REGULAR PORTLAND LETTER Sneaks and Thieves Do Not Advertise DAIRYMEN AND FRUIT GROWERS MET Spokane will Run Excursion to California Next : Month Portland, Oregon, December 14 "Sneaks and thieves don't ad vertise, ' ' was the text of an immi gration sermon recently delivered by a McMinnville minister. He followed this up by showing the value of intelligent publicity work in attracting settlers to the Pacific Northwest and the bene fits alike to the newcomer and the country settled. Each settler means added wealth to the state and in return the Pacific states offer greater opportunity to the man from the cider sections of the country. The Northwest has a duty to perform, believes this pastor, in bringing people from the overcrowded districts of the East to this land of opportunity and live cities in the Northwest are making the most of their ad vantages in attracting settlers. The Portland Flouring Mills will maintain its position as the chief flour manufacturing con cern of the Pacific Northwest and during the past week pur chased the Hammond Mills and holdings in Seattle and vicinity at an approximate cost of $500,000. The property conists of the largest flour mills in Seattle and has a capacity of 2000 barrels a day. T. B. Wilcox, head of the Portland Flouring Mills, and associates conducted the negotiations leading to the purchase. He said the growth , of Seattle has made it advantage ous to have a mill there and the purchase includes a number of warehouses in Washington and the agency of the Hammond con cerns in San Francisco. The Portland company now has ,14 mills running night and day in different parts of the Northwest and is turning out an enormous. product. State dairymen and fruit growers held their annual con ventions in Portland during the past week and-both were well attended and very successful. Both these great industries will receive a decided impetus from the gatherings of the past week. Better acquaintance of the men actively engaged in darying and horticulture has resulted and the interchange of ideas is always valuable. Thursday night a re ception to the two bodies was given by the Commercial Club. A valuable suggestion was made by President H. C, Atwell of the fruit growers, who advises an annual fruit show in Portland at which all sections of the state shall be represented. This idea is being taken up actively by all interested in the development of the state along these lines and the advantages that may be ex pected to result are very great, Dr. John McLoughlin and his work in aiding the early settlers at Oregon City will not be for gotten and by a ' decisive vote, this pioneer city has declared it will maintain the historic home of Dr. McLoughlin as a public monument to his ' work.; This tribute to Dr. McLoughlin will meet with the hearty approval of all right thinking people every' where. Spokane will run an excursion of business men to California next month, and the party will be entertained here on January 18. This will be the first of a number of excursions to be run from Washington cities through Port land to California during the Winter, SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On the Sunday School Lewon by Rev. Dr. Llncott for the In ternational Newspaper Bible Study Club. (Cpjrijhi 1M by R.r. T. S. LbucMt. D D.) Dec. 19th, 1909. (Copyright. 1S09, by RT. T. 8. Llocott. D.D.) Review. Golden Text for the quarter I have fought a good light. I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. II. Tim. lv:7. . The following question can be used as a new and complete lesson, as well as for a review of the eleven preced ing lessons. The date and title of each lesson and where found, the Golden Text, and one question from each of the eleven preceding lessons follow: October 3 Paul a Prisoner The Arrest Acts xxi:17 to 22-29. Golden Text: Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ II. Tim. 11.3. Verses 20-24 In bridging the two dispensations, Is It likely that God, so to speak, winked at the apostles trying to graft the law of Moses into Chris tianity, or was It God's plan that Jew ish Christians should still keep the lawT October 10 Paul a Prisoner The Plot Acts xxil:30 to xxlil:35. Golden Text: I will say of the Lord He Is my refuge and my fortress, my God; in Him will I trust. Psalm 91:2. Verse 11. There Is no way to take the miraculous out of the New Testa ment without destroying It Now In view o that fact, why did not GcAJ rescue Paul, in this instance, as He did from the prison at Philippi? October 17 Paul a Prisoner Be fore Felix. Acts xxiv. Golden Text: Herein do I exercise myself to have al ways a conscience void of offence to ward God, and toward men. Acts xxiv: IS. Verses 26-27 What was the beset ting sin of Felix, and how do you esti mate the character of a man who wants to be bribed to do right?. October 24 Paul a Prisoner Before Festas and Agrippa. Acts xxv:6-12, chapter 26. Golden Text. I know whom I have believed, and am per suaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. II. Tim. 1:12. Verses 21-32 Why did not Festus and Agrippa both turn to God, seeing that they were clearly convinced of the truth of Christianity and their need of salvation' October 31 Paul a Prisoner The Voyage. Acts xxvli:l-26. Golden Text: Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5. Verses 21-26 What reason l there .I . A.1 A L. A to believe from tnis narrative ini when we fall to use, and It l too late to adopt God's best plan, he will still oraciously provide a good one wnicn we may adopt? (This question must be answered In writing py memoera or the club.) November 7 Paul a Prisoner 1 ne Shipwreck. Acts xxvir.27 to xxviunu. Golden Text: The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants, and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate, Psalm 34:22. Verses 33-38 May praying and last ing when you ought to be eating ana working, be as great a practical crime d a Rfiittline the ship? w.,-,h.- 14 Paul a prisoner in Rnme Acts xxviii: 11-31. Golden Text: t am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it Is the power or uoa unto salvation to every one tnat Denevein PnTDflns 1:16. Verses 25-29 Is it a law of God that sin deaden? the conscience and per- mrtu the ludement, hence, can a man living in any kind of sin, trust his i...-.ot nn tiprRonal. moral and jUUSiutuv . crvVihinl ouestlons? November 21 Paul's story of His II. Cm. xi:21 to xli:10. uoiaen Text: He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is ,o .lorfppt in weakness. 11. v,or, 11 1 (HI l" rhanter xii:l-6-What is the onl real proof of God, of immortality and of the wisdom of the spiritual me s ,Nember 28 Paul on Self-Denial Romans xlv:10 21. . Golden Text: It is eood neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine, nor anytnmg wnereoy my , tiimhleth. Romans xiv:zi. Vprsea 15-16 If you enjoy and drink your glass of wlue, when you w-t- that wine drinking is doing vast ly more harm than good, what sort of narann iirA VOU? rw.mhf, 5 Paul on the Grace of Giving. II. Cor. viii:l-15. Golden Test Remembw the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to elve than to receive. Acts xx.aa. -Verse 15 What reason is there to believe that if we give systematically to God's cause that we ourselves shall never lackT December 12 Paul's Last Words, tl Tim. iv:l-18. Golden Text: For me to live is Christ, and t die is gain Phi! l!21. vr.i 8-4 Why Is it that burglars, gamblers, counterfeiters, liars, drink ers, and other oaa men uu ofter persuade themselves that they are right? Have You been to T. A. RIGGS The Big Display Monmouth, FMTUBI Phone 331 DOLLS, Blue and Brown Eyes, Kid Bodies, Sewed Wigs Separate, Bisque and Indestructible Heads, for good and Bad little Girls. Get our Stickers to fasten your X'mas packages. -X'MAS POSTALS. PERKINS PHARMACY Store If not, come and cast your eye on oi China Such as has not in recent years, been shown in Monmouth and the Price has never been equaled in Oregon; on the 15C Counter You will find 25 and 35 Cent Values We want POULTRY; All we can buy; will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for what you will BRING IN. Watch this "ADD" for OUR X'MAS Announce ment on CANDY and NUTS; it will appear NEXT WEEK. CHRISTMAS GOODS have already begun to arrive at the Monmouth STORE Our Line of Art Squares and Ruggs are positive ly the best that have ever been brought to Monmouth. Come in and Look Our Stock over and get Our Prices before buying elsewhere. You will find our prices the very Lowest. THE MONMOUTH FURNITURE STORE P. E. CHASE Monmouth Oregon Oregon V. O. Boots FIRE LIFE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID Grove A. Peterson NOTARY PUBLIC Monmouth Oregon J. W. HOWELL Contractor and Builder Carpenter shop and General Repair Work. Moulding and Finishing Material Cor. Knox and Jackson Sts. I.;