rpaoi looi lor LOCAL AND STATE NEWS ILzioi ioor: iQcdJ Zook the Painter, will hang your paper for you. Guy Hewitt, of the Luckia mute, was in town Monday. Vernon Brown, of Indepen dence, was in town Wednesday night Charles Atwater, of Airlie, was doing business in Monmouth yesterday. Brown & Sibley, attorneys and abstractors. 610 Mill Street, Dal las, .Oregon. J. S. Prime and family were visitors to Portland last Saturday returning home Sunday. A large shipment of screen doors just in. Buy them at the Monmouth Lumber Yard. Mrs. McFarlan was a business visitor to Portland last week, re turning home Friday. Miss Elta Portwood returned home Sunday, having finished her school at Odessa. Oregon. From information received from Joe Chark we expect him to return to Monmouth next week. Mrs. M. E. Hedrick, of Mc Minnville, was a week-end visitor at the home of her sister. Mrs. U. G. Heffley. Mrs. J. L. Murphy, of Corval lis, an old-time resident, is here this week visiting and attend ing the commencent exercises. Monmouth Lumber yard will furnish you all kinds of building material at prices that are right. Miss May Hedrick, of Drain, was the guest of her grand mother, Mrs. Sarah Boots during commencement. Mr. Neil Baldwin, of Corvallis, spent the week-end in Monmouth, the guest of Miss Neta Waller and her friend, Miss Moles. Harvey Hinman and family, of Dallas, were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Hinman's grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Boots. Mrs. Warfel and sister, Miss Cavin, of Baker City, arrived Sunday and are the guests of the former's cousin, U." G. Heffley, and family. Mrs. Will McCready, of Cor vallis, and Mrs. Ray Durby, of McMinnville, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boothby, this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Young, of McNary Station, Miss Loette Shore, of this city, and Mr. Vernon J. Brown, of Indepen dence, atuoed to Eugene and back Sunday. T. M. French came down from Portland the latter part of last week and has been stopping at home till a day or two ago, when he went to Vancouver, Wash., to look after his ranch. Allen Johnson has received his new auto and is now piloting his own machine. He says that Dad Graham will now ride with him without standing up ready to jump out over the rear seat. J. S. Prime has ordered a car, also. Mr. Cheesebro, of The Dalles, is here looking around this week. He owns the Ramsey place in Cooper Hollow and wants to buy some more land in this vicinity. One of his desires is to secure a small tract in close proximity to Monmouth and move his family here. Mrs. R. A. Fuller and daugh ' ter, Gladys, arrived this week from Montana to visit relatives, Mrs. Fuller having lived here sixteen years ago. She is a sister to Mrs. Mary Stine, Mrs. Ella Thorp and Johnnie Moran. Miss Fuller expects to attend Summer school here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pyles, of McMinnville, were in town Mon day. Buy your split and sawed cedar posts from the Monmouth Lumber yard. 21) tf Allen Johnson, accompanied by his family, drove his new car to Albany Sunday. Mr. E. C. Cole went to Inde- j pendence yesterday morning to I interview a drummer. Miss Tena Brown, formerly of this place, has taken up her resi dence at Independence. Ed. Hostetler, of the Dalles, was here this week attending Commencement exercises. Miss Burnice Moles returned to her home in Philomath Thursday, having been the guest of Miss Neta Waller for the past week. Messrs. Orvil White, Rjssel Quisenberry and Lloyd Waller were visitors to Portland Satur day. Orvil and Russel returned home Tuesday, leaving Lloyd for a longer visit. Jessie McCann, of Edison, Nebraska, arrived here this week on a visit to her uncle and aunt, J. S. Prime and wife. Another niece, Miss Gretta Graves, of Corvallis, is visiting them. There is no use to say anything about the water system. Every body knows the "hoodoo" is still on. Men are at work drawing the pump rods to see what the trouble is, the pump being out of order. We have the agency for Phoenix Pure Paint. The same that we j have sold for years. Can show j you houses painted 9 years ago j, with it and you can judge of its ! quality for yourself. Perkins Pharmacy. "-uhomc JOURNAL PATTERNS -wt JOURNAL .PATTERNS Semi-Annual Shoe Sale AT THE V. F. Daniel Store Begins Tomorrow qIIctopI 1 loi )Oaoi)lfaopOfr ioerrrr3er3opTio CLOSING OUT SALE I will close out my trimmed hats at half price and have great ly reduced all frames and flowers. Now is your chance for bargains. Mrs. M. Cornelius. WILL SAW WOOD Pierce Bros, will operate a first-class wood saw in and around Monmouth and Independence, be ginning July 1st. For informa tion, telephone Brown 4, Dallas, Oregon. Will Fly His Machine. A flying machine has been re ported, but as we have been ov er crowded for time this week, we have not looked the matter up further than what came to hand. The following appeared in Wednesday's Telegram, dated at Monmouth: The first flying machine ever in Polk county has arrived in this city, directed to John A. Riddell, who accompanied it from Cali fornia. Mr. Riddell is one of the firm of Wm. . Riddell & Sons, breeders of fine sheep and goats. : The machine is a biplane, having ; a seven-cylinder 50-horsepower ; Gnome motor, which weighs about 180 pounds. The tail is 18 feet long, and the total length of the machine is 25 feet. Mr. Rid-; dell plans to fly from the sheep barn on the big farm to a point beyond the Willamette river at Independence during the races, which will be held there four days this week. An engagement has been made to fly at the Grants Pass 4th of July celebra tion, and after that date the Monmouth aviator will fly for leading carnivals and events in the Northwest. Canning Season I carry a complete line of 1 Economy, Mason, and Golden State Fruit Jars, Lids, Caps and Rubbers. Glass fruit dippers, 15c. A. H. CRAVEN, Monmouth, - Oregon 3laoollo Tomorrow Night At The STAR THEATER "Hearts in Conflict," "Rizzio" and "Snowball and His Pal." 5 and 10 cents. , WALTER G. BROWN Notary Public Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Etc. AU4 OVER 68 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' Fill' Trade Marks Design. Copyrights Ac. Anyone sanding sketch and description may qntckly uncertain our opinion ;ree wnnuier an Gmimunlca tent froe. Oldest agency for securing paleuta. Patent taken tlirougn ftiunn i, tpecial notlct, without oharire, In tbs Intention li orohably pnlenl.nl!). inaen I Mirni Patent taken through Munn Co. recelre lions strictly contldentliil. HANDBOOK on Patent Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I,arnet cir culation of nny sclentlllo lournn . Terms, 3 a yean f oar months, tl. Sola by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.38,BrMda'' New York Branch Office. SB F St. Washington, D. 0. POULTRY SUPPLY STORE THOMAS BOULDEN, Proprietor Keeps on Sale Best Grade Chic Feed. Best Grade Grit, Bone and Oyster Shell. Best Grade Bran, Shorts, Barley and Oats. Best Grade Corn, Scrath Feed, Egg Food, at Lowest Cash Prices. Garden Seeds in Package or in Bulk. Will Pay Cash for Egs$ and Poultry. Monmouth, Oregon Boost For - uvu Ml OUT o IU1 Hi