Teal Jr, changing road 70.78 F P Lefever, labor Craven Hardware Co, tools. 54. 23.62 3.50 .75 8.80 J D Holman, labor 12. L D Hamar, labor. C E McCaleb, dragging road.. F P Lefever, dragging road.. Geo Swearington, labor V A Fishbaek, labor 14, H Wunder, labor.. Total J Road District No. 18 Watt Shipp Pdr Co, explosives Star Transfer Co, freight Salem Sewer Pipe Co, swr pipe Jess Moore, labor H Kohen, labor.. Frank Moore, labor Charles Moore, labor Total '...!"$" Road District No. 19 Watt Shipp Powder Co, powder W C Williams, blacksmithing. Star Transfer Co. freight.. Total Road District No. 20 F J Wagner, blacksmithing 425.92 , L I Bursell, repairs L I Bursell, labor.....". L Petris, labor " LC Parker, labor. V B Alsip, labor " Hal Alsip, labor R H Smith, labor M H Austin, labor R L Austin, labor T J Alsip, labor V B Alsip, labor Hal Alsip, labor """" Total j- Road District No. 21 A Edick, services 154.40 7.70 18. 26. 51.70 j 3.50 3.25 8. .90 86. 24. 24. 43. 2. 20. G Fry, labor 11. L Frink, labor 20. Joe Graham, labor 41.50 H Sampson, labor 1. CSFicklin, labor 60. Lea Teal, labor 9. A B Brown, labor 5. O L Carey, labor 5. B Lunde, labor 34.50 Total $ 779.29 N Selig, powder 328.90 J C Talbott & Co, supplies ... . 163. 35 James V Chitty, labor 50. J M Sears, labor 31.75 Murtin Youngs, labor 24.75 W E Fichencr, labor 25.75 C A Spohn, labor 25.75 Oscar Sampson, labor 23.75 W D Bancroft, labor 3. A Milledge, labor 25.75 George Milledge, labor 25.75 J T Robinson, labor 13.75 T M Trasher, labor ' 5.75 Joseph Tito, labor ;, 6. A Sampson, labor 50. E J Hollinswort, labor 71, Tildo Bell, labor 63! Floyd Jones, labor 35,- C Smith, labor 26. F Byerley, labor 20. L Murphy, labor 22. r Chapm, labor Harry Taylor, labor. G Dean, labor R A Titus, labor W R Hinshaw, labor O J Bell, labor A Wurtzberger, labor 34 n Horn, labor 4 H Kneebone. labor 4j Joe Austermann, labor. 35' W Taller, labor I W E Ranney, labor ig5Q J W Miller, labor ',' q J J Sammons, labor 17 gg J A Bowman, labor 24 09 Lester Bowman, labor....!. 1&57 Glenn Ferpusnn 0-7.., 65 7.17 9.70 9.70 66. 80. 75. 28. 40.25 49. Thos J Merrick, labor Clarence Msrrick, labor $ Vila Merrick, labor . John Hatton, labor uarence Merrick, labor Herman Leonhard, labor John Hatton, labor 1 i0' $ 224J oeneral Road C R Canfield, surveyor in TT A TV. X , . . n a uorwn, roaa supvr No 2. D L Keyt, road supervisor No 3 Art Hayes, chainman V A Cochran, road supvr No 4 50. Elmer Guthrie.road supvr No 12 51. jonn uienm, road supvr No 13 j;.S J a BuitencK, rd supvr No 14 j Armond Guthrie, rd spr No 15 22J Henry Lehman, hauling f JonnJ Underwood,rdsprNol6 22.50 Jas Middleton, rd supvr No 17 51.25 Jas Middleton, rd supvr No 17 24.S L I Bursell, road supvr No 20. 51.8 Hodson-Feenaughty Co, extras for crusher jj, Howard-Cooper Corporation, extras for grader & Polk Co Observer, printing... 22. J W Finn, supervisor 100, Black & Robbie Garage, exp's 39,1 Hodson-Feenaughty Co, extras for Roller 19, Craven Hdw Co, rubber belt.. 6.75 j Salem Sewer Pipe Co, swr pipe 164.80 i Craven Hdw Co, tools for roller I FJ Wagner, blacksmithing... 13J Ross Pierce, repairs on roller. 21.96 Star Transfer Co, supps, freight 30.96 Thomas Catherwood, brazing. S.S0 Carl W Beckett, moving rock crusher 18. Skinner & Cheney, labor and material 19.15 Total $1,054. Road District No. 3 D L Keyt, labor 9. Road District No. 4 John Zylstra, team 30, City of Dallas, road taxes. . . . 1,623.9! City of Monmouth, road taxes 1 Total $12,158 214 fin j H R Dean, labor 23 29.05 G w Sinn. labor n 2.15 McNil, labor 7 00 J R Ronco, labor 48. I Alfor(i Furgeson, labor ' 20 11 48. Chas Godley, labor 36. m crown, labor. 20, j Olof Olsen, labor. 190.48 G E E,le- labor... E E Jones, labor. 24.18 :Sam Halsey, labor 6.50 1 L B'erley. labor. . 12 01 1 Brown, labor. 42.69 ! W A Bancft, labor. FredZoug, labor... 1 n c . . 1 vi oammons, labor.. 31. 4.65 4. 37. if. 12 8. 16.18 17.03 23.99 20.42 11.83 8.07 11.02 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 20. 20. 17. 19. 5.24 9. 8. 8. 18. 16, I L Stoddard, labor BMWebb, labor..., AndyParrish, labor G HarHpatv ii T Friar, labor.. l 2ls!AEBullis. labor.. r 11 Waren V!nrA it -11 ... v,ui w OO Q, 3.50 1 WB Stevens, labor 3.VJC Clark, labor " 87 18. Albert Teal, labor facn Albert Teal, board... T . . 1-50.85 Total $2,23X86 Road District No. 22 Thos J Merrick, labor ' fi DLRidgeway, labor..';.";.'." 4J 14. 4. 134.65" 9. Industrial Review Notes. E. R. Hughes has established an undertaking business at h toria. An ancient industry revived- publishing Ganderbone weather prophecies. Benton County highway from Monroe to Albany to be oiled. Forest Grove is planning complete sewer system. Ashland carried bonds for ad' ditional water system. Athena is to have a concrete jail built Announcement is made of tb early construction of the Shevhn- Dixon sawmill at Bend. Salem has built a modern base ball park with fre.e bleachers f small boys. Monmouth-Rep-ents Nortnf school will build and equip 0 000 training school, all of Oregon materials and manufacture. Oregon City-County Court has decided to install a large gTO plant Cottage Grove cannery. " handle gooseberries. The paint mines located east treswell are to be developed Xln, tvi. XT.i.v-nl Rank t Portland to cost $400,000 may Duiit of Oregon cut stone.