County Bills Allowed. The fulloaing bills were allowed at the February term of the county court: W. L Smbren, election, hull rent $ 4.00 $1.00 Sheriff 022e. John W. Orr, salary and ex penses 1"Ci T. H. Hooker, deputy 7. . . .3.00 J. K. Hichler, deputy 40.00 I'olk County Observer, letter heads 100 Ilayler's Book Store, utalinncrv 3.85 Dallas Telephone Co., telephone8 3.10 $293.65 Clerk'l . A. H. Kobinson, Jr., salary and exiKMises 137.05 Chester J. Siefarth, deputy.... 75.00 Kdith Jaekson, deputy clerk... 50.00 filass & Prudlioiiime Co., legal blanks 5.33 Dallas Telephone Co., telephone 3.20 Bushon;; 4 Co., legal blanks... .80 Hayter's Hook Slore, stationery .10 $272.08 Treasurer's Office. I', Fihke, I'. M., slamjied en velops 170.88 J. llolnuin, salary and ex V F penses q. 125.25 II. H. Cosper, deputy fid.OO J. li. Allgood, printing 30.00 llayter's Hook Store, stationery 4.70 Dallas Telephone Co., telephone Glass & I'l'udhoinme Co., sta tionery 2.70 4.73 $104.2G Surveyor'! Office. Ilayler's Book Store, stationery 17.02 I'olk County Observer, printing; 10.25 Dallas Telephone Co., telephone 2.00 $29.27 Assessor's Office. K. E. Meyer, salary 100.00 Mrs. F. E. Meyer, deputy as sessor 70.00 Dallas Telephone Co., telephone 2.25 $172..'5 County Court. J. B. Teal, salary 100,00 0, A. Wells, commissioner 41.00 ('. W. Beckett., commissioner... 37.30 Dallas TelephonedCo., telephone 4.C1 McCann & Collins, team hire. . . l.00 $187.81 Scaler Weights and Measures. A. V. R. Snyder, salary 5.00 Dallas Telephone Co., telephone 2.2 $7.25 County Attorney. Ilayler's Book Store, stationery $2.75 Court House. Wm. A. 1 limes, repairing 2.00 Finley Whitney, janitor fll.00 Crescent Chemical Co., janitor supplies H,5(l Dallas Water Co., water 4.75 Fred B. West, E. lumps and la bor 3.75 (). A. Jhiscott, freight 1.00 Oregon Power Co., lights 28,00 $115.80 Circuit Court. It. F. Barrett, transcript 4.50 A. V. R. Snyder, bailiff 6.00 Dallas Telephone Co., telephone 3.25 Ilayler's Book Store, stationery 2.75 $16.50 Justice Court. F,F. Henkle, justice of peace. . F. 0. Parker, constable F. 11. Moian, constable Jerry Riehey, witness fees James Tiirpin, witness fees E. F. Henkle, justice of mace. . 11.25 13.00 5.00 1.10 1.10 3.70 J. H. Moran, constable 7.J0 H. Holman, justice of peace. . . . 5.20 1. farmer, witness fees 3.30 A. V, Dennett, witness fees.. 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.90 2.00 1.70; 1!6 I. J, Nenfeldt, witness fees.... F, L White, witness fees II. Valicr, witness fees F. LWood, fees .' Jas. Imlah, fees and costs T. V. 8iinpsi, fees and mileage II. Holman, justice of peace. . . , J. S. Ashbauph, countable J. 8. Ashbaugh, justice court., (Slass 4 Prudhomme Co. Wal l&n& 3.90 $S!.17 Insane. II. II. MeCallon, examination. 3.00 $'.00 j School Superintendent's Office. Ij. V. Maeken, salary u. salary unoo H. C. Sevnmor ! . V .110.45 pense V. II. McKee, school conven tion O. A. W(je, school convention II. J. Ellis, school convention.. L C. Sherwood, srhid conven tion Edward U . school convention It. O. I)odso!i. school convention M. W. Mix, iM-iHl convention. ('. E. MK'aleb. school coiivcn- 2.0(1 2.00 2.0" 20 2.MO 2.00 2.00 ti"1 F. C. Ewing, school eouvi'iiliWi John I.oy, M'ho4 contention... J. W. Itidgeuay, school conven tion John Siii'ns, school convention L I). Gibson, school convention J. H. HroOi, school coiivenlion J. B. Endnee, school convention Lfj. Bradford, school conven tion V. II. Brown, school convention J. F. Freitas, school convention ' tion R. J. Williamson, school eonven M. II. Aeheson, school conven tion A. J. Shipley, school convention A. Buhler, school convention.. Waldo Finn, school convention Elmer (intliiie, school conven tion George K. Nichols, school con vent ion (. . Mc Bee, school eonceiitiou C. F. Vick, schoid convention.. 2.0H 2.00 2.(10 2.i.o 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.'H 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 (1. W. Curtiss, school conven tion 2.00 J. S. S. Powell, school conven tion 2.00 J. C. Ferguson, school conven tion 2.00 W. N. Alexander, school con vention 2.U0 Andrew Smith, school conven tion , E. I. BiifwII, school convention J. N. Ilulelt, school convention 2.00 2.0J 2.00 2.00 2.00 G. E. Kliever, school convention W. 1), Henry, school convention B. H. MeCallon, school conven tion 1.00 Frank Friesen, school conven tion 2.00 T. W. Brunk, school convention 2.00 C. C, Gardner, school conven tion 2.00 J. A. Roberts, school convention 2.00 J. M. Ackers, school convention 2.00 0. A. Wolverton,, school con vention 2.00 Henry Voth, school coiivenlion J Oil W. M. Shewey, school, conven tion 2.00 G. L. Richards, schfiol conven tion 2.ii() P. F. Friesen, school convention 2.00 F. E. linhc, school convention.. 2.00 Polk County Observer, printing 73.00 Florence Kopan, salary 50.'i0 11. C. Seymour, school eonven- o tion ;-j (i;) Ilayler's Book Store, stationery ,'.75 Dallas Telephone Co., telephone 8.1(1 Polk County lieiuizer, printing 1.50 $521.80 Health Officer. II. II. MeCallon, visit Monmouth 0 lr 10.00 $10.00 Fruit Inspector. J. S. Parker, services 18.0,1 D. M. Hampton, indigent sold- 0 i,,r 100.00 W. S. Cary, indigent soldier... 22.0(1 P. S. Greenwood, Sr., indigent s"l,lii,'r 15.00 Conrad Stufrin, indigent soldier 13.60 $130.01 I'.tta Bush, widow's pension... 10.00 Mattie Unison, widow's pension 'JL'."") Knily Chninbeilain, widow's I'"8'"11 10.00 I!e E. Cassidy, flow's pen sion ij-j.r-j May M. Ilaskins, widow's pen sion p Kli'.a Lawremv. wi.l,iu-' !3 1 Si"ll 3;;o- Addie Launer. wid.nv's fusion 17.5(1 Jirs. Mike .McNull.v.. widow's lnwoii in no Virginia Miller, sitm Mary A. Odoni, widow' en- 10.00 widow s peu- sum I.uey A. sion 4 Vuivey, 10.00 w idovv 'g pen- 1 7 -,n Anna Keybum, widow's pension 17."")0 llatlie Rijkh. widow's pension 10,00 "csmc m. .kinner. widow s pen sion 15.00 Georgia 8ayj sion widow '8 pen- l yda E. Smith, widow's pension 10 00 Miini.eSt.Pienv. widow's pen- ion ... IIuldahE.Turpin, widow 'V o. 12.25 fvn- .... 17.50 sion Tr. - .. " widow's s pen- sion 20.00 Ton,, widow's ,,.L-iou.... lO.'W Emerson Surfer, labor. Carrie E. Trent, widow 's pn- ! I. P. Slapleton, labor. . H-mi 10.00 R. J. Ballard, labor.... Maud E. Zachary, widow ' pen- j Clyde Hill, labor ion O 4000 i 0 Care of Foor. $37lC Salt-m l'-'itl. can- t' poor... 55.00: CmUv I Wifter. M le 47.05, Kins' Smith Dept. S.r. Mdsc. 12.50 Dept. S.Wre. Mdsc. 12. C. F Huntley, board and cloth- Fred Isenhugen, labor i-"o J 11.00 : Elmer Guthrie, labor and team. 4..0 gr. O. II. Dimick. house nt 7.00 Elmer Guthrie, labor 3.75 Vassal! g&Craven, pr$ lies.... m m NVa.a:evensCo.,t'olents 9.m W. B. Gerth, groceries C.oOi GJtoad District No. 13.9 Golden Rule Store, M Isc 7.87, Gerhard Diehm, labor 6.50 IW nnSr Girls Aid Society. I Wm. A. Hitnes, ditching 2.50 subscriptions 50.00 Dallas Hospital, boar I. Mr. Ross 2.00 G. lilac, woceries 8."U I). D. Davis, meals 4.S0 V. J. Brown, medicine 4.00 Dallas Wood Co.. ool for Yeason $ 2.00 Simonton & Scott, groceries. . C. A. Robinson, care Mrs. Scu I- der W 00l Rick mill Trading Co., groceries 11.75 M. Peterson, care of or 2.00 flr. A. B. Starbuek, medical ser vices 23.00 0 $415.80 John W. Orr, jail board ' 09.17 Fuller Pharmacy, jail medicine 7.95 Oregon Power Co., jail light... 5.45 P. A. Finseth, jail ipiills 3.00 I lull. is Water Co., jail water. . . 1.30 I,. 0. Griffith, ferry labor.. L Damon, ferry manager. $ti().50 Polk County Observer, advertis ing!) 1 Polk County Itemizer, adwrtis- 1 ins printing 31.40 ! $123.00 J. M. Grant, over paid fees.... 37.35 C. N. McArthnr, slock indem nity 187.50 $3,584.77 ...100.00 ... 25.00 . . . 9 nn Getwral Road. J. W. Finn, salary Chas. Durrel, labor C. R. Canfleld, surveyor. L I. Biirscll. labor... 17.50 T. E. Lyons, labor 16.00 pGlass & Prudhonnne Co., road ' warrants , 82.00 A. Sampson, labor 13,75 James Middleton, labor 10.25 V. A. Cochran, labor G.25 $278.75 Road District No. 1. Alonzo Tharp, labor 18.00 Alvin Tharu, labor 16.00 T $34.00 Road District No. 2. Parker, labor 3.00 II. D. $3.00 Road District No. 3. Henry Schulson, laor $2.00 Eoad District No. 4. 0. R. Stafford, labor 3.00 W. S. Cation, labor. 6.00 i $9.00; Road District No. 5 E. b Mitty, labor II. I. Ferifiison, labor M- A. VninloBbiii';', labor. . . . 12.30 12.00 4.00! 0 $28.50; Eoad District No. 6. 15. I. Ferguson, labor Frank K. Valliere, labor 1. 1 N'eufeld, labor H. F. Valliere, labor .. 16.00 .. 30.20 .. 8.00 . . 7.00 lames Braden, labor..,. 2.00 E. B. llodws, labor 00 $68.50 Roat? District No. 7. uowani Holland, road drag. W. T. House, labor Howard House, labor J. 0. Anderson, labor W. A. ft'ott. bh,,,. 5.03 4.00 12.00 6.00 4.00 lack Stapleton, labor t)x)) F. Wattenberger, labor , 6.00 H. L. House, labor (Jhq J. M. Bridges, labor 600 Chas. W. Carter, labor 4 00 r. uurrell, labor MV. Comptou, labor V. I. Morrison, labor W. A. Seott. lalmr. . 2.00 20.00 14.50 12.00 W. T. Hons P labor i.yyo M. P. Leiteh, labor. . A. P. Kirkland, labor ! K. SfajSJeton, labor J. 0. Alldersnn luV.n 10.00 12.O0 U;Hjj Karl Ruef, labor . . . , . . , 1200 E. L. Ketchum, labor 12 00 $80.87 . 50.25 , 10.25 12.09 6.03 4.00 4.00 $220.55 0iA District No. Jpi. Cooley, labor 10. 8.00 $3.01) -j0 ! Koaa iiisinn an. it. q $9.01 'W Datrist f o. 15. Armond Gufhrie, labor. 2.50 $2.50 toil District fo. Frank E. Rider, gravel... 19. 28.40 $28.9(1 Xosjl District f o. 17. J. II. I.aughterman, gravel,... 0.50 James Middleton, team 10.O') Walter Mullcr, labor 10.00 $20..'i0 Eoad District ift. 20. I. I. Bursdl, team 10.00 I.ouis Petris, labor 7.00 o o 9 $17.00 Eoad District No. 21. if Horn, labor 3.0!) II. Sampson, labor 3.00 A. Wurtzberger, labor 6.00 S. Sanison, labor G.00 R. A. Titus, labor 4.90 F. C. Thomas, labor 4.00 II. Frink, labor 25.00 C. Lee, lai.or 8.50 F. Saxby, labor 4.00 R. Bufler, labor. ., 2.00 B. M. Webb, labor 2.00 J. Robinson, labor .00 $08.50 Total of all Road Warrants. . .$813.45 Monmouth Grange 476 Meets the Second Saturday In Each Month at 10:30 A. M. Public Program at 2:30 P. M. to which vaaton are welcome. P. 0. Powell, Master. Miss Maggie Butler, Sec. W. H. MACK Undertaker and Funeral Director. Monmouth, - Oregon. Carpentering For Odd Pieces of FURNITURE, ODD JOBS, 0 DESKS, CABINET or any kind of Carpenter Work J" A. N. POOLE, Contractor and Builder. W. F. SCOTT Contractor and Builder All kinds of Carpenterin? and Repair Work done in a work man-like manner. tet me figure with you on that netv building you are soon intending to erect. B. F. SWOBE, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Home Phone: Office, No. 1320, 0 Residence, No. 3712. Office in Ccper building, Independence, Oregon V. O. BOOTS Fire, Life and Casualty INSURANCE Losses Promptly Paid Dr. Laura Colby Price. Ofll nt .1 T1 . . ' 1 Rtsiaence .orth east corner of Clay and Knox streets. Telephone 2004. Local Time Card Of the Independence And Monmouth RailwayEf. fective December 15, 19 Train No. 1 leaves Independence 7 A. M., arrives at Monmouth 7:10 A SI connects with train for Airlie.t "' Train No. 3 leaves Independence 7jr A. M. after connecting gith S. p. traiU No, 354 from Corvallia, arrives at Mr ftuth 7:45 A. M. Kon- Train No. 5 leaves Independence 8 4S A. M., arrive at Monmouth 8:55 A. If connects witn train for Dallas. ' '' Train No. 7 leaves Independence H it A. M. after connecting with S. P. train No. 101 from Portland, arrives at Mtn. mouth 11:25 A. M., connects with Nn 351 for Airlie. ' Train No. 9 leaves Independence Mo P. M., arrives at Monmouth 1:20 p. sj connects with No. 352 for Dallas. ' Train No. 11 leaves Jndependence 2'20 P. M. after connecting with S. p. train No. 102 from Corvallis, arrives at Mnn mouth 2:30 P. M. Train No. 15 leaves Independence 3:5o P. M., arrives at Monmouth 4:00 P. Jj Train No. 17 leaves Independence 4:30 P. M. after connecting with Motor Car from Salem, arrives at Monmouth 4-4n P. M. Train No. 19 leaves Independence 7:30 P. M. after connecting with S. P. train No. 353 from Portland, arrives at Won moith 7:40 P. M. Train No. 2 leaves Monmouth 7:1S a M., arrives at Independence 7:25 A. M., connects with S. P. train No. 354 for Portland. Train No. 4 leaves Monmouth 8:15 A. M., arrives at Independence 8:25 A. M.j connects with train from Dallas arriving at Monmouth 7:25. Train No. 6 leaves Monmouth 9:05 A. M., arrives at Independence 9:15 A. M., connects with train from Airlie. Train No. 8 leaves Monmouth 11:35 A. M., arrives at Independence 11:45 A. M., connects with train No. 351 from Dallas. Train No. 10 leaves Monmouth 1:30 P. M., arrives a! Independence 1:40 P. M., connects with S. P. train No. 352 from Airlie, also S. P. train No. 102 for Portland. Train No. 12 leaves Monmouts 2:35 P. M., arrives at Independence 2:45 P. M. Train No. 14 leaves Monmouth 4:05 P. M., arrives at Independence 4:15 P. M., connects with Motor Car for Salem and Dallas. Train No. 16 leaves Monmouth 4:50 P. M., arrives at Independence 6:00 P. M. Train No. 18 leaves Monmouth 7:45 P. M., arrives at Independence 7:55 P. THE Weekly Oregonian The best Weekly Journal of the Northwest. Gives all the News of the World. Price per year $1.50 Herald one year 1.50 Both papers for... 2.50 OVER 6S YEARS' EXPERIENCE dc Marks ESIGNS CoprniQHTS 4 c. AnTone iftndlnn a lOtet rh And flmertntlnii mil quickly Mcerlnln our oiilnlnn free whether u liiveittlnn li probKblr pnientnhle. Cniniuiiirik tlouatrlcllrnoiridetillil. HANDBOOK onHaicnu out free. Olilmt isency for securing palen'i. Fatentt taken thronirh Hunn A Co. recelfl tfitvu noiict, without obarve. In U Scientific American. A hundiomslT lllnntrateil mrmVf. I.nreeit dr ciilatlon of in; tdentlOo Juarnnl. Terun, 13 reiir: fonr montbi, L Sold by all nwidelern. MUlViX & Co.e,Brod'"- New York Branch Office. J6 T St, Waiblnglon. D. C get the genuine New Home Sewing Machine 1. 1 ' 1 ouy the machine I with the name NEW 1 HOME on the arm n and is the legi. Thia BMcKiaa ia i f warrant! for all M turn. I No other like it I No other as rood1 1 lj Til New Home Sewing llachloa Company. ORANGE. MASS.