The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, March 14, 1913, Image 6

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    r30C IQOC
LLaoi ioor iocJJ
0. A. Wolverton was a Dallas
visitor yesterday.
Antone Sehauer, Jr., is visit
in? his sister near Dallas.
C. 0. Sexton, of Grants Pass,
was in Monmouth Wednesday.
Buy your split and sawed cedar
posts from the Monmouth Lumber
yard. 20 tf
Fred P. Pyles. of McMinnville,
was doing business in Monmouth
Walter Dalton, of Airlie, is
visiting his mother, Mrs. 0. A.
Abstracts promptly made by
Brown & Sibley, attorneys and
C. G. Griffa gave Dallas a
business call, Wednesday, to
cancel his taxes.
Mrs. 0. A. Wolverton visited
in Portland, Saturday, returning
Monday evening.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
McEldowney, of the Luekiamute,
a son, on March 6.
For Sale Good, second hand
sewing machine. See Mrs. H. E.
Guthrie, Monmouth. 2t
"Old Trusty" Incubator and
Brooder for sale. Enquire of E.
R. Ostrom or phone 368.
Brown & Sibley, attorneys and
abstracters, 610 Mill Street,
Dallas, Oregon.
Miss Beulah Hesse came overj
last Friday evening from Oregon
City and returned there Sunday.
Wednesday brought a minia
ture snowstorm. Snow fell quite
lively for awhile but it did not I
Mrs. W. H. Mack has just;
purchased a beautiful Bennett I
piano at the grand opening sale !
of The Capitol Piano House, of !
Salem. j
Now that the long evenings;
must be spent indoors, would it j
not be more pleasant if your walls j
were freshly papered? Neat1
patterns to be had at Perkins '
Pharmacy. j
Five thousand rolls of Wall
Paper to select from. Also paints, !
oils, varnishes, brushes, glass j
stains, window shades and dec-
orations, carpets and furniture
to order at P. H. Johnson's1
Book Store.
The three best reels out of i
Tuesday and Thursday night's j
pictures will be run again tonight I
with two illustrated songs. 5i
and 10 cents. Double votes with
each ticket.
Prof. Peck, of the 0. A. C,
gve a very entertaining and
profitable lecture on land-scape
gardening, in the Star Theater,
last Friday evening, which was
well attended and appreciated by
the public.
The Rebekahs of Polk county
will hold a convention in this
place tomorrow at 2 P. M. and in
the evening another session will
be held at which time the In
dependence degree staff will put
on the floor work.
Word comes in from the Airlie
country that there was a force
of surveyors at work on the
Siletz route, and it is whispered
that the survey being made is
permanent and that it is being
done by the Hill interests.
The Golden Rule Bible Class,
of the Christian church, met at
the home of Mrs. A. J. Haley,
Wednesday afternoon. After
the usual business, a short pro
gram was given, followed by
light refreshments. Those pres
ent were Mesdames Daniel,
Haley, Cornwell, Wolverton,
Shore, Alderson, Read, Whitney,
Arant, Waller and Guthrie.
Don't forget the show at the
Star Theater tonight
Zook. the paper hanger, will do
your painting for you.
J. 0. Hooker, of Dallas, regis
tered at Hotel Monmouth Mon
day. Uncle Joe says: The snow
spoiled the horseshoe pitching
Vernon Brown, of Indepen
dence had business in Monmouth
Dave Simpson, of Airlie, was
doing business in Monmouth,
Watch for posters for next
Tuesday night's pictures. Got
something good coming.
Eggs for Hatching-Indina
Runner ducks, and Chrystal Or
pington chickens. Enquire of
Mrs. A. J. Haley. 26tf
Rooms to let for light house
keeping or otherwise. Enquire i
of Mrs. W. H. Mack, cornor of
East and Jackson streets.
Mrs. A. B. Westfall Dead
Mrs. A. B. Westfall, who has
been a sufferer for a long time, j
passed away last Friday after- j
noon and was burried Sunday in '
the K. P. cemetary south of ;
Mrs. Westfall was a native of;
Michigan, and above 60 years!
old. She leaves a husband and i
several children. I
The funeral service was con-1
ducted in the the Baptist church, j
Rev. W. B. Wood having charge i
of the service. i
Salem Will Celebrate
The Salem Board of Trade is
arranging for a big celebration
tomorrow, (March 15) the occa
sion being the opening of the
bridge across the Willamette.
Invitations have been sent to
city councils and others and
preparation has been made for a
grand time, and it is expected
that a large number of people
will be in attendance.
A number of Monmouth citi
zens contemplate attending the
The idea has been transmitted
from generation to generation,
that happiness is one large and
beautiful stone, a single gem so
rare that all search after it is
vain, all effort for it hopeless. It
is not so. Happiness is mosaic,
composed of many smaller stones.
Each taken apart and viewed
singly may be of little value; but
when all are grouped together
and judiciously combined and set,
they form a pleasing and grace
ful whole a costly jewel. Tram
ple not under feet, then, the little
pleasures which a gracious Provi
dence scatters in the daily path,
and which, in eager search after
some great and exciting joy, we
are apt to overlook. Why should
we always keep our eyes fixed
on the bright, distant horizon,
while there are so many lovely
roses in the garden in which we
are permitted to walk? The very
ardor of our chase after happi
ness may be the reason that she
so often eludes our grasp. Selected.-
I wish to invite the ladies of
Monmouth to call and examine
my Spring and Summer millinery.
Everything new and up-to-date.
Mrs. M. Cornelius.
A Chatham 120-egg capacity
incubator and a lampless brooder.
Call at residence.
24 4t W. J. Miller, Monmouth.
Manicuring and
Hair Dressing.
Parlors at residence of F. E. Mur
dock, corner of Knox and Clay Sts.
' NOM( J
Monmouth, ... Oregon
O C30D
Veterinary Surgeon
Crowley Bros. Livery Barn
Independence, Oregon.
Beginners to advanced pupils
Studio at Mrs. M. Cornelius residence
Hours: 2:30 to 5:30 on Fridays.
4:00 to 6.00 on Saturdays.
Men's New
The V. F. Daniel Store
For onion sets, choice seed
potatoes, early cabbage plants
and selected garden seed
go to
Craven's Grocery
Keeps on Sale
Best Grade Chic Feed. Best Grade Grit, Bone and
Oyster Shell. Best Grade Bran, Shorts, Barley and
Oats. Best Grade Corn, Scrath Feed, Egg Food,
at Lowest Cash Prices.
Garden Seeds in Package or in Bulk.
Will Pay Cash for Eg;s and Poultry.
Monmouth, ..... Oregon
journal PATTERNS