See Our Sportieg Goods CUTLERY, FISHING TACKLE, HUNTING SUPPLIES Community Silverware Guaranteed for 50 Years Reliance Silverware Guaranteed for 25 Years Call in and see our fine stock and select your Goods We have a large assortment and our prices are selling the wares Our Prices are Right and Sell Our Wares m aiad See ffoir YrasH2 WSNEGAR & LORENCE Monmouth, Oregon Hardware JlmoJl emeete Stoves, Ranges and all kinds of Shelf Wares Local and Personal J. L. Haines is here from Caldwell, Idaho. Zook the Painter, will hang your paper for you. G. II. Stone, of Portland, was in our city Tuesday. W. R. Graham was a business visitor to Salem Monday. Peter Kurre, of Talmape, Was a Monmouth visitor Saturday. Mr. E. W. Staats paid Airlie a visit the latter part of last week. Miss Mildred Hartley spent Sunday with her parents on the Luckiamute. Mrs. F. R. Bowersox is mourn ing the loss of her cat which took sick, and died Saturday, January 11, 1913. I. M. Simpson, of Simpson Station, came to town Tuesday to attend the meeting of the bank directors. Miss Agnes Haef, of Portland, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Bowersox Saturday even ing returning home Monday. Miss Beulah Hesse left yester day for Oregon City where she has accepted a school. She will teach until June but will return here for the February commence ment. Now that the long evenings must be spent indoors, would it not be more pleasant if your walls were freshly papered? Neat patterns to be had at Perkins Pharmacy. There, will be preaching at the Baptist church Sunday, January 19, both morning and evening by Rev. G. A. Pollard. 11:00 A. M.; Subject, "Hold fast that which thou hast." 7:30 P.M.; Subject, "What God thinks of us." Everybody come. Monmouth Heights Allen Towns was a Monmouth trader last week. Mrs. Belle Johnson was trading in Monmouth, Monday. Wiley Chandler, of Airlie, was a guest of Dave Olin and family Wednesday. Ted Moflit and Roy Johnson are cutting wood for Clarence Marks, of the Luckiamute. Daniel Dodson and Harry Clinton, of Airlie, visited with relatives here the past week. Mrs. Jesse Johnson, of the Luckiamute, visited at the Fish back home over Sunday night Lafe Johnson and wife spent Sunday with their son. Jesse Johnson, and wife, of the Luckia mute. Mr. CUrl, of Goldendale, Wash., is spending the week with his daughter, Mrs. W. B. Ramsey, and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fishback and daughter, Leona, after spend ing ten days here visiting rela tives, returned to their home at Carlton, Monday. Pleasant Surprise. On entering her home Tuesday evening after the picture show, Miss Blanche Stitt was greeted with a very pleasant surprise, a number of her friends having gathered during her absense, the occasion being her birthday an niversary. "500" was played until a late hour when ice cream and wafers were served, after which the guests departed wish ing Miss Stitt many happy re turns of the day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Stitt, Misses Tena Brown, Loette Shore, Pearle Davidson, Cora Green, Messrs. Walter Brown, Vernon Brown. Ernest Force, Guy SceiJMe and Lee Scheible. Subscription Offer.1 The Herald needs New sub-' scriptions, and renewals of old ones, or in other words we need money, and about 200 new and old, paid up subscriptions, will send us along rejoicing and help get the office in better shape to serve our patrons, hence, for a short time or commencing Nov. 29, we will offer a years sub scription to the California Country Journal with each re newal or new subscription, or to those who prefer it, we will give a handsome plaque with each re newal or new subscription. The California Country Journal is a farm paper, the price being $1 per year, and we have 50 such offers to make. The plaques we are offering as premiums are of beautiful design nd retail at from 75 cents to $l,a and will make handsome presents. These offers are only for a short time so take advantage of this opportunity and subscribe or renew NOW as the offer is made to get hold of ready cash. It is cash that lubricates the wheels of industry. CARD OF THANKS. Through the medium of the Herald the undersigned desires to thank the friends . and neigh bors who so nobly came to their assistance during the sickness, death and funeral of their loved mother, Mrs. Roena Elizabeth Meeker, assuring one and all that their acts of sympathy and kind ness will ever be held in grateful remembrance. Respectfully, W. M. Meeker and Family. Hair Switches made from combings. Enquire at this office. First National Bank Monmouth, Oregon Successor to Polk County Bank Paid Capital, - . - $30,000.00 Surplus & Undivided Profits, $13,000.00 J. B. V. Butler, President; Ira c. Powell, Vice Pres. and Cashier; W. E. Smith, Assistant Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business DIRECTORS: I. M. SIMPSON, F. S. POWELL, J. B. STUMP, J. B. V. BUTLER, IRA C. POWELL. City Meat Market JOHN GRIMES. Proprietor ' We aim to carry everything in Fresh and Smoked Meats, such as Bologna, Minced Hams, Boiled Hams, and Hams and Bacon. Special this Friday: HALIBUT, SALMON AND CRABS Interior Wiring In all Its Branches Electrical Supplies 16 Candle Power Carbon Lamps at 20 cents. 40 wat Tungstens at 80 cents. 25 wat, 65 cents.' All goods delivered. Let me figure on your bill. Phone Farmers 368 S. W. OSTROM Try the Herald Office for Job Work.