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Jack Crawford William Morris Book - Hubbard Thomson Woman's Work - - Alice Hubbard Crimes attainst Criminals - R. G. InKeraoll Battle of Waterloo ------ Victor Hujjo A Christmas Carol ----- Chas. Diekens White Hyacinths - - Elbert Hubbard Ballad of Reading Gaol - - Oscar Wilde The Roycrofters, East Aurora, New York. SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Linscott For the In ternational Newspaper Bible Study Club. AprH 4th, 1909. (Copyrisrht, 1008, by Rev. T. S. Linscott, D.D.) Peter and Cornelius. Acts x:l-48. Golden Text In every nation he that feareth him and worketh right eousness, Is accepted of him. Acts ' x:35. Verses 1-8 Was a devout Roman In those days as well pleasing to God as was a devout Jew? Can you give any reason to-day why God is not as well pleased with a de vout Roman Catholic, as he is with a devout Protestant, or vice versa? What reason is there for or against the idea, th't revelations and visions' were given to devout men of all na tions In those days, as well as the Jews? Verses 9-16 Is It wise and profit able to have certain set times for prayer, or is it better to he always In the spirit of prayer, and let our needs, or the Holy Spirit, direct as to special times for prayer? Are people who are not seeking for revelations, likely to have them? The eating of the flesh of those an imals, or most of them, which Peter saw in his vision, is forbidden in the old testament; how do you account for it, that "the Vord of God," and the spirit of God do not agree in this case? Peter in the first instance stuck to his creed, and refused to obey the di rect voice of God; was he right or wrong in so doing? Must we. In thought, be bound in all things by the written words In the Bible, and refuse to obey any direction of the Holy Stiirit to the contrary? Verses 17-27 Does God blame us If we test what we think to be revel ations before we act up to them? When God gives a revelation that Is not unmistakably clear, may we de pend that he will arrange circum stances, or give another revelation to clear up the doubt, as in this case? Was Cornelius reconciled to God, or an acepted child at this time? Verses 28 29. Are any of the Com mandments of the Bible to be tested iky the teaching of Jesus, and by the :plrit of God, or must we unhesitat ingly obey them all, Just as they read, without any question? (This ques tion must be answered in writing by members of the club.) Verses 30-33. If we prayed and fasted more, should we have more visions of God? Is there any ruerit In good works; and how much if any, credit does God give for them? Does God in these days give by his Spirit, such detailed and matter-of fact instmt'ons, as he gave to Peter and Cornelius. Verses 34-43. What Is the ground of a man's acceptance with God, ac cording to Peter's statement here? According to the suggestion in verse 37, Cornelius had heard about Jesus, his teaching, his death and resurrec tion; is it at all unlikely that he wa3 a believer In Jesus? Verses 44-4S. What is the mean ing of the Holy Spirit falling upon this company? Excepting the gift of tongues, are all Christians privileged to receive the Holy Ghost as these persons did? How may a Christian in the state Cornelius was, receive the Holy Ghost as he did? Lesson for Sunday, April 11th. 1909. Easter Lesson. I Cor. xv: 12-28. Mrs. A. F. Huber and daughter Mayda, were Independence visit ors Tuesday. Gold and Silver Medals Bibles- Books. The International Newspaper Bible Study Club is for the pur pose of promoting, in an unfetter ed way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible, the basal truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every man's life. It is compos ed of all those who join a Local Club, and take up the simple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who have not joined are warmly invited to do so and to compete for the prizes. Persons may join the club at any time during the year, but must, of course answer the 52 questions hereinafter explained, to qualify for the prizes, and the back questions may be obtained from this office. This paper has secured the right to publish the Internation al Sunday School Lessons by Rev. Dr. Linscott, which have arous ed so much interest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly. One of these questions each week is to be answered in writing, and upon these answers the prizes are to be awarded. This paper is authorized to form a Local Newspaper Bible Study Club for its readers, and guarantees to all who join and fulfil the conditions, that every thing herein promised shall be faithfully carried out. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST. ' 1. Each contestant, or his or her family, must be a subscriber to this paper, in order to qualify for membership in the Interna tional Newspaper Bible Study Club and this Local Club. 2. Each contestant in this Local Club must answer each of the wrritten questions, for 52 con secutive weeks, commencing for Sunday, March 7, and the ans wers must all be in the possess ion of this paper within two weeks of the close of this period. 3. Each question must be ans wered separately, and the paper written on one side only. No answer must exceed two hundred words in length and may be less. Each answer must have the name and address of the writer at the bottom of the answer. 4. The answers must be de livered to this office, and they will be collated at the close of the contest, and forwarded to headquarters for independent ex amination by competent examin ers. The prizes will then be awarded according to the highest number of marks, won by mem bers of the International News paper Bible Study Club, and prizes which may be awarded to members of this Local Club will be given out from this office. 200 OAK POSTS FOR SALE We Have The Goods ALL THE BEST 2 W3 2ft 2ft 2ft 8 FEOPL TRADING HERE ft 2ft 4ft It's up to you to get nest. We use all alike and all well WELL COME LINDSAY & CO. Noted1" for Bargains l4N M i fcA V fcVVJ, 2ft HANNA BROS. Independence' Leading Hardware Store DEALERS IN- Hardware o! all Kinds, Harness, Stoves, Vehicles, Farm Implements SOLE AGENTS FOR The Celebrated OLIVER Goods Plumbing a Specialty. Independence, - - - Oregon THE PRIZES. First Series A gold medal to each of the first five contestants. Second Series A silver medal to each of the next five contest ants. Third Series A teacher's Bible price $5.50, to each of the next five contestants. Fourth Series-The book "The Heart of Christianity," price $1.50, to each of the next thirty five contestants. Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner and for what it is awarded, and in like manner each Bible and book will be in scribed. All who can write, and have ideas, are urged to take up these studies regardless of the degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from an education al or literary standpoint, but from the point of view of the cogency of their reasoned ideas. A Snap 1 60 acre farm, 50 under cultiva tion, 70 pasture, 40 timber, 7 in hops, all under good fence, 6 springs on place, 7 room dwelling, 4 room tenant house, good hop house, two good barns, fine for fruit or dairy, three miles to railroad, one half mile to school. Price $30 per acre. Polk County Realty Co., at Herald office, Mon mouth, Oregon.