REPORT OF SCHOOLS Report of the Schools of Polk County for the School Month .Ending November 5th, 1909 Number of schools reporting correctly and on time 0 Schools failing to report on time-Districts No.. SI. 32. 59. and 60 N umber of pupils remaining at last report. . 1908 Number of pupils registered new during month... 5g7 Number of pupils registered secondary dur ing month 2S Number of pupils readmitted during month 152 Total number pupils on register during . month 2675 Number of pupils dropped during month 296 Number of pupils remaining at time of re port 2379 Number of days taught during month 19 Whole number of days attendance 43260 Whole number of days absence 2180 Whole number of times late 431 Number of pupils neither absent nor tardy,. 1?67 Average number of pupils belonging 2390 Average daily attendance 2277 Per cent of attendance 95 Number of visits by parents 55 Number of visits by members of the school board 37 The following schools were placed on the Roll of Honor for the county for having made a percent of attendance of 95 or more;-Zena, Dallas, Smithfield, Pedee, Red Prairie, Bridgeport, No. 15, Airlie, Beth, Perrydale, Fairview, Gooseneck, Cochrane, Oak Point, Independence, Anti och, Buena Vista, Buell, Popcorn, Harmony, Upper Salt Creek, Lincoln, North Dallas, Enterpri-e, Etna, Greenwood, Concord, Oak dale, McCoy, Falls Cits , Black Rock, Pioneer, Mountain View. The following were placed on the Roll of Honor for the county for having no tardies during the month; Smithfield, Rad Prairie, No. 15, Airlie, Bethel, Fairview, Oak Point, Elkins, Antioch, Har mony, Upper Salt Creek, Saver, Scroggin, Lincoln, Etna, Mc Timmonds Valley, Greenwood, Sunny Slope, Concord, Oakdale, Black Rock, Pioneer, Highland. The attendance this last month has been good and I hope that all parents, teachers, and children will do their best to see that it black and white, and the courts speak about in fact every body makes plenty of them. Never theless how uncharitable some people are when it is the other fellow who does it There is a difference in mistakes. Some are seen only by one or two while those of the newspaper stand out in the limelight for evrybody to notice. Always take a look in the glass before you criticise others. " An awful calamity happened Saturday at Therry, Illinois. Someone threw a lighted match into some straw in the coal mine there; the straw set the mine on fire and cut off the retreat of some 450 miners, all of whom are supposed to be dead. H. G. Campbell, the well known real estate man, arrived home yesterday from a short vacation trip to Eastern Oregon. He re ports business lively east of the mountains and says there is a large rush of homesteaders to the country lying along the lines of the new railroads. Edward Bricker, who accompanied Mr. Campbell on the trip from Dal las, went on to the Christmas Lake country, where he will file on a desert claim. Observer. fktl y :S I 23 3 m l& IK KL K25 J 15. tVS UUVU ,va A3 A3 a ; T. A. Riggs NEW GOODS Preferred Stock Canned Goods: Peas, Beans. Corn, Salmon, Catsup, Olives. Heinz Pickles, Chow Chow, Mustard. Chase & Sanburn Tea and Coffee's Folger's B. Powder, Spices, Extracts. Yours for business at Old Stand. 8 BP 8 Monmouth, Oregon tZtk SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Or. Linscott for the In Newspaper Bible Study Club. (Copyrifht 1909 by Rev. T. S. Linicotl, D.D.) Nov. 21st, 1909. (Copyright, 1909, by Her. T. 8. Linscott, D.D.) Story of His Life. II Cor. In all V iat-.rT r r Via I a HaHan rrht remains as good during the entire j to boldly ten of hia sufferings than year, as teachers and children cannot do their best work when the attendance is not the best! possible. j 431 tardies are too many for j this county, it ought to be re-1 duced considerably and I wish that ; all would aid the teachers in keep-1 ing the tardies down. Oregon Law on Prize Fighting Section 1934, Bellinger , and Cotton's Code. -Prize Fighting. - Any person or persons Lrranging or attempting to arrange, or en gaging or offering to engage in, a prize fight, to be fought within the limits of this state, or other wise, in any manner, either as principal, second, assistant, stakeholder, trainer, referee, aid er, abetter, solicitor, or agent, whether said fight shall take place or not, shall, upon convic tion thereof, be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than five years, or by a fine of not -less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars. It shall be the duty of every peace officer and justice of the peace to see .1 . . 1 1 l- 1? 1 . good stock? tnattnisaci snau oe eiuorceu; What advantage was it to Paul that and when any of said officers have he was a Hebrew, an Israelite ,and of f ui;0,rQ W u;Q QT i6 being violated it shall be their to institute proceedings Paul's Xi:21 to xii-.lO. Golden Text He said unto me, My grace Is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. II Cor. xii:9. Verse 21 Do you know any person Paul? Verses 22-23 Is there any lack of modesty, or good taste, in Paul, or any other true man, giving a full account of his qualifications and his sufferings for Christ's cause? What advantage Is It to be born of the seed of Abraham? Is there any higher privilege, or At the beginning of the school neater honor than to have labored j duty year I sent a circular letter to all : teachers asking that among other J things we do this year, we have j our Grounds cleaned and thati each child or at least each family have its individual drinking cup, now over half of the schools in the county have reported the grounds cleaned, out buildings repaired, and about two-thirds have reported the individual drinking cups. These are all being asked for because of the benefit to the health of the children and if all parents, school officers and teach ers . would work together in these matters we would soon have the Blue Ribbon county in . the state for health conditions of the children. Yours respectfully, H. C. Seymour, School Supt. Polk Co., Ore. an BiisnpprpH which is the cause of humanity? , J f " T Does a true ministry, then and ; it snail aiSO De ine amy oi every now, always imply mUch suffering and j Circuit Judge, on charging any "l-h.t i. th, best word rand jury, to read 1 this act to picturr, you can give, of the noble hero said grand jury, and it shall be who, at the expense of life-ioag and ; the duty of said grand jury todili ."rS 1. STI9' JEL,M?ZZ 1 ntly inquire after any violations question must be answered in writing by members of the club.) Read until the story of this bitter and prolonged suffering Is burned Into your memory," and then read" tnVitSjry of the provisions of this act. We All Make Them Mistakes are easily made and last week we had a score or so staring us in the face after we got the Herald printed. However we may deplore our errors there are others in the same ship. The Albany Democrat is authority for the following: "How easy it is to make mis takes in this world. No one real ises it more than the newspaper man, whose life is full of them; but does he make any more than others? Take the merchant, for instance, his errors are numerous, fjs the delivery men will tell, and the lawyer, as the records tell in of Paul's great work and of the won derful love and grace of God to him, and then think of the sumptuous lives cf the chief priests who were, in great measure, responsible for Paul's Buf fer' rg, and then say, after all, which gm ibe more aggregate joy but of life, Paul or they? How many of these cruel sufferings, to which Paul here refers, are men tioned elsewhere In the New Testa ment? Give chapter and verse. (See Acts Ix: 24-25; xlv:19; xvi:22 et seq.) Verses 28-33 Is Paul an exception, or is it the duty of all of us to have a great care for all the churches, and to be In sympathy with everybody, weeping with those who weep, and re joicing with those who rejoice? Which is the greater man, the one who excels In education, in science, In oratory, in statesmanship; or the one who excels In his love for the churches, for the poor, for sinners and In a heart that sympathizes with all mankind? Chapter xil: 1-6 What is the logical or scientific value of Paul's experience of heaven? What Is the only real proof of God, of immortality and of the wisdom of the spiritual life? Is It probable, or possible, that per sons to-day may have similar exper ience of the unseen world as Paul? Verses 7-10 What was Paul's "thorn In the flesh?" What Is the greatest "thorn In the flesh" that strong and healthy spirit ual men have to-day? Lesson for Sunday. Not. 28th, 1909. Paul on Self Denial. (World's Tem perance Lesson), Rom. xlv: 10-21. Abstracts promptly furnished at reasonable rates, by L. D. Brown, Dallas, Oregon. Church Directory. Evangelical Church L. C. Hoover, Pastor Morning service at 11:00 o'clock Evening service at 7:00 o'clock Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Y. P. A. Meeting at 6.30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. W. A. Wood, Pastor. Morning Service at 11. a. m. Evening Service at 7:00 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. 6:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. W. C.T. U. Local Union meets every sec ond and fourth Friday in the E vangelical church at 2:30 p. m. MONMOUTH BAKERY C. C. MULKEY, Prop. Bread and Fancy Pastry, Confectionery, Stationery, Soda and Ice Cream. Cigars and Tobacco. Agency for Victor and Columbia Phono graphs and Records. Ice Cream delivered to any part of the town. Grove A. Peterson Real Estate :0 Notary Public VERY SPECIAL OFFER! The FRA Magazine Roycroft Book $3.00 $2.00 V. O. Boots FIRE LIFE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID Grove A. Peterson NOTARY PUBLIC Monmoufli Oregon If you subscribe at onceboth for $2. $5.00 The Fra Magazine is a Journal of Affirmation a Booster. It speaks of persons, places and principles in a frank, free and open-hearted way. It tells the truth about things. The Editor's pen is never gagg ed, chained or chloroformed. It is a Magazine , of Merit. Elbert Hubbard edits this Magazine and contributes each month a philosphi cal stimulant The Open Road. People who know, proclaim The Fra the finest Magazine in America, in both text and typography. Folks on the Upward March read The Fra! The Roycroft Book Beautifully bound in Limp Leather, silk-lined with marker. Many are printed in bold-faced type, on Holland Hand Made, Watermarked Paper, and a few are hand illumined. All are works of Art. Check the Book you want and forward this ad. with Two Dollars At Once. Health tnd Wealth - - Elbert Hubbard The Broncho Book - - Capt Jack Crawford Woman'. Work Alice Hubbard Battle of Waterloo Victor Hugo White Hyacinth Elbert Hubbard The Rubaiyat - - - - - Omar Khayyam William Morria Book - Hubbard Thomson Crimea against Criminals R. G. Ingersoll A Christmas Carol Chas. Dlekena Ballad of Reading Gaol - - Oscar Wilde The Roy crofters, East Aurora, New York. Our Clubbing Rates. Monmouth Herald per year . Evening Telegram, Daily per year Herald and Telegram, Evening Telegram, Sat. Ed. Sat. Ed. and Herald, both The Fruit Grower, monthly Herald and Fruit Grower if if if if fi ii if ii $1.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.50