The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 10, 1909, Image 5

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On the Sunday School Lesson by
Rev. Dr. Llnscott fir the In
ternational Newspaper Bible
Study Club.
(CopT'ifKi 1909 by Rn. T. & Liaicoit. D D.)
September, 12th, 1909.
(Copyright. ISO', by Rev. T. S. L1n-ott. D.D.)
Close of Paul's Third Missionary
Journey. Aets xxl:l-l".
Golden Text The will of the Lord
be done. Acts xxl:14.
Verses 1-3 Where was Paul bound
Had Paul clearly received Divine
Instructions to go to Jerusalem or was
he simply gratifying his own desires?
(See Acts xx:16, 22-23.
- If a devoted man has a longing to go
to a place, or to do a thing, is it safe
for htm to conclude that the longing
ts of God?
Because there Is danger Involved in
a journey, or an enterprise, In connec
tion with our religion, should we allow
our chivalry alone to be the Incentive
for us to undertake it?
Ia there any ground for the opinion
that good men have sometimes rushed
unnecessarily Into danger?
Verse 4 If Christians have to tarry
In a town should they hunt up the
followers of Jesus?
If these disciples were told "through
the Spirit" that Paul should not go
up to Jerusalem why did he not heed
If there Is no record that Paul had a
direct call from God to go up to Jeru
salem; would that, taken In connection
with what these disciples said, Indicate
that Paul was doing wrong In going?
Is there danger that good men may
be led by pious impulses, to do un
wise things, which they could be saved
from if they waited to cool off. and
to get the mind of God? (This ques
tion must be answered in writing by
members of the club.)
If it should prove that Paul was
wrong In going to Jerusalem, which
finally led to ills martyrdom, would
that In any way lessen our respect for.
him. or lessen his influence upon the
Verses 6-7 Should the children
always be tpken. tn church and to all
religious gatherings?
Should a company of Christians,
when bidding good bye to one another
on the wharf, or at the railway sta
tion, feel as free to get down on their
knees and pray, as they are to stand
and shake hands?
Why is it that Christians are not as
willing to be seen talking to God, or
praying, on the street, as they are to
be seen talking to their fellows?
Verses R-9 Who was Pntllp. and
for what one thing Is ne distinguished
In this gosnel story?
Should Christian parents train their
children from Infancy to know God. to
be skilful in prayer. In faith, and in
good works?
Is there not a way for parents to
train their children, so that the prom
ise can be realized with absolute cer
tainty In Tool 2:28. "Your sons and
your daughters shall phophesy?
Which is the more desirnhle. to have
a son, or a daughter, noted for spirit
uality and soul saving, or for money
Verses 11-12 Did this noted prophet
Agabus (Pee Acts xi:27 -28) join with
the rest of the saints in saying, that
the Holy Spirit told them, that Paul
ouht not to go to Jerusalem?
Is there any way to consistently
suppose that both parties to this loving
controversy were right?
Suppose Agabus and the others were
right In persuading Paul not to go to
Jerusalem, but that Paul still thought
he ought to go,, what would be Paul's
dutv In the circumstances?
Tf a cood man says he has a message
from God for us. are we under obliga
tion to obey whether our Judgment
may concur or not?
Verses 15-17 Can you recall In all
history a greater example of fortitude
and bravery than here displayed by
Lesson for Sunday, Sept. 19th, 1909
Sierra Lccne.
Sierra Leoue kuov.u to tame aa "the
white man's grave" viewed from the
deck of an Incoming steamer presents
a:i appearauce distinctly attractive. As
to climate, the sobriquet "white man's
grave" is sufficiently Instructive. Suf
fice it to say that the first of the dally
regimental orders ran thus: "Funeral
parade at 0:30 a. m. tomorrow." and it
was seldom indeed that the parade
was dismissed f r la-.U of a victim to
the pestiferous climatic conditions.
Indeed, so arduous became the duties
of sepuleher that, whereas it was cus
tomary in the beginning for the entire
regiment and band to attend, only the
company of the deceased and the firing
party did so later on. Sierra Leone Is
infested with makes, large and small.
The former are of the constrictor spe
cies; the latter are all extremely ven
omous. The most deadly of all per
haps is the yellow jack, a beautiful
yellow oud black reptile, whose bite Is
reputed to prove fatal within a space
of twenty minutes.-Westchester Coun
ty Magazine,
(Copyright, 1909. by American Prase Aaao
When I was tweniy-flve year of age
i I was sent tu St. Paul by the firm I
was with to establish an agency for
their goods. I soon discovered that
there was a concern in Minneapolis
which was selling the same grade of
goods and always underbidding me.
I went over there to see if I could
make a scale of prices with the under
bidding firm.
1 found a young man even younger
than myself. He was not acting, as
agent, but for himself. I stated my
business, to which he listened atten
tively. I argued that If he continued
to underbid me I would begin to uu
derbld him. and one would thus ruin
each other's trade, whereas if we made
prices together we could both succeed.
When I bad finished he said:
"What guaranty have I that you
will keep your agreement?"
Surprised at sucb a question. I re
plied, "The same guaranty I have that
you will keep yours."
"There Is no doubt whatever that I
will keep any agroemeut I shall make."
he replUni. with some hauteur.
It struck me that he sUould go to
some university for a course of logic.
However, I pursuaded him to make
a list of minimum prices with me and
left blm well pleased with the result
of ray visit. We became very good
friends as well ns competitors, and
finally, when I concluded to act also
on my own account, we concluded. In
order to save expenses, to form a part
nership. I offered to give him first
place In the firm name but he Insisted
on taking the second, so we styled
ourselves Graves & Elliston
I found my partner a queer mixture.
For a time I was virtual as well as
nominal head of the firm, but lost It
in a very odd way. A man came Into
our store to buy a large bill of goods
on credit. The profit would be large,
and 1 was brimful of enthusiasm over
the trade. Not so Elliston. He flat
ly refused to cousetit "to sell' the man.
When It came to bis reasons be had
none to give. Irritated. 1 told blm
that be should expluiu bis position or
I would dissolve the partnership,
whereupon, driven to the wall, he said
that be didn't like the shape of the
man's nose.
Notwithstanding this absurd reason,
which I inferred he had given tdmply
to afford me an excuse for not fulfill
ing my threat, we did not sell the
goods. Some mouths, later the notes
the purchaser bad given other firms
were protested and every dollar of the
indebtedness was lost. I charged El
llston with having some Information
unknown to me about the rascal, but
he denied having any whatever. Never
theless from this time I never urged
entering upon any Important transac
tion without tuy partner's full ap
proval. But when It came to a matter .of sev
eral huudred or several thousand dol
lars, while I would uublusbiugly make
an offer of half the amount asked.
Elliston could never briug himself to
consider such a course as anything but
ridiculous. Thus the large transac
tions fell Into my bauds.
Although Elllstou seemed to me to
be very notional. I gradually found
that he was a better business man
than I. Ue was certainly my suerior
In looking ahead. While my mind
was on the present, bis was on the
future. This was especially true in
the matter of expenses, I am free to
admit that had it not been for him
pur expenses would have eaten up our
profits. He was continually surprising
me, when payments we were obliged
to make came round, by having pro
vided the funds to meet them. This
faculty, together with his keeping ex
penses down, made money for us every
year for Beveral years. Then one day
Elliston told me that he wished to sell
his Interest in the business since he
purposed traveling abroad. This was
a blow to me. for I was not minded
to give up business myself, and 1 was
sure I could not make money without
the aid of the typical faculties pos
sessed by my partner. However, be
gave me easy terms, and 1 bought blm
As soon na the papers bad passed El
liston bade me goodby and left for
New York to sail for Naples. A week
later I received a letter from blm at
Chicago, ask lug me to meet him there.
Since he gave no reasou I hesitated.
However, knowing him to be u queer
fellow who usually had a reason bid
den away somewhere for what be
did, 1 left my business with my head
clerk and took a train.
The next evening 1 called at Ellis
tou's hotel and sent up my card. I
was shown to a private parlor, where.
Instead of finding him. a woman ad
vanced to greet me. ,
"You're Elllston's sister," 1 exclaim
ed, "doubtless his twin."
"I am Elliston himself." she replied.
And so she was. It was a singular
story she told me how. having been
obliged to make her own way lu the
world, she bad f jund skirts disadvan
tageous and finally donued man's at
tire. Having made euougb to give her
several thousand dollars a year In-
Hops Are Soaring
Get your supplies of all
kinds while they are cheap.
We carry the choicest of
everything in our line.
A Firstclass Grocery
T. A. Riggs,
Kv ft UT Uri lift ttftUfil?
safer Twtod?
Better Quality for Less Money
R. M. Wade & Co.
W. E. CRAVEN, Mgr.
come, she gladly resumed her proper
attire, but not until she had left the
proximity of those who had known
bcr as a man.
I had always regarded my partner as
young and boyish looking, without
a beard and with a musical voice.
In woman's dress Margaret Elliston
that was her name was transfigured
Into a very attractive woman. I re
mained In Chicago a week, at the end
of which time It was arranged that I
should return to Minnesota, sell the
business and we should go abroad as
husband and wife.
The Rice God.
In the Malay peninsula, after a gen
eral propitiatory service has been heid
as an "apology" to the rice for cutting
it, the "rice soul" Is diligently sought.
First the spot where the best rice
grows Is selected; then seven stems
are chosen, each, having seven Joints.
Within tlila sacred buiidle resides the
;ml oi' the whole precious field, and,
dressed lu swaddling clothes like a live
Infant, It is borne home lu a basket
and tenderly, reverently, placed on a
new sleeping Mat.
After the rice harvest in Ceylon the
priests take a little old god called
Marell dowu to the river. A hole is
dug where the water is shallow, and
Into this is crammed a bag of dry rice,
with the god placed on ti. The satu
rated rice expands, forcing the image
upward, so that in about fifteen days
It comes to the surface and is wel
comed as a new god with acclama
tions of great Joy.
Both in China and Japan are held
special festivals, of thanksgiving and
offering up of first fruits. Los An
geles Tmes.
Insisted on a Change.
London Coster (meeting village
Idiot) Oo are yer a-lnrfln' at? Idiot
OI bean't a-lnrfln'. Coster Well, put
your face straight Idiot It Is straight
Coster (exasperated) Well, then,
bloomln' well bend It London TatJer.
The FRA Magazine - - S3.00
Roycroft Book - - - $2.00
If you subscribe at once-both for $2. $5.00
The Fra Magazine is a Journal of Affirmation a Booster. It speaks
of persons, places and principles in a frank, free and open-hearted
way. It tells the truth about things. The Editor's pen is never gagg
ed, chained or chloroformed. It is a Magazine of. Merit. Elbert
Hubbard edits this Magazine and contributes each month a philosphi
cal stimulant The Open Road. People who know, proclaim The Fra
the finest Magazine in America, in both text and typography. Folks
on the Upward March read The Fra!
The Roycroft Book Beautifully bound in Limp Leather, silk-lined
with marker. Many are printed in bold-faced type, on Holland Hand
Made, Watermarked Paper, and a few are hand illumined. All are
works of Art.
Check the Book you want and forward this ad. with Two Dollars At
Health and Wealth . . . Elbert Hubbard The Itubaiyat Omar Khayyam
The Broncho Book - Capt Jack Crawford William Morris Book - Hubbard Thomaon
Woman'. Work ....... Alice Hubbard Crimea against Criminals - R. G. Ingei-soll
Battle of Waterloo ...... Victor Hugo A Christmas Carol Chaa. Dlekens
White Hyacinths Elbert Hubbard Ballad of Reading Gaol - - Oscar Wilde
The Roycrofters, East Aurora, New York.
An Illustration.
"Now. Harold." said the teacher to
a small but unusually bright pupil,
"give an Illustration of the superiority
of mlud over matter."
After a moment's reflection Harold
replied: "I have to mind you. That's
what Is the mntter."-Chlcago News.
Aliee Alias Aly.
Mr. Srmiggs-What's the little Nu
rox girl's name? 1 couldn't catch It
when her mother Introduced us. Mrs.
Squlggs Plain Alice, only her moth
er's trying to pronounce It so you'll
spell It "Alys."-Philadelphia Bulletin.
H. C. Chamberlin, Prop.
Dealer in
All kinds of Fresh and Cured
Meats. Fish and Game in Season
Lard a Specialty
Cash Paid for Poultry