The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, August 13, 1909, Image 2

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    The Herald
W. T. FOGLE, Editor.
Entered w Meond-cUw natter September 8. lSTeV
at the poet office at Monmouth. Oregon, under the
Act of March 3. 18TS.
The Acorn Press, Publishers
Monmouth, Oregon.
Subscription Rates
One year
Sue months
0 eta
FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1909.
In another column appears a
commiu.ication from a well
known citizen under the head
ing "The Other Side." The
Herald will not allow it to he
said that it is unfair to any one,
even though they differ radi
cally in their views from those
advocated by us. It is a free
country and every one should
he entitled to a hearing no mat
ter how far from the truth they
may he. The matter treated in
this communication is settled so
that no harm can be done now.
The great trouble with Mon
mouth in the ast has been too
great a preponderance of ess i
mists in the town therefore it
could not grow. Tilings are
changing though slowlv
have died, others have moved!
ter, but the Herald believes that j Q
it will be of benefit to the per
sons who find the mistakes and
to the paper that makes them.
There will be no strings to the
offer except that the person send
ing in an estimate must be a sub
scriber, or if children one of
their parents must be subscribers
to the Herald. Get busv and be
readv for the cash.
On th Sunday School Lf icon by
Rev. Dr. Llnscott For tha In
ternational Newspaper Bible
Study Club.
Aug. 15th, 1903.
nyrirht. ry krr. T. S. Ijnerott. D O.)
Paul's Third Missionary Journey
Ephesus. Lesson Arts xviil:23 to
Golden Text The name of the Lord
Jesus was magnified. Acts xlx:17.
Verse 13 Is a systematic "follow
np system.' as essential In Christian
work as it Is to successful business?
Are any so strong that we cannot
derive "strengthening" from the pray
ers and the experience of others, and
are any so weak that we may not
"strengthen" others?
Verses 2-2S What Is the minimum
of knowledge necesary In order that
one may be a true child of God?
What are the minimum qualities es
sential to become a preacher of the
V.'hat good qualities for a preacher
did this man Apollos possess?
j What did "the baptism of John" in-
Some elude, and what did It lack of full
orbed Christianity?
What percentile of present day
From $2.50 up
awar, while yet a lew cling to preacher will exceed Apollos (1) in
life out of pure contrariness, a i their Ieal aD fcbiU,r- J ln thelr
! Christian knowledge. I. e.. personal ex-
souree of wornment to their ! pnce .of Christ's gospel?
friends and a burden to the com-i H Apollos had been conceited or
' anything less than a man of God.
munity. If anything of a pro- WO(J,d fce have ,ubnltted to teachlng
grcssive nature comes up, they j from a layman and his wife?
are fighting it hard, no matted Verse "-Should laymen tise the
: pen more frequently to help preachers,
whether it cts them a penny Thora they know who are going to
or not. A good manv of them ' ot-tr
. 1 Verse 2 Why is It that God has
have money enough to helj. their ;TO3dl.lonM a, human progTs an(1
fellow Ulan, but ilotead of doing btlterment, including a knowledge of
good to others with it.thev waiV !h S081-ni 5tieal; hiity Dd
n goodness of those who already enjoy
usurious i uteres and Shy lock its benefits?
like, thev demand the nound of I Chap. xlxtl-T Were these twelve
flesh for security. Their
are too inhniteMiully micros- at this time?
o I -., fl... .. ! """"I pivpuruun, 01 present aay t
sjjj Phone 331
Monmouth Oregon
persons whom Paul found at EDbesus.
0ll actually tbo reconciled children of God i
Watch for Our
Free Cash
V. O. Boots
copic to ever re
aricious clav in which thev
enshrined, or we might hje
Christians, have practically the same prop T TUp DCSIILTY
hre exnerience as these twelve. disciDles !
ever we should waste but
A. N. Poole
bad, when Paul mt them?
that they would reap their just this Iesson. "generally received at or
reward in another life. How- subsequent to conversion?
If It is now she privilege of every
Christian to receive the HoIt SDlrit.
time on tht-m, but turn to thoe and to walk In Him thereafter, how
from whom we mav expect bet-; my. H Tce,TWl?
. 1 ' Wa? the (rift of tongues and prophe-
ter things ami give our attention .js, tnen. or g !t ,,-. t necessary Contractor and
accompaniment of the baptism f the j TJiila
Holy Spirit? (See I Cor. 12:4-11; 29,! oUlluer.
SVs there anything necessarily inj Blue prints made tO SCale
plied in receiving the Holy Spirit, from original drawings.
other than tha constant realiratlon
that God dwells In us. to keep us
holy, to guide us in all things, and
to give us necessary power and wis
dom to carry out God's purposes con
cerning us?
Verse 8 Why ought, or ought not,
lo the upbuilding of the coinmu-;
nitv that those who come after
us may not curse our memory,!
but cherish the deeds we have
done for their advancement.
In our last isue we stated that
there was a v barge on Uiggage'
hauled over the line of the I & ',
Mr. i . -. .- .i the pulpit now, as Paul did then, to
. R.ulwav notwithj-fcuidiug the ; .Hi.n.,.- .mi. u,
"dispvte, or argue, and bring convinc-
lact that tickets read to Mon-i ing proofs, compelling men's reasons.
month WhiV in 1 1,.!-, r powerfui evidence, of the truths of i
" i v v j
Monday President Hirschbcrg
General Carpenter Work
Phone 187
'f the I. & M. explained to us
that there was no free laggage
i arried on his road and that if
tickets were examined they
would Ik? found to vo state. He
sdiowed us several tickets of the
Southern Pacilie and each read
that no free luggage would le
carried over the line from Dallas
or Independence. Paengers
should re-ad their ticket in order
to know what is due them and
what is not.
licginning in September the
Herald will inaugurate a series
of cash prizes for mistakes found
iuitsadveitisingcolumns. This
is something never before heard
of in country newspaper work.
Most papers are careful to cover
np their mistakes of that charac-
Christianity. and not be content with
simple declamation as is now so com
mon? (This question must be an
swered in writing by members of tha
Verses 5-12 Apart from the mirac
ulous power that Paul had, what was
the secret of his success?
Verses 13-17 Why do some to-day
blaspheme the name of God. and dare
the power of God; are they possessed
with the devil?
Verses 18 21 roes conversion al
ways imply restitution, and the for
saking ol every evil way?
l,eson for August 12, 1909 Panl'a
rhir Missionary Journey The Ma
a Fnhesus. Acts xix:23-xx:L
Reached Tea Far.
"Yes," said the bankrupt. "I lost my
fortune reaching for an Meal."
"Very Interesting. And what was
your MealT
"A blgcer fortune than I bad."
Philadelphia Ledger.
Desirable Contributions.
Bulser rennster told me that the
best marlines were clamoring for hia
contributions. Knolorham No won
der. He write full page ads. Lippln-ootf'K.
Painter and Paper Hanger
Monmouth Oregon
Contractor and Builder
Carpenter shop and General
Repair Work.
Moulding and Finishing
Cor. Knox and Jackson Sts.
Perkins Pharmacy
Is Selling
Pure Paint
L5Q pes: Gallon
Too Busy
Selling Candy and Soft Drinks
to Write an Ad