rpo 300I 0t ij Mrs. John Grimes is visiting -! jouknai PATTERNS M0M( JOUKNAI PATTERNS im irnr- intQ Next Sunday is Easter. C. A. Nott was a Dallas visitor yesterday. Zook. the paper hanger, will do your painting for you. S. P. Green, of Suver, was do ing business in town Wednesday. C. G. Griffa has just received another lot of plumbing supplies. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sullivan were trading in Monmouth Satur day. Miss Bessie Shepherd, of New berg, visited friends here over Sunday. Miss Loraine Johnson visited her mother at Portland the latter part of last week. For Sale Good, second hand sewing machine. See Mrs. H. E. Guthrie, Monmouth. 2t The ground hog still keeps in his winter quarters and there is prospect for a snowy Easter. E. H. Lorence is developing into an artist. See the show window in the Winegar & Lorence store. C. W. Stewart and Frankie Hiltibrand, from the Luckiamute Station, were doing business in town Wednesday. Two more violators of the local option law, Jack Miller and Frank Albrecht, got a jail term at Albany, Oregon. Alva Wise, of Wells, was in Polk county buying dairy stock this week. He passed through Monmouth yesterday. Rooms to let for light house- keeoine or otherwise. Enouire ' of Mrs. W. H. Mack, cornor of oiIs- varnishes, brushes, glass East and Jackson streets. stains window shades and dec- Springfield. Oregon, has passed oratins' carpets and furniture an ordinance closing theaters at ordf at P- Johnson's six o'clock Sunday evenings, j BoOK bT0RE keeping them closed for the There is an old y'mg that night. I "Fools names and fools faces are Claud Boothby came down j from Portland Saturday on a' visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Boothby, returning! next day. Now that the long evenings must be spent indoors, would it not be more pleasant if your walls j were freshly papered? Neatj patterns to be had at Perkins Pharmacy. The funeral of Robert Orr took place at Derry last Sunday. De ceased was a brother to John W. Orr, of Rickreall, republican nominee for sheriff of Polk county last election. Harold Herron returned from Portland Monday evening where he had been for several days, taking the examination for an engineer's license which he was successful in getting. Uncle Joe Craven had a mouse run up his sleeve while in his barn the other day, and his call for help brought Ed. Griffa to his side, who began a systematic hunt for that mouse with such gallant success that the mouse soon had its teeth fastened in Ed.'s finger and now he is pon dering as to whether he found the mouse or the mouse found him. Uncle Joe escaped serioue damage. The Polk county farmer is learning the ad visibility of raising hogs for the market. Wm. Bloch on Thursday shipped from the Independence station 81 head of fine market hogs, to the Union Meat Company. He said to a Monitor representative "hogs are now $9.15 per hundred pounds on foot, 5c per hundred pounds high er than they have ever been." It certainly' pays to raise ho;rs when the market is up like the above. Monitor. Brown & Sibley, attorneys and abstracters, 610 Mill Street, Dallas, Oregon. S. R. Walker and family have moved to a hop yard some six miles below Salem. Goats are reported to be dying in many places in the county from some unknown malady. The hole in the window may cause you to catch cold. Glass cut to any size at the Perkins Pharmacy. Dr. Mulkey's wife, of Sheridan, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Sickafoose the first of the week. V. 0. Boots, the prominent in surance agent of Polk county, returned home Sunday from a business trip to Portland. S. McGee has rented the Maples, the boarding house over W. H. Isaac's store. The Ruths who have been holding out there left Monday. J. L. Murdock, of Portland, came down Saturday on business ' connected with the Monmouth j creamery, returning home Sun-; day evening. j All those who are interested in I organizing a town baseball team j are requested to meet at the Star j Theater next Wednesday evening ; at 7 o'clock sharp. , i Louis Murdock and Earl White j have been doing some good side ; jwalk work. That new cement j , mixer is all right and the newj I walk along the railroad grounds ; j looks good to pedestrians. j I Five thousand rolls of Wall PaPer to select f rom Also paints. Z ter seen ..in Puc. Pes. ' ine lacK-witted ot Monmouth seem only able to make their "Mark" as you can see about town on the cement walks. inotnhlv iin Main stroot- oaf rf ; p. n Tl. ., . any girl in Monmouth could leave a foot print which would measure so long. Oscar and J. C. Hayter re-1 turned Saturday from their Cali-: fornia tour. Oscar has not been j in evidence since the return but "Carey" has been able to enter- j tain those who wish to learn of i the climate in California, paving or other matters, now of interest to those who live a short way north of the land of oranges and , figs and freckled girls with feet of tan. Carey said it was ai regular Maud Muller district. -Dallas Observer. Eggs for HATCHING-Indian Runner ducks, and Chrystal Or pington chickens. Enquire of Mrs. A. J. Haley. 26tf FOR SALE. A Chatham 120-egg capacity incubator and a lampless brooder. Call at residence. 24 4t W. J. Miller, Monmouth. Eggs for Hatching White Pekin ducks, 10 cents per egg, $1 for setting of eleven. White Orpington chickens, $1.50 per 15 eggs. S. W. Jackson, Monmouth. Pd to 35 MISS MAUD FAY Manicuring and Hair Dressing. Parlors at residence of F. E. Mur dock, corner of Knox and Clay Sts. Hair Switches made from combings. Enquire at this office. MONMOUTH, A. Monmouth, O QOEZD DR. L. W. HORN, Veterinary Surgeon Crowley Bros. Livery Barn Independence, Oregon. PERRY BURTON ARANT PIANO and HARMONY Beginners to advanced pupils Studio at Mrs. M. Cornelius residence Hours: 2:30 to 5:30 on Fridays. 4:00 to 6.00 on Saturdays. Men's New Broadway Model Suits at The V. F. Daniel Store For onion sets, choice seed potatoes, early cabbage plants and selected garden seed go to Craven's Grocery H. CRAVEN, POULTRY SUPPLY STORE THOMAS BOULDEN, Proprietor Keeps on Sale Best Grade Chic Feed. Best Grade Grit, Bone and Oyster Shell. . Best Grade Bran, Shorts, Barley and Oats. Best Grade Corn, Scrath Feed, Egg Food, at Lowest Cash Prices. Garden Seeds in Package or in Bulk. Will Pay Cash for Eggs and Poultry. Monmouth, ..... Oregon OREGON Oregon ooo o