The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 20, 1912, Image 2

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    The Herald
D. E. STITT, Editor.
Entered as sewnd-eUua mutter 8ttember . 1.
t the pot oriVa at Monmouth. Oron, under the
Act of March .V 1ST.
Subscription Rates
One year - - $1
Six months - - 5(1 cU
Monmouth, Oregon.
FRIDAY. SEPT. 20, 1912.
The city of Kugene is Inn ing
the. time of its existence. Eugene
is a dry town and a thriving one
too. Since banishing the saloon
from her precincts she has been
making long strides into pros
perity's domain, but alas, there
is a leprous spot, a mould on
civilization, a clog on progress
and prosperity lying at her door;
in other words, a rum-cursed
city looms up near her eateru
limit which throws out its in
fluence and turns its product in
to her streets, taxing her jail
capacity to care for the drunks,
so much so that her jail and that
of the county seat, which is lo
cated at Eugene, is tilled and the
city is reported as preparing to
create more jail capacity so as to
take care of the product trom
Springfield's saloons which falls
to her lot.
There are some things that
are hard to account for and
other things too dense for the
average man to see through, and
.1 1 I I . . I 1 A
mat wnicn is too tnicK lor our
perceptive powers is the condi
tion which obtains in Lane
county, wherein a comparatively
few voters have resolved them
selves into a corporation, with
powers to establish saloons and
sell intoxicants, make drunken
men, and impose expense on
another city and upon the whole
Lane county voted itself into
the dry column, and by what
hocus pocus, a judge sitting,
clothed in judicial raiment, can
delegate a town in any county
to defy the wishes of the ma
jority of the voters and send out
its drunks and impose burdens
upon other cities and the whole
county is too large a proposition
for us. In this instance we are
like the man from Missouri,
"We will have to be shown."
Wilson, the Skillful Surgeon.
That Governor Wilson can
deliver a pretty stiff punch when
the occasion demands even
though he is a gentleman and a
scholar, is shown by the follow
ing extract from an address yes
terday at Syracuse, N. Y.
"The tariff is a malignant
growth which requires a surgi
cal operation. If I am the sur
geon, I must perform the opera
tion. I will not touch any healthy
tissue, but I will cut the deadly
thing out and save your lives.
"The man who says 'Let the
trusts stay as they are,' declines
to attack the center of our social
and political trouble. If he does
not propose to operate he is not
a surgeon, but a quack. And
don't let a quack disturb you."
It is a view of Wilson ex
pressed by the East Oregonian
at the time of his nomination.
He proposes, if elected, to under
take his great task with intelli-
gence, caution and courage. He
is the type of surgeon the country
needs. Dr. Taft is a disappoint
ment and Dr. Roosevelt had the
case for seven years and only
aggrivaieu ino trounies. r.asi
The greatest achievement of
Mr. Taft's administration has
been forcing Standard Oil and
Tobacco to put their money in
8," pockets instead of one. The
consumer pays the same price,
plus charges for legal expenses
and book-keeping. Roseburg
If the Mexican rebels continue
to bo able to levy rich toll on the
country, the revolution will be a
permanent affair. The Latin
American foraging bents work
ing any time. Eugene Register.
Did you hear some one say
that Monmouth was rubbinir
the moss off her back? Just
look around you and see.
"Everybody's doing it." See
how the side walks are going in.
The man that does not work
these times is one that does not
want work. Every body is busy
carpenters and fanners, all are
at work.
Published By Request.
There was a man in this, our town,
And he wa9 wondrous wise,
He bought himself a cream'ry plant,
And butter fat he buys.
He said; "The farmer gets too much,
And we must cut him down:"
But then there was a creamery
Near by, in little town,
Now, farmers own that creamery,
In near-by little town,
And they have the opinion gained,
Cream price must not go down.
And they the wise man notified,
In terms he understood.
They would pay what cream was worth
And felt they could make good.
The wise man ranted, raved and roared
Himself into a fit,
And said: "I sure will fix them now,
Their business I will hit."
But, here, the wise man, in his rage,
Did make an awful break;
He said: "The farmer is a mark"
He now knows his mistake.
The farmer saw that wise man's price
Was sugar coated pill,
And now his can to Monmouth goes
And, sure, it always will.
To all "wise" men, just this I'll say,
What is just right be sure and pay;
Don't say you have all wisdom that
ever will be known,
That farmers are such easy "marks"
will yet have to be shown.
W. P. L.
Court House Notes.
George W Siefarth et ux to
Chas H Goan, 44.66 acres in tp
8 s, r 6 w, $5,000.
W G Heffley to Mable Mary
Staats, land in Monmouth, $500.
Geo W Bibee et ux to S L
Scroggin, 133.88 acres in tp 6 s,
r 6 w, $12,500.
Truman H Ide et ux to Fre
mont Everett, land in sec 28, tp
7 s, r 7 w, $1.
Estate of F Whiteaker. Bond
approved; D J Riley, Wm Riddell
and O Lorence appointed ap
praisers. The Sort of Job He Wantad.
"There's what I'm looking for,"
said the lazy man going through the
want advertiHements for an easy
job as his eye lighted on a call for
canvassers to noil something that
would sen itselt.
"That's the sort of a job I want."
he said to himself. "somothin?
that I can earn money at without
work.'' And he thoucht that renllv
gome day he must go down and look
'em nip. New York Sun.
We are closing out our Jewelry at less than
Whole-sale Cost
Solid Gold Rings at one
half the regular price.
No. 10.071
First National Bank
At Monmouth, in the Statu of Oregon,
at the close of business, September
4th, 1912.
txaru and dlarounta I W.IWS.27
Overdraft secured and unsecured , U.W
V. S. Bonds to secure circulation lS.orfl (10
Other bond toaacura Postal Saving... (.OUi.W
Bonda. securities, ate I1.5M l
Hankin hu. furniture and flxturee. II.(miki
Dua from aula and private ha nil and
bankers, truat companies, and saving
banka. S.IS.m
Dua from appruvad raaarva agenta S4.lln.u6
Checks and olhar cash Items 113.40
Notes of other National Banka M.(
Fractional paper currency, nickel., and
cents M.I8
Spacia ,
Legal-tender notra s 14,StS 40
Redemption fund ariUi U. 8. Treasurer
(6 par cent of circulation) J"?1""
Capital stock paid In
jn.njw.tifi fund 10.MKi.nn
Undivided profits, leaa expenses and
taxe paid 4,1W.17
National Bank Notaa outstanding 14.4OI.II0
Dividenda unpaid JH6.00
Individual depoaita subject to check.... 119.3111. 78
Demand certificates of depoait 017.71
Time certiflcataa of deposit 27,?WI.28
Certified check .2o
Cashier's charka outstanding 842.91
United States Depoaita. Puatala Saving
Deposits 1.2H4.21
Total 1209,068.;
Stat of Oregon, )
I 83
County of Polk. )
I. Ira C. Powell. Cashier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement
is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief.
IRA C. POWELL, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before ma thia 10th day
of September, 1912.
Notary Public.
1. B. V. Buti.1,
John B. 8tump.
F. S. Powbll.
Business Directory
A Directory of each City, Town and
Village, giving descriptive sketch of
each place, location, population, tele
graph, shipping and banking point;
also Classified Directory, compiled by
business and profession.
mouth is to Patronize
You may
surely help do this by
Buying the Monmouth
Bakery Bread, Six Big
Loaves for 25 Cents,
Fresh every morning.
Phone your orders.
Improve your property by
putting in a fine sidewalk. Inspect
W. Leask's work, then con
sult him. tf
We have a few Clocks left which we
arc selling at the very lowest prices.
Normal Variety Store
Monmouth Bakery
McNeill brothers,
Pastries of all Kinds
Give us a trial. We can please you
Once a customer you'll come again
Church Directory.
Evangelical Church
W. A. Gueffroy, 1'antor.
Morning service at 11 :00 o'clock-
Evening service at 7:30 o'clock
Sunday School at 10:00 a. m.
Y. P. A. Meeting at 6.30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening.
K. H. SlCKAFOOSE, Pastor.
Morning Service at 11.00 a. m,
Evening Service at 7:30 p. m.
Sunday School 10:00 a. m,
Y. P. S. C. E. 6:30 p.m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m
Preaching Service, 11:00 a. m
Sunday School, 10:00 a. m,
B. Y. P. Union, at - - 6:30
W. C. T. U.
Local Union meets every sec
ond and fourth Friday in the E-
vangelical church at 2:30 p. m.
Attorney at Law and Notary
Home Phone:
Office, No. 1320,
Residence, No. 3712.
Office in Cooper building,
Independence, - Oregon
Farm Sales and Live Stock.
Give me a trial.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Weekly Oregonian
The best Weekly Journal of
the Northwest. Gives all the
News of the World.
Price per year... ...... $1.50
Herald one year. 1.00
Booth papers for..... 2.00
Now is the time to buy
your Christmas Presents
Professional Cards
Laura Price, M. D.
Office and Residence on Clay
street, one block south of drug
' Both Telephones.
Dr. J. O. MatthU
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Postoffice Building
Calls answered promptly
both day and night.
Both Phones.
Dr. J. B. Grider
Office over Post Office
Monmouth, Oregon
Fire, Life and Casualty
Losses Promptly Paid
Subscribe Now
il4jOVt 69 V CARS'
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A handsomely lllnstrated weakly. T.sraest etr.
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