The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, June 10, 1910, Image 3

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    We have it
We'll fit you
What do you need in feBae way off
Fama Implements?
We can fit you out with
the famous John Deere
land Mowers
They are the best
Get our prices on en
gines before you buy
Wagons are necessary to sucess
and farmers, freighters and dray,
men can't succeed without them;
You want the very best. Try us.
Our Stock is first-class and our Prices are Right.
Local and Personal
Mrs. E. D. Mason is visiting
her old home in Tacoma, Wash.
. Mrs. Wm. Elkins, of Albany,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Has
tings. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Strain are
attending the Rose Carnival this
L. D. Brown, Attorney-at-law,
Notary Public, Abstractor, Dal
las, Oregon. tf
W. H. Ireland, who visited
Columbus Tetherow on the Luck
iamute for some ten days, re
turned here last Friday evening.
He is slowly regaining his health.
V. F. Ireland, of California, ar
rived here last week on a visit to
his brother, W, H. Ireland, who
has been stopping in Monmouth
for some time. He has gone on
up into Eastern Oregon where he
will fish and hunt for a couple of
months. On his return his
brother, W. H., will probably go
with him to Southern California.
Won Debating Honors.
0. C. Hampton, principal of
the Pendleton High School, stop
ped off on his return journey
from Eugene, whither he had
been in charge of the debating
team of his school, to visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. M.
Hampton of this place. They
arrived here Saturday and left on
their way home Monday morning.
The Pendleton debating team
won out i i the contest with the
Eugene High School and . holds
the title of "State Championship"
and as Mr. Hampton had charge
of the Pendleton school much of
the honor falls to him, and since
he is a former Monmouth boy
this place takes pleasure in his
success as he was reared and
educated here having finished
his education at Eugene.
Items From Falls City
Judge L. T. Harris has been
secured as orator for July 4th.
W. F. Nichols and wife visited
friends in Buena Vista Sunday.
C. C. Gardner, of Bridgeport,
was in the city Monday visiting
Mr. Warner McKown and wife
left this week for their homstead
in Lake county.
Marshal L. W. Zorin and C. W.
Davis are installing a water sys
tem for the City Park.
Miss- Hart, of Philomath, is
visiting her sisters, Mrs. W. E.
Starr, and Mrs. E. Rich.
Mayor F. K. Hubbard went to
Dayton Tuesday to attend the
funeral of his wife's mother,
Mrs. Albert Alderman.
C. P. Pugh has enlarged and
otherwise improved his jewelry
store and will add about $1,000
worth of new fixtures and stock.
Mr. Roy McMurphy went to
Lake county to look over public
lands. He may locate there if
he finds anything that pleases
Mrs. Emma Hinshaw has been
elected to represent the local
lodge of the Pythian Temple, the
ladies' auxiliary of the K. of P.
lodge. ' .
Mr. Selig purchased the Wm.
Chappell residence property and
moved in this week. Mr. Chap
pell moved hi3 family to Portland
where tbey will hereafter reside.
Prof. F. S. Crowley has been
elected principal of the Independ
ence High School and superin
tendent of the city schools. His
many friends wish him success.
N. Selig, who recently pur
chased the lot formerly occupied
by the W. L Tooze Department
Store, moved into town Friday
and immediately employed a
force of men to clean up his prop
erty. . Mr. Selig will soon erect
a two-story frame building, and
he expects to have it ready for
business not later than Septem
ber 1st.
Mr. J. T. Chamberlain died at
his home in this city Friday,
May 27th, of consumption, after
a lingering illness, aged 59 years
one month and 28 days. He
leaves a devoted wife and five
children- to mourn their loss.
Funeral services were held at the
Christian church May 29th, con
ducted by Rev. E. A. LaDow. '
Dr. Allin, dentist, Cooper
Building Independence Oregon.
Both phones. 19-tf.
Man Grappled With Poison
John Moore, an employe of the
Falls City Lumber Company, was
a victim of ptomaine poisoning,
Sunday, and for a time death
seemed almost certain. The poi
sonous substance was contained
in mush rooms which the Moore
family ate at dinner, and it is
miraculous that the wife and
child, who also partook of the
dish, were not afflicted.
The poison remained dormant
in the stomach for about an hour
and it was after Moore had gone
to a neighbor's well and drank
freely of water that he became
delirious. Upon the arrival of
Dr. Pfondhoefer life was all but
extinct and the patient did not
regain consciousness until late in
the evening. Falls City News.
Farmers Picnic
There will be a Farmers' Pic
nic at Shady Lane, two and a
half miles North of Lewisville,
Polk County, on Saturday, June
18th, 1910.
A pleasant time is in anticipa
tion and a general invitation is
extended the puplic to attend.
Excursion Rates TO THE East
During 1910, F om All Points On The
mmm pacific
Chicago $72.50
Council Bluffs
Omaha -
Kansas City 60.00
St Joseph
St Paul
St Paul via Council Bluffs 63.90
Minneapolis direct 60.00
Minneapolis via Council Bluffs 63.90
Duluth direct - 66.00
Duluth via Council Bluffs 67.50
St Louis 67.00
Tickets will be on sale May 2nd and 9th; June 2nd, 17th and
24th; July 5th and 22nd; August 3rd; September 8th.
The above rates apply from Portland only. From points south of Port
land, add ONE WAY local rate to Portland, to make through rate
via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to above rates
Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs
within limits of either direction. Final return
limit three months from date of sale, but not
, later than October 31st
Inquire of any S. P. Agent for more complete information
General Passenger Agent,