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Health and Wealth Elbert Hubbard The Rubaiyat ----- Omar Khayyam The Broncho Book - - Capt Jack Crawford William Morris Book - Hubbard Thomson Woman's Work Alice Hubbard Crimes astainst Criminals - R. G. InirersoU Battle of Waterloo Victor Hugo A Christmas Carol ----- Chas. Diekens White Hyacinths Elbert Hubbard Ballad of Reading Gaol - - - Oscar Wilde The Roycrofters, East Aurora, New York. SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On the Sunday School Lesion by Rev. Dp. Llnscott For the In ternational Newspaper Bible ' Study Club. convert to show he really Is a 'Chris-, tlon? Is a true, earnest, aggressive Chris tian as liable to give offense In these days as was Saul? Lesson for Sunday,' April ?5th, 1909, The Gospel In Antioch. Acts xl:19 30: xil : 2K April 18th, 1909. (Copyright, 1908, by Rev. T. S. Linscott, D.D.) The Conversion of Saul. Acts lx: 1-30. Golden Text He fell to the earth and heard a voice saying until him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? Acts lx:4. Verses 1-2 From experience, phil osophically, theologically, psycholog ically, or any other way, how do you account for the bitter hatred of Saul for Christians? After hi? conversion, did he show the same hatred toward those who op posed Christianity? Poes history justify the statement that, zealous religionists, who have not known, nor experienced the love of God, have been exceedingly cruel and bitter men? Verses 3-4 What was the nature ot the light that" shlned around Saul? (See Acts xxil:6, xxvi:13, I Cor. xt:II.) Whose voice was it that Saul heard? this was a real voice with outward lound? Is there any sinner so bad that Je sus does not call him to repent? Had Saul actually been persecuting Jesus? (See Matt. 25:40.) If we hurt or help a Christian, is that actually done to Jesus? Is there a sense in which a Chris tian is the actual Christ? Verse fi Did Saul know from the first who it. was that spake to him? Does it always consciously hurt to fight against God? Does wrong ding always hurt whether done In Ignorance or not? Verse 6 What makes sinners al ways tremble when God reproves them for their sins? At what stage does God forgive a convicted sinner? When was Saul actually converted? Why did not Jesus tell Saul there and then, what he wanted him to do? Verse 7 Why does the supernatural always frighten people? Verses 8-9 What had blinded Saul? How did Saul spend the days that be was without sight? j Did he fast because he had no de sire for food, or was it a religious fast? Is fasting of any use in these days as a help to spiritual life? Verses 10-12 May the ability to hear God speak, be acquired by ail true Christians? Have you any experience of God telling more than one person the same thing, so that when they came to compare exneriences, God's message was confirmed? Will God always prepare us for our work, and prepare the work for us? Verses 13-16 Is God pleased, or dis pleased, if we do not accept what he says, when it is not clear to us? Verses 17-18 Did Saul at this time receive the Holy Ghost, or at the time of his conversion, and when do Chris tians generally receive him? (This ouestlon must be answering In writing by members of the club.) Verses 19-22 Do all genuine con verts like Saul, commence immediate ly to get others converted? What, was the power in Saul which gave him his great leal, and Is the same power available for every Chris tian? Verses 23-25 If a person feels, or acts, in a bitter spirit toward one of a different faith, is that proof that he Is not In touch with the true God? Gold and Silver Medals Bibles- Books. The International Newspaper Bible Study Club is for the pur pose of promoting, in an unfetter ed way among the masses, s wider study of the Bible, the basal truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every man's life. It is compos ed of .all those who join a Local Club, and take up the simple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. Al who have not joined are warmly invited to do so and to compete for the prizes. 4 Persons may join the club at any time during the year, but must, of course answer the. 52 what reason is there to believe that ! questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for the prizes, and the back questions may be obtained from this office. This paper has secured the right to publish the Internation al Sunday School Lessons by Rev. Dr. Linscott, which have arous ed so much interest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly. One of these questions each week is to be answered in writing, and upon the9e answers the prizes are to be awarded. ' This paper is authorized to form a Local Newspaper Bible Study Club for its readers, and Guarantees to all who join and I fulfil the conditions, that every thing herein promised shall be ' faithfully carried out. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST. 1. Each contestant, or his or her family, must be a subscriber to this paper, in order to qualify for membership in the Interna tional Newspaper Bible Study Club and this Local Club. 2. Each contestant in this Local Club must answer each of the written questions, for 52 con secutive weeks, commencing for Sunday, March 7, and the ans wers must all be in the possess ion of this paper within two weeks of the close of this period. 3. Each question must be ans wered separately, and the paper written on one side only. No answer must exceed two hundred words in length and may be less. Each answer must have the name and address of the writer, at the bottom of the answer. 4. The answers must be de livered to this office, and they will be collated at the close of the contest, and forwarded to headquarters for independent ex- T. A. RIGGS NEW GOODS"Bul Olives, Flaked Honey, Maple syrup, Dried Peaches, Apricots. PREFERRED CANNED GOODS -Peaches, Apricots, Cherries, Strawberries Logan Berries, Peas, Corn, Beans, Tomatoes. HOMEMADE Jellies Jams, 10c; Strawberries, --- qt. 25c. SPECIALS""Korn Kinks 6 pks- for25c5 Highest Price paid for MOHAIR and WOOL. as Monmouth Oregon Sharpies' Tubular Cream Separator The Tubular skims closer, under all conditions than any "bucket bowl" machine; produces a perfectly smooth frothless cream, which will yield more butter than it is possible to get by any other machine. Other points are: Runs with one-third less power than other sepa rators, has low supply tank and can be cleaned in one to three minutes, or one-tenth the time it takes on other makes. HANNA BROS. Sole Agents, Independence, YTAMAa OC Ort AfA fliriatinnil IllRtl- fled is being cautious in receiving animation by competent examm strangers? ers. The prizes will then be awarded according to the highest number of marks, won by mem bers of the International News paper Bible Study Club, and prizes which may be awarded to members of this Local Club will be given out from this office. THE PRIZES. First Series A gold medal to each of the first five contestants. Second Series-A silver medal to each of the next five contest ants.' Third Series A teacher's Bible price $5.50, to each of the next five contestants. Fourth Series -The book "The Heart of Christianity," price $1.50, to each of the next thirty- five contestants. Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner and for what it is awarded, and in like manner each Bible and book will be inscribed. All who can write, and have ideas, are urged to take up these studies regardless of the degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from an education al or literary standpoint, but from the point of view of the cogency of their reasoned ideas. Some Household Hints. To make biscuits light drench with gasoline and ignite before serving. How to keep servants chloro form them and lock in the cellar. Quickest way to get rid of peddlers-buy all they have. How to remove fruit stains from lines use scissors. To keep rats out of the pantry place all the food in the cellar. To entertain women visitors- let them inspect all your private papers. To entertain men visitors feed the brutes. To keep the children at home lock up all their clothes. Oregon Grove A. Peterson Notary Public , Monmouth Oregon In order to prevent accidents in the kitchen-fill the kerosene can with water. To test the freshness of eggs drop them on some hard surface. Exchange. Eggs For Sale. Full blood, single combe White Leghorn eggs for sale, Inquire of W. A. Wood, Monmouth. A Rare Bargain. 230 acres of the finest land in Polk county. All under cultiva tion. Good for grain, fruit, wal nuts, clover, garden or small fruits. Land adjoining it selling for $65 to $100 per acre. Will be offered for sale for a short time for $55 an acre. Two miles from Monmouth. Inquire of Polk County Realty Co., at the Her ald Office. What Is the beet war for a young i