JO. The Merald W. T. FOCLE, Editor. Entered u aecond-clus matter September 8. 1908, at the post office at Monmouth, Oreim, under the Act of March 3. 1879. ISSUKI) KVEKY FRIDAY, BY will get tl.' wheat, if we sit around and wait for what comes to us we will get the tailings and the chances are favorable that there will be a considerable quantity of French pink among them. The Acorn Press, Publishers Monmouth, Oregon. Subscription Rates One year Six months - $1 50 eta FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1909 During this session of the leg islature we should have our charter amended to provide for its being amended by the people without having to wait until the legislature is in session. This can be done and it should be at tended to at once. There will be a number of things come up inside of the next two years and among them will be the propo sition of the city putting in its own light and water system. This cannot be done under the present charter as it does not provide for the bonding of the municipality to a sufficient a mount to cover the cost of these improvements. If we had these two improvements they would pay for themselves and improve the city, besides giving us a better service than we are now getting. We cannot expect any large business enterprise to lo cate here when we have no tire protection. We are near enough the river to give us the beneht of river transportation and far enough away to avoid any danger of high water. We are near enough to large bodies of timber that we ought to have planing mills and factories for the hand ling of the rough lumber aiid putting it in shape for the mar ket. Situated in the midst of the largest body of cheap land west of the Cascades, we should soon become the center of a large and prosperouscommunity. Nowhere can so many kinds of tanning be carried on as profit ably as here. Nowhere is there better educational facilities, nor can they be had as cheaply Rent is so cheap here as to be merely nominal. Houses that in Portland would rent readily for $45 a month can be had here for 8 to .$10. Shall we reach out after the good things that are floating around or sit idly by and see other towns less advantageously situated secure them? A little effort exerted at the right time may bring us big returns, but first we must pro vide protection from fire. A kind Providence made this valley as near perfect as it was possible to get so large a bodv of land and as a consequence the good things of life came to us who lived here 30 years ao. but times have changed and now we must rustje if we get ahead, for the other fellow is hustling hard. We have heard it asserted that there are people here who believe that we do not want any more people here. We , hope this is not true for they are coming and we cannot pre vent them, but if we get the best we must tell the world of the inducements that we have to offer. We believe that every farmer would rather have clean wheat than tailings, so it is with immigration, if we hustle we Brownsville has organized a booster club and has raised a fund to advertise the town, which amounts to one dollar apiece for each inhabitant. If Monmouth would spend 25 cents a head for advertising we would soon be on the map in dead earnest. As it now stands there is hardly any body outside the state that knows there is such a place, unless it be some who have lived here in the past. Can't we possibly organize some sort of commer cial body and get down to busi ness. It has been stated that the reason a Board of Trade could not be kept up here was that no secretary could be had to do the writing and look after the distribution of literature. If that is the reason we will remove it by volunteering to do the work gratis if the citizens will only get a move on and do some ad vertising of the resources of this part of the state. Who will be the first to start the ball rolling? Help us get 000 new subscrib ers during the next six months. We are going to get them and we want you to take enough in terest in this paper to help boom it As soon as our list will war rant us in doing so we are going to enlarge to an eight page six column paper and then we will uive room for more good matter We will be able to keep more help in the office and can then get out among the farmers and stockmen, the fruit growers and gardners of the country and give full Accounts of what is be ing done by all. The White Front Furniture Store Keeps constantly on hand A full line of HOUSE FURNISHINGS Consisting in part of Carpets, Linoliums, Dining Tables, Couches, Rockers, Mattresses, Bed steads, Sewing Machines, etc. Picture Framing a Specialty BOGERT & SON Monmouth Oregon I Phone 331 Indications point to the fact that the saloon element will make a hard fight to vote this county wet at the first opportun ity. While some of them are carrying on business at the old stand, yet there is the element of chance entering into it that was not there under the wet system, besides the bulk of the money paid them heretofore is going to the wholesale houses and they don't like it a little bit. A Snap 160 acre farm, 50 under cultiva tion, 70 pasture, 40 timber, 7 in hops, all under good fence, 6 springs on place, 7 room dwelling, 4 room tenant house, good hop house, two good barns, fine for fruit or dairy, three miles to railroad, one half mile to school. Price $30 per acre. Polk County Realty Co., at Herald office, Mon mouth, Oregon. A Pretty Warm Fi.h. A well known fisherman was fishing for perch and was seated along the edge of a lake near the roots of a large trea, which was a favorite snot for the perch. Luck had been only fair, aud he was debating on the ques tion of hauNng In the line and srolnir home when there came a powerful tug. He knew that he had a huge fish and struggled vigorously for twenty minutes before he landed bis prize. It was a sunflsh, one of the largest he had ever seen. . He landed It on the bank, and then he noticed that the rays from the fish were so powerful that he was. almost blinded, and tht grass In the vicinity was shriveled up by the heat A few minutes later the man fell over. He had been sunstnick by the sunfi6h and was beyond hope. Phil adelphia American. V. O. Boots FIRE LIKE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID A. N. Poole Contractor and Builder. General Carpenter Work Phone 187 . Heal Estate For Sale. 330 acres on C. E. R. R. H miles from station and school house. Good small house and two barns, and other out build ings and a good young orchard. Good stock and dairy ranch at a bargain. 80 acres, GO under cultivation; good house, barn and other out buildings; 21 miles from rail road station. Will sell for cash, or half cash, balance one years time. 5 springs and running water on place. 2 big lots lving on Main street in Monmouth, will sell cheap. 2 lots with a good 5 room, basement cottage, with a good pantry and closet. Apples, pears, cherries, plums and other small fruit. A bargain. Inquire of A. N. Halleck, Monmouth, Oregon. Perkins Pharmacy Carries A full line of Perfumes, Toilet Articles AND Druggists Sundries Paints, Oils Glass Prescriptions a Specialty Perkins Pharmacy Hotel Hampton D. M. Hampton, Proprietor 15 years in Monmouth Under Same Old Management Everything strictly firstclass Four lots inside the city limits of Monmouth, 63 and one-half by 165, or nearly an acre, all in young orchard. Priee $200. We have other good buys. Polk County Realty Co., office at Her ald office. Christmas is past And we have a big line of China left over which we are closing out at One-half Price Think of it, only one-half the regular price. P. E. CHASE