u i nn 3 001 run U l firm am emr unie Zook, the paper hanger will do your painting. Get your plants at Monmouth Greenhouse. Bell phone Eva Bellinger of Dallas visited friends in Monmouth last week. 0. H. Lehman, of Pleasant Valley, was doing business in townTuesday. hobert Steele who spent the winter at Los Angeles returned to Polk County last week Willard Craven and a party of friends from Independence were in town Monday auto riding D. M. Hampton has disposed ot about three lots oil" the proper ty he purchased of T. A. Riggs, to L. M. Butler. C. Lorence was a Monmouth visitor Monday, and became the proprietor of a new buggy. His son, Ed, claims the honor of the sale. Have your Eyes Fitted. Dr. Lowe the optician will be in Dal las March 2i) and 30, and in In dependence March 31. Remem ber the date. Goat shearing has been on in this section for a few days. The prospects are that the price of Mohair will be some where around the 30 cent mark. Mrs C. Cornelius has the finest display of ladies' hats ever seen in Monmouth, and you will hard ly find a nicer looking lot of goods anywhere. Place your order now for Squabs, 25 cents each. Young pigeons, killed and dressed 2 for 25 cents; while they last. Order now of V. 0. Boots. Eggs for hatching-Phone 187. Full Blood Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale $1.50 for 15. Full Blood S. C. White U'irhorn eggs for sale $1.50 for 15. The Monmouth Bakery is likely to change proprietors again in the near future in which case Orval White who :s now doing the baking will become the proprietor. Joe TetherowVas doing busi ness in town Wednesday. J. H. Ackerman and wife gave Salem a visit this week. C. T. Allen of Airlie, was do ing business in town yesterday. There will be a Dramatic En tertainment at Airlie, March 25. G. T. -Boothby drove down to Oak Grove, yesterday in a buggy. New life is being infused into the piano contest. Watch ' the changes. Mrs. Cook, mother of H. L. Cook, was here last week looking for property. Abstracts promptly furnished at reasonable . rates, by L. D. Brown, Dallas, Oregon. tf Mrs. Sarah Davis is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mattie LaDow, of Falls City, over Sunday. R. W. Stow who has been stopping in this place for some time moved on to Corvallis yes terday. Mrs. Kathryn Lenhart of Springfield arrived here yester day on a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Stilt Wilifred Kaiser and Robert Muscott of Dallas visited G. A. Muscott and family here a few days returning home Monday morning. Mrs Mabel Hoke and her sis ter, Ottoline, arrived here. Wednesday, from Seattle. Wash.. on a visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Westfal . J. A. Haines has purchased the George Kelty place this week. and E. C. Cole who has been liv ing in the Kelty residence will move to the Dornsife place. Frank Muscott and wife of Dallas were here Wednesday on a visit to Mr. Muscott's father G. A. Muscott. He is going to move from Dallas to Portland. William Cochell, a Polk County farmer, aged G5 years, was ex amined as to his sanity by Dr. W. S. Carey before the County Judge Coad Monday, and was committed to the asylum. -Observer. Mrs. Lou Olden was in )nm Wednesday on her way to Wells 0f jpftiil i We ivish to extend to you a cordial invitation to visit the store at your ear liest convenience and inspect the new FOR SPRING Fancy Silks in Foulards, Jacquards, Lapo Tussah, Shadow stripes, Shan tungs, Etc., Fancy Mohairs, Zephyrs, Voiles, and Summer wash goods. V. F. DANIEL'S Monmouth, Oregon VI I q vr i . J """-' vvcijf u VVeilS Mmf , i i ?'a9,m t0Wn Station t0attend the fu"eral of Monday shaking hands with hor fiU p n rr,i ... ,, ilo returned to Forest i monoor wlm r1m,l fiUf i . " " " V 1 1 n I, I M til IT 1 I. me advanced age ByAw"'Sma!'liJ Nli ill II III! mil mn.iiiMii I I See Them Com I W&AAV friends Grove in the afternoon where he is aUeuding school at the Pacific University. C. II. Ebbe and his adopted son, George, went to Toledo Tuesday where they will visit Mr. Kbbe's son, John, and from which place they will visit the seashore lie fore returning. J. M. MacDonald treated the HkraU) force to a mess of fine lettuce this week. He has :i fin,. lot in his green house and is ship ping to several of our sister cities besides supplying the home mar ket. Railroads estimate that the present colonist movement will add anywhere from lo.OuOto L'O, 000 population to Oregon. This is only for the period from March 10 to April K), when the low! westbound rates apply. H. F. Raker of this place and Mr. Hoffman of Independence started for Eastern Oregon Sun day to buy up wheat land. They expect to be gone about two weeks. Their destination was the county adjacent to Madras. Capt. Wyatt Harris, an old friend of our townsman, D. M. Hampton, died at McMinnville Monday, aged about 75 years' Mr. Harris is an old suldier hav ing served in a Missouri regiment and did time in Andersonville prison. He came to Oregon in 1870. Mr. Hampton went to at tend the funeral at McMinnville today. of 85 vears. Mrs. U den found 111 win o Hiiri CUIlVUlj nere mat she was too late for the funeral, so returned home. On last Friday evening the sophomore class, held their rmr. ular monthly meeting at the beautiful country home of Miss Ruby Lorence. A jolly evening was spent in playing games. At a late hour a dainty lunch con- sislingot sandwiches, pickles, ice cream and cake was served after which the guests, twenty five in number, departed for homo Miss Ova Smith Dead Miss Ova Smith died denly, Wednesday evening while sitting at the table. Miss Smith has been sick for a lnff time but death was not ex pected. The funeral will take place some time today, and we v.M.i-in an ooituary for next weeK See Them Go A cminS every day. We handle Royal Club goods, they are second to none; also cheaper brands to suit any body. Our tea and coffee is of the best; our spices and extract is as good ?h w.beSt; we handle nothing but JSlJ ?St Sl!gar; and other articlfs too numerous to mention. Call and see us MORLAN & SON Monmouth, F. U. A. Meeting 1' U. A. Meotimr nx. T". menial :.5Up. m. A good programme will be rendered. All members are requested to be present. Come and help make this a good lively Ixdge session. G. T. Boothhy, F. M. A. N. Poole, Sec. Baled Hay For Sale Enquire of P. 0. Powell or J. F. Powell, Monmouth. Ow .. ... ' bell 1 'hones. Oregon Bell Phone, Main 24. 25 POULTRY SUPPT. Y STORE THOS. BOUl.npM oZTIT7 Highest Cash Price ed Veal and Pork Feed and nil h'T i ? W Uress' pop qaiC ! kinds of poultry supplies FOR SALE AT LOWEST CASH PRirir MONMOUTH, . &" PRICE OREGON