The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, March 19, 1909, Image 5

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The FRA Magazine - - S3.00
Roycroft Book - - - $2.00
If you subscribe at once both for 52. $5.00
The Fra Magazine is a Journal of Affirmation a Booster. It speaks
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The Roycrofters, East Aurora, New York.
On the Sunday School Lesson by
Rev. Dr. Linscott For the In
ternational Newspaper Bible
Study Club.
(Coryright, WIS. by Kev. T. S Linscott, D.D.)
March 21st, 1909.
(Copyright. 1908. by Rev. T. S. Linscott, D.D.)
Golden Text They that were scat
tered abroad went everywhere preach
ing the word. Acts vili : 4.
The following review scheme can be
used with profit by all the newspaper
clubs who are taking up the Bible
studies, whether having actually stud
led the eleven lessons here reviewed.
or only one of them, or whether this
is the first lesson which has captured
a reader's attention; for while it is a
"review," it is also complete in itself.
The date and title of each lesson
and where found, the Golden Text, and
one question on each lesson follow.
Jan. 3 Acts 1:1-14. The Ascension
of Our Lord. Golden Text: Luke xxiv:
El. ' It came to pass while he blessed
them, he was parted from them, and
carried up into heaven.
Verses 10, 11 Would the coming of
the Spirit of Jesus on the day of Pen
tecost, be the return of Jesus as these
two men meant?
Jan. 10 Acts 11:1-21. The Descent
of the Holy Spirit. Golden Text. John
xiv:16, 17. I will pray the Father and
he shall give you another Comforter,
that he may abide with you forever,
even the Spirit of Truth.
Verses 6-12 An educated ministry
Is desirable but which will make the
most converts, a man with fair intel
ligence and a common school educa
tion, filled with the Holy Spirit, or an
university graduate lacking that experience?
Jan. 17 Acts il: 22-47. The Begin
nins of the Christian Church
Text. Acts li : 42. They continued
meeuness, which is likely the better
man of the two?
Feb. 28 Acts viii:4-25. The Gospel
in Samaria. Golden Text. Acts viii:6
The people with one accord gave heed
unto those things which Philip spake,
hearing and seeing the miracles which
he did.
Verses 9-11 Is there any evidence
to believe that there are, or ever have
been, persons with the power claimed
by witches, conjurers, fortune tellers
and similar fakirs?
March 7 Acts viil: 26-40. Philip and
the Ethiouian. Golden Text. John v: 39. i
Search the scriptures for in them ye
think ye have etarnal life; and they
are they , which testify of me.
Verse 26. May any person, who is
not plaving double with God, safely
trust "the inward voice" to direct as
to outward circumstances?
March 14 Acts ix:31-43. Aeneas and
Dorcas. Golden Text. Acts ix:34. And
Peter said unto him, Aeneas, Jesus
Christ maketh thee whole; arise and
make thy bed. And he arose imme
diately. Verses 36-38 How do you classify
those who content themselves with
going to church and prayer meet
ing, and talking, and praying, but are
not following Jesus, In going about
doing good? (This question must be
answered in writing by members of the
club. 1
Lesson for Sunday. March 28th, 1909.
Temperance Lesson. Prov. xxiii: 20-35.
nnrl miehtv alike, and that His in
fiuence is increasing with the years?
Jan. 24 Acts Hi: 1-26. The Lame
Man Healed. Golden Text. Acts ill: 16.
His name, through faith in His name,
hath made this man strong, whom ye
see and know.
Verse fi Need the lack of money or
ability ever prevent any man from
doing the work in life which God has
appointed him to do?
Jan. 31 Acts iv:l-31. The Trial of
Peter and John. Golden Text. Acts iv:
31. They were all filled with the Holy
r.hnKt. and thev snake the .word of
God with boldness.
Verses 1-3 Have priests and preach
ers, in the past, been quick or slow, to
see God's new revelations of truth,
whether in science or theology?
Feb. 7. Acts lv:32 to v:ll. True
and False Brotherhood. Golden Text.
Prov. xii:22. Lying lips are an abom
ination unto the Lord; hut they that
deal truly are His delight.
Verses 34, 35 Is faithfulness to God
a sure cure for shortness of money?
Feb. 14 Acts v:17-42The Apostles
Imprisoned. Golden Text. Matt. v:10.
Blessed are they which are persecuted
for righteousness sake; for theirs Is
the kingdom of Haven.
Verses 34-40 Is it not true that the
heretics of one generation have been
the saints of the next? '
Feb. 21 Acts vi:l to vii:3. Stephen,
the First Christian Martyr. Golden
Text. Acts vli:59. They stoned
Stephen, calling upon God, and say
ing. Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
Verses 11-13 When a man with
rieht views of truth, gets angry at
the man with wrong views and perse-1
cutes him, which the latter takes with
Roycroft Philosophy
By Fra Elbertus.
As love goes to those who do
not lie in wait for it, so does the
big reward gravitate to the
patient man.
Everything is comparative. If
you have not seen the best it is
quite easy to be content with
Golden ' something else.
Everv sDirit makes its house:
SwslipLXng j but afterwards the house confines
bread and in prayers. I the spirit, SO you would better
Verse 22 How is it that Jesus has . build well,
impressed Himself upon the world as j , ,
"w haa pvpr none ftnri that I Reflect upon your present bless-
he has swayed the hearts of the lowly . ings of which every man has
many, not on your past mis
fortunes, of which all men have
Upbraid no man for his weak
ness, neither report it to dispar
age him nor to advance" thyself;
but counsel him gently and help
him wisely.
The Mintage of Wisdom is to
know that rest is rust, and that
Real Life lies in Love, Laughter
and Work.
It has been said, Opportunity
knocks but once; let him who
would succeed be ready to boost
that knock.
He who influences the thought
of his time, influences all the
times that follow. He has made
his impress on eternity.
The ideas that benefit a man
are seldom welcomed by 'Tiim on
first presentation.
The success of every great
man hinges right on this one
thing to pick your men to do
the work. The effort of any one
man counts for so very little. It
all depends on the selection and
management of men to carry out
your plans, in every successiui
concern, whether it be bank,
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school, factory, steamship com
pany or railroad, the spirit of one
man runs through and animates
the entire institution. The suc
cess or failure of the enterprise
turns on the mental, moral, and
spiritual qualit;cs of this one man.
And the leader who can imbue
an army of workers with a spirit
of earnest fidelity to duty, an un
swerving desire to do the thing
that should be done, and always
with animation, kindness,
courtesy and good cheer, must
be ranked as one of the great
men of the earth.
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Lindsay & Co., Sole Agents
Patronize home manufactured goods and help build up
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Bring your Job Work to the Herald Office