The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, December 25, 1908, Image 4

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Make nice presents
From 10c to $6.00
Style 1013
Vid lid UucW
cior edge sole,
pad. dunk ud
military heel.
We are ready for
Are You?
New Kinds 20c
From $3.25 to $10
Call and see the
Suit Cases Presents xtq have for your
$1.75 to $9 Selection
Mens Shirts New Style and Pattern from
Ladie3 and Misses Felt Slippers from
Fancy Books for the Little Folks from
A Large Assortment of Box Writing Paps fros
25c to $1.50
7&c to $1.75
XC to 20tt
10e to 79
Independence, Oregon
Miss Emma Pettit has return
ed to Monmouth.
Ex-commissioner Riggs is up
from Portland on a business trip.
Mr. Frimyere has moved from
Jefferson to the Mrs. May Bow-den-Babbitt
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Crowley
have returned home after a two
weeks stay with Dr. Crowley in
Monmouth, and Mrs. Craven in
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Pewtherer
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Clay Taylor. Mr. Pewtherer is
thinking of going into the dairy
business soon.
There was a skating party
given at the rink Thursday even
ing in honor of Miss Qllie Pettit,
of Monmouth, and Miss Edna
Morrison, of Dallas. Every one
had a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer White,
of eastern Oregon, are visiting
friends and relatives here. Mr.
White is running a large farm of
1600 acres. He has 450 acres
more grain t& put in in the spring
and 700 acres of summerfallow
to plow.
News reached here from Zena
our joining district that Mr.
while on his way to pay a fash
ionable call a few evenings ago,
was held up by a lone man and
was forced to hand over his
purse which contained $20. As
soon as the robber dismissed him
he hurried to the next house
where he borrowed a gun, over
took the robber and made him
give back the purse; then , each
went his way.
Monmouth Height.
Edward Rogers rides in a new
John Deere buggy".
MiltBosley has three of his
eastern friends visiting him this
Miss Amy Chaney, who has
been away on a short visit, came
home Sunday.
Ten cents admission was
charged in Dallas last week to
hear the roosters crow.
Misses Elda and Millie Clark
spent Sunday with their sister
Mrs. Bell Sullivan in Monmouth.
David Olin, of Riverside, has
leased the Treanor place for five
years and will soon move onto
the same.
Mrs. Martha Addison spent
the first of the week with Grand
pa and Grandma Foster and Mrs.
Callie Parker, of Monmouth.
Jce Houseman, wife and
daughter, Myrtle and Verna, of
the O. S. N. S. city' visited with
R. M. Bosley and wife Sunday.
Herman Wunder and daughter
Minnie, Miss Ida Duignan,-A. J.
Shipley, Amon and Lunda Pitzer,
Ed Rogers, Jay and Roy Clark,
Mr. Cannoy, and William Herren
were tradere in Monmouth, Saturday.
Social Hour Club Meets.
The Social Hour Club met at
Mrs. E. Butler's on December 16
and were entertained by mes
dames Butler, Boche, Riggs and
Dalton. There was a large at
tendance, almost all the members
and several guests being present
The rooms were bright and gay
as suited the occasion, the electric
lights giving a very pretty effect
to evergreen boughs and Christ
mas red used for decoration.
Cards here and there on the
wall with designs cleverly used
to represent books kept the guests
busy at guessing. Mrs. J. B. V.
Butler won first prize, having
guessed correctly all but three
Refreshments were then serv
ed and were much enjoyed by all,
and the ladies took their leave,
Prize Peach Pride of Oregon
Made in Polk County
Lindsay & Co., Sole Agents
Patronize Home manufactured goods and help build up
your home industries
feeling that the Spirit of Christ
mas was indeed prevalent.
At the Pourtry Show
At the Dallas Poultry Show
last week C. P. Cornwell was
awarded a number of premiums.
1st on cock; 1st on cockerel; 1st
and second on hen and 1st on
pullet on Exhibition Games. ' 2nd
on cock; 1st on cockerel, 1st and
2nd on hen, 2nd on pullet on Pitt
Game. A. H. Harris' cup for
best bird in show, non-web ht;
Northwest Poultry Journal's
special for best particolored bird
in show, non-weight variety.
C. C. Marks 1st on cockerel,
Indian Runner Ducks.
These were the only people
from Monmouth exhibiting at
the show. A much longer and
better show is expected next
A St Helens citizen, says a cor
respondent, led -water going to
waste by troughs to a vacant lot,
and with a very little leveling
down, now has a fine looking gar
den spot, where only rocks were
in evidence before. Other own
ers with larger holdings are also
building troughs and if the mud
holds out, will soon be setting
out walnut trees.
A Mayger carrot is.ll inches
long and 18 and one-half inches
in circumference.
Painter and Paper Hanger
Monmouth Oregon
some good man and wife will
come and take her place a hospi
tal is very much needed here at
Falls City.
A Snap
160 acre farm, 50 under cultiva
tion, 70 pasture, 40 timber, 7
in hops, all under good fence,
6 springs on place, 7 room
dwelling, 4 room tenant house,
good hop house, two good
barns, fine for fruit or dairy,
three miles to railroad, one
half mile to school. Price $30
per acre. Polk County Realty
Co., at Herald office, Moe
mouth, Oregon.
Zook the Painter, will, hang
your paper.
Sargent's Animal Trap.
A sure
remedy for
Gop hers
and Moles;
and we ask
the ques
tion, why
don't you
get one of
these Traps
They are
to you and
to do the
work ; and
they will do
it to. Give
them a trial
You will
see them at
' J. E. WINEGAR, & Co. Hard
ware Merchants, Monmouth, Or.
Manufactured at Portland,
Oregon, 779 E 29th St.
t NaT w
Woven Wire Fencing
J. W. White & Son, Agents
Phone Short Line 52
Monmouth Oregon
H. C. Chamberlin, Prop.
Dealer in
All kinds of Fresh and Cured
Meats. Fish and Game in Season
Lard a Specialty
Cash Paid for Poultry
L. L. Hewitt, M. D.
Independence Oregon
Office in Cooper Building
Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m. and
2 to 6 p. m. Both Phones.
If you have any small farms,
big ones or town property for
sale, list it with the Polk County
Realty Co. Offices at the Herald