The Herald D. . ST1TT. Editor. ! KrtriM ;is vonii-,'':tss malt'!" St'nwmU'r S. UhVv. Nt tttt' rvst :it Monmouth. Ortintn. tnult'l' lht A.-i .( March :'. is:;.. 1 ISSIKO KVKKY l-KII'AY Subscription Rates One year -" - $ 1 . 50 Six months - - S," rls Thrvo months - - 50 els Monmouth, Oregon. FRIDAY, DEC. A5. 1913. THE HIWGRY MEX SEWS FROa COUNTY WXJi. Moimtainviow, Highland, Roue River, Mistletoe, Maple drove. Valley Junction. Hroadincad, l'Vrn. 72, Spring Valley. The following schools have been placed on (he roll of honor ,0 for having made no tardios dur- Court House Notes. KKAl. KSTATK Mattie Koser to (! II Kussi land in Derrydale, $10. A I, Sperling and wife riaine, ntioch, t'nc of the sjrave questions whieli confronts the eitizeiiship of tin1 .State of Oregon is what to do with the army of unem ployed men? Unemployed, in itself, is not a serious problem were it not acres in t (i s, r 5 w, $10. that other eouditious are at tached which in themselves add seriousness and make a solution of the situation exceedingly necessary. These men are not only un employed but they are eithei ilestitute or will mou hceoin' so, and how will they he fed and sheltered for the next three niont work iiiunerativt William I ockle, 1-4 int. m lots in jtlo- tu. month: Red Independence, $SoO. Orchards, Polk Station, h h Me lcker and wife to 1, l p.uona Vista. Ruell, Harmony, Daniels, lot in Reven's ord add j Upper Saltcreek, North Dallas, to Dallas. $S,)0. I Knterprise, Fir Crove, Rioneer, Samuel Orr and wife to' John Oakhurst. Moiintainview. High Middleton et al. lb. acres in sec ; a,ul. Mistletoe. Rroadmead, 72, oC), t 7 s, r 5 w, $10. ',.sl Salem. Jacob 1 Ruhler and wife to The following schools have be Uornelious Ruhler, SO acres in t (5i0iin Standard, having earned s. ro w, ,10. n1(. tii'uvn points required for a Jacob R Ruhler and wife to; standard School: Ruena Vista. Jacob J Ruhler, IM.aO acres in t t! : North Dallas. Zona. 72. Lincoln, s. row, $10. 1 Oakhurst. Antioch, Fir drove, Jacob R Ruhler and wife to ; McCoy, (bitherie, and many more Henry R Kckert and wife. SO schools- have nearlv all of the ! points for a Standard School. K M Younir and wife to A Oj School Rallies have been held Rrown and wife, ;.". 77 acres in 1 j the following schools: Liberty, sees ;!" and of. in t 7 s, r 4 w. j Smithfield. Oakumve. Cherry bU00. Ulrove. iVedoe and Antioch, anil Mary F U.ilson et al, to John , miu., interest has been manifest M Johnson, out lot o, Fairview ! td at these places, add to Falls City. $1. i n. ( Skymoim:. School Supt. L S ( alKms and wito to Ilenrv , or until tile 'pens up ami tnev limi re- em imov itieiit aoain. Some will argue that the-e men are improvident and not worthy of aid; that manv of them have spent their earnings in the grog shops and, hence, are not entitled to svuipathv, even in the distressing cireuni st.inees they have brought upon themselves. Rutts, 40 acres in t 's, r t! v, Con, $10. Dallas Citv Rank to Dallas Spring National Rank, land in block 10, Dallas, $1. J W Kdgar and wife to Edith Starbuck, 27 1-2 acres, sees 7 and 18, in t 7 s, r ,'! w, $10. Edith Starbuck to J W Edgar and Edna Edgar, his wife. 27 1-2 acres in sres 7 and IS, t 7 s, r 15 w. $10. Nels A Anderson and wife to Harry W Andrews, n e 1-4 sec 11, t ! s, r 7 w, $:0. Bargains In Land We have concluded lo cnHge in the Keul Kstatc liiisiness, lull dilVen-nt tiiini others. We UM msi to lirint; buy er :i;m1 seller together. It (hey tnulc our reinuueral ion to he J. 1-U per cent. 1 am in Intich with many prospective buyers and traders. Con-iiilt me. I have lands thai can be bought or traded almost anywhere you desire it. Washington Lands SO acre.-., ! miles north ol" (ioldetidale, 1 2 ai res clean d. mostly in aph-s, 00 acres irood land, balance rocky; H1""' house anil barn. :i''0 acre: CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS AT HOME LOW ROUND TRIP FARES VIA THE SUNSET 0GOtNSIIASTAl 77it tpuiitnt I. lilt: T 1.. .! I . T 1 , ti ll m;ii ne line dial many 01 i an AUgllsj r redencK Wolt am them have squandered iheir Mary Wolf, land in Monmouth, earnings and brought t hem-; 1 1-2 acres, $2500. selves to want, but tliat does not ! Henry Fawk and wife to S L settle tiie question. It is bar- i Coats- 15 acres in sec 10, t 7 s, r barotis tojet them starve and it would be equally so to shoot them down to keep from feeding them. That they spent their I .n it-, tones iroiu v eiuorvino, ! prairie land. 2-' acres under plow, part ,,1 I iu ,,,! ,!.. ,,..rl , . ' ........ 1 1 . Mary E and J C Phillips to v:0im Lincl c:in K- plowl-il, the balance is pasture land; hm;-iiht li-m-cs, most- t oew , wen, sprnn:., wiaiiimu alio tank, house, new barn and oilier build ings. Owner does not need cash and has farm machinery to .sell on reason able terms. Between all points in Oregon, also from points in Oregon to California, Washington and Idaho SALE DATES AND LIMITS Christmas Holidays: Ret ween all points in Oregon; also from Southern Pacific points to points in Washington and Ida ho Dec. 18 to 21 inclusive. Retween Oregon ami Cali fornia points Dec. ill to 25. Return limit all points Jan. 5. 1-.U4. New Years Holidays: Dec. 27 to Jan. I, with final return limit Jan. 5, 1011. The New Year Fares apply only be tween points in Oregon and between Oregon and Cali fornia. SUPERIOR TRAIN SERVICE Observation Cars, Dining Cars and big, warm all-steel coaches. All trains solidly vestibuled. ' Call on nearest Southern Pacific Agent for ful train schedules, specific fares, etc, lartieulars, John M. Scott, Onrrnl litrngr Agent, I'ortlnnd, Oregon ;4 w, $1. Capital Trust Company to II E 'and Sarah Wrightson, lots in ! Kingwood Park, $10. ; Capital Trust Company to Linda A Dekum, lots in Kingwood ! Park, Con, $10. j Dora A Chase and husband to Harvey K Sickafoose, lots in Monmouth, $550. Albert Teal and wife to Chester 0 Teal, 10 acres in sec 21). t 8 s, r G w, $750. substance for drink does not clear us. Who suffers the saloon to rob these men of their earnings, their will-power and their man 1iood? The people of Oregon does that, and not only in Ore. gon but in other states, likewise, the people are in fault. Then if the state suffers these condi tions the state should feed the victims. Portland does its share in adding to this class, but Portland thinks itself aide to Like care of only l ,((0(l while she- claims to lr-tve about tn times that many unemployed within her borders, j Now we do not think that nearlv all the destitution comes i . . ... . . - Number of pupil HroppH rlnririK month .. thiOUgh riotOUS llVltlg, but that. ' Total number on ret. at thU report .. Number of day taught during month. Whole number of da-H attendance. ... Sllill- Whole number of dayH absence Whole number of times late . Number of pupils neither absent or late Report of Public Schools Report of the schools of Polk County for the school month end ing November 28, 1913. Number of seh'ols reportiiK correctly and on time .... Number of schools not reporting on time Number of pupils remaining at last re ort Number of pupiis registered new during month . . Number of pupils registered secondary dur ing month .... . Number of pupils readmitted durimr month Total number pupils on register during month 121 1 W'.i persons who there are many have been unable to earn dent during the summer to tide them through the winter, and when- a man has a family to support it becomes necessary that he have employment all the time in order tlfat he can support those depending upon him. It is a serious question and one which, perhaps, the state only can handle successfully, and the state is being implored to furnish labor and means to help those destitute of the means of food and shelter, to . live through the winter by affording them employment in making roads and clearing lands. The provident should look after the interest of the improvi dent to the extent that they have proper protection at least. . urn . an .. 2MI 17.1 vv'fi.r, . l iia.o Ml'. . 1H74 277II.S 2i;M . 17.1 AveraKe number of pupila belonjfinK Average daily attendance Percent of attendance Number of visits by parents UK) Number of visits by members of schixil board oh The following schools have been placed on the roll of honor for having made 95 per cent in attendance or over: Zena, Dal las, Peedee, Red Prairie, Rridge port, Ballston, Saltcreek, Mon mouth Grade School, Monmouth High School, Orchards, Bethel, Polk Station, Fairview, Smith field, Lewisville, Oakgrove, But ler, Perrydale, Rickreall, Elkins, Independence, Antioch, Brush College, Buena Vista, Buell, Pop corn, Harmony, Upper Saltcreek, Montgomery, Lincoln, North Dal las, Crowley, Greenwood, Fir Grove, Sunny Slope,' Concord, I The Christmas Shop l''(l acres, III miles north of teilden ilitle. 8 acres tiriucr plow, lli urres slashed anil hurtled. Lino to 'J'Jf hcarine; fruit trees. :tii(l more two year old apples. All jrood land ami lies nearly level. Irnnatme; ditch and e;ood creek. '1 here are loud cords of wood standinc;. baiyc 7 room house, ham. Price Si'i.ihiii, rnortt'au'e of ifi'iOO. Will trade for im proved ranch id' etiial value. The timber soil is volcanic ash and rcil shot, and it is suitable lor all kinds of fruit, berries, alfalfa, urain, pota toes, etc. band is easily el ared. as the timber is. scatterinc;, in some cases the timber will pay for tin- co it of clcarinc;, and tin averajrc cost is .Ar per acre. Oregon Lands ll'd acres, one and one-half miles out of town. I'iH acres, 5 miles out of town. acres, in town, to trade or Hell. If I haven't irot what you want I'll (jet it. for you. Call and see me or write to S. II. IIINKI.K, Monmouth, Ohkcon. I Professional Cards Dr. Laura Colby Price. OHice ami Resilience North west corner Main and College streets, one block west of the Liberal store. Telephone 56. Dr. J. O. Matthis Physician and Surgeon Office in Postoffice Building Calls answered promptly both day and night. Both Phones. Dr. J. B. Grider DENTIST Office over Post Office Monmouth, Oregon WAIfKR G. BROWN Notary Public Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Etc. Monmouth Book Store, next door to post office, for Toys, Decorated China, Cut Glass, Silverware, Cutlery, Brass Goods, Manicure Set, Traveling Cases, Christmas Cards, Gift Books, Gloves, Candies. In fact, a fine assortment of Christmas Merchandise at Popular Prices. MONMOUTH, P. H. JOHNSON, Proprietor. OREGON or on on DC ) Are You Going To Build? If so give us a chance to figure with you on: LUMBER, SHINGLES, DOCRS, WINDOWS, LATH, CEMENT, MOULDINGS, PLASTER, LIME, SAND and BRICK Also SLABWOOD and CEDAR POSTS Patronize Us and Get a Square Deal Dallas Lumber & Logging Co. Phone Main 202. - - - Monmouth, Oregon noc DC HOC Try a want ad for quick results