The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, April 30, 1909, Image 5

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The FRA Magazine - - $3.00
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The Fra Magazine is a Journal of Affirmation a Booster. It speaks
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The Roycrofters, East Aurora, New York.
On the Sunday School Lesson by
Rev. Dr. Linscott For the In-
, ternational Newspaper Bible
Study Club.
May 2nd, 1909.
(Copyright, 108, by Rev. T. S. Linscott, D.D.)
Paul's First Missionary Journey.
Cyprus. Acts xiii: 1-12.
Golden Text Go ye Into all the
world, and preach the gospel to every
creature. Mark 16:15.
Verse 1 Where was Antloch?
What constituted a Christian church,
then, and now?
What was the difference between
prophets and teachers?
Verse 2 What Is meant by "minis
tered to the Lord?"
What mental, physical or spiritual
benefits are there derived from fast
ing? How long should a person abstain
from food, in order to constitute a
Christian fast?
What right has the present day
Protestant church to discontinue the
practice of fasting?
When would the ears of a company
of godly men, be most sensitive to the
voice of God. during a feast or a fast?
Was there any connection between
their ministering and fasting, and the
Holy Spirit speaking to them?
Is the Holy Spirit apt to speak to
those who are not Intensely engaged
in the cause of God?
What is necessary In order to cul
tivate an ear for the voice of God?
Should we all be "called" of God, be
fore undertaking any kind of work?
Verse 3 Ought the church today to
send out missionaries to new districts,
and to heathen countries?
If it Is the duty of the church to
send out missionaries, Is It, or not,
the duty of every person, whether a
member of the church or not, to help
support them? (This question must
be answered In writing by members
of the club.) r
Why did they fast and pray, before
sending Paul and Barnabas on their
Would it be a help to each local
church today, to fast and pray before
each missionary meeting?
Do you think the women took part
In this service, and whether or not,
what reason is there to debar women
from any of the church's work?
Verse 4 Is it possible or practical,
to be guided in every journey we
take, and In all else by the Holy
Should ft pastor ever take charge of
a new church, without being directed
to do so, by the Holy Spirit?
Please point out on the map, In
your Bible, where Seleucia, Salamls
and Cyprus are situated. (.
Were they consciously, or uncon
sciously, directed by God the Holy
Spirit, all along their journey?
Verse 5 Should men and women,
in the ordinary walks of life, be as
faithful In preaching the gospel, or
testifying for Jesus, wherever they
may be, as Paul and Barnabas were?
Verse 6 How many places men
tioned In this lesson, are situated on
the Island of Cyprus? (See your map.)
What motives had likely Induced
this man Elymas, to claim to be a pro
phet? Verses 7-8. How do you account for
a man being so bad, as to try to pre
vent another man from serving the
true God?
Verses ft-12. Are good men Justified
In rebuking bad men with vehemence,
when they would stop a work of love
and mercy?
Is it possible for a bad man to es
cape the just penalty of his sins?
Lesson for Sunday, May 9th, 1909.
Paul's. First Missionary Journey,
Antioch iu Pisidla, Acts xiil: 13-52.
Gold and Silver Medals Bibles
Books. The International Newspaper
Bible Study Club is for the pur
pose of promoting, in an unfetter
ed way among the masses, a
wider study of the Bible, the
basal truths of Christianity, and
the problems which enter into
every man's life. It is compos
ed of all those who join a Local
Club, and take up the simple
course herein outlined, barring
only ordained clergymen. All
who have not joined are warmly
invited to do so and to compete
for the prizes.
Persons may join the club at
any time during the year, but
must, of course answer the 52
questions hereinafter explained,
to qualify for the prizes, and the
back questions may be obtained
from this office.
This paper has secured the
right to publish the Internation
al Sunday School Lessons by Rev.
Dr. Linscott, which have arous
ed so much interest elsewhere,
and they' will appear weekly.
One of these questions each week
is to be answered in writing, and
upon these answers the prizes
are to be awarded.
This paper is authorized to
form a Local Newspaper Bible
Study Club for its readers, and
guarantees to all who join and
fulfil the conditions, that every
thing herein promised shall be
faithfully carried out.
1. Each contestant, or his or
her family, must be a subscriber
to this paper, in order to qualify
for membership in the Interna
tional Newspaper Bible Study
Club and this Local Club.
2. Each contestant in this
Local Club must answer each of
the written questions, for 52 con
secutive weeks, commencing for
Sunday, March 7, and the ans
wers must all be in the possess
ion of this paper within two
weeks of the close of this period.
3. Each question must be ans
wered separately, and" the paper
written on one side only. No
answer must exceed two hundred
words in length and may be less,
Each answer must have the name
and address of the writer at the
bottom of the answer.
4. The answers must be de
livered to this office, and they
will be collated at the close o
the contest, and forwarded to
headquarters for independent ex
amination by competent examin
ers. The prizes will then be
awarded according to the highest
number of marks, won by mem
bers of the International News
paper Bible Study Club, and
! prizes which may be awarded to
members of this Local Club wil
be given out from this office.
J)g NEW GOODS"Bul 01ives Flaked Honey, Maple
r Syrup, Dried Peaches, Apricots.
i Apricots,
Cherries, Strawberries Logan Berries, Peas,
Corn, Beans, Tomatoes.
HOMEMADE Jellies Jams, 10c; Strawberries,
ii i qt. 25c.
SPECIALS"'Korn Kinks 6 Pks for 25cJ Highest
Price paid for MOHAIR and WOOL.
Sharpies' Tubular Cream Separator
The Tubular skims closer, under all conditions than any
"bucket bowl" machine; produces a perfectly smooth
frothless cream, which will yield more butter than it is
possible to get by any other machine. Other points
are: Runs with one-third less power than other sepa
rators, has low supply tank and can be cleaned in one to
three minutes, or one-tenth the time it takes on other
Sole Agents,
First Series A gold medal to
each of the first five contestants.
Second Series-A silver medal
to each of the next five contestants.
Third Series A teacher's Bible
price $5.50, to each of the next
five contestants.
Fourth Series-The book "The
Heart of Christianity," price
$1.50, to each of 1he next thirty
five contestants.
Each medal will- be suitably
engraved, giving the name of
the winner and for what it is
awarded, and in like manner
each Bible and book will be in
scribed. All who can write, and have
ideas, are urged to take up these
studies regardless of the degree
of their education, as the papers
are not valued from an education
al or literary standpoint, but from
the point of view of the cogency
of their reasoned ideas.
Normal Regents Will Meet.
Governor Benson has issued a
call for a meeting of the board of
normal school regents to be held
in the capitol May 8 for the pur
pose of determining the future
policy of the board in regard to
the normal school question. The
three normal schools, Monmouth,
Ashland and Weston, are now op
erating as state institutions by
private subscriptions until the end
of the school year, the board hav
ing adopted a resolution declaring
them closed from that date.
What the policy of the board will
be at the May meeting is only a
matter of conjecture, but judging
from the attitude of the members
at the previous meeting the
schools will be compelled to oper
ate as-private institutions under
lease from the state. Since the
board receives its financial
support from the maintenance
fund of the normal schools and
the legislature failed to provide
for them at the last session, the
board is without funds to pay the
expenses of the members in at
tendance upon meetings and they
will respond to the call at their
own expense, Their attendance,
however, is not obligatory.
Read the offer of a free trip to
the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposi
tion at Seattle. Costs nothing
but a little effort and you see
everything. All the sights on the
Pay Streak included. Read it, it
will not be open to your accept
ance after May 15.
Eggs For Sale.
Full blood, single combe White
Leghorn eggs for sale, Inquire
of W. A. Wood, Monmouth.
A Rare Bargain.
230 acres of the finest land in
Polk county. All under cultiva
tion. Good for grain, fruit, wal
nuts, clover, garden or small
fruits. Land adjoining it selling
for $65 to $100 per acre. Will be
offered for sale for a short time
for $55 an acre. Two miles from
Monmouth. Inquire of Polk
County Realty Co., at the Her
ald Office.