The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, July 03, 1914, Image 5

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l)ini't l tli thfiitor, conrcrl or bull.
Hut Mtay in ymir room tonight;
Diny yuurHfif to I In- fru'ixln thitt cull,
Ami it kihkI, long h tlcr write.
Write In the Hint old folk at home,
Who Hit whi'ii tin- diiy iHilonu
With folded hiuiilx anil ilownt'HMt t-ycM,
Anil think !t the hIihcnI one.
Ilon'l Hi'lliHhly Mrrilililt: "Kxrimc my
I've Hiitrcrly tinii- to write,"
Lent their drooping thought go wwi
ilering buck
To many h bygone night
When they IohI their needinl Hleci Mnd
Anil every brenth whh ft prayer
That (iml wonlil leave their deliraUf
To their tender love and care.
I'i'ii't let them feel thut you've no more
Of their love or couimel winr;
For the heart grown Htrnngely neimitive
When age him dimmed the eyeH,
It might be well to let them believe
You never forget them quite,
That you deem it a plriiHure when far
a way
Long letteri home to write.
l)on't think that the young and giddy
Who make your pastime guy,
Have half the anxiniiH thought for you
That the old folkn have today.
The duty of writing do not put off;
Let nltiep or pleiiHure wait,
1ent the letter for which they looked
and longed
He a day or hii hour too late.
For the Had old folkn at home
With lock f ant turning white,
Are longing to hear from the abnent
one -
Write them a letter tonight.
-Dollar Hill.
With the Churches
Christian Church.
Hy 11. F. Jonkh.
Greetings to all the strang
ers. We bid you welcome to
our church home. Make it yours
during your stay.
We can prove it by last Lords
days' attendance that the sum
mer slump is not here.
A treat for everybody is
found in the Bible lessons used
in our school. Get your share
next Irdsday morning at 10
We way differ in matters of
human opinion but we must agree
in the things on which God has
Fathers' Day will be ob
served next Lordsday morning
in both the Bible School and
morning service. Come and en
joy this day with us.
A very persistent old lady
is making eyes at Uncle Sam.
From indications, she is about
ready to propose. Just what the
American people will say is a
matter of conjecture.
43,104 additions to our
ranks have been reported since
January 1st, 1914.
You can't fool all of the
young people. Somehow they
have discovered that the young
peoples' meeting at 7 o'clock
Lordsday evening is a live one.
Cheer up! Oregon is go
ing dry. That is, if every moth
ers' son and daughter of us get
lion t use all or vour hatri
otism on fire crackers and pop
next Saturday. Save some for a
great patriotic service next Lords
day evening at 8 o'clock.
Whether we will be bene
fitted by the ministry and mes
sage of the church will depend
on two things: Whether that
ministry and message can be
' verified by the Bible and what
our attitude is toward the reve
lation of truth contained in the
It is some distance from one
Lordsday to the next. You need
the midweek service with its rest
and spiritual refreshing. We in
vite you to visit us next Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock.
That Normal class in the
Bible School has outgrown one
room and indications are good
that we'll have to have more
room yet.
"Come thou with us and we
will do thee good."
Oregon Development Newt In
Line of Industries, Payrolls,
Products of Labor, Etc
Salkm, Ore., June .-During
the past week final obstacles
to conveying the locks and canal
at Oregon City have been re
moved, the Portland General
Electric Co. conceding states
paramount right to water.
Contract has been let for the
new $20,000 Grand Ronde hos
pital. T. B. Brock of Vineland. N. J.,
will establish a grape juice fac
tory in Oregon.
The complaint against the
Cottage Grove Electric Co. has !
been dismissed by the Railroad j
Hood River will vote on $75,
000 road bond issue July 15. j
Laurelburst, suburb of Port
land, will have a new $16,000
catholic church.
Portland business men will sub
mit bill to amend the constitu
tion to make Single Tax impossi
ble in Oregon.
Molalla will get a $10,000 water
system pumped from well.
Salmon Mountain Mining Co.,
Curry County, has uncovered a
ledge that assays as high as $30,
000 per ton.
The Eugene Guard has come
to the conclusion that indiscrimi
nate minimum wage law by differ
ent states is wrong, and wants a
national law.
Another tax commission is to
be created to revise the Oregon
taxation system after studying
the tax laws of all countries.
The State Mining Bureau is to
investigate the Lake county salt
Oregon Manufacturers' Associ
ation will ask for a law to give
home industries a five percent
preferential in public bids.
The State University School of
Commerce just created will un
dertake a study of markets and
industries and development of
electric plant.
Construction of bridges by the
Southern Pacific over Coos Bay,
and across Umpqua and Siuslaw
rivers will begin July 1st.'
The Port of Umpqua will en
large its boundaries in order to
make needed improvements.
Water rates have been raised
about ten percent at North Bend
and Marshfield after investiga
tion by the Railroad Commission.
The Springfield News thinks
the practice of submitting com
plicated laws affecting industries
should be discouraged.
Bandon voted to buy the local
water plant and build a library.
Portland designs to span the
railroad shops at Holgate avenue
with a viaduct costing $110,000,
railroads to pay one half.
Brooks shipped a carload of
loganberries a day.
The Georgianna, a new Colum
bia river steamer, has been
launched at the Supple shipyard,
The Oregon Industry League
has been formed to boost Oregon
factories and institutions.
Geo. Schoppert will build a
cheese factory near Dolph.
The Crescent Manufacturing
Co. of Seattle is contesting the
And you have them if you buy of us
Diamond Brand Shoes, Conqueror Hats., Congress U
bhirts, Derby Gloves, R. & G. Corsets, Burson
& Knox Knit Hose
Preferred Stock Groceries
Standards Of The World
Fisher's Blend, Pure White and White River Flour
The Kinds You Like
Monmouth Mercantile Co.
Monmouth, Oregon
validity of the Oregon Pure Food !
Law against which many hotels j
and business men are protesting. j
Trio lniT a falrzsn intn f ria aAavaX !
i 11V IUU IO I.UUV 1 1 III VV 1,1 1 ItUtlHI
The Oregon Power Co. will
supply the Booth-Kelly sawmill
company at Springfield with 2,000
horsepower of current.
The Workingmens' Compensa
tion Commission has appointed a
chief medical expert and bought
a skeleton for its main medical
Independence merchants de
mand establishment of a cannery.
Albany has let the construction
of ninth street to the Asphalt
Machinery Co. of Seattle as part
of the Pacific Highway.
Ashland voted $175,000 bonds
to pipe mineral water into city
and build a sanitarium.
Hubbard has an artificial ice
' Eugene may get a box and egg
crate factory.
Engineer Galvani of the Pacific
Light and Power Co. will begin
work at once on the new street
car lines in Astoria.
The East Oregon Lumber Co.
will build a 120,000 mill at Enter
prise. Henry Albers of the Albers
Milling Co. will tour South Africa
for extensions of business.
The Townsend Creamery Co.
has opened its new plant at Port
land costing $130,000.
A new creamery will be built
at Hood River on the water front.
' Under the meat inspection or
dinance at Portland two inspec
tors have been appointed.
There is general protest against
extending terms of all county
officials to four years, a bill that
is being initiated.
An Italian colony and Roman
cheese industry are slated for
James Tracy will erect a two
story concrete at Oregon City.
v Huntington is building a mu
nicipal hall.
I Clean A Watch
exactly ns it is done in the best watch factories. I take the
movement entirely apart, clean each wheel, cog and pivot sep
arately, assemble and regillate it and when you get it back
you can.depend upon it being in perfect shape.
Perkins Pharmacy.
Notary Public
Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Etc.
Keeps on Sale
Best Grade Chic Feed. Best Grade Grit, Bone and
Oyster Shell.
Garden Seeds in Package or in Bulk.
Will Pay Cash for Egs and Poultry.
Monmouth, - - - . Oregon
j. w. leXsk,
Contractor and Builder
All Kinds of Cement and Brick Work Done.
Sidewalks laid, Chimneys and Fire places built. Work done duickly
neatly and reasonably.
Hollow, Concrete Building Blocks, Concrete Brick and Concrete Foun
dation Block Carried in Stock.
Wood Sawed to Order
Your wood sawed for you just as you order it done
Country Orders Solicited.
Attorney at Law and Notary
Horace Phone:
Office, No. 1320,
Residence, No. 3712.
Office in Cooper building,
Surveying and Subdividing
Prompt service, work guaran
teed. Himes Engineering Com
pany, Dallas, Ore., Phone 502
Brown & Sibley, attorneys and
abstractors, 610 Mill Street, Dal
las, Oregon.
Weekly Oregonian
The best Weekly Journal of
the Northwest. Gives all the
News of the World.
Price per year $1.50
Herald one year 1.50
Both papers for... 2.50
Fire, Life and Casualty
Losses Promptly Paid
Have you paid up your sub
scription yet? Pay it now.