The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, October 24, 1913, Image 4

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President P. L. Campbell, of
tho (.inivorsity of Oregon, spoke
to tho students in assembly at
3 o'clock last Friday. His ad
dross was an encouragement to
hijrh school students to plan for
higher education. After his ad
dress he met the students in an
informal reception. His visit
was very much appreciated by
tho school.
Much excitement has been
manifest since last Friday on ac
count of the student body elec
tion held on Wednesday the 22nd.
A constitution was adopted on
Thursday and a primary election
was held on Friday. The candi
dates were voted on at 11 o'clock
Wednesday. Results of the elec
tion were President, Clarence
Daniels; Vice President, Kohert
Thompson: Secretary, Helmer
Heighten: Treasurer. Ida Stronp.
The Freshmen class challenged
the rest of the high school to a
football jrame for Tuesday even
ing. Owinff to the upper class
men's lack of training, the
victory went to the Freshies by
a score of 18 to 6.
The Senior class has issued its
invitation to the students and
faculty of the high school to at
tend a reception on Friday even
ing. October 24th.
Wanted -A Reflector
The following petition needs
no explanation and we presume
the "handy-man" has attended
to his mission with alacrity. As
requested we publish the petition
but with-hold the signatures:
Oct. 20, '13.
"We the undersigned realizing
that a large part of a school
tnarm's efficiency lies in the
char.n of her roo( looks, and
that a mirror, for those having
courage enough to look into one,
would aid materially, do hereby
authorize our obliging "handy
man" to negotiate for the pur
chase of one. Said mirror not to
cost more than 25c per capita."
Lost His Pheasant
One of our local hunters was
out hunting a few days ago and
secured a live China pheasant
which he placed carefully in his
hunting coat pocket for the pur
pose of making one of his friends
a present. But imagine his sur
prise and chagrin when in the
effort of cranking his auto, in
which he had gone to the hunt
ing scene, the bird slipped out of
his pocket and made its way to
safety across a field while his
gun was beyond his reach.
Never mind such little troubles
as that, Ed, you may get another
chance at that bird yet but the
old proverb is bursted. That
bird in the pocket was not worth
two in the bush. Moral: Don't
crank your machine with alive
pheasant in your pocket.
Polk Court Pays September Bills
J B Teal $ 100.00
G A Wells 13.05
S H Petre 35.00
J S Ashbaugh 20.40
HHolman 10.55
Arleta South 4.50
Mrs. South 4.50
Mrs. Buffum 3.50
C Burright 3.50
E Barright 3.50
Laura Kohnke.- 4.50
Ellen Kohnke 3.50
Violet Stone 3.50
Mrs. J M Stone 3.50
Edith Stone 3.50
J D Winn 8.90
J H Moran 12.20
Dr. O D Hutler 3.00
SHKKlKf's PI- l-'U'K
J K Kichtor 7
Henry Savory . . 52.50
'J M Grant . . 210.11
A B Robinson. .lr 133.50
F K Shaw 75.00
Klma K Harris . . 50.00
tukasi'kkk's otru'i:
Tracy Staats (3.lH
; school svrr. office
!li V Mackin . . 120.00
H 0 Seymour 172.S5
assessor's office
'F K Meyer. 100.00
Mrs. F E Meyer . . 12.50
Polk County Itemizer 21.00
Leupold it Voelpel ...... 1.(15
Glass & Prudhomme Co l.i'S
, Polk County Itemizer . 1S.50
Tracy Staats . 5.00
!A B Robinson, Jr .. 25.70
CRisser ... . 2.(10
Geo A Bateson & Co 2.50
W and L E Gurley .. . 181.70
S M Ray & Co 12. 30
Finley Whitney 57.00
Dallas Water Co.- . -1.1)5
J no Harris . 7.75
Soehren Warehoused).. 3.35
Dallas Telephone Co.. 30. CO
B II McCallon... 17.50
C L Crider. . ... 5.75
Dallas Meat Co. . 2.00
TWBrunk ... 8.55
Williams Drug Co . 8.50
Dr. O D Butler . 5.1H)
Candace A Robinson .... 1(5.00
0 E Huntley ... . 1 10.00
Sinmor.ton & Scott 12.75
: Lyda Ellen Smith 10.00
Lillian C Hall 17.50
Mrs. W W Chappell. 10.00
Mattie Purport 32.50
Rose Ellen Cassidy.. . 47.50
Rose Tom 32.50
Eliza Lawrence 47.50
; Dessie Bell Moore 10.00
Georgia Sawyers.. . . . 40.00
M A Odom 25.00
Hattie Riggs. . . . . lo.oo
Addie Launer... 17.50
Huldah E Turpin.. . 25.00
Jessie M Skinner 25.00
Dallas Hospital Asscn . 22.00
Fuller Itiarmaey ... . . . 7.7o
Mrs. O H Dimmick ... 21.00
: Dallas Meat Co 2.00
HA Woods 10.85
State of Oregon . . . 10. (55
J S Parker 38.75
J B Stump . 18.75
Polk Co Fair Association 100.00
; Curtis Phillips 31.25
Henry Horn ... 11.25
City of Salem 41.00
L Villwock. . 43.80
Wiese & Scott 12.45
Herman J May 49.34
A G Thorp 6.15
Craven & Huff 75
II Wonder 1.50
A G Thorp 130.70
Sam McVey. . 1038.03
C F Horn 50.45
Gebhardt Lumber Co... 7.55
J A Tate 38.40
Willamina Garage 17.76
E R Palmer . 62.50
Falls City Lumber Co.... 12.42
WattShipp 2a 30
C B Whaley 20.40
Salem, FC&W Ry Co. 2.83
Henry Horn 14.00
J V Chitty 28.50
Henry Horn 11.75
Ed Shaw 39.25
J Voth .... 59.40
P C Myer 33.61
J F Vaughn..' 8.45
Henry Fern 102.00
Dallas Lumber & Log Co 29.90
Henry White. 20.80
i;W 11 Murphy 8.00 1
I K N Wood . 5.00,
, L Hart mau 3(5.25 1
.I 11 Patterson . 42.(52!
Otto Debrick . ... 2(5.25!
I Lloyd Wallace . . 42.00
R A Frauendiener . 4.12
Ed Botz ...... 3.00
John Botz 3.(H)
M N 1 'rather 8.00
F M Silver .... . 21.00:
Herman J May. . 80.(50 '
; Farmers State Bank . 374.70 ;
('has Durrell. 7.50'
II Hanson (S.2"
J W Finn . 54.25!
J no R Robbina .. . 52.50:
Ind. Sand & Gravel Co . 18(5.25 !
O P Janes 35.75
Ross Pierce 111. 00
Thos Cotherwood . .. 21.(5(5
L Sampson ....... 15.75
G Brown 33.50
H Sampson... . 23.25
0 M Horn 31.25
B Harris 3.25
Ed Horn . . 8.25
A E Meyers... 40.25
Henry Horn ... (52.25
;J K P ('arson.. 03. (ML
A Sampson (53.85
B Lunde 43.13
II Horn ... ... 18.75
A E Myers 8.00
P Myers 7.50
C Horn.. .. . .. 2.40
Louis Villwock . 10.40
'ChasK Spaulding 'o . 10.37
America's Greatest Weekly
Toledo Blade
The Best Known Newspaper
in the United States
Over One Million
Readers Weekly
No Whiskey Advertising
Tho M venty-t ijrlith year of its exist
ence timis the Toli-do Plade more pop
ular than at unv period durinir its loni'
and smve.tsl'ul career. The iilmlc is a
newspaper of National influence and
importance and e-nes into every Mate in
'he Union, therei.y tfivintf it an un
questionable rie;ht of t-laiminjf to he
the (jtreattst national weekly newspaper
published in America.
The Weekly Pladu is distinctly a
family newspaper. The one object of
its publishers has always been to make
it tit for the American home, for the
fireside, and of interest to every mem
ber of the family. To fulfill this pur
pose it is kept clean and wholesome.
Tl.e news of the world is handled in a
coinpreheinive manner, and the various
departments of The Plade are edited
with painstaking care. The Household
page is a delight, to the women and
children; curiint affairs hie treated
editorially without prejudice; the serial
stories are selected with the idea of
ph asinjr the greatest number of fiction
lovers; the Question Hureau is a scrap
book of information; the Farmstead
columns are conducted with the pur
pose of (jiving the patrons a rmdium
for the exchange of ideas and informa
tion on farm topics. No department is
m.-tdected, but every feature is taken
care of with the idea of making The
Wade worth many times the price of
subscription out) dollar a year.
Sample copies mailed free. Address,
Toledo, Ohio.
Professional Cards
Dr. Laura Colby Price.
OHicc ami Residence North
west corner Main uinl College
streets, one block west of tin;
Liberal store.
Telephone 56.
Dr. J. B. Grider
Office over Post Office
Monmouth, Orfxon
Dr. J. O. Matthis
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Postoffice Building
Calls answered promptly
both day and night.
Both Phones.
City Meat Market
JOHN GRIMES. Proprietor
Wi' Him lo i-iiri'v everything in
Fresh and Smoked Meats,
Hlh'll UN
Bologna. Minced Hams. Boiled Hams, and I lams
and Bacon.
Special this Friday:
'1 he I IERALI) inaiuij''fiieiit Etas made arrangements
with the Portland Evening Telegram w hereby
wo can 'ive subscribers tho advantage of a jijantic com
bination otfer for a limited period. You can not a Met
ropolitan evening paper ith all the latest news from all
over the world and all the news of Monmouth and vi
cinity in the HERALD at a remarkably low price.
The Evening Telegram is the best paper in
the state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition
contains a ma'a.ine and comic section in colors.
Portland Evening Telegram $5.00 per year
The HERALD - - - $1.50 " "
Total $6.50
Both papers through
this office if paid in r
advance for 1 year,jj?
on or hefore Decern-
her 31st, 1913.
Plumber and Steam Fitter.
CurrloH In Stock
Bath Tubs, Toilet Fixtures, and all kinds of Plumb
crs' Supplies, nickel-plated or otherwise.
All orders attended to promptly and work guaranteed.
Mail Departures and
Mail Arrives as Follows:
7:1!") A. M., From Portland,
Newlitrjj and Corvallis train.
8:f.f A. M., Arrive from Salem and
9:05 A. M., From Airlie train
11:15 A. M.,. From Portland and
CorvalliH train.
11:15 A. M., From Independence
1:25 P. M., ..From Dallas
2:40 P. M., ... From Portland
and Corvallis train.
2:40 P. M., ..From Independence
5:35 P. M., .. From Airlie
7:30 P. M., ...From Portland,
Newberj? and CorvalliH.
7:30 P. M., From Independence
Mail Dispatched as Follows:
6:35 A. M To Salem
6:35 A. M., To Portland and
7:15 A. M., To Airlie
8:55 A. M., Portland and CorvalliH
8:55 A. M., To Independence
11:15 A. M., To Dallas
1:25 P. M., To Portland and
Corvallis train.
1:25 P. M., To Independence
4:30 P. M., To Airlie
5:35 P. M.,... To Portland,
'Newberj and Corvallis.
7:15 P. M., To Portland,
Newberg and Corvallis.
7:15 P. M., To Independence
Zook the Painter, will hang
your paper for you.
Be a Booster evry Day
V7 11. '
w eeiuy wregoiiian
The best Weekly Journal of
the Northwest. (lives all the
News of the World.
Price per year $l.f)0
Herald one year l.f0
Both papers for. 2.50
.f Business. uircaory
jsj A Directory of each Oily, Town and
eueh plin;o, local Inn, pnitiiliiMoii, tela-
ffruph, alilppltiff and hiinklnu jmt'it;
alno Cltuutlllod l)lreoi()ry, compllod lty
buslnoss and proriniou.
it. r. roLK a ro., hkattt.k
f- EXprRirNcr
Trade Marks
Anronft HAnrllng nhnlch mid 1rnnrlrtlnn my
quickly a(!i'tnlii our optntoii fro whether ad
Invention In prntmhir pnipnf iihln. ('.rnimunlrii.
tlnnmitrlctlTContldunilHl. I11NDL1D0K on PhIoiiU
ant froe. Oltlnnt auonry ftr nocnrlnu putuntH.
I'tiimiu tali on tFirmiyh Miiini A Co. reoelva
tprrUil notice, wlt houtohnraa, In the
Scictuific mtrmi
A hiiniJiomelr lllintrntM wpclilf. J.nrcont elr.
nuliitlon of Mif neltintlllo JoiirniLl, 1'iit-iiin, III
ymr; four niontUs, $L BulUbynl) nuwHdnulorn.
361 Broadway,
New York
iiglu". 13. 0.
Uraaolx Offlae, HA V 8t WushliiMlun,