The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, May 26, 1911, Image 5

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Local and Personal
V R. Graham has the carpen
ters at work this week on a new
house which he si building on a
iot just South of the livery sta
ll r H Newman and Ed
ble. - Xl ,
Huber are doing the work.
William Riddell & Sons shipped
two very fine bucks of . the Lin
coln breed to J. G. Thomas, of
Walla Walla, Washington, last
Saturday. Polk County is noted
for fine stock and it is shipped to
many parts of the country.
Monmouth Heights
Lee Egelston, of Monmouth,
spent last week with his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milt isos-le-y.
Mrs. Catherine McReynolds,
of Monmotth .was buried in the
Davidson cemetery here last
Mrs. Elda Raike and Miss Mil
lie Clark, spent two days with
their sister, Mrs. George Sullivan
of Monmouth.
Frank Clark was a county seat
visitor Saturday.
Robert Fishback made a busi
ness trip to Dallas Saturday.
Mr. Bowman, of California, is
cutting wood for Dave Dove.
Pearl and Ina Fishback were
trading in Independence Monday, j
Riddell Brothers are hauling!
lumber to erect a new cattle barn, j
James Goodman and Mrs.
Clark were in Independence:
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mc
caleb were trading in Indepen-j
dence Monday. i
Frank and Jay Clark returned
home from a business trip, to.
Salem, Thursday.
W. M. Mack assisted in erect
ing the new Christian tabernacle
at Dallas Saturday.
Clarence McCaleb is making
arrangements for a new house
which he will begin soon.
Dwight Dayhoff and family
spent several days past.with Mrs.
Dayhoff s sister in Eugene.
George Dennett, of Monmouth,
has been sawing in this vicinity
with his-'gasoime wood saw.
Miss Lettie Fishback, who has
been at Carlton for the past two
months, returned home Monday.
Crater Lake National Park.
Many thousands of years' ago
among the majestic volcanoes of
the Cascaie Range towered one,
perhaps the loftiest of them' all,
which has now disappeared.
After the cataclysm which swal
lowed this hugh mountain there
remains, liowever, an enormous
crater, a- caldera, which more
than compensates in interest for
the less of the mountain. There
are thousands nf pratore in the
United States, but there is only
ne great caldera, and that con
tains Crater Lake, truly one of
the wonders of America. If
Crater Lake was situated in the
hi .in of the Appalachians thou-
ds of people would visit it an
ally; if it was an Alpine crater
ttfmy Americans would rave over
It ftS the rhninpot o-om nf F.nvn-
Pean reentry. As it is, although
fte Crater Lake region has been
a national park since 1902, the
People who have visited it num
ber only a fay thousand. But
an awakening is at hand; the
railroad is building a line close to
the park, the Government is
Planning road and trails, and
JVlthin a short time it will be the
fault only of the people therr
Selves if they fail to visit this
Wonderful region and receive im,
Sessions never to be effaced from
Polk Co. Apple Show1
The Dallas Fruit Growers As
sociation is to hold a Polk County
apple show during the early part
of November. They are anxious
to have the co-operation of the
farmers and fruit growers in all
parts of the county, and ask
those in this section to aid in
bringing the am do enlturo i0fici.
bilities of Polk County into pub
lic notice.
following is a list of the o
prizes to be awarded:
1. Best single box display of.
each of the following varieties
of apples: Arkansas Black,
Baldwin, Beliflower, Ben Davis,
Delicious, Grimes Golden, Gano, ,
Gravenstein, Jonathan, King. 1
Northern Spy, Red Cheeked
Pippen, Rome Beauty. Rhode Is
land Greening, Spitzenberg Wine-'.
sap, Wolf River, Wagoner, - Win-1
ter Banana, Yellow Newton1
Pippen and Waxon; 2.00 first
prize; $1.00 second.
2. Best commercial pack of
three boxes; any variety; $10.00
first prize; $5.00 second. ;
3. Best single box display of
apples; prize $5.00.
4. Largest single apple on
exhibit; $1.00 first prize; 50 cents
5. Largest and best plate dis
display of apples; not less than
ten plates nor less, than five va
rieties; $5.00 first prize: $2.50
6. Sweepstakes. Largest and
! best display of boxed apples,
' showing not less than five boxes
nor less than three varieties;
$10.00 first prize; 83.00 second.
: 7. Best plate display of each
, of the following varieties of
: pears: Bartlett, Cornice, Beurre-
d' Anjou, Fall Butter and Winter
Nellis; $1.00 first prize; 50 cents
8. Best plate display each of
white grapes and black grapes;
$1.00 first prize; 50 cents second.
9. Best display, each, of Ital
ian, Silver and Petite prunes,
commercially packed in 25 pound
boxes; $2.00 first prize; $1.00 sec
ond. 10. Largest and best display
of canned fruit; $5.00 first prize;
$2.50 second.
11. The largest each ot the
following vegetables; pumpkin,
squash, potato, cabbage, turnip,
beet, corn, onion; $1. 00 first prize;
50 cents second.
12. Largest and best display
of vegetables; prize of $2.00.
... lcnotz5c
17 carry
SB J 3 " f1
ii am oe
Both in Package and Bulk
Ask for sample of new
I mrm ra ki m
Mohair Bought or taken for the Pool
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Queens Ware, Granite Ware, Lime and Cement
MONMOUTH, If you.Get K at Mu8COtt'8 11 is Good- OREGON
against plaintiff fen said last
named defendants' cost and dis
bursements. V. O. BOOTS
Fire, Life and Casualty
Losses Promptly Pa''1 .
Professional Cards
Dr. J. O. Matihis
Physician and Surgeon
Office in PostofTice Building
Calls answered promptly
both day and night.
Both Phones.
Laura Price, M. D.
Office in P.. P. Baker's Reside-"
Both Telephones.
19 11
During. the months of May, June, July, August and Sep
tember, on dates shown below, the
Southern Pacific
will sell round trip tickets from
' Independence via Portland
as follows:
rv,;.... .1:7,1 ar,
v 1 1 n 1 1 j.; w .... - v ' '
Council Bluffs -
Got Things Mixed.
It wasn't a Missouri editor but
a printer's devil who was going
through his first experiment in
"making up" forms. The paper
was late and the boy got the gal
ley mixed. The first part of the
obituary notice of a penurious
citizen had been dumped in the
forms, and the next handful of
tvpe came off a galley describing
a recent fire. It read like this:
"The pall bearers lowered the
body to the grave and as it was
consigned the flames there were
few if any regrets,- for the old
wreck had been an eyesore to the
town for years. Of course there
was individual loss, but that was
fully covered by insurance."
The widow thinks the editor
wrote the obituary that way be
cause the lamented partner ot
her joys and sorrows oweu nun
five years' subscription.
Airlie, Oregon.
Farm Sales and Live Stock.
Give me a trial.
Satisfaction guaranteed
(5 1.05
Kansas City. .,
St. Joseph - -
St. Paul.
St. Paul, via Council I! luffs
Minneapolis, direct
Minneapolis, via ouncil Bluffs...
Boston .. -. ...
New York
St Louis . .. ..
Washington, D. . ..' 1
May 1G, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29.
June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 1(5, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29 and 30.
July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 2(5, 27 and 28.
August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30.
September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Stop-over within limits in either direction. Final return limit October fllHt.
For fares one tvay through California inquire of any Southern
Pacific agent, pr write to
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, - - - Oregon
Attorney at Law and Notary
Home Phone:
" Office, No. 1320,
Residence, No.' Tu 1'-.-Office
in Cooper building,
Independence, - Oregon
Meat, Newsy
and Clean
Job work neatly done. Prices reasonable
the quality of work done at this
.-hop is much above the aver
nuv. Owners ami drivers. of all
chases of horses can he sure of
(retting them well shod here.
has Wen made a special study
aiul we make and tit si iocs that
give perfect satisfaction.
W. W. Newman
Monmoulh, Oregon
Keeps on Sale
Best Grade Chic Feed.
Pest Grade Grit, Bone and Oyster Shell.
Best Grade Bran, Shorts, Barley and Oats.
Best Grade Corn, Scrath Feed, Egg Food,
at Lowest Cash Prices. Also, Rooms for Rent
Will Pay Cash for Egs and Poultry.
Monmouth, ..... Oregon