Br - - itfSI the in Si iooi 3orrj un m M i nn o 0 Dnlll h i NrWh i nnn inn nnrr iiruin m LUunL nnu uinik h Ikaoi rooi iocr Get Westfall to do your paper hanging. Zook, the paper hanger will do your painting. Dr. Allen, dentist, Cooper Building Independence Oregon. Both phones. 19-tf. Zook the Painter, will hang your paper. Don't say flour, say PERRY DALE FLOUR! Every sack guaranteed. Ask Riggs the gro cer about it. Do not forget that R. M. Wade still has the genuine Oliver goods. Dr. R. E. Duganne, dentist Office over Independence National Bank, Independence. Mrs. C. E. Force left Sunday for an extended visit with her daughter at South Bend, Wash ington. She was accompanied as far as Newberg by C. E. who had not seen the town in four teen years, yet it looked natural he says. The water system there captivated him and he says that we ought to have one like it here The people pay a flat rate of $1 and get all the water they want for irrigating for 25 cents a month. Independence. Mrs. Madison spent Sunday in Salem. Ed Wallace has gone to the Seletz on a fishing trip. Miss Nola Owens is spending her vacation at Newport. Mrs. Stiger, of Salem, is the guest of Mrs. Paddock this week. Mr. Fishback, of Monmouth, spent Sunday in our city. Call We We carry in stock the celebrated MOLINE; faultless, Ball-bearing DAVENPORT. Examine our stock before buying J. E. WINEGAR & CO. on us again. Margaret Hodge and Miss Dunsmore are spending their va cation at Newport. ' Mrs. Ernest Johnson and little son have gone to Sodaville where they will remain for a month. Mrs. Charley Allen leaves Wednesday for The Dalles and other parts of Eastern Oregon. From the present outlook hops may sell for forty or fifty cents a pound. Nothing to hinder it. Miss Ella Robinson, of Mc Minnville, spent Sunday with her parents here returning Monday morning. Will Campbel finished bailing hay the first of this week. Mr. Campbel reports an excelent run this year. Mrs. Charjey Williams spent several days in Salem last week, where she went to attend the W. 0. W. rally. Lee Robinson came in from Parker Saturday, where he is working with a hay baler, and spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Cuthbert has bought the Ferguson home adjoining Mrs. Percival's home. Mrs. Cuthbert will take possession the first of the month. - The Christian Church was the only church in town that had services last Sunday morning. Some eastern people visiting here thought it was strange. C. L. Fichard has moved on his farm north of town where he has just completed a new bunga low. Mr. Fichard has been in Southern California for some time. Mr. Hilkey is running his small thresher and threshes twelve hundred bales of grain in a day. The machine is operated by a Sell Wagons small crew, and jdoes excellent work. Miss Lora Shank came up from Portland Saturday evening and spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Hooper, returning to Port land Sunday evening by way of Salem. While C. G. Long and family are enjoying ice cold sodaatCas cada mineral springs Mr. Edgar is repairing their automobile and will have it in first class order when they return. Mrs. Will Craven returned Monday from an extended visit in Portland and Seattle. Mrs. Craven attended the A. Y. P. and says it is far ahead of the fair that was held in Portland. Mr. Jacobsen, of McMinnville, has just completed .a fifteen hun dren dollar barn on his farm south of Independence, better known as the Dr. Davidson farm. A fine new house will be built in the near future. (continued from first page) state have appointed a large number of delegates who are in terested in furthering irrigation work in the west. Many left the first of the week to attend the sessions of the Congress. Soundings made by the officials of the Port of Portland during the past week show that the Columbia River from the mouth of the Willamette to the ocean is in better shaps for navigation by deep vessels than has been the case for some time. Dredges are working at a few places where shoals have been located but on the whole, little work is necessary That there is plenty of water in the river is shown by the fact that the British steamship Suver ic, drawing 27 feet was dispatch ed during the week, going down the river without delay.. Polk County Bank Established 1889 Monmouth, Oregon. Paid Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits Transacts a General Banking Business OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J. H. Hawley, President . J. U. V. Butler, Vice President, Ira C. Powell, Cashier F. S. Powell, ' . J. B. V. Butler, J. B. Stump, I. M. Simpson. Grove A. PETERSON Monmouth Normal Book Store We keep Stationery, Fountain Pens, Confectionery, Fruit, Nuts, Bibles, Albums, Knives and everything needed by stu dents of either the Public school or Normal. ALSO Sporting Goods, Ice Cream, Soda, Cigars and all kinds of tobacconist's goods. Peterson & Tucker Real Estate Agents Monmouth, Oregon. also $30,000 $7,000 Farms of all sizes Town Property lor Sale by us.