The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, December 18, 1908, Image 3

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Are a necessity now as much so as a
drag harrow was in the early days of farm
ing in tfeis valley.
We handle the DEERE the best on the
Walking Plows
Are the kind you want on a small
place and you want The Best. We
have them, THE DEERE.
We have Gang and Sulkey plows
for large farms. Get our Prices.
Additional Local.
Chamberlin wants your hogs.
Bogert & Son have received a
new lot of furniture for the
Christmas trade.
Mrs. J. W. Orr, of Rickreall,
attended the funeral of Mrs, W.
E. Williams, Wednesday.
Highest market price paid for
fat hogs at Chamberlins Market.
For three days only, December
19, 21 and 22, fine cut glass 10c
each. T. A. Riggs.
Bor ert & Son have received a
number of fine rugs and have a
large assortment on the road for
the holiday trade.
Phy Ward was in from his
farm on the Little Luckiamute
Tuesday and paid this office a
pleasant call.
We are getting some extra
fine pictures at Theater. Come
out and have a good laugh.
Fine pressed cut glassware for
10c per piece on Dec. 19, 21 and
22 only at T. A. Riggs'.
Bring us your produce we pay
top prices. T. A. Riggs.
Go to the Perkins Pharmacy
for Christmas Postals, Toys, and
Don't forget the basket ball
game Saturday evening. This
will be the first game at home
and it is hoped there will be a
large attendance.
Have you seen the new line of
Xmas Postals at Perkins Phar
macy? If not, why not?
At noon on Thursday Decem
ber 24 the voting contest will
close in order that the votes may
be counted and the awards made
for Christmas.
. An option has been secured,
so we have been informed, by
the union high school committee
on a ten acre tract half way be
tween here and Independence.
Zook, the paper hanger will do
your painting.
A Jasper, Lane county, man
has a strawberry patch from
which himself and family are
gathering all the ripe, juicy
strawberries they want to eat.
Take your hogs to Chamberlin.
Get Westfall to do your paper
See the pictures Friday and
Saturday nights. Theater.
W. G. Cotton and family arriv
ed in the city last Friday night
from Forrest, 111. They will make
their home on a farm in Polk
county. Mr. Cotton is a cousin
of T. Mapleton, of this city.
Salem Journal.
Wednesday morning the editor
was agreeably surprised by a
visit from his old friend Charley
Whittington, who is now repre
senting Geo. C. Will, of Salem,
Mr. Whittington is a versatile
genius and whether selling pianos
and sewing machines, or getting
patrons for any line of business
he will be found in the front
rank and Mr. Will is to be con
gratulated on securing the ser
vices of so good a salesman.
The new telephone line is in
operation now.
Mrs. -J. L. Gay paid the Cap
ital City a visit Saturday.
Pierce Riggs has returned to
Portland after a weeks stay here.
Miss Ollie Pettit, of Monmouth,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. S.
Cecil and Alice Riggs attended
a basket ball game in Dallas last
There will be preaching at the
LaCreole Baptist church, Sunday
December 20.
The farmers have been bless
ed with an unusually long fall and
ideal weather for farming.
There is to be a Christmas tree
at the Etna school house where
Miss Edna Morrison, of Dallas,
is teaching a very successful
term of school.
The Misses Smith and Fawk
gave a skating party at the Oak
Grcve rink last evening. Old
fashioned games were played, in
which every one took an active
part, and several hours were
spent encircling the old rink "on
the rollers." Later came the
call for ladies choice for supper.
After partaking of the hospitali
ties of our hostess we paid our
adieux. All spent a pleasant eve
ni g. Among the guests present
were: Misses Sarah Lucas, Hazel
Vaughn, Mira Lucas, Vida and
Ruth Myers, Effie Hickersen, Ada
Byers, Katie Fox, of Rickreall,
Misses Adaline Boyston, of
Dallas, Mable Boyston, of Inde
pendence, Misses Jeffreys and
Hanson, of Salem, Messrs. Byers,
Hill, Koser, Fox, Covel, Fawk,
Dancer, Pewtherer, Fawk, Mr.
and Mrs. D. M. Pewtherer, Mr.
and Mrs. C. S. Taylor, and Miss
Ollie Pettit, of Monmouth.
A. R. Lewis made a business
trip to Falls City Thursday.
There is to be a masquerade
ball here on Christmas night.
C. T. Allen, of Corvallis, is
visiting at the home of A. R.
Joe Stevens returned from
Black Rock the first of the week
where he has been working in a
butcher shop.
Died On December 14, at her
home near Airlie, America, wife
of W. E. Williams. She leaves
a husband and five sons besides
numerous relatives and friends to
mourn her loss.
NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meet
ing of the Stockholders of the Pilot Knob Gold
Milling & Mining Co., will be held at Monmouth,
Oregon, on Tuesday, January 12, 1909, for the pur-
pose of electing five directors for the ensuing yeur
and such other business as mav come before said
Dated at Monmouth, Ore., this 8th day Dec. 1908.
H. R. NKHRBAS, President.
O. A. WOLVERTON, Secretary.
Death of Mis. W. E. Williams.
America Williams, wife of W.
E. Williams, died at the family
home near Airlie, December 14,
of neuralgia of the heart.
America Price was born Feb
ruary 7, 1857 and crossed the
plains with her parents in 1861,
settling on Salt creek, but later
they removed to Pedee, her
father, F. Price being one of the
pioneers of this part of the state.
She was married to W. E. Will
iams October 8, 1876, who, to
gether with five sons, survives
her. Mrs. Williams was a woman
of sterling character and did
much to make the world better.
The sons are Clyde, Wade, Floyd,
Willie and Vern. The remains
were interred in the Williams
cemetery, Rev. D. V. Pohling,
of The Dalles, preached the fun
eral sermon.
City Ticket Nominated
At a caucus of citizens last
night the following ticket was
nominated; Mayor, J. Graham;
councilmen for two years, J.
Radek, T. A. Riggs; recorder, L
Ground; marshal, Allen Johnson;
treas., Ira C, Powell.
This is a good ticket and ought
to satisfy the citizens. The elec
tion will be held Monday, Dec
ember 21.
Dr. R. E. Duganne, dentist
Office over Independence National
Bank, Independence.
For Sale
Fresh cows for sale. Inquire
of P. C. Mumma, Monmouth, Or,
Fresh Bread, Ties. Cake, etc.
Constantly on hand. ' Boston
baked beans, hot soup and other
Home Cookery.
Our motto "Home Made"
Mrs. Brewster, proprietor.
For Sale
At the Monmouth Nurseries.
Choice and Extra Choice, high
grade English Wallnuts from
one to four years old. Place
your orders early and secure the
Choicest of Stock.
W. II. Parrish.
Lamps and fixtures, electric
irons, chafing dishes, broilers,
heaters and electric motors of
all kinds. Wireing scientifically
done in all its branches. Elec
tric lights installed. Estimates
furnished on short notice.
Phone Main 98.
V. D. Butler.
Contest Report.
In this column will be g'ven the
standing of the different candi
dates each week:
Miss Anna Troedsen, 535
Miss Mary Murphy 1185
Miss Jessie Hyde 320
Miss Bonetta Tucker 200
Miss Hazel Kuykendal 390