The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, March 12, 1915, Image 4

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The Monmouth Rose
- -
No. lO.ltfl
Fircf Nntinnnl Rank
At Monmouth, ii? the State of Oregon, at the close of bfcsi-
if L intc j
I-oans an" discounts
$110. ".71
The custom of naming
"jv i
I it I. m . i.. I
me omeial" rose is com
mon in the towns and cities of
me .Northwest.
The fertile soil and warm cli
mate making the propagating Aid
Prowi'mr nf ttila I.,. n.. i.e.. I a.
a ,1,.;..l. 1
i. , ' . 2- Overdrafts, secured, $ ; unsecuitd, $ 97.52 ... .
At the meeting of the Civic 3. C. S. bonds depo-dti-do-ureciialativpa'par value) $15 ki
Club. FeLruary 28. the (lllcutinn 5. Other bond tilt'dired U secure ixisful savi.wa . i ikni (XI 2.(K)
ofcjioosinjr a Monmouth Rose8' B,n,,3t Hfi'uritim. etc., pK-rlaa cottt..- for State or
was introduced and discussed ' othr N"'t W. S. put saving excluded) jg.5ouki
Tho rii.l u 00 ' l8u 0lner k'fU securities, etc , owned miidt'i'd (other
ihe Club was unanimous in favor, th(m 8Uks,, inch,,, premium, n,a ,t .. ' . ... a.mft
of such actum and rhnso "v.v'o i.V,;...:.. f ...... n . .....''
giina It. ux," a ri'd row recom-' I' nwunt uiid $t,6oo.(w fi.oo
mend! bv all FMivari no r.Mrt 10- Iiaiikinif housp. $8,500.00: furniture hih! fly turns U Ziui (ti If, MMi (Ml
v p . , v j mo UIHT Ul . , - , TV. ....
t lt vte U b to i usml f rt"" ir"m Ftr!'1, ''rv-"lk -
I display ,'n rrtiinm . and fuL ppr"Vo,J "SL'rve ac,1H in ctntr!tl res rve
Mlin hmh. ?bt Women'!1 Due fomui..v.rWr...rv,.,.nl
Social How Club ami Iri:ill ! w from bank and bankers (other then included inl2ori:ii" " '.
. IT, Alu, r.,....l. ..! L :i - .,.... ,
.... -......v uuiti ictMi items, .hii.ij; Pac
tional cuiTtncy, nickels and cents, 1125.1
IX. Notes of othcrntiioral batik ..'
t. lawful iriM it..... in lnk-
V' I
t -i . . . 9
jay.i.Minrr mita a
iiint Cos. Tht fwwidtnt of
Coifiittw ,,f M4 hwnwt
M, 520. 54
Korw ftrwil famhy vfcjk nf'n f;d i; T,'. . f reMflw '''
mwuiiMrwi an4 t sll mftking 4fM Wnt on 'ir'," 7:o..n
.". r mm tf T,,UJ t-'AUA.r
wtwtiw. Two iYiipwfit f1rit ' UABruTits.
WIKtHMH. TWO iYlipWflt florists
ivtiNM, j. r.. filkingtwi ani
CUrh llfothrra, Kim 0ffrn4 J
P?mm fur fltt) f hundrW. j
A gni Un is for rwh wihor- j l
" d to unite in tWir onW wvd
thai the rrumj rti,
w of their number to ortirr ani '
rfistrilmte th r.iwa. Ttii. it an
way, economical and delightful!
way to beautify our homes and
our town and give plrasurv to
every one who mul in or
mthnmgh tlw town. Only i,y
ewh one Mng hi nrt rn any.
thin nf vlu. L. ' 1
t, Hmnt and w ran ,J U (wy 89
.ly for plantinr nrit wint. I w r ,.v-. .
- - ' I ' 'f Or UlP ftfjuvt1
lt'mii im
pi4l tw pan! in
Nuryltu furud
I'nliviArt iimftM tk,9si't&
Ii.(irrd for til p j
Rrr.H for .....t .'.'.'.'..'f -l7.:in
w.tiff m .''".'.l;,..
l munl on hitnd nd in Treasury ff redemp-
n.;,,1ifl4'na t An...
i"l)iiU uiifid
fWnifciid (UtihiiU:
lrli Jual (W.it5 inijft to elxvk ( , ?,2 7
C.rtiKcte of deit due in Imi tlnn.H) (!.' 81
Canhier's clicckt outstamlinjr ' ,
Postal wriiufi (l,.,sit '''
Stale, my. or othr municipal ,i,...8,t fu'rl' by "
itmll(.f -Hakwevt-,...
W. Tiaw ,W,.,it.: I S.M2.8. 185.246.21
(VrtiOcatea dP,t due 0n of after 8(1 dav . . t fl
Tvtal.... 'Ul:n'
Two World Exposition;
Now Open
Reduced fare round Trip tickets, permitting
stop-overs at all points in either direction, to
the Panama-Pacific International Exposition
San Francisco, and to the Panama-California
Exposition, San Diei, on sale every day i0
Xuvcmbcr 30.
Via the
Scenic Shasta Route
Three Fine Trains Daily
Shita Limited : San Francisco Exavrees : California P. I
Stop-overs oh One Way Tickets
T J t - A ...Ml I 11 a
ten uays syip-over win oe snowed at San i
Francisco and Los Angeles on one way tickets S'
sold to Eastern Citirs when fouttd via the '
Southern Pacific. . i
" kmxx m k h ftu hrnmi
A r . ,. ,l,.rl,it, tht tri fr.m rattfu, Sm IWo Incliuliw latt.tit.H trf Of.,., tl-,ou ,,l
Sliislt M..uniin!, Stn rrtn.wot tk nd mtrnn rnrB t (',
ifurnit. thtStn4.iuin Vtllty d MutiMri Pa, fm on
tipli(.tinn to natritt AKit.
John M. Stott, Oneral Pasnnger Agent, Portland, Ot,
..'Local Time Card
jOf the Inder'ieric And
Monmouth Railway Ef
fective December 15, 1914
Train No. 1 Irtvrt Ind.M.rK, t:(b
... .., l monniii r.WM. If
conneU with train for Airlit.
m N"' 3 'MVM In,u'lnJ" 7:16
America's Greatest Wwfy
The regular meeting of the
Polk Cmnty rriitciid's Club was
Mil at the IMrl Cail in IhUn,
bst Sat u nla v
of the UniTrrwty of Or'on, was
lh leaker for the evening r4
J tno.tnj nil hthtf
riW a., to Waw mf (fty o-.ITK. CMher
Notar; VM.
whW, he outliriH what he ' J air. j I? I hnb ' to TrA No. sLr. I Wrw
JVadiifl I -J i Hwa at Miwiwv.nx 1 1 o w
At the Th,.,!. mM d for' ZJir IZ. JTI9 t
-trueal c,,,ity. i)f. Sw., V ! 'Z" ,,a
Sow S ntffmjathina wi . .H4M rv, llW(,,w j
ivi . iPuoi,int a,
$i4,CJ(;(.i; Mu-.f,t'r "'"net-tin with s. K train
k V r e.
"iimni ( ..) ( ujt
Trtin No. 5 iftvrt Imli.pnderw 8 l
. M., amvrt atlBuriniouths-MA Sf
fonnrctt with train for Dallas.
Train No. 7 tfft.e, ImWi.mWw 11:15
Mi, lilt t0?nfti,, S. train
w v nirrir.
Train No. 9 Vrs lB.lrpndww M
M., arrive at Sfonnwajth I SP U
incM with No. f()r DaH ' -
Train Nn 11 L.... i .
rrwiUks mi. " """" "
to fUT-ttM f lim m . : P1 ' 'l ....U
r ?i7- .,WJ )(
JHLA.t J A . .... '
Stwtfhwu b. cua rev..
.... . . mu. uexi
"Vht . ia thr ,m,rn,.g
t or .mt f I...I....I.. ,
IWII NO. 17 WftVM IrvUa. U iL
Train IVa tou.ui.j.
. Wt MMk't nn .ilk y t. , .
wwtfi 7:0 p. M. ' at Mw-
Train No. 2 bam Mr,n1(fc 7.M A
ftcfa it a i. "-i
I'aititAl. " '
Train N. a Wavra Uintutti S t5 a
wrt. .;.V. TJ ' B:H A. if.,
In rrl tl.ll '
" airiarasnouajai. ft Ji ' ' 11 --"-it r, - m wrraa. Ma. m rna . l.t
- i iTTTE a utr b imiw i b l.,Tiiul i ... .-. a . ' - u. a. iu - .w - w wiiif hit
WW. - Uf Hill IILIA "II H'BJ SPlfiMi sa. .L . I . ' l WHTIIWIW 7'W V
r' -l- tl, I, riTlvTaV??., 11:35
.-.iWMn r ji .
"."iilllUUU I ".-(II
"uruaence 1:40 p.
r. train Nn qko
tram Ntf. 102 for
Train Kn 1oi
P. M.. arrTL. .1 , J?8 mouth 2:35
M "v """I'enueiK'e 2:45 p,
(. Kutv SJ. ati4 Jilt?,.
Ei t feytitome, 33r. and Br '
A tM . . . .
umMh, KM Af;w r tv-.
The Best Known Newtps'
in ttw United States
Over One Million Reader,
TKiS mI LKt laaalo . ,
eful ytar of Africa's 9mki
national weklj-TTt Tolrdn W.ilt
B1W. From tka jrar of iu estaUi ,
ment Un mfhwnw of Tnt Toltlo
(T Hladt haa kwea trrmendtw. Its
wtw has ehmj- to tha oriarinal kW
a ounatj-oftiTO mwpupn for tla mk '
aU, wtartainmtflt, and edurati t
t.f tvrv wmmU. 41.. L 1 tJ t. .i
sunrta lor nxr wtiiomtl k of katttr f
-cm. imur ammcaia. warn.
nvr, aant oniBja, j, it platform. It ',
swks to build ihemgt ii mwi 4
vakaW, kwwWH,!. and tkr better
Jjthiiw who pot Otrir faith in its wvi
Tht Tulado Wartly Kmiw is tmbif as !
M all taw lUknuil,.. & !
f'knina at notaUy tJw yrhicks sf ,! .
wutMul i gt.uivhiy how,
Ycai will nca Sad a fublratK aw
wrt whw apptaii M thoniugklj a .
irj ia as um Warily tfina ,
Minird, a flrtakat (onsute. It ;
rm tha mtt or tha world cry;.
'MM and timipieU. Its dtp ;
inU art alitad by mtn and wisw !
who uniatrstanri tiv rawts and idea if .
itS rikkn TV. u L u i - . '
wkht to tin woantri aid childrta- f
fllTt'.int . 1 l LI ,
ma national jiromr
art treat! aditorially without prejudice-its
Mnal stories are selected with
" anmiyf "tin o. U Ua.a Mm,.(i. , , U: ' TOil"rinj wunouc prew- In W- '" st lndSanT11 ": e-its rial storieare selected !th ,
- i A. 10.. Prinaa .ta ' "I'nf 11 :4) , tl? view of nWaain tk ivatest nua- ;
to7Zr f 'Mt(Mf, tbU- il " lrwn 351 1 br of fiction lovers, the Question i
f la, r-, i,,,' aUww';;Al jfclLS of invaluable I
fen, n 4 ain v: ? iijr;vriii . toucan jiw,lif,e'aiws'p-
8)X C tW fl'J i,iLff-.W.,.t' laillBt.80 8nnl J Train No. 12 leaves
a-, a ... . . -tWIIW aa aaani, . ' ir...a.a.,
V.I 3. , , ' ' ):,I,J'1' '"H ... S..,,u,a "V ornaments ,.h .7, t . Train No. ,fi
0.UB, ii . .lls - thai runs ,l u . "uu. 4em i ' M., arrives atiJI"." I. mou!n 4:50
PI"03 11 ouunmnns - ."' ' it JJ. "'ul. body of , M. ri..wnce 5:00 p.
Train Tn 1 i
P.M.. :.rJLm. 4:05
I M.. connecU wVu encf 4: 5 P.
Arlafttl. $. Th,y w Um-
"8 tht 8isa of T)J
Profeawrl. 1, Tournour of Di
ppe, ram-e, My, that
plane. hK. ha. la u.lin
' .'v "re centuries old
an early
fnln.iifh ....
:i "Ur. 'origin of
; , in oiuerikti
i one
before Christ.
a ax
tan 1 r M . na"'oJ Cor'"'li
tan Drebbel tlsiou,ed London in
flinsinia .in, 1
Pinoa doiuh v,,,.. ... "I" ."1,u miction, vhieha -a
wi SJIo in win...., . "B "-' - -"" OI
,mnJ. out U view eP" , I M- Independence 7:55 P.
em virtue and 7 . ."
r-ruuu, llllCna
"luiiimuon tne KBrmnteaH en umn
are designed purely for the purpose of
giving its eaders a means of exchang- i
.u uim miormation on iann i
topes. No department of family inter
est is neglectefl-but every feature is j
rr r I,,Q'C v wun ine aesire to maie j
the Weekly Blade worth intrinsicly
many times the price of subscription- i
1.00 a year. , j
Sample copied mailed free. Address,
Toledo, Ohio.
I am JL. ' ul JJII
iuea, ,ut are tenturies old ' ,,, , "' I l!'so Jo j.un.a 10 1 H
. rt-"t 0 hi. regies has ! i?L
thst .ubnrii.ff were buii? J l V . hnto, pnVfi,e
I ' thebep,,,,,, , . J " du,s llin, ' wV,, hands, an.
ff Ui.aiBL..
to private life . lrea
uurjg neavy
nd Horace exerted
Jn , .ai his father. On.
! u red to him.
i ' 1 1 1 1 1 S If It
. .II " i Jil l
"i ir itonert wearily
llora.e suited history.
1 siiiiRit1 ". rcn bed tl.a
n.'rM u.. " gtny.....n. .... .' .. J 'cieran
.uiut THI8 Doiihjro ali:ilL2!i!l'iHia"
f tolls ho. Alexaiiderjlie S pm ' ,m, I
Je u;e of .ub,armesejirin, ' fW t IS
aJUIU Gnu , 1 1
1' o..9IjThe Herald soticits your ,
or any
Contractor ,d Builder.
Notary Public
Blank Deeds, Mortgages. Etc.
Trade Mams
7...f1 . Designs' j
..... ;.' COPYRIGHTS B. I
m IIVAtiat ua .... . - t
H Iu fr oTSMm '-HANDBOOK on P.ien" J
V i6" fw,fr 'ur urohns palin.
whim, lt hout cbr, In th '
Scientific America 1
rolJ!?nn,!!ye,f,,hl",We,'r. lrtwf f
w ta "', 'ie"tlllo tmiroal Term.. 11
MUNN&Co.6'8. New tori 1
Abstracts promptly made by
Brown &, Sibley, attorneys and